It Happened…Again

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It Happened…Again

What did one state in our nation do recently that has triggered the leftists, liberals, and civil liberties groups across the country? Do states have the constitutional right to implement laws that seemingly supersede our “separation of church and state”?

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Hey, everybody. Something just happened in Louisiana. It is an explosion of a blast from the past.
That’s right. What happened in Louisiana is breaking news, but it’s not new.
In fact, what has happened in Louisiana has happened again. That’s right. Stay tuned.
Real life presents the Jack Hibbs podcast with intention and boldness to proclaim truth, equip the saints, and impact our culture.
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Now open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.
Hey, everybody. Welcome to this, uh, very, very special, very, very, very, very special podcast that we have right now.
Totally kind of off the cuff, but, uh, I say that because I’ve got so much data in front of me that I have not sat down to organize it.
Don’t let that be a distraction to you.
I’m gonna give you data, uh, and you can research it on your own, but it’s not in any particular order.
So don’t worry about that, but we are, uh, jumping in here, and we’re putting out this podcast right away.
Breaking news coming out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and that is the state and the people of the state of Louisiana, uh, uh, have voted.
And governor Jeff Landry has signed into law the installment of the 10 commandments in the public school setting.
And, uh, the first I saw this breaking, uh, it caused me to rejoice.
Secondly, it caused me to remember American history.
And then thirdly, it caused me to say the word out loud again.
I said, when I heard it, that Louisiana has installed there’s installing the 10 commandments in public school, and that was the end of the headline.
It should have said again Again. Hey, everybody. Wake up.
This is not the first time that Louisiana has installed the 10 commandments in their public school system.
Every state in the union, including California and New York, had the 10 commandments in the public school setting.
I’m gonna let you, uh, think about that for a moment.
The fact is that the constitution not only endorses what we’re talking about right now, but, of course, the word of God mandates this.
And what I mean by that is the word of God for example, the Bible says, you may say, I don’t believe the Bible.
That’s not my problem. The Bible says in Proverbs 22 verse 6, train up a child in the way that they should go.
And when they are old, they will not depart from it. What does that mean?
When you train up a child in the ways of God, meaning in this particular case, the moral law, you shall not murder people.
A lot of the liberals have a hard time with telling the kid you can’t murder somebody like you’re encroaching upon their little civil liberties or something, but, um, you’re not to sleep with your neighbor’s wife.
Oh, that really that really offends the adulterers. They get all upset about this. We can’t have the 10 commandments.
Of course, we can’t. Because if we have the 10 commandments, you are going to be convicted of your sins in your heart and in your mind.
The Bible says you shouldn’t lie. But you see, our world is built on lies.
Our nation right now is existing from 1 lie to the next.
And then all of a sudden, there is the smelling salts broken open coming out of Louisiana, and it’s put everybody in the state of shock.
I’m loving it. I’m I’m loving this, and I’ll tell you the reason why.
It is absolutely American what just happened in Louisiana.
100% American, 100% historic, uh, accuracy, uh, 100% in step with our nation’s founding fathers.
And when I say founding fathers, understand this.
I’m talking about our founding fathers from William Bradford all the way out to the founding fathers of our constitutional republic that you and I enjoy right now.
And that’s our founding fathers, uh, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George Bush, Roosevelt, Wilson, Truman, they are not our founding fathers.
These guys of our founding father era era from 16/20 on, technically 1605, if you wanna get technical about it.
Um, they gave us a country.
And, uh, to be an American is to decide if you’re gonna let this this government have authority over you.
And if you if as an American in these 50 states, if you don’t want to have this government, this republic over you, then, uh, then I don’t know what you’re supposed to do, but but leave the country to a country that you want.
Just because you’re born here doesn’t make you an American. Just means you were born here.
You have to choose to be an American. Why would you? Why would you choose to be an American?
Well, I’m gonna give you some arguments I hope that, uh, helps you understand that.
