Is It Time To Give Up On Israel? (Romans 11:1-6)

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Is It Time To Give Up On Israel? (Romans 11:1-6)

What God has planned in the Bible was given by God with the intention that anyone, Jew or Gentile, are invited to take-hold of His Redemption.

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so we’re looking at a message series Romans chapter 11 and the title is is it time to give up on Israel I love the title I love it I made it up it was easy to make up I’ll tell you the reason why just turn on your media turn on podcasts turn on whoever whatever and you’re going to find that this is a this is a real question right now because there are people giving up on Israel there are politicians who were were pro-israel throughout the world and all of a sudden now they’re against Israel they have drank the uh media
Kool-Aid that’s out there today friends and family listen up carefully I’m not a prophet but I’m going to make this announcement because I think any idiot can figure this out covid was a great test regarding the resolve of Christians and the church and I believe this is the second one Israel is the second one this is a second test and with each test it’s going to go a little bit deeper theologically in other words God is winnowing out those that are his and those that are not his what is a real
church and what is not a church because brothers and sisters there’s a lot of churches in the world and in America today that according to the Bible no longer qualify to be called a New Testament Church okay so this is big stuff so let’s all stand for the reading of the word and uh I’ll begin in verse one if you’ll pick it up in the even numbered verses and so um I’m just so proud that you’ve made it here to chapter 11 it’s been years we need to issue degrees once you complete this
book isn’t it weird though too we started at the exact same time uh in on Wednesday nights where in Hebrews chapter 11 isn’t that weird that has nothing to do with what we’re doing right now though Paul says I say then has God Cast Away his people certainly not for I also am an Israelite of the Seed of Abraham and of The Tribe of Benjamin and God has not Cast Away his people whom he forew or do you know don’t know what the scripture says pleads with God against Israel saying Lord they have killed your
prophets torn down your altars and I alone am left and they seek my life but what does the Divine response say to him I have reserved for myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the need to Bow I love it even so then at this present time there is a rem an according to the election of Grace and if by Grace then it is no longer of Works otherwise Grace is no longer Grace but if it is of works it is no longer Grace otherwise work is no longer work say say verse six fast 10 times father God we have gathered to exalt our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ we have come in fact it is his name that’s brought us together today one name such a simple name Jesus has United your people for the last 2,000 years all around the world we thank you God that we have the luxury and the freedom right now anyway to gather in a large Gathering like this all the all day long by the way the first service second is coming third service is coming and and this has happened all over America but God we pray that your Holy Spirit would literally come down and invade pulpits and possess pastors and Lord
pour out your water upon your people dear God we live in a dry and thirsty land and we need your spirit to move in our lives and Lord I’m asking I’m begging of you that you would just wash away the apathy that resides in our nation may we wake up to to the realization because things are more clear now than ever before so Lord speak to us we pray in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen you may be seated is it time to give up on Israel I I mean I know you know that but so I want to read this verbatim
because um it’s important and it’s it’s it’s I I wrote this down but I want to give it to you uh and I don’t want to miss it so I’m going to do the just the tedium of reading this I was going to say without it look without it looking like I’m reading notes but then I thought no no that’s ridiculous I’d rather have you hear this clearly verbatim and I was going to say this to you I cannot stress enough that this moment this these little hours in which we are living or of well see I should have done
it the way I was thinking in which we are living or of the great end times significance that they are of great end times significance I think this is without denial it’s here we are in the 21st century talking about Israel according to the Bible Israel’s promised salvation and its eventual inheritance of the promised land is of such biblically prophetic certainty that we stand in awe to all the house of Israel get ready because the veil of unbelief that has covered your eyes for so long is being lifted or is to lift your
salvation is on his way and that is an absolute your salvation is on his way you say but he’s already come yeah yeah I know that but right now to the Jewish people of the Earth today God is speaking to them saying let me in see M so many of us already know what it’s like to have Christ within us by the Holy Spirit we being Gentile Believers some here are Jewish Believers that is that we’ve we’ve come to know that Jesus is Messiah but listen the Jewish people and we’re going to learn about this in detail that um they don’t
