Jack Hibbs : Who Are The Elect Of God

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Jack Hibbs : Who Are The Elect Of God

When we become followers of Jesus, our old selves are placed upon the cross and crucified. And just as Christ was resurrected from the grave, He is resurrected in our hearts so that we can live the life that He intends us to live through the power of the Holy Spirit. Learn more about this remarkable truth from Pastor Jack in today’s episode.

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[Music] who are the elect of God this is a debated issue and it shouldn’t be debated because if you read your Bible it should actually bring you great comfort the Bible does say that there’s the elect of God but the Bible also says it’s all based upon the forn knowledge of God God’s in control friend God is Sovereign here’s the great great wonderful test I want to make you an offer that you cannot refuse listen you probably think that those are the words of Marlon Brando from The Godfather film but actually if
you think about it 2,000 years ago Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus and said just as he God chose us in him that’s Christ before the foundation of the World Imagine That that we should be holy Without Blame before him in love that’s called the elect of God that means that God knows those children who are his God knows his kids and God who is eternal knows those who will accept him and those who will reject him and for those who will reject him they reject the offer of eternal life that’s on them but for those of us who accept
him all praise and glory goes to him for providing the way of Salvation so friend you need to get in on this because you’re not going to find this offer anywhere else I know that sounds like a commercial doesn’t it like act now but wait there’s more well actually you should act now and there’s an infinite amount of more to start your walk with Jesus is something that you should do right now what’s your excuse because friend listen I want to let you in on something this is the best deal in town
this is the best deal in the world this is the best deal that you’ll ever find is that God when you put your faith in Jesus Christ takes your sin washes it away and places you in the body of Christ let’s grab our Bibles and dive into a message titled who are the elect of [Applause] God when I do biblical guidance I I you you know you listen you listen you have to learn how to listen which is really hard for me but I’ve learned how to listen Sit on My Hands listen and when you listen you you start writing down verses
that applies to their situation and then at the end you pray with them you give them some Spirit Le advice and then you give them scriptures to go home with and 30 years ago uh it just made a lot of sense to me you know if you’re not feeling well what do you do you get a hold of your doctor and you get in to write you a prescription for something and so this is what I do this this is one of the pads that I have um I put your name in there I put the date in there and the RX is the verses I just start writing verses down
there that’s your prescription and uh refills you can I’ll see you next time or whatever it might be do not substitute that’s important you never want to substitute a Bible verse you want you you don’t want to have like some sort of new age uh happy thought replace a Bible verse and then that in the in the little print down there it says to ensure Effectiveness use only the word of God all scriptures guaranteed it’s your responsibility to take your medicine and then it says Isaiah 5511 which says my my word will
not return unto me void says the Lord so you write a prescription and I want you to know right now Ephesians 1 3-6 should be something that you ought to write down and you ought to wrestle with it for a while until you wind up given up and just H just letting God love you Philippians 2:3 says for it is God who works in you both to Will and to do of his good pleasure who’s at work within you God is he’s at work within you and then listen to this so much so that John 6:43 John 6:43 says Jesus therefore
answered and said to them no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him and I will raise him up at the last day what a statement Jesus said nobody can think a thought toward me right now Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Living savior Son of God Jesus Christ you cannot think a favorable thought toward him and be moved toward him without the father drawing you to those thoughts the old Puritans used to say it is the wooing of the holy spirit that the spirit of God is flirting with you as it were to pull you
to Christ what a glorious thing that is what a great great blessing Galatians chapter 5: 5 says for we through the spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith Christ is coming back and when he comes this is the this is what we’re eagerly waiting for I guess I should say this follow along watch for we through the spirit in other words whatever we’re talking about it’s done by the Holy Spirit you agreed everybody do you understand that eagerly wait the words eagerly wait is where we get
imminent so some people want to argue about this I don’t believe Jesus could come back today that’s your problem the Bible says we are to be eagerly waiting the moment you tell me that you don’t think he can come back at any time then you are not eagerly waiting I’ll just submit this to you God’s kids eagerly wait and the Holy Spirit will see to it that he stirs you up if you’re not excited about Jesus coming back then I want to ask you two things number one who is Jesus or what are you
doing that you don’t want him to come back right now why wait well because the hope of righteousness by faith that’s what’s coming God’s final and ultimate Act of your full Redemption will take place will be transformed if he comes while we’re alive so listen who’s the elect of God well I don’t know I thought about that myself I wrote some things down who are the elect of God you can find them in a corner office of some high-rise building somewhere did you know that who are the elect of God you can find them in a
classroom somewhere who are the elect of God you can find them on the battlefield who are the elect of God you can find them in some darkened haunt in some back alley somewhere who are the elect of God you can find them on the streets listen friend listen who are the elect of God you can find them in abject poverty who are the elect of God well someone like this last weekend here with our love Life Ministry came across the situation where a young girl was being trafficked and she was rescued by the police snatched from the