First of all, let’s talk about, uh, the fact that the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy.
In the opening chapters of the book of Deuteronomy, it says that you are to take this word and you are to teach your children this.
And when they wake up and in the middle of the day and when they sit down and when they lie down at night, you are to teach them this word of God and always remind them of the Lord.
And the bible says to the believer’s parents, this is, of course, to Israel, but it is, of course, adopted by, uh, the church, those who believe in God, and that is you are to teach your children, which is fascinating because how much do you know about the creation of the public school system?
What do you know about it? Well, let me let me start out with this.
When was it created, the public school system? Actually, out of creation. It’s not infinite. It’s finite. When?
And I’m not gonna give you the mom, I don’t know. I might.
So the question is, when was it created? What year?
What were the stipulations of the United States public school System?
They had very few rules, but what were those rules? Do you know?
Oh, how about this?
Who are the creators of the public school system in the United States?
I’ll be more specific for you. I’ll doubt I’ll help you out.
Which of the founding fathers gave birth to the public school system?
The public school system was born by predominantly 3, but 4 specifically, but predominantly 3 founding fathers.
You know their names actually. And when they created the public school system, did you read why they did?
Why did they say, you know what? Well, we can’t have this happening.
We’ve got to create a public school system that makes sure that this is enshrined in our education system.
Why? Because our founding fathers were watching kids being raised up in homeschool.
Did you know that’s where kids were homeschooled? Was home. They went to school.
And they were prepared in homeschool, And when they went they went from homeschool to places like Harvard.
Can you imagine that happening today? They went from homeschool to William and Mary.
They went from home school to Yale. They went from home school to Princeton. Yeah.
You wanna know why? Because Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, Union College as well, to say just to mention just a few.
Do you know why those schools were created as as colleges or universities?
They were created to to prepare ministers for the preaching of the gospel to North America.
Did you know that? For those of you who live near or around Boston, you ought to take a little field trip after you watch this, uh, podcast, and you ought to go to the old gate there at Harvard.
And right before you walk through the old gate at Harvard, look to the right to the bushes, look through the bushes, park them.
I did this. I stepped into the planter, moved the bushes, and there is the statement of why Harvard University was founded.
It’s still there. I hope it’s still there.
I I was there not too long ago, a couple of years ago, And it was founded to establish ministers for the preaching of the gospel to the barbarians of North America.
Those that were ignorant of the gospel. John Harvard.
John Harvard was not the president of a educational union or board or whatever.
Harvard is named after pastor John Harvard. John Harvard, pastor.
But I listen, I I, uh, digress just a bit.
So the ACLU is having a meltdown right now because that’s what they do.
ACLU, it’s a hilarious American Civil Liberties, uh, Union, I think.
American, there’s nothing American about the ACLU. Liberties, they’ll rob you of your liberties.
American civil civil sorry. Civil. Uh, there’s nothing civil about their arguments.
They’ll rob you of your liberties, and they’re not even an official union. They seal you.
Uh, they attack everything that is good all the time.
They’re a worthless group of people who come after you. They’ve come after me in the past.
Um, they just they’re very by the way, go ahead and look at ACLU people.
Go look at their faces online. Search out their board. Look look whose attorneys for ACLU.
They’re they’re amazing. They look like they’re constipated. They look like they just sucked on lemons.
They’re the most depressing looking people. It’s fascinating.
But, you know, if you have their worldview, you would be disappointed, uh, in everything because it’s so bitter.
They have no hope. But, um, they’re all upset about this. Here was here was how hilarious about it.
Did they not read the news?
The ACLU has has no business, uh, trying to overturn the people’s will in the state of Louisiana.
What are you? A bunch of communist?
Are you a bunch of of, uh, tyrannical lefties?
You have no you have no rights in Louisiana.
The people of Louisiana have all rights to determine what their laws are, and they have the right to the to elect whoever they want to elect.