know that yet but we see enough evidence that the veil is beginning to lift and this is important another verbatim statement Israel is mentioned over 2,431 times in the Bible watch this as you study the end times prophecy of the last days in the Bible the frequency of Israel being mentioned only increases listen Iran Persia it only increases it doesn’t go away we’re going to annihilate them no you’re not by the way you’re going to destroy yourself trying whatever your opinion is of Israel listen that’s your opinion you
should get God’s word on Israel I am not saying they’re perfect I’m not saying that they do everything right that’s irrelevant neither do you neither do we neither does America or any country but there’s only one chosen Nation on Earth and we’re not in it it’s Israel according to the Bible listen to this Jeremiah 31 incredible awesome but this is the Covenant listen up my Jewish friends but this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days you should
read the entire chapter and you’ll find out that after those days is when Christ begins his work with Israel in the last days to establish his kingdom says the Lord I will put my law on their minds and write it on their hearts that describes my life and your life right now doesn’t it and I will be their God and they shall be my people no more shall every man teach his neighbor and every man is brother saying know the Lord for they all shall know me yes when Christ comes back from the least of them to the
greatest of them says the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more thus says the Lord who gives the Sun for a light by day and the ordinance of the moon and the stars for a light by night who uh disturbs the sea and its waves Roar the Lord of hosts is his name of those ordinances uh if those ordinances depart from before me says the Lord then the seed of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before me forever wait wait watch be look so Israel shall also cease from being a nation before me forever in
other words if God doesn’t complete his promises the Sun is going to set and it’s never going to come back up the moon will go down one day and never be seen again if God doesn’t keep his promise to Israel all of the ordinances of nature are going to fly apart how certain are we that God is going to keep his promises to Israel God says absolutely certain we’re going to see how much so in a moment one more statement here is today’s takeaway what God has planned in the Bible was given by God with the
intention that anyone Jew or Gentile alike are invited to take hold of his Redemption remember that search out your Bible possess your Bible lay hold of your Bible seize upon your Bible fight to use your Bible know the word of God Church never like now would it benefit you more than to give up some things of this world and take that time and reinvest more in the Bible I can’t stress this enough we are on the brink of so much going on but one of those things you guys is what Paul the Apostle said to the Believers he
said nobody knows the day or the hour of the Lord’s coming but concerning the times and the seasons you will have no need that I should write unto you that is a huge statement in other words Nobody Knows the day or the hour I’m glad by the way but Paul said you’re going to sense it you’re going to feel the season look you know what’s amazing we’re quite in quite surprised right now has it not felt like fall in Southern California lately the end of the world is near we have felt in SoCal fall it’s been cool Paul
says you’re going to sense The Nearness of his coming and my statement to you today is we’re sensing it The Nearness of his coming number one it’s our one and only point but it’s a Whopper today Church take notes write it down is this do we give up on Israel no how can we do that number one how when God has an eternal plan please write that down God’s plan is eternal for clarity’s sake I’m talking about the God of the Bible I am not talking about the God of the Quran two different gods I’m not talking
about the God of the Cults different gods there’s only one God he’s found in the Bible it’s his book and he reveals himself in great detail he’s the one and only and he says this regarding his word I have a plan and it’s Eternal the Bible says that regarding God’s plan it is a plan that was established by God before eternity Before Time was ever revealed to us I like that I don’t like things where we’re making it up as we go along especially when your life is on the line can you imagine a pilot turning
back or getting on the microphone and tell and speaking to the the the cabin everybody hey everybody my first time out don’t worry about it I flown little airplanes I flew a kite a few times uh but welcome aboard you can put your seat belts on or not it’s it’s up to you but we’ll see how this goes I’m going to be making our journey up as we go I’m getting up and I’m walking out no no no no no God doesn’t operate like that and my friends his plan is so absolutely so absolutely Eternal that
when we ask this question is it time to give up on Israel the number one response that you should have is why are you kidding me God’s got a plan and that plan is not your plan it’s not CNN’s plan it’s not it’s not the United Nations plan it’s not Fox’s plan it’s not NBC’s plan it’s not anybody’s plan it’s not Trump’s plan it’s not kamala’s plan you know we say Kamala now all the time you know but Biden is still the president isn’t he what are weird
