I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up
I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up #2307. No walk is without bruises and falls. But what you do after the fall can break or make our life in God. Learn how to come out stronger.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Romans 8 says, “What shall separate us from the love of God? Shall famine, sword, tribulation…” Some believe that this means that God is going to keep His people from such things – trouble, tribulation, famine. But those who believe that, when they go through trouble and tribulation, their faith will fail them. The Scripture does not say God’s love will keep you from these things. In fact it says, “You will have troubles and tribulation.” But here’s the key – none of these things will be able to separate you from the love of God – they can’t. The victory of our faith isn’t to escape this world – it’s to overcome this world. Stop living in fear of problems; that’s not your faith. Rather pray, “Lord don’t let me run away, let me overcome and have faith that Your love is greater than all these things and the world itself.” You haven’t come into the world so that you could avoid the world; you came into the world so that you could overcome the world.
You know, if we think that we’re gonna have a perfect walk, it’s not gonna happen.
We think we’re never gonna mess up. It’s not gonna happen.
But the problem is what happens after you mess up. Aim for perfection. Yes.
But it says when he falls or when he stumbles.
Well, well, the first thing is the question is what happens after you mess up.
What happens after you fall? Because what you do after that makes all the difference for your life.
It’s not about that. You’re never gonna fall or mess up, not gonna happen. There’s always gonna be a mistake.
It doesn’t matter. But yeah, I mean, we want to keep going higher and higher and higher, but it’s about the what you do have, you don’t have a provision of what’s gonna happen, how you handle it.
When you mess up, you’re gonna be messed up. Do everything not to fall. Yes.
That’s first an ounce of prevention, but we have to address falling. What happens after you mess up?
What happens after the fall note? Everything in this world is after the fall.
Everything that God does in this world is after a fall So God is definitely there after a fall, all his blessings, all the ministries happen in the, in the wake of a fall.
But that so after the fall is crucial, Messiah came after the fall.
See, the enemy doesn’t just want to make you trip up and fall.
That’s, that’s a victory, but that’s not the big victory. The victory is.
How much can he get out of that fall?
How much, how much can he leverage that fall to mess you up and to stop your calling?
That’s why it’s so crucial because we often make mistakes after the fall.
Not just as the one thing is the, is the messing up the sin, the ball, but the other part is what we do after one mistake is to become paralyzed by the sin, paralyzed by the guilt.
Yes, I mean, we are to be convicted, we do have to repent.
But if you’re just living in guilt, that doesn’t do anybody any good.
The guilt is supposed to lead you to something better not to stay in it or you get into self loathing.
I hate myself. I hate that. I did that right? But where are you going with that?
Or you act like that’s the final story or you live in regret.
You know, the Bible says, regret is not of God.
You know, having conviction is repentance is but not regret or you accept that. It’s the final story.
I have to be stuck in this sin, the rest of my life or you can’t, I can’t forgive myself for what happened or you let that fall overwhelm you and cancel out all the good that God has done or you let it separate you, some people mess up and they, they always let, let it, let it separate them and God.
So there’s this wall that and maybe it’s subtle but it’s, it’s never what it was or you don’t confess it or you hide it or you defend it or you get used to it or you blame others for it or you have self pity or you cannot accept the love of God or you lose sight of the love of God or you give into it.
I might as well. That’s what the enemy wants. I might as well.
I’m stuck, give into gloom, give up years ago.
There was a young man in the Lord serving and he had been struggling with pornography.
What we found in online. Now, now that now that pornography is online, they say about 66% of men, 22 out of three men are watching pornography, but he got so guilt ridden that he stepped out of ministry.
Ok? Stepped down, ok? But he stepped out of fellowship, stepped out of the Lord.
He let the fall define him instead of all the good that God was just beginning in his life.
And it’s what he did after the fall or what he didn’t do that, determine the rest of his life.
Now, what would have happened if Abraham never got up after he messed up?
What if Abraham never forgave himself? What if Abraham said I might as well. I really messed up. That’s it.
What would happen if David never got up after that fall of adultery and murder?
What would happen if Peter never got Peter? We wept bitterly when he realized he had denied the Lord.
But what if he never got over it? Judas never got over it.
Judas just sinned and he killed himself, Peter though fell and it wasn’t the end of the story.
And then look at the difference between Peter and Judas. Peter denied the Lord. Judas betrayed the Lord.
But you see both sinned, but Judas is the one who did not repent of it.
He just, he just killed himself. Well, that, well, he hate him himself.
Well, that’s not necessarily holy, it’s not holy. There’s no book of Judas.
I mean, there you know, if Peter did not repent and Judas did, there might be a book of Judas and not a book of Peter.
And we know Peter as the one who denied the Lord and what walked away from God.
So you when you fall now you had Jimmy Swaggart man used to, he was used of God.
Doesn’t matter what you agree. He was used to save people. He even wrote a brochure.
I remember when I was a new believer wrote a brochure speaking about for, for ministers, you know, ministers, be careful of and be careful of sexual immorality, be careful of, of, of women coming in.
He’s telling how he had all these, well, he didn’t have the safeguards he was supposed to have, but he did, you know, and he, you know, he sort of said, yeah, he said I’ve sinned but then he also defended and he also came back, you know, and God bless to God use all people now.
But the thing is I know others who said I was totally wrong and God restored them, don’t hide it, don’t defend it.
Confess it to God. We know we confess all sins to God. He is faithful to forgive us.
You can’t get over it until you can get rid of it.
You gotta be able to say no look, to confess it to saying, Lord, I don’t want this.
It’s not who I am in you. I want this away from me. It is wrong.
I don’t make any excuses for it, disassociate from it by the blood of Jesus.
It cleanses me from all sin in Messiah.
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