So it’s not anybody else’s fault nor is it your business, ACLU, that the people of Louisiana have voted in very, very conservative, a lot of them, god loving people.
But let me change the acronyms around.
Uh, UCLA, Here, just down or up the freeway, the University of California Los Angeles.
On their logo of UCLA, in the middle where it says UCLA, in the middle is the logo, and in the middle of the logo is a bible that’s opened, and it says, let there be light, from Genesis chapter 1.
Isn’t that a violation of the first amendment? Don’t you think maybe? ACLU does.
But UCLA says let there be light on their school logo, and it’s there’s an and there’s an open bible.
Oh, we can’t have that. Why not? God demands it. Atheists don’t want it.
You need to pick a side. 1 side wants you smart. 1 side wants you educated.
1 side wants you to know history. 1 side wants you to know moral law.
1 side wants you to be honest. 1 side wants you to not murder people.
1 side wants you to, uh, not steal people’s husbands or wives. 1 side wants you to love god most.
The other side is against all of those things.
In fact, here’s what’s fun about about progressives.
Some liberals, all progressives, and certainly this is the Democrat party, is everybody gets upset when a Democrat is found sleeping with a Chinese spy, Eric Swalwell.
But nobody nobody does anything about it because let’s be honest, all the Republicans get all upset.
Oh my gosh. He’s sleeping with a spy. Listen. Democrats never said they wouldn’t sleep with spies.
Leftists never said they wouldn’t steal your neighbor’s husband or your wife. They never said they wouldn’t.
We project upon them a standard that they don’t believe in. Why? Because they’re atheistic.
They’re not they’re not bible based.
They may claim to be religious, but they’re not really religious because their own will guides their, uh, orbit of decision.
And so, for example, um, you’re gonna wanna say that, oh my gosh.
This is so unconstitutional. You’re gonna hear that a lot. We’re already hearing it. It’s so unconstitutional.
Is it now? Can you tell me why it’s unconstitutional? How is it unconstitutional?
This is a test for you.
With what Louisiana just did in stalling voting to install and passing the law to install the 10 commandments, uh, in public school settings, how is it unconstitutional?
You need to answer that. You don’t get upset with me.
It’s not gonna it’s not gonna help you. I already know the answer to these things.
That’s why I’m doing this podcast. I’m not I’m not stupid about this. Um, how is it unconstitutional?
I I mean, I know where you’re gonna go.
I’m just waiting for it to percolate a little bit.
You’re gonna say something to the effect that our founding fathers made sure that there was a separation of church and state.
K? Good for that’s good. Good.
And, yes, there absolutely must be a separation of church and state.
It is constitutional to come to that conclusion, but tell me where does it say that that there will be a separation of church and state?
Because CNN’s blabbing it right now. Literally, CNN.
Can you imagine what those people are being paid over there? Every 1 of them.
They’re getting paid so much money. Money that I’ll never see in my life as they spew falsehoods.
Nobody up nobody holds them account to back it up. It’s violation of the constitution.
They’re yapping it up, and they’re making a statement when they got their face all knotted up because that’s how they’re communicating their lie passion that is so convincing.
Will somebody in the crowd say to Morning Joe or to, uh, Jim Acosta or AOC or anybody else, where does it say it’s unconstitutional?
They’re gonna say first amendment. Read the first amendment.
You’re saying that the first amendment is where it says there’s a separation of church and state.
You’re the 1 saying that you can’t insert religion into the state or into government or into the public square or into the governor’s office or the president’s office.
That’s what you’re saying. That’s what you want because you’re an atheist.
That it that that gets that rubs up against you being in control, and it also goes up against your plan of propagating your religion that is called atheism.
Okay? So let’s let’s read the first amendment. Are you ready? This is the first amendment. Congress.
What is Congress? It’s an elected body of those who are to do, execute, and support, and promote the will of the people.
Thus, We the People of the United States of America. We the People.
Congress is to represent not their own views.
