Is It Time To Give Up On Israel? – Part 3 (Romans 11:1-6)

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Is It Time To Give Up On Israel? – Part 3 (Romans 11:1-6)

The eternal plan for Israel is unfolding before our eyes. Discover why it’s not time to give up on God’s chosen people, as the scriptures reveal its prophetic future.

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church for time’s sake let’s stand again I know you just stood but let’s stand again um and I’m going to read all the way through you can just follow along with me on this is it time to give up on Israel this is our third installment in this argument of the first six chapters of Romans 11 and uh this just to me it’s just so exciting that we’re looking at a 2,000-year old document and we’re talking really about today’s news and uh my heart really goes out to two groups of people number one uh the unbeliever
the unbeliever is comprised of many different types of people the agnostic is an unbeliever an agnostic is a funny person an agnostic says by the way I don’t mean to insult anybody but uh agnostic is where we get the word uh the English word ignoramus did you know that why why what makes a person an ignoramus their their belief of being an agnostic is this I believe God exists he just cannot be known if there’s a God who exists and cannot be known is that a God no what kind of a thing is that if God is God and you and I can
know one another then why can’t we know him and then there’s the atheist and I and I get it the atheist uh maybe may not have ever heard the truth the atheist maybe has never been challenged The Atheist though in most cases maybe all cases the atheists their religion falls apart when a great need comes into their life they have the luxury of saying there’s no God and the reason why they have the luxury is because they don’t have cancer yet they haven’t lost their home yet their dog hasn’t died yet
they haven’t they haven’t wept yet are you hearing what saying they’ve got the luxury to say there is no God but uh now I missed this but apparently we’ve had a couple of earthquakes and I missed it I I don’t know how I missed that but I didn’t feel a thing um I don’t think I I don’t think I feel anything it’s got to be over six for me to feel something but um but you know when people feel the the ground move they check they check to see if their atheism is going to hold them up
and most often of course it doesn’t and so uh but listen two groups of people I appeal to uh the atheists today keep this in mind that what Paul is talking about you’re living out right now in our 21st century if you like it or not it’s happening and it’s Frontline headline news and then the other person that I’m speaking about today is those of course who are in Judaism Jews and I want all of you to know something you might say Pastor Jack can you like dial it down a little bit about about challenging the the the Jews on
this one well first of all I’m just following the footsteps of the Jew Paul speaking to the Believers but I’m not going to mess with a good thing I’ll tell you why I for the first time in the history of this church I am being inundated by Jews who have questions and or prayer to to come to Yeshua as Messiah so listen uh this is not a country club this is a Bible class right now and we’re going to be learning God’s word and so I’ll read it all the way through Paul says I say then has God
Cast Away his people that’s the Jews certainly not for I also am an Israelite of the Seed of Abraham The Tribe of Benjamin God has not Cast Away his people whom he fornew that’s the key God’s forn knowledge will never be foiled everything he’s doing is based off of forn knowledge or do you not know that what the scripture says of Elijah how he pleads with God against Israel he wasn’t happy with Israel Elijah saying Lord they’ve killed your prophets and torn down your altars and I alone him
left and they seek my life you can hear him [Music] boo but was what does the Divine response say to him this is God speaking hey Elijah I have reserved for myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the knee to Baal even so then at this present time this is a great word that word present it means present time then when Paul was writing present time today and present time it’s in the continuous this we’re going to have some fun with that today that at this present time there is a Remnant according to the election of
grace verse 6 and if by Grace then it is no longer of Works otherwise Grace is no longer Grace but if it is of works it is no longer Grace otherwise work is no longer work father in Jesus name blow our minds we pray and Jesus name we pray amen amen you may be seated I going to throw this quote up on the on the screens for you right now if you would uh our good friend Dr Warren weby I say our good friend I’ve never met him but I’ve read a lot of his books he’s in heaven now but I feel like I know him uh
