Jonathan Cahn: Unveiling God’s Patterns of Work in Our History | Praise on TBN

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Jonathan Cahn: Unveiling God’s Patterns of Work in Our History | Praise on TBN

Jonathan Cahn shares a message from his book, The Josiah Manifesto, about finding patterns of God’s hand at work throughout history.

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The exact day that abortion on demand began made its entrance in America on the continent was right here in New York.
And it was the day that the bill appeared to the New York legislature.
The day was January 20 1970. Okay.
What happens if you go 50 years later, won’t you believe it takes you to the date January 20th, 2020.
Anything happened? The date that The plague officially entered America was January 20th, 2020, 50 years to the exact date.
John, I think great to have you with us. Another blockbuster book hitting the shelves. We’re excited about it.
Tell us what the Josiah manifesto is going to reveal.
Yeah. What if god was giving us a message?
What if he was sending a revelation about where we are right now, what is coming, what it lies ahead, what we need to know to deal with what’s coming, what what has people gonna answer a blueprint, a guide, uh, how to stand, how to prevail, how to how to survive in what is happening.
Uh, that’s the first part. Secondly, what if behind all the events that have been taking place in America and the world?
What if there was an ancient mystery that actually an ancient calendar that actually appointed these events to actually give it actually gives the timing of the events that have happened in our lives uh, down to the year, the month, in some cases, the minute and the second of when it happened.
That is what the Josiah manifesto was gonna reveal. And the thing is it’s gonna take the reader.
It’s gonna take us on a prophetic journey that’s gonna begin on an island with the Del Castro.
And and a and a prophetic sign that’s gonna actually affect all of our lives.
And the thing is that this is the book also where the other books I’ve written, which we, you know, from the harbinger, the Yeah.
Paradigm, the oracle, uh, you know, the trees, they are all coming in converging in this one to come together, and they come together to open up to give a key which opens up the guide for this hour for for this prophetic blueprint.
Yeah. Jonathan, it’s your 8th book. It kind of
all of your all of your books converge here in the Josiah manifesto.
Josiah, by the way, King Josiah, one of the good ones from the OI Testament will talk more about him shortly, but you mentioned Cuba and Fidel Castro.
People might be wondering what does that have to do with the Bible?
But a very important link here with the deceased Cuban tyrant.
You were in Cuba not too long ago, and You presented him with a very interesting gift.
Helps more about it. Yeah.
And without one, we don’t go into a lot of detail, but but it in the mystery opens up there.
And I gave him a prophetic object and a prophetic message.
And in that object and in that message, actually was the key of how long he would have in his reign left.
In fact, it would deter it’s
a biblical mystery that would
determine the the year that his rain would end, the the day it would end, even the hour it would end.
And this is a mystery that kinda begins the July manifesto.
The mystery of the jubilee where you have the 50 year, you know, every 50 years, you have a year.
It’s not only a blessing. It’s also of restitution.
If you took someone’s land that didn’t belong to you in the year of Jubilee, it goes taken from you.
So this is the other side of the Jubilee.
And this is gonna open up a mystery that has affected all of our lives.
I mean, I mean, we just got through this part, but it’s amazing how precise and how exact this mister of the jubilee is gonna be with our law.
So the jubilee can be it’s usually seen as
a good thing. It’s your fiftieth year, your jubilee year, but it can also be in a sense, uh, a form of judgment.
It’s restitution if you’re on the other side of it.
You know?
It it is a payback. It’s nullifying everything, and that’s what’s gonna affect all of our lives.
And Fidel Castro, obviously, a notorious cube Cuban tyrant, but you were there in Cuba.
You were able to present Fidel Castro Yes. With the show far.
Yes. Of the jubilee. And then a word, I wrote it down and gave it to him, again, of the jubilee.
And the juke believes it was deter would determine the exact moment, the exact days he would have left.
And as you write in
the book, Jonathan, God has put you in the courts of kings. In that case, he certainly did.
And you had a very rare opportunity. Absolutely amazing. And he received the show as you shared
in the book. And we, yeah, we we send send back a thank you after that.
Uh, they didn’t know what to do with it, but, yeah, so so and I’m not saying I know what I’m doing, but god does.