Did you know that congressmen and women are supposed to vote on issues that come before them based upon them making phone calls and going home to their constituents who they represent in Washington, and they’re supposed to ask them, how do you guys want me to vote on this bill?
The people might say, we want you to vote this way on the bill.
The person may completely disagree with them, But is he supposed to represent himself or the people?
Answer that 1. According to a constitutional government republic, which is us, we’re not a democracy.
We are a constitutional republic. How was he to vote?
How was she to vote? He or she is to vote according to the dictates mandates of those he represents, whom she represents.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.
Congress cannot establish a religion. Number 1, they’re unqualified for it.
Number 2, the whole vision behind that was made very clear to us by the Baptist Convention of Danbury, Connecticut in their letter to president Thomas Jefferson.
They reminded him that we left England because England had a state church, and it was horrible.
That’s why our pilgrims left, by the way.
That’s why in 16/20, the pilgrims left Europe and headed to Plymouth because of a state church.
And when you have a state church, you have bad things happening because a state church becomes a political wing of a political party, whoever’s in charge.
And in that case, in England, it was the king of England.
And so he was the all the priests or bishops or pastors had to answer to the king.
Did you know our founding fathers said we cannot have that nor will we have that?
And so our founding fathers gave us the first amendment that says government’s not gonna establish a religion.
Right on. It also goes on to say, or prohibit the free exercise thereof.
You have to take it for all that it’s worth there, friends.
Government cannot establish a state religion.
Oh, and by the way, we are not here as government officials to encroach upon any form of religious practice, uh, that you embark upon.
If you wanna be an atheist, which is a religion, you have all the rights and privileges and freedoms of this governing document.
Uh, so may the luck of the Lord be with you. You’re an atheist.
If you are a believer in God, you have all the exact same governing freedoms and liberties granted to the atheist as you do if you’re a Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Muslim, Jew, born again believer, uh, Methodist, uh, Assembly of God, Baha’i, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, fill in the blank.
Hey. For that matter, makes it’s bizarre. Right?
But even if you belong to the church of Satan, our constitution gives you the right to practice your religion.
Let me keep reading. Uh, or the abridging of the freedom of speech or of the press.
You can’t shut people’s mouths, and you can’t tamper with the press. Yeah. Right.
Or the right of the people to peacefully assemble.
Now you gotta remember that.
We’re coming up on election pretty soon, and you’re gonna see people burning down cars in various places and throwing rocks and stuff.
But don’t worry. CNN says that’s mostly peaceful.
Well, I just want you to know that our constitution prohibits violent protests.
And to petition the government for redress of grievances.
In other words, if something’s bothering us, we get to walk into the governor’s office or the city council or the or the capital and say, I I have an issue with my government.
This is the First Amendment. I just read it to you.
And if you don’t like it, you’re in the wrong country.
If you don’t like the first amendment, what are you doing here?
Seriously. So did you know that Thomas Jefferson, he’s famously quoted by people who, uh, take his comments and quotations out of context.
Uh, they’ll say Thomas Jefferson was an atheist or a deist.
Thomas Jefferson wasn’t a believer.
Thomas Jefferson isn’t it interesting that before our governing documents were were, uh, not before, but our declaration of independence was already penned.
Uh, Jefferson did that.
But did you know why Jefferson wrote in there the things that he did?
You can actually go see it for yourself.
I did. I went to Monticello in, uh, oh my goodness.
Charlotte is it Charlottesville? I’m losing my mind, friends. It’s where the University of Virginia is at.
Monticello is Thomas Jefferson’s home, and, uh, you can go, by the way, to his grave.
It’s there, and you can see, um, a monument also near him, uh, in Oblisk describing that he’s the he was the author of various things.
And 1 of those things that he was the author of was the Virginia statute for religious freedom.
The Virginia statute for religious freedom written by Thomas Jefferson for the state of Virginia in 17/77.
You ought to read it. And I’ll tell you the reason why.
