Jack Hibbs Special – Jesus Is More Than Enough Part 01

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it’s not Jesus Christ and you doing your

best it’s not receiving Christ and then

you walking really really uh obedient

the rest of your life though that’s

wonderful and I’d love to do that


that’s not how salvation has gotten it

is salvation by faith in Jesus Christ

plus nothing else nothing else

real life

welcome to real life radio with Pastor

Jack Hibbs I’m David Jay thanking you

for joining us today as we listen learn

and are challenged by God’s word the


on today’s edition of real life radio

Pastor Jack now continues his series

called The Gospel of Luke with a message

titled Jesus is more than enough you

know this series called The Gospel of

Luke is a series that gives us both the

humanity and the Divinity of Jesus as

only Luke a physician can do here now as

we continue in chapter 9 we’ll discover

how the Jesus of the Bible is all we

could ever need you see the more we

understand and learn from Jesus the more

we’ll want from him Jesus knows our

every concern he is sufficient more than

enough more than adequate more than

satisfactory more than competent and

he’s more than capable of reaching this

Lost World

so today on this part of the message

Pastor Jack tells us that everyone’s

concern in this life is to have a

purpose but for the Christian our

meaning and our purpose in life is not

only to be used by the Lord but to

humbly find rest in him now in his

message called Jesus is more than enough

here’s pastor and Bible teacher Jack


father we ask you lord to bless your

word to our hearts father God we pray

that you would allow us to kick off our

shoes put on our sandals

get rid of these shirts and done a robe

and be in the crowd

and listen Lord to what will take place

what it is Lord that you were trying to

teach your disciples then is exactly

true today it’s exactly what we need now

so father may I not blow this and botch

it up

and Lord may we all be hearers of the

word and doers also for we ask you Lord

in Jesus name and all God’s people said

amen grab your Bibles in and turn to

Luke’s gospel chapter 9 Luke chapter 9

verses 10 to 17 and I would have given

anything to have been

In This Crowd at this setting in the

moment of what’s going to take place

before us

it’s absolutely exciting to see why

because of the wording Church those of

you who take notes make sure that you

pay attention this morning jut down some

of these things because the words that

are used are absolutely absolutely

provocative to our understanding they’re

exciting because the words that are used

speak exactly to us as to what’s going

on and the attitudes and in the mind of

the Disciples of the people and of Jesus

himself and I have a smile on my face

because you Gotta Laugh

there are some things coming in this

message this morning that when these

guys get going that is the disciples

Jesus will turn to them and say

something and how he says it and in the

tone that he says it has got to put a

smile on your face

as we look to this

the title of the message this morning is

Jesus is more than enough

and I hope that’s true in your life that

Jesus is more than enough

you know this is a poor guy running

around trying to prove that they found

Jesus’s tomb

they found him as family kids

and listen I got

I gotta and you guys have caught on by

now right


well this stuff comes out always before

what holiday

yeah and then there’s a lull on the

action just before what other holiday

Yeah Christmas

the nuts come out of the woodwork just

before Easter and just before Christmas

to capitalize on TV shows and Book Sales

and then they all just go away and count

their money because everybody wants to

dive into stuff that is absolutely false

but they’ll spin it and they’ll pitch it

in a way that for some people maybe it’s

going to cast some doubt upon why they

don’t believe in Jesus anyway

I’m encouraged by these things why

because Jesus is sufficient enough and

listen when I say that Jesus is

sufficient and that he’s sufficient

enough there’s a couple things I want to

point out this morning

um please understand that when I put

those words together that Jesus is

sufficient and that Jesus is more than

enough I’m I’m thinking in the strict

English language not American language

there’s a big difference we speak


there’s a big difference from what we

speak in this time in culture versus

English there’s queen’s English or

proper English and then there’s American

American has words in it like yo


things like that those are strictly

American words English has words like

sufficient you know what sufficient

means in English it means that you don’t

need anything else

see we think I guess you know it’s


we think that’s sufficient and better do

are the same things they’re not the same

meanings the word sufficient is

everything that you need has been given

everything that you require is done

sufficient is more than enough


that word mean to us I guess that’s a

enough you can’t put that legally in the

same sentence like that you can’t put

well I guess it’s uh enough the tone

cast doubt upon whatever it is you’ve

gotten I guess it’s enough the word

enough means again to the satisfying


it is enough

that means it’s fully adequate Jesus

Christ is sufficient fully enough for us

in this life for anything everything

that we need

you and I will not be making it to

heaven without him why because he is

