Jonathan Cahn Prophetic Message On The Washington Mall – On The Feast of Tabernacles!
The Washington Mall – On The Feast of Tabernacles
“Some would call it tolerance, I said. Yes he replied, the same tolerance that overtook ancient Israel..a tolerance for everything opposed to God, a growing tolerance for immorality and a growing intolerance for the pure-a tolerance that mocked, marginalized and condemned those who ramined faithful to the values now being discarded. Innocence was ridiculed and virtue was vilified. Children were taught of sexual immorality in public schools while the Word of God was banned. It was a tolerance that put the profane on public display and removed nativity scenes from public sight..contraband, as if somehow they had become a threat-a strangely intolerant tolerance. “But still, I countered, how does all that compare to what happened in ancient Israel? America does’nt offer its children on altars of sacrifice? “Does it not? he said. Ten years after removing prayer and Scripture from its public schools, the nation legalized the illing of its unborn.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Solo. I’ve been asked to seal what we have done here in prayer.
We are here in the capital city, Washington Mall and a America’s history.
When it stands at the crossroads, the city on the hill that was birthed into existence with the will and the glory of God.
America has lost its way and has turned against the God of its foundation.
A critical juncture between life and death and judgment or restoration.
We’ve just witnessed a pivotal election but the election is not the, it is a window for the answer, a window of reprieve through which the answer may come.
The answer is answer is not economics. The answer is revival.
This nation’s fall will accelerate but with revival comes redemption and the only way revival can come spoken if my people who are yeah from there, I America can be great again.
Turn making a please mix on this mall as a believer.
I was a new believer. It was at another critical time in America’s history.
The end of the Carter years, I came here with hundreds of thousands of believers to obey that scripture.
If my people and we lifted up our hands to the capital, to the western terrorist.
And we pray that God would bring to the government those of his choosing.
A few months later, Ronald Reagan was nominated before the year was over. He became president of the United States.
You change of history began in America.
The last time I was here on this mall was for another gathering of believers United Cry.
This earlier last year, I was led to have everyone do the same thing to lift our hands, same terrorist and pray that God would put power to the presidency of whom he chose.
And there came another surprise, another revolution at the polls. But again, this is a window.
We must use this window. Now pray for revival, for revival, need to pray for revival to actually start living in revival.
Because if we start living in revival, the revival begins.
Now here in this place, it was not planned, took place on this day is a very significant is the beast.
What would happen?
The people of God would come from to the capital city on the capital city.
They would God praising God worshiping rejoicing in God the same.
Yes. Yeah, it is people to come to the capital city.
Intense. What has been done here me and what was done on the piece of tabernacles is that they were declared favor God’s will.
His outpouring of the spirit of and declare that God is the one, the one who would do that back then.
Who would do that print was the son of Aaron and he would lead them in a prayer to declare God’s will over all.
Well, it was not planned this way, but Kevin and the leadership asked me to lead in the final prayer.
We join together and lift it all up to God and pray for his outpouring on this land.
Well, I’m a son of Aaron. They didn’t plan that either.
We joined.
We’re going to pray to the four corners of the earth and declare God’s lordship.
Give you the ironic blessing. So let’s do it. God, let’s join together.
Let’s lift up our hands as we seal all the a volcano, our father, our king and called God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of all the earth.
We come, we have gathered from the or the ends of the station to come together to your, to the capital city of America.
I’m the feast tales as you have ordained you.
Yeah, over this nation and Yeah.
Yeah, we, you want blessings to Yeah, America.
The ironic blessing in the language that God gave it, isn’t it?
From no, the, the, the blessing God himself and wrote the words to the sons of married, the people of God.
You’re the. And when you do this, it says you will place my name.
So receive this as from not man, but God my weakest. Receive it.
What stop?
No is great for this.
Teams up His.