You’re gonna find out that all the stuff that you’re taught in your woke school, uh, uh, class was wrong about Tom and about religious freedom in America.
The United States had prayer and the 10 commandments up in the public school system.
Prayer was removed in 1962, just so you know.
Uh, and then the 10 commandments was just systematically sued out of classrooms by by, uh, sickos.
And here’s the funny thing. Here’s here’s the beautiful hypocrisy.
Is who are those who want the 10 commandments out? Atheists.
Who are those who want prayer out? Atheists.
Who are those who wanna have the Bible removed from from our, uh, public square? The atheist.
Here’s the beautiful hypocrisy. Why do they care?
And for example, I believe in creation, but I’m not I’m not protesting our local schools because they teach evolution.
I am not threatened by that 1 bit.
In fact, when we raised our kids, we taught them evolution and creation so that they would know how to argue for creation.
So why am I not freaking out and protesting and doing and calling the the, uh, the ACLJ or the ADF to sue the public school system here against evolution.
Because evolution is so incredibly beautifully bankrupt and stupid that only people who are so anti God are hanging on to the last fleeing fragments of the evolutionary theory because it’s so broken.
You can’t even find a scientist today that supports the evolutionary theory because the evolutionary theory violates the laws of science.
If you apply the laws of science to the evolutionary theory, tears it apart. Science will tear it apart.
So I don’t need to do that because lies always always wind up getting exposed.
So, um, I want you to keep that in mind, but, um, the only way listen.
The the only way that we should view this as is that there are those who embrace morality and law having come from God versus those who caught who believed everything about us is an accident, and it’s a free for all.
And since we removed the bible, the 10 commandments, and prayer from the public arena, look at the data.
Has it not been a free for all? Do not children murder teachers?
Are not children murdering children?
Has our moral character as a culture broken down completely?
In fact, if I were to say, thou shalt not commit adultery, people will say, who are you to judge me?
I’m not judging you. I didn’t make that up. God did. See, the issue is this.
The problem is that people are freaking out about Louisiana right now because it terrifies them that our nation could turn back to its roots, to its origins.
And that’s absolutely absolutely unacceptable, because that would mean that there would be things like great granite tablets, 4 of them, surrounding Thomas Jefferson at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC, um, mentioning God in the moral law.
It means that if you walk down to the other end of the mall at in DC, you would read several biblical references by Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial.
Oh my goodness. You would go to the top or the helicopter of the president flies over, and the president can see out the right side of the window.
The top of the Washington Monument that says glory be to God at the top.
You can’t walk around Washington DC with without bumping into Jesus Christ, God, father, creation, our creator.
It’s amazing. It’s amazing.
So I wanna run through some stuff. I wasn’t even paying attention to time. Oh, we’re good.
We’re gonna make this a whopper. Okay? So, uh, Benjamin Franklin.
Did you know that Ben Franklin the reason why we have prayer in congress today is because of Benjamin Franklin.
Did you know that? He’s the 1 that called for prayer, and he said it needs to be offered up every day before we go to work.
That’s why. Hey, listen. On January 30th this year, I prayed in Congress.
How did that happen? I was invited by Congress. Separation Church and State.
Well, apparently, the Congress doesn’t know that.
They don’t know what you know unless you don’t know what they know.
You cannot pass a law prohibiting religion, the free exercise thereof.
And you cannot pass a law that will establish a state church. Thank God for that. Right?
What about John Hancock? In fact, I’ll shorten this up.
John Hancock and John Adams, they both said basically the same thing.
When we were ordered to submit to king George the third of England and give up this silliness of a revolution, John Adams and John Hancock said, we have no king but Jesus.
Why did they say that?
They were don’t don’t didn’t they know that they would be violating the coming of the first amendment?
What about Samuel Adams? Oh, boy. I commend you a great book.
Samuel Adams, a life by Ira Stoll.
You gotta read the book or download it and listen to it.