fully enough

you do not need Church listen oh my

friend if you’re visiting tune in grab

on to this

it’s not Jesus Christ and you doing your

best it’s not receiving Christ and then

you walking really really really uh

obedient the rest of your life though

that’s wonderful and I’d love to do that


that’s not how salvation has gotten it

is salvation by faith in Jesus Christ

plus nothing else nothing else you

cannot say oh Jesus thank you for dying

on the cross for me and taking away all

my sin I receive you and boy aren’t you

glad to have me now Lord

because I’m just going to help you right

along the way oh no no way Jesus is

sufficient he is more than enough and

we’re going to be learning that in this

message this morning

um listen Point number one we’ll read it

as we go through Point number one Jesus

is more than enough Luke chapter 9 verse

10 it is this that Jesus meets my every

concern he meets my every need and

they’re going to be finding that out

here in a moment look at verse 10 and

11. it says then that the apostles when

they had returned told him that is Jesus

that what they had done then he took

them and went aside privately into a

deserted Place belonging to the city of

Bethesda but when the multitudes knew it

they followed him and he received them

and spoke to them about the kingdom of

God and he healed all those who had need

of healing the first thing I want you to

see about Jesus meeting my every concern

meeting your every concern is this verse

10 the concerns that I have in my life

and your life about purpose please jot

this down number one thing that the

disciples have just learned and I’ll

refresh your memory here in a moment

remember in that he had sent them out to

serve and to minister he commissioned

them last week and they went out doing

great works by preaching teaching the

word of God and casting out demons and

Healing The Sick So they had been

deployed and it was apparently a very

very successful uh tour that they had

but what we find out here in verse 10 is

that Jesus winds up uh instructing them

regarding concerns of purpose Christian

you and I have a concern of purpose when

it says that he went to the city of

Bethesda look in your map here this is

the Galilee

top right hand corner that little red

dot but Santa it’s just on the right

side of the Jordan River it’s remote in

fact the next picture we’ll show you by

the way we took this last year this next


this is the north end this is from Mount


look into the North End so our eyes are

actually looking East

across the Jordan River into the land of

Jordan and Syria the town of beceda

would be kind of where you see almost

those two Jetties

oh it looks like a harbor

Jesus would have taken them from that

Shore into that country by the way it

looks just like where we live here today

it looks just like this area like uh the

old Orange County area like Irvine very

very beautiful olive trees banana trees

those are all uh papaya and grapefruit

trees you see there bananas to the north

all of these things going on and so

jesus takes them away he removes them

from the crowd why because there’s an

issue about purpose here and it’s very

very common uh for you and I to struggle

with what we will see the disciples to

be struggling with when it says in verse

10 that the apostles they had returned

you ought to mark that they came back

they’re very much excited and pumped up

because he told they told them what they

had done hey Jesus this is what happened

listen to this and so they began to

speak about it Jesus’s response is

either very common we would think or

there’s something going on

when I say common it could be that

listen the disciples maybe they retired

it was a long time of ministry maybe he

saw that they were tired he’s going to

pull them off to the side maybe that’s


maybe that the disciples realized or

when they were telling Jesus what had

happened maybe Jesus is thinking you

know what you need a little bit more

fine-tuning on your ministry skills and

uh maybe he’s going to take them away

for a little uh private course well

that’s possible it doesn’t it doesn’t

say in the scripture


maybe though

based upon the rest of what we’re going

to be reading maybe that Jesus saw

something in them having come back from

the trip that he needs to get them away

that they might

be reminded of what the real purpose of

life as a Christian and life in the

ministry is all about

the purpose

Christian if you understand oh please

please hear this

if you understand that you as a


you you love God you read his word you

want to serve him

that’s glorious but you will not

understand full true purpose and

fulfillment until you are being used by

him look a glove looks pretty dead

unless a hand goes inside

we can be bible-believing Christians we

can be just right on but unless God’s

hand is using us to reach the world

there’s a sense of of us missing the

purpose of life

have you noticed

that there’s always these bombardments

of uh invitations join our country club

oh we’ve got an 18 hole oh we’ve got a

30 000 square foot Country Club oh

there’s a new Yacht Club opening up oh

enjoying this and what are the why is

that the push

because listen could it be that the

world is saying listen

you got this you got that you got all

these other things we’ve got them too

we’re still empty and maybe by us

getting together and hanging out we can

find the meaning and purpose of life

come on let’s Golf together I’m not