And this is part of the mystery that has affected all of us.
And that just roped me right in the beginning of the book, Jonathan.
It’s just gripping the stories about Cuba, Castro, your experiences there.
But, hey, you then move on to some very we’re talking Jubilee. Yes.
And that’s a theme throughout the book that 50 year pattern.
Ancient. And then today, you’ve got some stunning revelations on that end with what you call the plague. Yes.
The COVID 19 pandemic, which obviously hit where New York City right now hit this area very, very hard.
Talk about that. Talk about the link here with COVID 19.
Yeah. Well, one of the other principals, we’ve got the Jubilee.
The principle is that what you do, what a nation does to its children is gonna come back at it.
You know, when when when Jeremiah prophesied over the valley of Hinnom, and he where they killed their children.
He said, what you did, everything you did is gonna come back to you.
If you if you take life, life will be taken from you. Well, now here’s the thing. Put it together.
America began taking life of its children, uh, or abortion on on demand. Not in 1973.
1970 was the year it began on American soil. So what happens if you take the
jewelry in 73 through rovey wave,
uh, all over the all over the country, but it began on the soil in 1970. So where’s the Jubilee?
The Jubilee is 2020 of abortion. So we took life in 1970.
Then in the eligibility, it all comes back and life is taken through a plague.
In fact, in fact, Jeremiah, when he speaks about what would happen because of what you do to the children, he says a play, one of the one of the judgments is a play.
So we have now a play that comes upon America and and the world, but it focuses on America.
But now here’s the thing about it. That what about getting even more exact?
The exact day that abortion on demand began made its entrance in America on the continent was right here in New York.
And it was the day that the bill appeared to the New York legislature.
The day was January 20th 1970. Okay.
What happens if you go 50 years later, 1 Jubilee takes you to the date January 20th, 2020.
Anything happened? The date that the plague officially entered America was January 20th, 2020, 50 years to the exact date.
It here, this was patient 0. The one death, the other death, to the exact day. And I
wanna ask you how on earth, I know how the holy spirit guides you with these patterns and the uncovering the revealing of these ancient mysteries throughout your books, uh, in the return, you you mentioned the valley of Hinnom and then it Jonathan, in your last book, the return of the god, which we also discussed here on Tbn, you talked about what went down there.
Yeah. Uh, at the valley of, you know, in ancient Israel when, by the way, Josiah was king.
He put men to it.
That’s right.
But that was the world of his time tells a bit more just so people know in the modern parallels of what went on in ancient Israel.
Yeah. When they turned away from god, they basically they turned to other gods.
They turned to bail and moloch, and they offered up their children.
So now we have America that has known god turned away from god.
Like clockwork, we start offering up our children, 60,000,000 of them. And America actually spread it across the world.
America is actually key in this.
Now the thing is Now if you remember during the the, you know, that’s when that’s when the the plague first came.
We took, but the day that it all fell on America was in in the middle of March, everything locked down.
We were quarantined. Trump went on the air. The stock market crashed.
It was called the day that changed everything. The media said this is the day that changed everything.
It was March 11th, okay, 2020. Everything. We were all locked in after that.
Well, what happens if you go back 50 years to the Jubilee? March, it goes to March 11 1970.
Anything happened? March 11 1970 is the is the day that abortion on demand actually began on American soil.
And so 50 years later to the exact day again, it comes down upon us.
Now Now you mentioned the value of Hinnom. That’s where they’re offering up the children.
And the and one of the things that Jeremiah says is the plague and the of the death is gonna return to the same ground where you offered up the children.
And so the thing is, so here, now with that, so what is America’s Valley of Hinnom? It’s New York.
Not only did it begin on the continent in New York, New York is the capital of abortion in America.
More children have been killed where we are than any other place.
So notice what happens when the play comes to America, then where does it go to?
Focuses on this little tiny sliver of New York.
And the thing is thing is one out of every two cases at one point where New York in America, one out of every 2.
So the thing is that that now there’s a whole panel of it. Let me just say this.
Got to a point where we across the milestone where there were more cases of this play, COVID, New York than any other nation nation, just in this one city.