Did you know that Sam Adams was not only 1 of our founding fathers, but he was probably the most biblically astute.
Him, Jonathan Witherspoon, pastor, reverend Jonathan Witherspoon, maybe they’re tied for being bible smart.
But Samuel Adams was amazing in his biblical knowledge.
And you ought to read his writings about what this nation should be like. What about John Adams?
John Adams was not only a firm firm believer, don’t take my word for it, but, uh, his Christianity, it was said, could not be questioned.
Hey. How about this? A man who rarely ever spoke, His descendants said of him, it would be easier to challenge George Washington’s patriotism than to challenge his faith in Jesus Christ.
Did you know that? How come you don’t know that? So listen real quick.
What’s going on in Louisiana? Is it constitutional? Is it right? Can this stuff, uh, happen?
I’m shortening this up. James Madison, 17 78.
Quote, we have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government.
Oh, man. That causes Obama to just his eyes roll in the back of his head, him and Michelle.
This is this well, I was gonna say it just shocks Joe Biden.
The Democrats hate this, and half the Republicans hate this.
What do you mean we don’t have any power? We love power. We’ll do anything for power. No.
All the power resides in the government. They’re so anti American. It’s hilarious.
Too bad they didn’t know James Madison, who gave them this country.
Far from it, he said.
We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self government.
Upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the 10 commandments of God, close quote.
How dare he, James Madison, the guy who gave us this country? How could you? Poor ACLU.
Gosh. It’s awesome. Isn’t it amazing how incredibly stupid we become? You know why?
History is not taught anymore in schools, public schools. K?
And that’s why you need to get your kids to a really good private school or a good Christian school.
They’re not easy to find these days, but they’re out there.
John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson in a private communique November 4th 18 16, quote, the 10 Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount contain my religion, close quote, said John Adams.
What about his son, John Quincy Adams, declared as president of the United States, quote, the law given from Mount Sinai was a civil and municipal as well as a moral and religious code.
It contained many statutes of universal application laws essential to the existence of men in society, and most of which have been enacted by every nation which ever possessed any code of laws.
John Quincy Adams’ letter of John Quincy Adams to his son on the Bible and its teachings, Auburn Press, James m Aden 18 50.
Noah Webster.
I love Noah Webster because, um, um, his dictionary you should buy his dictionary.
You can get it on Amazon right now. You should buy it. In fact, you should only have this dictionary.
The the dictionary to America of the English language by Noah Webster 1828. You should buy it.
Noah Webster, the man who personally, uh, responsible for article 1 section 8 of the US constitution said, quote, the duties of men are similarly comprised in the 10 commandments, consisting of 2 tablets. 1 comprehending the duties which we owe immediately to God.
The other, the duties we owe to our fellow men. Poor Noah.
He had no idea how, uh, wrong he must have been.
In 18/97, Alabama’s Alabama senator John Tyler Morgan proposed that oh my goodness. Listen to this.
All immigrants be given a test to display mastery of the 10 commandments in order to gain American citizenship.
He claimed that it was not a religious test, but rather a test that goes to the constitution of our society.
I actually if that’s freaking you out right now, I actually would like to go way back, back way before 18/97.
Did you know that not everybody in the United States or in England were allowed to vote?
I’m a big fan of this. Not everybody should be allowed to vote.
I’m gonna let that sit, Lynne. Right now, you’re freaking out. Your hair’s on fire.
There’s steam coming out of your ears. I didn’t say women couldn’t vote or blacks couldn’t vote.
I didn’t say Hispanics couldn’t vote. I didn’t say whites can’t vote or any other can’t vote.
I didn’t say that. I said not everybody should be allowed to vote.
Back in the day, you had to own land and or a business to vote.
You wanna know why? Because you were invested in the country.
You had a say because you gave blood, sweat, and tears, and you cared about the future of this nation.
Think of think, uh, of Donald Trump as you want. But who’s got more invested in in the United States?