things going on in our country we don’t even know who the president is right now wow yeah I heard that and I agree anyway wait not going to repeat it that’s that’s the way it’s been by the way but look at verse one we’ll get into this so uh God’s Eternal plans are underway there is no doubt about it and Paul is going to prove it to us verse one says I say then has God Cast Away his people he says certainly not and I got to tell you right now take your pen or your highlighter and you got a
highlight the word I in fact in my notes it says I and I say okay wait we have to stop right here and address this how far are we going to get in this Bible study today we may not get past the first word the first word is I number one who’s speaking Church Paul is speaking why is he speaking I’m being sarcastic right now what Paul why Paul why are you talking right now when God is done with Israel think think Paul what are you doing writing to this church in Rome and these Believers in the Empire of Rome about Israel don’t
you know Paul that God replaced Israel with the church and Israel is no more it’s called replacement theology don’t you know Paul that what you’re talking about is is ancient history man because God washed his hands of Israel really when Paul says I I find it fascinating and I need you to Circle it for this reason Jesus Christ had already lived was crucified died on the cross rose again from the dead and ascended back to Heaven before Paul said I it is Jesus Christ who met Paul on the Damascus Road as he was heading to Syria
to kill Christians and arrest them when Jesus revealed himself to Paul Paul said what would you have me to do lord it’s Paul writing to the churches of the New Testament and Christ had been in heaven now for some decades I Paul is announcing right now that God’s Great Eternal plan that is underway deals with with God keeping his plan for the Jewish people and that comes right from the mouth of Paul with this statement of I it’s almost as though he’s standing up with his right hand raised and he’s
saying I am testifying and it’s remarkable listen replacement theology people you need to realize this is a Jew speaking and he is saying I got saved when did he get saved after Christ had been crucified resurrected and ascended back to heaven what’s the argument oh God has done with the Jews because how they treated Christ well then how did Paul get saved are you hearing me how did my friend Amir get saved how did marigat get saved how did so many Jews in this era of our lifetime get saved how is it
that right now Jews in Israel are getting saved and drones right now they’re coming to Christ how how is that happening if God’s done with the Jews you see are you listening you I thought you would have went wow that is so true yeah isn’t it wow that’s amazing that’s so great and it is true the word Cast Away mark it down if you would it’s one word in the Greek language for our two words cast away and it is this apoo and it means this that to thrust off or to thrust away from to push away the
word means to reject to uh repudiate have nothing to do with it so has God now declared that he has nothing to do with the Jews has God cast them away from himself has he pushed them away the word means to wash your hands of get get rid of and in our modern day we could really justifiably use the word cancel has God cancelled Israel that’s the question and um there’s certain people out there I’m not going to name them because they’ll sue me seriously but there are people out there on their podcast they’re very famous that have
gone nuts and flipped out over the issue of Israel in the last several weeks or months they have gone they’ve flipped I don’t mean flipped their view they flipped their lid about Israel we need to realize that the Bible says here in Romans 11:1 Paul the Jew is saying yeah hey I’m a born- again follower of Christ I’m a completed Jew here’s the deal if God saved me a Jew it proves that God’s not done with Israel because I Paul being a Jew is part of this entire conversation of Israel he’s not cast us off he’s not
pushed us away and this brings a question to us right now about God’s faithfulness listen don’t say anything anything out loud I just want to dramatically put it this way is the god of the Bible faithful does the god of the Bible show us his faithfulness can you trust the god of the Bible and my question to you is sarcastically how do you know the greatest place to start is how God dealt with Israel in the past why would I do that as a gentile because his faithfulness to complete his plan as given that causes me a gentile to know
that he’s going to complete his plan regarding my life as given that’s why it’s so important if God fails to keep his plan with Israel then he’ll probably fail at keeping his plan for us and that ain’t going to happen Hallelujah Paul was what we would say a Messianic Jew I want to be clear about this he was a Jew no doubt about it but he was a Jew listen he was a Jew who followed the Old Testament and had an encounter with Christ and lo and behold Paul was a great part of the bulk of the New