Just the I the the state, but most of that’s the city more than China 1.
And it now the date that it crossed the milestone was April 10 2020. Okay. What happened?
Go back April 20th. Go back 50 years. You go to April 10 1970. Anything happened?
That’s the day New York legalized abortion on the exact day again.
It is absolutely stunning, and folks you can find all of this information and more in the Josiah manifesto, Jonathan Khan’s blockbuster new book.
Brad, I looked at the COVID lockdowns.
Any link
there in the ancient blueprint in the history?
Well, there is. There’s something called the mystery of days where the ancient holy days of Israel actually correspond with each shaking of America.
We’re not not yet, but we’ll get there. But but let me let me
just throw in just two things. That’s a good tease.
It is. Yeah. But I didn’t mean it that.
But yet another thing is that when Jeremiah did this, it was at the gate where he gave the prophecy.
Judgment comes to the gate, and the judgment comes through the gate. Well, um, what’s the gate of America?
New York is the gate. Here’s the gate. It wasn’t just that the that abortion came here.
It came through through New York.
In the 1st 3 years, until Roe versus Wade, you know, that most abortions in America happened in New York.
Most of them, they came. It spread to the country.
Well, what about 50 years later when the put when this play comes? What happened?
It turns out we didn’t realize in the beginning most of the cases of COVID in America came through the gate of New York, the same gate through which it came.
And the thing is, and there was one other gate in America through which the this, uh, abortion came in 1970.
To the continent. And that was Washington State.
Guess what the other gate was to come to for the plague, it was Washington State.
That’s where patient 0 was. And so so the gate, in fact, and now let me give you now so they actually the virus had the genetic markers of the 2 gates where America committed its sin exactly 50 years before.
There’s a question, Jeremiah. I called the Jeremiah question.
You know, basically said, well, be the numbers children you killed is basically the blood is coming back to you.
Well, so the question is, what about the numbers?
Could this actually have some kind of link of Well, in the 1st 3 years of abortion in America, off until Roe versus Wade, how many how many children were killed?
1,300,000. In the 3 year, the the 3 year period of the plague that was years exactly from that period, how many people died of COVID?
1,300,000 the exact same number.
And now that number of children, unborn children murdered in the is in the tens Yeah. Of 1,000,000.
Yeah. Yeah. Everything is exact. Everything is exact. Everything. Yeah. The patterns of the lures. Yeah.
And it just shows you throughout the book, I’m just reading a Jonathan thinking, the children are near and deer to god’s heart to the father.
Oh, yeah. You don’t touch the children.
There’s gonna be a lot of milest1s out there, I think, uh, in the days to come.
Jonathan, one of the mysteries in the Josiah manifest though has to do with, hey, we’re talking about all the hot button topics here.
A COVID abortion, Roe V Wade, January 6th, there is a Jan obviously, the the Capitol Hill riots, January 6th, start that by telling us the mystery of former president Donald Trump.
Yeah. Actually, you know, this is one of those things that this began in the paradigm where I first started speaking about how And it’s it actually came true after, and it’s in it’s in the new side manifesto.
And that is this that in the leaders of America, there is this strange thing that they’re they’re following these prototypes that you could find in the Bible.
I won’t go into a whole thing, except to say Trump is following Jehu.
And and not that he knows what he’s doing.
I mean, he knows that that that He’s following it, but Jay who was wild. Trump is wild.
He was unpredictable. Trump is unpredictable. He fought with everybody. Trump fights with everybody.
Uh, he he started a a crazy race to the throne. Trump started a crazy race.
He says he drives like Jay who he’s create. It’s a crazy driver on
that chair.
On that chair. That’s right. And and Jay who made, uh, made a a a an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land.
And so did trump. And then and then he comes face to face.
You know, Jay who comes face to face with a former first lady of the land whose name was Jezebel.
In our case, it was Hillary Clinton.
And so you have the showdown between the two everybody was saying Hillary’s gonna win, but according to the paradigm, Jay who wins and Hillary falls.
Well, that’s what happens. So now it comes to the capital build capital, Eric, and he sees a building and the bill and he comes there with a this is Jehu.
Comes to the capital with a with an agenda to drain the swamp. So therefore, same thing.