Donald Trump or Barack Obama? Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Donald Trump or AOC?
Donald Trump or fill in the blank? Dude, the guy is a multibillionaire.
He’s got businesses everywhere, and he employs tens of thousands of people.
And you’re gonna tell me that somebody who is doing Fentanyl, illegally crossing the border, owns nothing, is here illegally, is gonna be voting in this election?
Yes. Because the Democrats want it that way. I don’t believe that’s right.
I think you should have to pass the same test to to get to be able to vote.
You and I should have to pass the same test that immigrants have to pass when they get their citizenship.
That’s the law. Call me a dinosaur, but it’s interesting that if you’re gonna become a a legal immigrant today, you have to take a test.
I think we should all have to take that test.
Um, quote, the Supreme Court of North Carolina declared in 1917, quote, our laws are founded upon the decologue.
The decologue is the 10 commandments.
Not that every case can be exactly decided according to what is there enjoined, but we can never safely depart from this short but great declaration of moral principles without founding the law upon the sand instead of upon the eternal rock of justice and equity.
Equity or equality. You want equality? 10 Commandments. You want rights? 10 Commandments.
No. People wanna redefine these words without the existence of God.
You guys, I can go on and on. Let me begin to wrap this up. Got a couple of things.
Let’s see here.
So this is, um, this is in protest.
This is in protest of Louisiana. Quote who is this?
Oh, this is from the ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union.
The non American, take away all your civil, uh, and your liberties, and we’re not even a union.
Quote, the displays mandated by house bill 71, this is the 1 in Louisiana, will result in unconstitutional religious coercion of students.
You mean, like, Sharia law that all the Dems are for?
Sharia law. I have no idea what they’re talking about.
We can have the we get to have Christianity, but we’ll embrace Islam.
You know when you embrace Islam, you’re embracing Sharia law. You have no idea what that is.
Just wait. You will. So it’s unconstitutional.
It will result in unconstitutional religious coercion of students. How’s that gonna happen?
The first amendment just said we can’t establish a national church, a national religion, a national faith.
That ain’t gonna happen. But every culture in the world recognizes that the 10 Commandments is a moral law.
It’s historic. You wanna remove, uh, Judaism from it? Go ahead.
It’s still the greatest moral law ever given to man.
That’s why it’s in the Supreme Court of the United States right now and always has been.
What’s that all about? These guys are great. It’s unconstitutional. No. It’s not.
It’s perfectly constitutional. I just read you the first amendment. You see how they twist things?
They’ll go to great lengths to go against the truth.
Who are legally required to attend school and are thus a captive audience for school sponsored religious messages.
These guys are great. They should write stories and Hollywood movie scripts.
The Louisiana ACLU said in a statement, they will also send a chilling message to students and families who do not follow the state’s preferred version of the 10 Commandments.
It’s not the state’s version of the 10 Commandments.
It’s the Bible’s version version of the 10 Commandments, which if obeyed, everybody’s gonna live, nobody’s gonna get murdered, and kids are gonna stop lying about what happened to their their homework, and teachers are not gonna be raping kids anymore.
What’s wrong with that? Well, pastor, that’s gonna put a quench on my first amendment right.
You don’t even have a first amendment right if that’s how you see things.
You don’t even know what country you’re in. This is serious stuff, man, but I love it. Louisiana, watch.
I bet you. I don’t know. I don’t have any insights to any of this stuff except this.
I bet you. There’s gonna be some other states that picks the picks this up in some way, uh, or in fact, I encourage some of you who might know some legislators in your state.
You ought to you ought to write your bill and get it onto the state floor to post the 10 commandments in the public square.
Louisiana’s got their version of it. Why doesn’t Utah have their version?
Or Tennessee, or Kentucky, or Nevada.
And listen, there’s no doubt about it in my mind, there are more born again believers and or more religious people in the state of California.
You gotta remember there’s 42, 000, 000 people that live in this state.