Israel is God’s elect Nation he fornew them or chose them and they are his the fact that most of the nation as people have rejected Christ is no proof that God has finished with his people Israel in his day Elijah thought that the nation had totally departed from God but Elijah discovered that there was yet a remnant of True Believers he thought he was the only faithful Jew left and yet discovered that there were 7,000 others just like him and all God’s people said amen thank God yes that’s true there’s
always a Remnant there’s always a Remnant so Church we’re looking at this message regarding the question that’s out there today is it time to give up on Israel and we’re seeing how the answer to that is certainly not or absolutely no and we’ve we’ve learned these two things and we’ll get into the third thing and end it today and that is how can we even think like that when God has an eternal plan and it’s for Israel we need to remember that that God when you read the Bible God has an eternal plan for
Israel and by the way let God be God and let God Define Israel that’s a people it’s an individual it’s also a nation God’s got a plan and we only know a little bit of it but God tells us this that he’s got a plan and it’s Eternal and we know this we learned this last time that God’s Eternal plans are underway that’s why Israel’s in the news every day that’s why Israel’s back in the land since May 14th 1947 God’s plans are underway and they’re in the headline news amazing and
then we also learn that God’s Eternal promises are being fulfilled that’s Bible prophecy phy they’re being fulfilled and when we say fulfilled in this context of the Scripture it was Paul’s argument that he himself was Paul a Jew that he was of The Tribe of Benjamin that he was an Israelite and he was from the Seed of Abraham and remember last week we made the argument that Paul is saying to all of the replacement theology people of today how can you guys in the 21st century be saying that Israel’s got no place when I
a Jew met Jesus personally on the road to Damascus and he converted my soul and he filled me with his word he wrote my name down in the Lamb’s Book of Life I became Apostle of the Liv of the Living God and I’m here to tell you that God Saves Jews listen Paul to told us that and wrote that down and uh that debunks the replacement theology poison that is out in the world today Church listen I am uh violently opposed uh to this replacement theology heresy that’s out in the world today if you’re not sure about it you better find
out because there are those that are saying that God has done with Israel which makes Paul a liar and makes God a liar watch and if you believe in that kind of stuff then you don’t know what part of the Bible to believe and what to uh hang on to or to reject because you are now parsing up the Bible and uh if you do that what did God say if you take away or add to my B my Bible my book The curses of this book will fall upon you and that’s true for the entire Bible and then it’s uttered again in the Book
of Revelation don’t tamper with the bible let the Bible speak and then we saw last time that God’s Eternal prophecies will come to pass they will come to pass based on that word for knowledge that God for or new another quote this is a quote um well if you like it it’s from God if it’s flops it’s from me it’s as it’s as though Paul is saying this dear brothers in Rome and throughout the Empire know this it’s not only that I am a Jew above all other Jews and being a Jew but I have naturally supernaturally come to
the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Yeshua of the Bible but there’s more I have also become a personal follower of Yeshua and even more than that Israel as his nation has been called to be a follower of Yeshua me the Jew and Israel the nation are literally the prophetic epicenters of God’s future for the world peace out brother Paul that’s that’s a true statement that’s his argument so Church mark this down some of it is review some of it is new the second argument verses 2 to 4 is this is
it time to give up on Israel we would say why when God has created a forever family and we studied this we just broke into it last week together when I say by the way the word uh family here’s what I mean by that all of us who believe listen everybody all of us who believe when I say believe I mean believe in Jesus as Messiah that is the key and so what’s great about this I was traveling with somebody earlier this week and uh we were talking about our churches and he was describing his church and uh his church is is more in
uh predominantly um different demographic and I’m listening to him and I’m thinking I mean I I’m just be I’m going to be honest with you I’m listening in I’m thinking man I’m I’m glad I pastor at Chino Hills and he’s talking and I’m thinking I’m really glad it’s not that he was saying anything wrong but for example there are churches who uh there’s all black churches or all Hispanic churches you ever seen that or uh what else there’s uh I don’t mean to upset anybody or