So Trump comes, but Jay who comes, and there’s a gigantic temple of bail.
And this is where they, again, they killed children in the temple of bail. You know, this was center.
They sacrifice their own children in, yes, as a holy act,
you know, unconscionable.
Yeah. And and yet we do it, you know, but, yeah, And so the thing is that that so Jayhu tears down the temple of bail.
Okay? So there’s a there’s a there’s a template.
When Jayhu rises, the temple of bail falls to the earth, when Trump began his rise and I’m not listening.
Doesn’t matter what you think about Trump one way or the other. It’s not about that.
But the point is when Trump began his rise in, uh, in the summer of 2015, There happened to be a temple of bail that existed from ancient times in the world.
It was in Syria. Still existing. Trump rises. Jehu rises.
2 months later, the temple of Bail falls to the earth. Wow. 2 months later. And now my rest area.
Right after it’s linked to the mystery of the paradigm. This is the this is, you know, 2000 years.
And the other thing is so the thing is that, but take about something.
If the temple of bail is linked to the killing of children, what it’s saying, and this is something also after that I wrote the paradigm, this came out, is that somehow this this jehu figure trump is gonna be linked to the tearing down of abortion in some because Jay who tear toward down child sacrifice.
And so and actually, Trump would end up by what he did. We’re not saying why he did it.
He would end up tearing down abortion. And then we’re in we’ll get to that.
But let me tell you now January 6th because this is not in the paradigm because I wrote this years before, but the templates there.
And so I’ll just say this, and I put it in the in the manifesto, but it’s this that that at one point in the in the story of Jehu, he calls for a gathering in the capital city.
He calls people to come to the capital city as they gather.
His people gather around a great capital building.
Then Samaria.
Then Yeah. That’s right. But so think about you, you know, I don’t I don’t have the we have a smart audience.
I don’t have to fill it in. Then the people of jehu storm the building. They storm the building.
Now now, and while proceedings are going on in the building, so they storm the building, there’s much more to this, but I’ll just there’s so much more, but I will just say this.
That, you know, when the the the siege took place, the Capitol Police actually announced how many of the arrested on-site that at the end of that week, they made a big thing of They’re at 80 met 80.
We arrested eighty people. 80 people who storm the building
on January 6th.
Yes. Oh, that week. Yeah. The week. Yep.
Go to the Bible about Jayhu, and it says, how many people stormed the the the house.
80 men storm the house. So there’s so much, you know, and so but this is actually foreshadowing was gonna happen with Roe versus Wade?
I mean, because it’s about the temple of bail, that’s the temple of bail that we have that allows this.
So All these things that have happened from the plague to that general, everything is there in the mystery.
Yeah. And by the way, folks, Jonathan mostly does his own research on all of this.
That’s what you’re hearing right here.
Hey, you mentioned the Temple of Baile, obviously, a mysterious object from the Middle East that you write about that appeared in New York city That’s right.
And Washington, DC. Tell us more about the relevance of that.
Yeah. Actually, when this is when Trump was rising, all of a sudden, this this object appears in New York City.
I was there. I witnessed it. Not not far from where we are, Eric. And we actually filmed it.
You know, it was actually it was the arch of Bam. And they erected it.
They erected this this this reproduction of the arch of bail in New York. They unveiled it.
Had a ceremony played music. They had the the leaders of New York were praising this thing.
To pay the deity. And it said it said temple of bail. Right?
There was a sign right there on City Hall.
But it was just like when when Trump was about to write the election was about to happen.
It was a showdown kind of with Jeju and Temple Bell. And so here it actually pairs.
Now the other time is when when Trump and when I said that jehu tore down the Templeville, Trump did it by appointing Supreme Court justices who would ultimately overturn Roe versus Wade.
That was his Jay who act.
And the thing is remember when when Kavanaugh was in the hearings in Washington and then all hell broke loose because of this issue.
As it’s happening, the arch appears there in Washington, D. C.
Arch of bail.
In front of the hearings, in front of the Capitol Building. So this this thing is going on and on.
It’s a showdown. It’s a spiritual thing that’s gonna lead to the overturning of rovers away.