Did you know that there’s more registered Republicans in California than any other state in the United States?
Did you know that? More registered Republicans in California than any other state, including Texas and Alaska.
Here’s the problem. There are more registered Democrats.
And and so, I mean, I just I love that kind of that’s kind of fun to to say.
But, um, so they said that, uh, they will also send a chilling message to students and families who do not follow the state’s preferred version of the 10 commandments that they do not belong.
Oh, so it’s about feelings. You see? It’s what I said in the opening. Gosh.
Some kid’s gonna read that, and he’s not gonna feel like he fits in. Why not?
Is it because Johnny’s a little liar? Why not?
Is it because the kid the kid, uh, in at, uh, university in in Louisiana’s sleeping with some married woman?
Don’t you think, uh, that’s a bad idea?
He’s not gonna feel like he fits in and are not welcomed.
It’s my feelings. In our public schools, the ACLU of Louisiana added.
They go on to bash the governor there.
1 other thing before we wrap this up, actually, I already read this 1 to you.
That was the amazing, uh, statement by James Madison.
You guys, um, I could I have a lot here that I’m sparing you from.
Uh, this is a great thing Louisiana has done. A great, great thing.
And, um, so you, you know, what you guys don’t realize and I’m saying you guys.
I I understand that in this podcast, these are you’re you’re a subscriber, which means we’re probably all on the same page already.
But I do know this. There are also, uh, people who monitor whatever I put out all the time.
So that’s when I say you guys.
I’m talking about the few of you who, um, who just take take sigh take, uh, take war against everything I say on this.
Is how about this? How about all Christians pack up and leave this country?
You have no idea how much I would love to do that. Yeah.
You Christians need to get out of here. Amen. Oh, I’m with you all the way.
Get your religion out of my face. Be careful what you ask for.
Because what does history say? When Christianity leaves, what happens?
Islam fills the void, and you have no power to stop it.
Wherever Christianity is weak, Islam is strong.
Wherever Christianity has been marginalized and persecuted, Islam rules.
By the way, do you know what the word Islam means in Arabic?
Islam, ISLAM. You know what it means in Arabic?
I’m not gonna tell you.
I know. I want you to go research it and find out what it means. That’s what’s coming.
I pray Jesus Christ returns today, and I’m gone, and so is my brothers and sisters in Jesus.
And you can have everything, but just watch out.
Because contrary to Barack Obama’s June, uh, message he gave during his presidency in Cairo, Egypt that gave birth to the Arab Spring, who also gave a speech from Harvard University.
And behind him was a fantastic, beautiful, Christian carved wooden structure that’s 1 of the iconic places at Harvard University, and it gives honor to God.
Did you know that Obama had it covered up with a black drape so you couldn’t see that when he said, America was not founded as a Christian nation?
You know he said that in Cairo, Egypt.
To the extent that Barack Obama was taught American history, it’s all he knows.
You think Barack Obama knows anything about the Mayflower Compact?
He probably thinks it’s a little car that you can rent, the Mayflower Compact.
It’s our governing document.
It’s it’s the it’s 1 of our birth certificates, but he doesn’t know that.
He he doesn’t have a clue about that, and and most of our governmental leaders don’t have a clue about how this nation came into being.
Look. For those of you who know this stuff, you’re, like, you’re clapping on the other end of this of of your, uh, device right now.
To those of you who don’t know this stuff, you’re all upset with me. I get it.
But don’t you don’t have to be upset with me. You’re upset with American history.
And that’s the situation. That’s the case. God bless Louisiana.
May it become the epicenter of more and more religious freedoms and rights, and safety, and law, and morality, and love, and care, and compassion, and brotherly kindness, all the things that traffic in and out of the law of God.
God bless you guys. Listen, until next time. Hit subscribe, hit share, get the word out there.
As always, we really are authentic about this, and that is we believe it’s time for you to live out what you believe in.
We believe it’s time for real life. God bless you guys.
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