Investing in Your Vision | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Investing in Your Vision
Message 2417 – Stretch Forth Your Curtains!
God is calling you to enlarge your vision, your walk, your faith, and your life. Discover the keys from one of the most unique Scriptures given by God to call us to greater things.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 – The Rabbis’ Messiah From Galilee
Growing up, Galilee didn’t seem like a real place to me or a Jewish place. Yet, in the rabbinic writings it says, “The light will shoot up between heaven and earth and rest in the land of Galilee. For there was the beginning of Israel’s exile and there – Messiah will reveal Himself in that light. He will return to His place and then the whole world will see that King Messiah revealed Himself in the land of Galilee.” Wow! That’s exactly where Messiah Yeshua revealed Himself; the place that was first judged by God, the land of the broken. His grace came there first. When you think of Messiah on the shores of Galilee, remember the people there were broken. God wants to heal the broken. When you mess up and feel completely unworthy as if you can’t even approach God, when you want to run the other way and hide; run to Him. He’s the Messiah of Galilee, the One whose heart is for the fallen and the broken. You’ll find the blessings of His love, grace, healing and miracles in the arms of the Galilean, the Messiah
Now something else, how do you enlarge a tent? You need more material.
You can’t enlarge a tent, but without more material. So you have to invest in the tent.
You got and and so, you know, with a tabernacle, the tent of god, in the world, they had to give their They had to give of their clothes.
They had to give of their jewelry and give of their, what, their precious things to make that tent.
Same with your call. Saving what god wants to do. God wants to go take you to a greater step.
You have to invest in what you’re calling.
You gotta invest more in what god has called for you to do.
God has called you to god has called you to be greater in him than you are.
Well, how do you do that? Well, you need to invest in it.
You know, You need to invest in time with god.
You need to invest in your in your prayers with god. You need to invest in what you do.
you get to give your time to god’s purposes, to ministry, to get to his purposes, given it shall be given to you.
The material so in your life, you need to put in.
If you take your calling seriously, you really want god to do something, then take him seriously.
There were times that god had miracles, and he said, but first, you have to do something.
Now you weren’t working for it, but he said you have to do. The blind man had a wash.
The other person had to do differently. There are things that god says. Listen.
I am gonna I wanna give that to you, but you have to go with You gotta get with a program.
And I’ll do it. Don’t just say, you know, here’s a promise.
God gives promises, but he also gives requirements as well. Take god’s seriously take your calling seriously.
Do what you have to do. You want a great calling live in that way.
When we got to the building, that that that building in Garfield.
It began with faith and and vision, I mean, after we saw it, but it didn’t stop there.
We had to enter the building. We had to we had to come in with tools and get working.
It was we had to work, like, every day. And every weekend, I’m being Jewish.
That’s kinda It was hard to do this manual work. We’re not that’s not our gift.
I mean, we just we’re not good with screwdrivers.
You know, it’s the way it but we had to do it, and we were working all the time.
Great faith requires great action and great action here. You know, take sacrifice as well. You know?
And also, we had to keep going. You know, god gives a vision. God has a calling on your life.
If it’s great, you gotta keep going. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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