knocking golfing for those who know how

I can’t I’ve tried impossible

but for those of you who do that’s a

great sport but if you’re going to golf

to find purpose and meaning in life man

you’re going to be sadly disappointed

I was talking to somebody a while back

down in San Diego and they’re just

they’re not Christians they had just

been become a member of the Coronado

Bank Yacht Club and they were all just

you know tooting their horns about how

tremendous that was

um and yet their life has fallen apart

what should a prophet a man if he gains

a doc

at the Coronado Bay Club and loses his

own soul

see that listen truly the believer who

says and listen if you’re not a Believer

this morning you listen to this you want

to have true absolute insane glorious

excitement about living your life then

find out that God’s got a wonderful

purpose for your life and believer God’s

got a glorious work for us to do and

it’s wonderfully meaningful so they came

back and they’re all pumped up and

they’re all excited and they tell Jesus

this is what we did this is what

happened in Mark’s gospel chapter 6

verse 31 Mark’s gospel records the event

this way that Jesus said to them come

aside by yourselves into a deserted

place and rest a while then it says for

there were many people coming and going

and they didn’t even have time to eat

so Ministry pressure Jesus had been

ministering they had been serving they

come back they tell Jesus how it went

and listen

um I don’t know those of you who are

doctors or nurses or or whatever those

of you who are a fireman maybe police

officers when you’re in a caregiving

type of uh uh career it’s really vital

that you keep your heart healthy and

right you want to know why because you

give so much constantly that if you’re

not getting recharged you’re going to be

a bear to be around

you’re not going to be any fun

that’s why so many really good doctors

they take about every four weeks they

take a week off let me say well man we

like to do that listen by the time they

get to the fourth week you want them to

take a week off

can you imagine the doctor said you know

what I’m really fried are you my patient

lay down here and he pulls out a

chainsaw or something like that I never

really had it with people

why don’t you take a break

that’s important and you don’t want to

have a minister a pastor a police

officer or how about an airline pilot

can you imagine you know they work about

11 to 15 days a month and then they have

the rest off man what a Kush job that is

oh no wait a minute no way

can you imagine though the pilot getting

on there hey welcome aboard you know

what I’ve been flying this is my 14th

day I’ve had about had it with this

airplane stuff and I’m sick of people

nobody better act up on this fight I’ll

tell you I’m gonna really let you have


welcome aboard

you would not appreciate that if you

give give give give give listen your

very body the Lord demands that we

Sabbath and be strengthened again and be

built up again Jesus sees something in

the disciples number one they’re talking

about what great things they did we’ll

talk more on that in a moment and he

realizes I think you need to take a


G Campbell Morgan says that there are

times in Ministry when you can get

people to death

that’s like getting nibble to death by a

duck can you imagine

pulling and pulling and pulling and

pulling and Jesus says you need to come


why I thought they had a great

successful Ministry I thought they did

great things they preached and they

raised the dead they did all these great

things you know what

how about this

disappointment I mean that hurts doesn’t

it when you’re disappointed but we’ve

survived disappointments

when things don’t go our way

you know what we may shed a tear but we

survive but listen you know what the

danger is especially in Ministry

when you sense though that when God is

filling your life and using you if you

if you get your eyes off of him for but

a moment you begin to look around and

say my look what’s going on


success can kill you disappointment can

hurt you success can kill you

success can destroy a Ministry it can

destroy listen it can destroy a marriage

if you get your eyes off of how you got


it can destroy a company when the CEO

begins to think that he did it all while

all the little worker bees are making

all the money

he can be like Nebuchadnezzar and say

look at the great Kingdom that I have

built and God said oh yeah

and the Lord Yanks that right out from

underneath Nebuchadnezzar’s Faith until

he remembered the Lord God Of Heaven

we need to be careful and it’s I think

maybe most dangerous and things of

ministry why Ministry is a scary thing

because God uses people and if you get

your eyes off the Lord you’ll get Goofy

you begin to think that you had

something to do with it see these

disciples went out following the Lord

and God did a great thing that’s what

they need to remember we went out

following the Lord God did the great


and so he’s going to minister to them

about purpose also this verse 11 Jesus

meets wherever you need and that we’re

concerned about reaching the lost

if we are truly Believers we will do

something Christian something to reach

the laws to minister to them to help

them to bless them

there is no way I believe this and you

may disagree that’s totally fine and I

understand that my my position on this

is really hard

I believe that if the if I’m going to