hands of a career of prostitution and then certain death that’s how you find God’s elect who are God’s elect those that are filled with wealth and fame I think you get the point I’m making it’s everybody amen it’s everybody but see you and I have the tendency in our Humanity that well let’s invite that person to church let’s let’s talk to them about God if you and I were walking down right now PCH and we’re well let’s make it let’s make it graphic what if you and I were
walking down Venice Beach in La we should do this some Sunday as a field trip church will be held at Venice Beach on the walk on the boardwalk and we would walk along and I guarantee you you would hear this voice in your head not not that person I’m not that person oh gosh yikes not that person are you hearing me but then there’s somebody that might look just like you and you say I’ll talk to that person have you noticed that about us don’t look at me so angelic I know exactly we’re the same it’s I’ll share with those who are
comfortable for me to share with little do we know that the guy in the corner office or the woman who’s being pimped on the streets are just equally value valuable to God and we make our assessment and we often fail to be used by God in that most dear moment to rescue a soul for the kingdom of God it’s absolutely remarkable so much is God committed to this I want you to listen to Luke 14:1 16 Luke 1416 then he Jesus said to him a certain man it’s a parable church we’ll wrap this up here in a moment a certain man
gave a great supper and invited many and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited come all things are now ready think of that for a moment Lisa poor thing Lisa will do this and then I will do the same thing Lisa will work hard prepare a meal and I don’t know what it is about me it’s genetic I guess somehow I know that she’s going to be all done with her meal in about five minutes and I decide to go mow the lawn I got bad timing in that she’s got to she’s got to say come on in
here Jesus says the meal was prepared the table was laid out everything was prepared and everybody was invited and the announcement was made come for all things are ready Verse 18 but they all with one Accord with one mind began to make excuses the first said to him I’ve bought a piece of ground and I must go see it I ask you to have me excused okay any person buying land is really a dumb person you know that well I saw it on the internet you don’t buy land unless you go see it these excuses that you were about to
hear are so actually hilarious if they weren’t so s verse 19 and another said I have bought five Yol of oxen can you imagine buying five trucks and I’m going to test them I ask that you have me excused oxen just think about this five pickup trucks oxen oxen’s Ox I bought five Ox I got to go test them can I be excused from your dinner can you imagine what what are the what condition are the five Ox in in do they got legs are they this big or are they are they healthy I don’t know I just bought him I’m going to go find that out who
does this nobody does this Nobody Does this uh still another man says in verse 20 now this guy may have something here I have married a wife and therefore I cannot come we will have to think about that one a little longer no of course I do need to say though at verse 20 men don’t wait around for your wife to come to Christ men husbands come to Christ amen well I’ll come to Christ when my wife comes to Christ what if your wife is waiting for you to come to Christ verse 21 so that servant came and reported these things to the master then
the master of the house being angry you the word angry here is the word that can also be translated that he’s been provoked to disappointment he laid out everything prepared everything friends listen has Jesus prepared everything did he go to the Cross did he die 2,000 years ago in the Roman Empire in the city that was under Roman occupation called Jerusalem and is it recorded not only in the Bible but in Roman history as well yes is there rumor that he rose again from the dead according to the scriptures yes does he and his message
Continue to change the world so much so so that his message is banned from many communist countries because it so changes people’s lives my my listen to what he does this is a beautiful desperation if I can put it that way he said to his servant all right go out quickly into the streets and into the lanes of the city and bring in here the poor the maimed the lame and the blind and the servant said Master it is done as you commanded and still there’s room then the master said to the servant go out into the highways and
hedges and compel them to come are you hearing this that my house may be filled for I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste of my supper how long has God been inviting you oh I have an excuse I just married a a wife I just bought five pickup trucks I haven’t test driven them yet but I bought them I just bought some land online I got to go check it out how about this I’m not going to give my life to Jesus because my baby died at the age of four I don’t I’m not going to give him
my life or I lost my job last month I’m not going to church anymore you think that’s that’s a good practice what are you thinking you mean the world hit you in the face and you take it out on God he’s the very one who’s delivered you from this kind of stuff well where was God in this situation right in the middle of it listen for all of us things have happened in our lives and the Temptation rose up with us and we said God why me and there’s no answer but he walks you through you’re
not even sure if he’s with you you get over here you’re maybe even in a clumsy Way Cleaning onto a scripture or two you get to the other side and he turns you around and he says you see this path you just went through yes I felt every moment of it where were you I was holding you through it You Know Jack everybody in life suffers the best of them and the worst of them suffer the same but all my kids have me to go through the suffering with them you’re not going to escape the Pains of This World by following
me as I bring you through Did You Know Jack you’ve been sharing with your family members for decades but they wouldn’t listen to a word you said but they watched you in the suffering and their their hearts are going to be opened up now as I use you to my gospel finally did you know that as I walk you through the death of that child Did You Know Jack if you stopped for a moment to realize that that baby’s in heaven and you’re going to go there someday you’re going to see your child but little did you know that those at
