If It’s Broke, God Can Fix It | Joyce Meyer

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If It’s Broke, God Can Fix It

God is an expert at restoration. He can take what’s missing or damaged in our lives and restore it to a condition that’s even better than the original! Learn how on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer.
“God doesn’t tell you to do hard things so He can stand back and laugh and watch you struggle. He tells you to do things the things that He knows are gonna work out to your good in the end.”
― Joyce Meyer

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I’ll see you soon. The Bible says that God gives us beauty for ashes that he heals the brokenhearted.
Maybe there’s somebody here tonight that you need restoration from a broken heart.
Somebody’s hurt you wounded you a broken relationship.
Somebody did something to you that you would have never ever, ever believed that that person would have done to you.
And right now you feel like you can never trust anybody again. Let me tell you something.
Don’t ever let what one or two or three or four or five mean people do to you get you into an area where you distrust every person out there.
It’s miserable for you and it’s not fair to them.
Isaiah 61 7 boy.
When I was going through the healing process with God from my sexual abuse from my father.
I hung on to this scripture man. I hung on to this.
This was one of my favorite go to scriptures when I felt like I couldn’t make it one more day, Isaiah 61 7 instead of your farmer shame you will have a double portion and instead of humiliation, your people will, will shout for joy over their portion.
Therefore, in their land, they will possess double what they forfeited and everlasting joy will be theirs. I call it.
When you hang out with God, you get double for your trouble. Amen.
So I remember the shame.
I remember the humiliation, the hiding, the feeling like I was always so different than everybody else.
But you know what those things now, I have to really try to go back and remember them because God has given me such an amazing life and such an amazing opportunity to help so many people.
And so the devil thought he was winning.
But actually he gave me equipment to go around the world and help everybody else.
Now, let’s talk about hope for a minute.
Hope is a great motivator. It’s amazing.
If you get out of bed hopeless, you don’t want to do anything.
But if you have even just a couple of drops of hope, it’ll help you keep putting one ft in front of the other, it’ll just help you keep going.
And the devil does not want us to have hope. He wants us to be hopeless.
And one of the things he wants you to think is that you’ve made mistakes that can never be corrected.
You’ve messed up relationships that can never be corrected.
You’ve done things that can never be forgiven.
You’ve just been sick far too long to ever really get a healing.
You’ve had money problems for so long, you’ve just given up and said, well, I guess I’ll just always have money problems.
But tonight God wants you to stir hope up in your heart again. And hope.
Hope is not just what I hope. Hey, that’s not what hope is Bible.
Hope is a positive expectation that something good is about to happen at any moment in my life.
I’m gonna say, I’m gonna say it again because this is dynamite.
If you can take this home with you and live this every day, the devil will not be able to defeat you.
I don’t care what happens. He can come against you one way and flee before you seven ways.
Hope. Hope is a positive expectation.
That’s something good is going to happen at any moment in your life.
And you say, well, what if I go to bed tonight and nothing good happened?
Well, then get up the next morning and start all over again.
Let the devil know that you’re not going to shut up Until he goes away.
So Zachariah 9 12 talks about being prisoners will help. Well, we know what a prisoner is.
A prisoner is somebody that’s locked up in a place that they can’t get out of.
So I would assume that a prisoner of hope is somebody who’s locked up with hope and they can’t get away from it.
And here’s what it says return to the stronghold of security and prosperity owe you prisoners of hope.
Today, I am declaring to you that I will restore double your farmer prosperity to you as the first born among the nations.
So we’ve got scripture after scripture after scripture here that says that God will give us double blessings for our farmer trouble.
But that’s if we do things his way and then, you know, there’s a lot of things in our lives that we do not understand.
And I just kind of got a hold of this a few weeks ago and I actually shared it a couple of weekends ago.
I was preaching at Lakewood Church in Houston and I shared it, but it’s too good to pass up here.
Um, I don’t know why I never noticed it but I didn’t until recently and I was listening to somebody who called attention to it.
You know, there’s so many things we don’t know and we get so bothered by the stuff.
We don’t know, we worry about it. We try to figure it out.
We ask other people, we try our best to figure out all the things that we don’t know.
And most of the time we only get ourselves more confused In Romans 8 26.
It says we don’t even know how to pray as we ought to.
We do not know everybody say we do not know, we do not know how to pray as we ought to.
So the Holy Spirit comes along and prays through us with utterings and groanings that we don’t even know how to hardly get out of our mouth.
I guess that’s one of those there.
But the very next verse says, but we do know, See, verse 26, we don’t know, we don’t even know how to pray.
Our situation is so messed up. We don’t even know how to pray.
We don’t know, but we do know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
So, here’s my question for myself and for you, why don’t we talk more about what we do know and what we don’t know.
I don’t know why I’m in the mess I’m in, I don’t know why I was abused as a child.
I don’t know why I’m 62 and I’ve never had a date. I don’t know. You know.
Well, a lot of giggles.
So you must have needed it. But see hope.
Now, if you’re a person of hope And you’re 62 and I’ve never had a date.
You may meet somebody in this building tonight Because there might be a 63 year old man here.
Anyway, I better get back on course.
Um, want to hear more from Joyce on this topic.
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