Jonathan Cahn: Unveiling Signs of the End Times in the Old Testament

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Unveiling Signs of the End Times in the Old Testament

Jonathan Cahn sits down with Robert Morris to discuss how looking at the history in the Old Testament can help us recognize end time signs in current events. Listen in as Jonathan Cahn walks through key passages and what they could mean for our future.

“The Shemitah is a reminder that God is the source of all blessings, spiritual and physical alike. But when God is removed from the picture, the removal of blessings will ultimately follow. The Shemitah thus deals with a particular flaw of human nature—the tendency to divorce the blessings of life from the Giver of those blessings, to separate the physical realm from the spiritual realm, and then compensate for the loss of the spiritual by increasing its claims over the physical world—pursuing more and more things, increase, gain—materialism. This increase of things, in turn, further crowds out the presence of God. The Shemitah is the antidote to all these things—the clearing away of material attachments to allow the work and presence of God to come in.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Mystery of the Shemitah: The 3,000-Year-Old Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future, the World’s Future, and Your Future!

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