maybe I do there’s all there there’s just the Korean church and then there’s the Chinese church and then there’s the Vietnamese church and then there’s the the Dutch church and let’s let’s be honest I love coming to this church because I almost feel like Hobo Kelly or whoever that was I see Bobby and I see Johnny remember her anybody remember her is that the right one or was it Romper Room oh it was Romper Room I’m so sorry Romper Room and it’s great because from my vantage point the
church this is the church I see Filipino I see black I see white I see yellow I see red I see the mix of everything all mixed together and you know what’s awesome about that it’s called heaven heaven is going to be like that we’re going to walk around listen the Bible tells us cuz what were you thinking listen if you’re white do you think everybody in heaven it’s like hi we’re all white or what what were you thinking that heaven’s all black bro dude Y what what what what are you thinking or no no
Pastor Jack it’s all going to be Japanese no it’s not no it’s not it’s not going to be no it’s not in heaven you know what we’re going to be doing the Bible says in heaven it is comprised of every Kindred tribe tongue and Nation we it is amazing I don’t know how this is going to work out but in heaven we’re going to be able to walk by somebody and say wow so what was it like living in Asia growing up and hearing the gospel for the first time when did Christ meet you where were you in were
you in Hong Kong or were you in Beijing or were you in Vietnam Saigon where were you where you say are we going to be allowed to talk about that in heaven we are going to talk about God’s glorious works and how he rescued us forever but every C tribe tongue and nation of the earth I love that John said I saw them all and he knew that they were from different regions of the world in heaven I can’t wait I’m white on the outside as you can tell Portuguese but white but I’m black on the inside but somewhere in between there’s
all kinds of different colors I’m finding out I’m just like a little walking rainbow I am but I think the Holy Spirit does that in your heart that God puts a love in your heart for people it’s it’s not an ethnic group it’s people and that’s what drives the Christian Missionary to the ends of the Earth does it not The Souls of people and God has a forever family Galatians 3: 24 says therefore the law remember this was our tutor the school Master to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith but after
faith has come I love that how about this everybody can I put it this way after you get saved you come to Christ you’re born again we are no longer under a tutor or a school Master verse 26 for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus for as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ that’s a whole sermon series right there there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free there is neither male or female for we for you are all one in Christ Jesus and if you are Christ then you are Abraham’s
seed and HS according to the promise the word hirs is shocking we honestly we will say I believe it but sometimes I doubt it to be Hees as that scripture says to be Heirs of the promise that according to biblical theology the true word of God that all the riches that belong to Christ Jesus whatever that is I don’t even know he’s going to give you he’s going to give us where when Pastor when wow when when you show up in heaven that’s right listen we’re on our way there see what you know somebody dies and they leave a a a will
and the attorney calls everybody together in the room and you know to to my nephew I leave you know that you you all seen that movies can you imagine when you and I are in heaven because we’ve trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ so to speak the will is going to be broken open but the cool thing is the one who died to empower the will is the one who Rose from the dead to make sure the will gets distributed rightly and here’s how he’s going to do it all my kids get all the same stuff come into the Kingdom Come On In everybody it’s
all yours enjoy yourself eternity our minds can’t even fathom that it’s going to be absolutely awesome absolutely fantastic Romans chap 1: 16 And1 17 says for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for every one who believes notice for the Jew first and also for the Greek for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from Faith to Faith as it is written the just shall live by faith Romans chapter 2: 10 glory honor and peace to everyone who works what is good that is to do
Faith Faith’s a verb you live it you do it to the Jew first and also to the Greek the gospel came to the Jew first how about this Acts 1:8 this is kind of fun because this is going to the Jew first and then to the Gentile but you Jesus said you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you Church time does not allow me to teach today notice that Jesus didn’t say the holy spirit will come inside of you that’s a different Greek word Jesus said but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit what comes upon you


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