And Roe V Wade plays a pretty significant part in this mystery.
Tell us more about that. Well, the first part is that, you know, it wasn’t it didn’t begin in 1973.
It began in 1970. So the thing is that actually when when a disturbed woman named Norma McCorvey went to a lawyer, and and she met the lawyer at the end of January 1970.
Okay. What happens? Go go one jubilee forward. It’s 2020 end of January. That’s when the play comes on America.
It’s the anniversary of that. And then it becomes a lawsuit and is filed in March.
So what happens in March? That’s when it fall the plague falls on on our nation 50 years anniversary.
It’s gonna go much deeper because the the jubilee is also about redemption, and we’re gonna see how the hand of god redeemed it according to his mystery.
Yeah. We have obviously, uh, Dobbs versus Jackson, the case that overturned, uh, Roe V Wade in June 2022.
Also, I would presume plays a part in this mystery, a major one.
It it does because, you know, in the Jubilee, everything’s undone overturn. Everything’s go everything returns to where it was.
And is reversed. So here’s so here you have now another case. You have the first case.
50 years later, you have another case. So Roe versus Wade was sent to the Supreme Court in 1970.
50 years later in 2020, this dobs was sent to the Supreme Court to overturn it.
The same same time. Same time.
Then Roe versus Wade was received and taken up by the court in May 1971.
50 years later, pinned points, May 2021. That’s exactly when Dobbs was received by the Supreme Court.
Then Roe was heard by the Supreme Court in December 1971. Co.
Pin points 50 years later goes to December 2021. What happens? Dobbs is heard be before the Supreme Court.
Even remember the leak just before just before the decision came out, the leak ended up.
Well, you know what, Eric? Go back 50 years, and there was a leak in Roe versus Wade just before it came out.
So even the leak was part of the mystery.
And that leak was a big deal. That’s when the protest started in advance of the overturn in Kobe. Yeah.
And yet it all happened. Everything happened according to the ancient mystery of Levitic. You know, of god’s hand.
This was god’s hand.
And the people involved the players in this Jonathan, they’re not even aware they’re playing a role in this in this ancient blueprint in the modern day.
They have no idea. That’s what makes it even more amazing. That’s right. That’s right.
And real quick, uh, Justice Amy Coney Barrett. It was one of those 3 justices appointed by Donald Trump.
That’s right.
Interesting role here. She was right about this. She she
was the key one. I mean, she was the last one. And and Roever suede was overturned by her vote.
It was the last vote. She her it was one vote. And the thing here’s the thing.
I there’s a there’s a part in the in the Josiah manifesto called the child of denial.
The thing is that there’s a principle that, you know, Moses was almost killed as a baby under that slaughter by the in the Nile.
You know? But Moses would end up surviving, and he would be the one who would over to would break the power of Egypt that was trying to kill the babies.
You know? Well, was there a child of denial for America? There was. It was Amy Barrett.
She was the first one, justice to be born when it was legal to kill children.
She was born among that in that 3 year period.
Of just when Roe versus Wade went to the Supreme Court.
So he she’s she’s the first one to be born under it. She survives it.
She ends up voting, casting the deciding vote in her year of Jubilee when she is 50 year when she is in her 50th year, And then it is overturned when she’s fifty.
There’s no accident here. Now now let me let me tell you another one.
There there are 2 I’ll just throw this in.
There’s 2 dates in the Bible, One is called Adar 13, and the other is called Cavan 23, both in the book of Esther.
So Adar 13 is the date when when Hayman, he issues an evil decree that’s gonna bring death and destruction, and it’s linked to a dark 13th.
That it’s the 13th day of 12th month, evil decree. 13th month of 12th month, 13th day 12th month.
Roevers Wade was heard before the Supreme Court on the 13th day of 12th month, the day of the evil decree.
Now then Mordechai later on issues another decree that nullifies the 1st decree.
And it goes forth on Si Von 23.
In fact, Jewish people have that date as to pray against evil degrees.
Well, the Doms versus Jackson that it will return Roe versus Wade was sent forth to the Supreme Court on June 15 2020.
But on the Hebrew calendar, it was decree that nullifies the evil decree on the exact day.

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