the company were watching you because they weren’t listening to a they wouldn’t believe a word you said about the gospel and the good news and God is love so I used you in this horrible situation to communicate to them without you preaching to them they were watching didn’t you come to me in the beginning and say Here I Am Lord I heard you and you’re my child and you’re going to go to heaven and when you said to me Lord do whatever you want to do in my life I yield to you I took you seriously he said he’s speaking to some
of you right now and all the things I’ve brought you through I’ve been with you the entire way all along the way so that you can communicate to others in all of this sorrow and all of this hurt and all of this pain or what about your successes you can tell your friends and you can tell the the world that you serve God so church family listen when we said and I’m don’t raise your hand don’t say anything about this but when we said I I’m going to follow Jesus Christ did you even think for a
moment what you were saying we’re going to follow him where is that where are we going wherever he leads you want to go to heaven right he’s taking you there but he didn’t ask us to pick the path you all know the path see I have been in Texas did you hear that y all know y all know the path that we’d pick velvet rose petals now see the reality is there’s people in the world around you and I that are hurting really bad and they don’t know God and so when we called him Lord he said this is
awesome you are going to be a servant of mine to reach the lost and so here’s what we’re going to do so God does what he does in your life and you throw your toys down as it were and you’re panicking and you’re all upset when he said you you said we were you wanted me to be Lord and we’re I’m using you right now I know it’s not easy but I’m using you and there’s going to be a tremendous outcome I’ll end with this do the people around you in your life how much do you really love the
people in your life do you love them enough to say Lord however you want to use me use me whatever that means because I’ve read in Romans chapter 8 that all things work together for good to those who are called to those who love of God what a God so who are the elect of God you might be surprised because for me personally when I woke up to the realization that I was actually one of the elect of God it was way after I’d become a Christian but prior to being a Christian I thought how could there be a god with such a hurtful mean and ugly
world but then when you pick up the Bible and read what God said about a world that is on fire with hate and with war that that’s man’s doing it’s not God’s doing and you notice how we kind of by default blame God the suffering the pain and all the stuff of this world we say we don’t believe in God but then we blame God for the world that’s on fire and God turns right around in the Bible and says wait a minute I love you and I wrote here that the world would be on fire if you would reject me maybe
your life is on fire friend God loves you and that that’s not how it’s supposed to be for you he wants you to come to him and instead of seeing this as your burden to bear in life that this is just the life that you’re living and it’s just the way that it is you don’t have to walk alone you have cancer right now did your wife or husband walk out on you or did your family just abandon you are you are you completely thinking that you’re without hope not so friend if you’re if you’re able and if you’re
willing to listen to this message you might very well find out that you are the elect of God to reach those you love with the truth and to have the truth reach you who God loves is the answer can you say that God uses you or me at all costs to reach others listen have you heard the gospel it came at a cost Jesus died on the cross obviously you’ve heard that but you know it cost someone to take the risk to step out of their own safety zone to tell you about the love of God that’s how valuable you are but listen
for those of us who are believers we need to tell others as well the only hope right now in this world is Jesus Christ to help you in your walk with God that’s why we’re here and you can go to Jack kbs.com to find out so much more social media platforms Bible study real life television so much more Jack kbs.
com God bless you until next time you are watching real life with Jack hips ready for a treasure hunt every journey is better with a knowledgeable guide in with the word Warren weby one of the greatest Bible commentators of our time becomes your guide through each and every chapter of the Bible this isn’t just a commentary it’s a personal conversation with scripture book by book chapter by chapter discover the richness of God’s word and uncover life-changing applications on every page web’s approachable style and relevant insights
make complex truths accessible encouraging you to develop a meaningful and consistent Bible reading routine join the ultimate treasure hunt as you explore the depths of the Bible with Warren web’s expert guidance each chapter reveals hidden gems and Timeless wisdom making your daily reading a life-changing Adventure personally recommended by Pastor Jack KBS with the word is our thank you gift to you when you support real life with any amount visit Jack kbs.
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com fast forward your [Music] [Applause] [Music] faith welcome to real life radio with Jack hibs God’s word never will return void God’s word is spirit it’s power and it has its effect God did not give us Bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us you are the light of the world Jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does that happen Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful non-nonsense presentation of
the Gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life and the teachings of Jack Hibbs with a gift of your choosing simply go to jackhibbs.org [Music] gift if you would prefer to call our toll-free number is 877 72346 again that’s 877 72346 and of course you can write us our address is real life with Jack KBS by box 1273 Chino Hills California 91709 your gift will be Faithfully put
to work because it’s our desire that through Jesus Christ you will know real life
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