It’s Time To Move | Jentezen Franklin

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Kingdom Connection: Building Your Faith for a New Season

Hello, I’m Jensen Franklin, and I’m so grateful that you’re joining us today on Kingdom Connection. I appreciate you tuning in, and I believe today’s message is going to elevate your faith to a whole new level. I want to strengthen your belief in God’s Word, because it is through His Word that things are changed. When God moves, He moves suddenly—and when He does, there’s no time to prepare.

The text I’ll be preaching from today is found in Exodus 12 and Acts 12. These passages convey the same powerful message: There is a God who is able to change your life in an instant. No matter the circumstances you’re facing, God is ready to move in your life. Some of you have been yearning for this change, and today’s message will fill you with an unprecedented sense of expectation.

I encourage you to open your heart and mind, eliminate distractions, and prepare to receive this message. I believe that you are on the brink of a miracle, and together, we are inspiring people to live for Jesus.

If you are seeking more in life, a life filled with purpose and peace, and a desire to make a difference for your family and the world, Jesus is the answer. Our mission is simple: to point you to Him. You are watching Kingdom Connection with Jensen Franklin.

In Exodus 12:8, the Lord gives instructions for the Passover meal: “They shall eat the flesh that night, roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.” These are specific instructions regarding how the Israelites should eat the meal, ensuring that none of the lamb remains until morning, which should be burned. In verse 11, the Lord says, “And thus you shall eat it: with a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste—it is the Lord’s Passover.”

Why the urgency? When God moves, He moves quickly, and there won’t be time to prepare. He wants His people to be ready for action, dressed for deliverance. Whether it’s moving from bondage to freedom, from sickness to health, or stepping into a new season, God is calling you to be ready to move at a moment’s notice.

In Acts 12:8, we see a similar story. Peter, imprisoned, is told by an angel to “gird yourself and tie your sandals.” Again, the message is clear: be ready for movement, for change, and for deliverance. Just as the Israelites were instructed to prepare for quick movement, Peter was told to get ready because God was about to make a sudden shift.

Today, I’m preaching that something is about to change, and it’s time for you to move. Be ready to transition from your past into a new season, a new level, a new beginning, and a new miracle that God has promised.

Sometimes we get so accustomed to where we are that we lose sight of what’s ahead. Don’t get stuck in your current situation. When God says, “Let’s go,” be prepared to move. If you’re not ready, you may find yourself scrambling for shoes or searching for the staff God gave you long ago. Don’t wait for that moment to catch you off guard—be ready now.

Expect that God will lead you out of your past and into the new things He has for you. Stay prepared, stay ready, and trust that your breakthrough is near.

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