and I believe that that’s real I cannot

be content to have non-believers living

around me not knowing the way to heaven

verse 11 says but when the multitudes

knew that they were going away for a

break they followed him and look what

Jesus did did he grab the microphone

like the airline pilot no he received

them that’s a witness and he spoke to

them about the kingdom of God that’s a

witness and he healed those who had need

of healing that’s a witness

the disciples are learning and listening

Jesus says come away they get in a boat

in fact listen to this Mark’s gospel 6

32 says that as they departed into a

deserted place in a boat by themselves

the multitude saw them departing and

many of them knew him and they ran on

foot around the shore through the cities

and they arrived before the disciples at

the shore when they came

I am sorry but that is funny

let’s take a break oh Peter says all

right let’s take a break all right guys

good job let’s get the boat

stick it up they’re getting the boat

they’re gonna go take a break

you imagine about a mile off off from

Shore they see this cloud of dust on the


what is that there’s a herd of people

they’re running I wonder where they’re

going and as you’re sailing

they’re going right to

they’re going right we’re they’re

stopping right there that’s exactly

where we’re going

by the time they get out of the boat

there’s a big big bit of ministry that

has to take place still

there’s something going on about an

attitude here we shall see in a moment

Jesus number one shows them that he gets

out of the boat and he receives them you

want this word in the Greek means to

receive he makes them feel welcomed

Jesus Christ makes people feel welcomed

the word means that he made them feel at

home that he made them feel we would use

the word special

Jesus instead of them saying man come on

give the boys a break will you they’ve

been he he welcomes them

secondly he speaks to them about the

Kingdom of Heaven the kingdom of God

he said what was it he said we don’t

know what he said exactly

but we know that when he preached the

kingdom of God whatever Parable whatever

teaching he gave there would have been

certainly something that you know very

well that he would have had woven into

his message always in church I’ll tell

you what it is in a second

it’s something that we need to have in

every bit of ministering that we speak

to people about as well when we’re

sharing Jesus with people listen

carefully don’t miss this whenever you

read that Jesus Christ spoke about the

kingdom of God he would have inserted in

there John chapter 3. Marvel not that I

say unto you you must be born again

don’t be surprised about that he would

have told them every time he preached

about the kingdom of God you must be

born again listen the word means born

from above he says that which is born of

flesh is of the flesh that’s us skin but

that was a born of spirit is born from

above it’s born of the spirit

you and I came into this world being

born through our mommies in this

physical world we came through the water

of child birthing

now we need to be Jesus said born from

above or the English is born a second

time born again this is so vital listen

that there is no gospel preached without

saying it

you can tell somebody do you believe in

God you can ask them yes I do oh that’s


but if they’re not born again Jesus said

unless you are born again you will not

see the kingdom of heaven

that’s vital well Pastor you know what

they go to the First Baptist Church they

must be going to heaven they go to

Calvary they must be going to heaven

they’re they’re this they must be going

to heaven no no no don’t ever assume

that ask them are you born again do you

know what it means

listen I don’t need to tell you how many

people in churches have never even heard

the term be born again even though the

letters are written and read in John

chapter 3 spoken by Jesus himself there

is no heaven without being born again

says God and yet ministers

churches they don’t bring it up

this is anathema

unbelievable so Jesus preached to them

the kingdom you must be born again

maybe they would have heard that

and then he healed them he healed those

that needed healing says the scripture

it’s amazing

the second point we see this morning is

the verses 12 to 14 and Jesus is more

than enough this way my friends even


we can’t see a way out even when we

can’t see the answer to what we’re

facing you’re going to see this here in

a moment what are you going to do maybe

in your life today you love God you’re

following God but there’s a situation in

your life you can’t see the answer you

can’t see the way out of this

well number one realize this like this

needs to be something that you and I

need to be reminded of maybe we do we

need to look for God in the midst of the

situation that we’re in that look for

God to be in the midst of where we’re at

oh just for fun I know I said I wasn’t

going to do this anymore but raise your

hand if you’re a Christian

I love that

according to the word of God the Lord

who will never leave you or forsake you

is right in the middle of the situation

of your life

now the disciples are going to find this

out Anew here in a moment was this

written 2000 years ago for our education

or was it written for us 2 000 years ago

for our learning there’s a big

difference one goes into the head and

one has lived out in our lives


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