Testament writing why am I saying this because Paul practiced Judaism until he met Jesus Christ I’m going to get mail on this but I’m going to get mail because people are not taking the time to listen they’re going to respond emotionally Judaism yall heard about it this Christianity I don’t even like saying the word Christianity anymore it’s just so loose you know I hope this church is a church full of Christ followers because Christianity Christianity the even the Cults announce themselves as Christian these days it’s
like oh boy but listen if you’re a follower of the Messiah and you’re a gentile you are a Christ follower listen if you are Jewish and you are a follower of the Messiah you you are a messiah follower you are a worshipper of the Lord Jesus Christ as we are and what is very powerful about this is that for example Islam is a set of religious practices that a Muslim will try to keep to try to earn earn some form of acceptance from this very capricious and unknowable God uh called Allah it’s not the god of the Bible it’s
the god of the Quran uh you don’t know what he in Islam what what Allah does on Monday you don’t know what he’s going to do on Tuesday our our Muslim friends live in a constant state of confusion and frankly internal Terror because they’re never good enough they never know if they’re going to be accepted able enough there’s no salvation for them uh like you enjy and there’s no not one word love found in the Quran not once the word love found in the Bible it’s not our love for God the bulk by
far is God’s love for us listen if you’re a Muslim and you’re searching for God or trying to find peace you need to come on you need to come home to where God lives and God lives in the hearts and the lives of his people through the word of God and you don’t have that enjoyment your life is your life is so oh I had a woman maybe you’re here right now I had a woman come up to me a couple of Sundays ago and she says Pastor beautiful accent Pastor Jack I’m Persian and I’m from I was born and
raised in Susan and chusan is where Nebuchadnezzar was from in the Bible and she’s the one that told me over 10,000 mos in Iran have closed because people are not attending anymore because so many of the Young Generation are getting saved experts are debating as I said this recently between it once was that the fastest growing Church in the world was in China but now they think since covid it’s been Iran so wow think about that if there’s so many Christians in Iran now and according to Ezekiel 38 Iran and
its invading armies are going to be destroyed could the Rapture take place before that happens is it possible that God might extract us and his people in Iran the Born Again Believers up and out of here I don’t know I hate to wait that long be nice if it happened today but wow what is going on in the world you know what it’s almost like there’s a giant net that’s going through the globe and it’s scooping up God’s people and they’re coming to Faith what a remarkable thing but to be a Christ
follower never never friends underestimate God’s ability to be faithful to his covenants please mark that down in your notetaking God will keep must keep is bound to keep any and all of his covenants that he’s given people everybody get pumped excited about this and if you’re Jewish you should sit up and take notice if God gives a covenant from Genesis to re Revelation God’s going to keep it not one of God’s covenants that that’s given to man is based upon man’s performance you think about that
statement for a moment God never gives a covenant and then it’s upon you to finish the Covenant oh you may fumble the Covenant did not Israel break the covenants did did they not fumble the covenants of course listen let’s be honest the newest Testament is a covenant in the blood of Christ do you fumble this yes you do I’ll admit that for you yes you do we do keep that in mind if you’re here for the first time you should know this the Bible tells us what God did for us the Bible is not saying this is what you need to do for
me you need to do this the other thing you need to jump those Hoops do that 10 times skip this thing and cross that River and and and make this thing happen and then maybe I’ll consider you being my friend God says no way God says my son did it all in the cross for you so come home come home to me he’s the Redeemer and that’s very very important God’s Devotion to his word is seen throughout all of human history but most importantly the star the star factor in this is the nation of Israel the Jew
Psalm 89: 31 get ready to write Psalm 89: 31 if they break my statutes and do not keep my Commandments then I will punish their transgressions with the rod this is God speaking to the nation of Israel do you read in verse 31 and verse 32 that if they break their covenants he’s going to abort them that he’s going to kill them nope and their iniquity with stripes verse 33 nevertheless my loving kindness I will not utterly take from him Israel nor allow my faithfulness to fail I love that my Covenant I will not break nor
after the word that has gone out of my lips once I have spoken by my Holiness I will not lie to David his seed The Offspring of David that’s Israel the Jew shall endure forever and his thrown as the sun before me it shall be established forever like the moon even like the faithfulness or the faithful witness in the sky this is the Bible Psalm 89 this is what God is saying about what’s happening in our world culture today isn’t it amazing that you and I are living right now where you are having to


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