I Declare | Joel Osteen
I Declare | Joel Osteen
God bless you. It’s great to be with you today.
I hope you’ll stay connected with us throughout the week. We have a daily podcast that you can download.
You can go to our youtube channel, watch the messages anytime or of course you can follow us on social media.
Our goal is to keep it encouraged and inspired. But thanks for tuning in.
Thanks again for coming out today and I’d like to start with something funny.
And I heard about this man, he said, I’ve read so many terrible things about how bad eating sugar and junk food is.
I’ve made a New Year’s resolution. No more reading.
Say it like you mean it, this is my Bible. I am what it says. I am.
I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do today.
I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess my mind is alert, my heart is receptive.
I will never be the same in Jesus name. God bless you.
I want to talk to you today about, I declare words are powerful.
They have the ability to help set the direction for our lives.
When they’re spoken over us by someone that has authority, like a parent, a coach, a mentor, they can determine our destiny.
And the reason some people aren’t reaching their potential is they’ve never had the blessings spoken over them.
They’ve never had anyone declare what they can become who God says they are and how they have seeds of greatness.
Isaiah said, the spirit of the Lord is upon me to declare the year of God’s favor, to announce freedom to the captives, the recovery of sight to the blind, good news to the poor.
Isaiah went around declaring favor freedom, victory, all those that would receive it.
Those that would let those words take root would see it come to pass.
Hundreds of years later, Jesus was in the synagogue in Nazareth.
He picked up a scroll that had the writings of Isaiah, of all the things he could have read hundreds of different passages.
He found this same place and read it to the people.
The spirit of the Lord is upon me to declare the year of God’s favor.
Jesus knew the power of declaring, he knew you have to hear victory, spoken over you.
You have to hear abundance, healing freedom, for it to come to pass.
You may have heard it in the past but life happens 2020 may have taken your passion.
You go through disappointments, a dream didn’t work out.
You’re still believing to meet the right person, the thoughts of doubt come, it’s never going to happen.
You’re never going to get, well, you’ve seen your best days.
The negative starts to drown out what was spoken over you. That’s why you need a free fresh blessing.
You need fresh favor, spoken over your life. You need a fresh anointing. That’s what I’m going to do today.
Like Isaiah declared the blessing. Jesus thought it was so important that he repeated it.
I’m going to declare some things that God says about you. If you will let these words take root.
If you will receive them into your spirit, they’re going to put you on a path to greater joy, better health, stronger relationships to new levels of your destiny.
These words have the power to ignite something in your spirit, to wake up dreams, to unleash the favor, the gifts, the potential that God put in you.
When Jesus chose his disciples, they were ordinary people, a fishermen, a tax collector, carpenters.
Yet he looked at them and said, you are the light of the world.
You are the salt of the earth. They could have thought, what’s he talking about? There’s nothing special about us.
Their reasoning said he has the wrong person but down in their spirit, something ignited, something came alive.
Their seeds of greatness begin to take root.
They felt faith rising up destiny, calling them instead of talking themselves out of it. They got an agreement.
Yes, we’re the light of the world. Yes. We’re going to leave our mark. We’re going to impact our generation.
Jesus spoke the blessing. He declared favor and influence and because they agreed they saw it come to pass.
They’re still affecting us. 2000 years later, don’t talk yourself out of this favor.
Don’t think of all the reasons this can’t happen for you. The blessing.
I’m about to speak is more powerful than any force that’s trying to hold you back.
The blessing is not canceled out because of your background. How you were raised your education.
It’s not stopped by mistakes you’ve made by how long it’s been by disappointments.
The blessing is a supernatural empowerment, a divine favor that will thrust you where you can’t go on your own.
I declare for you and your family.
This will be a year of God’s favor that new doors are going to open.
Opportunities are going to find you. Good breaks are going to track you down divine connections.
The right people are going to show up people that will use their influence to help you go further people that have been ordained to help you reach your destiny.
You don’t have to make this happen. You don’t have to manipulate things. Try to convince someone to like you.
God has already lined up the right people for you in the old Testament.
Ruth was out in the fields picking up wheat. She was a young widow. She had lost her husband.
I’m sure she was discouraged thinking life was all downhill from here.
But the scripture says the owner of that field noticed Ruth and wanted to be good to her.
Ruth didn’t see him, but he saw her suddenly he had the desire to help her.
God has people in your life that you can’t see right now. But they’ve seen you.
He’s already given them a desire to be good to you, to show you favor, to open a door to help you get through that challenge.
That man didn’t just help Ruth. They fell in love, they ended up getting married.
You may have been through disappointments, things haven’t worked out.
But I declare like with Ruth, things are about to turn in your favor.
I declare unexpected blessings, good breaks that you didn’t see coming promotion when you weren’t next in line problems turning around when there was no sign of it.
Ruth thought she would have to pick up wheat the rest of her life to survive.
She never dreamed one day she wouldn’t be working in the field. She would own the field.
God has good breaks in your future that are going to catapult you to a new level blessings that are going to thrust you into influence resources, ability that you’ve never imagined.
I’m declaring the year of God’s favor.
Now, take the limits off of God and take the limits off of yourself.
Quit telling yourself all the reasons you can’t accomplish your dreams. What you don’t have what you didn’t get.
It’s not going to happen just by your ability, your talent, your connections, it’s going to happen by the spirit of the living God.
He’s breathing on your life right now. His favor is surrounding you in a greater way.
There are breakthroughs already en route, healing promotions, contracts, the right people, they’re already headed your way now, don’t talk yourself out of it.
Received the blessing. Lord, I believe what you declared that this is a year of favor that you’re taking me where I can’t go on my own.
There was a lady in the scripture that had been baring her whole life and not able to have Children.
She and her husband had plenty of resources, a nice house. They had influential friends.
Life was good except for this one thing, she wasn’t able to have a baby.
She was friends with the prophet Elisha.
When he was in town, he would stay at their house one day, Elisha had the desire to be good to this lady.
He had known her for a while, but suddenly he wanted to do something special for her.
God knows how to put desires in people’s hearts to be good to you.
You keep doing the right thing honoring God and he’ll line up the right people to help you.
Elisha said to her by this time next year, you’re going to have a baby. She nearly passed out.
She said, Alicia don’t give me like that. I’m an old woman. My husband’s older than me.
It’s not possible to have a baby.
Her mind said there was no way but down in her spirit, she was excited.
She received the blessing a year later, just like God promised, she was holding her little baby.
What she thought was too good to be true became a reality.
We have people tell us if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is that may be good advice in one sense.
But when it comes to what God says, you have to have the boldness to believe it.
God, this seems too good to be true. But I know you’re a supernatural God, you created the universe.
You can make things happen that I could never make happen.
Some of the dreams that you’ve given up on seems too late.
You could never get, well, never start the business, never see your family restored.
That would be too good to be true.
God is saying, get ready by this time next year, you’re going to see it come to pass by this time next year.
You’re gonna have that baby you’ve been dreaming about, you’ve been lonely a long time. You’ve accepted.
That’s the way it’s always going to be.
By this time next year, you’re gonna meet someone better than you imagined. You tried to start that business.
Nothing worked out. Nobody would help you.
You think you’ve missed your chance by this time next year, it’s gonna be up and running, things are gonna fall into place or you’ve struggled with that sickness.
A long time, you’ve accepted that you have to live with it.
I declare by this time next year, you’re gonna be healthy and whole, you’re gonna feel better than you’ve ever felt.
You’re gonna run and not be weary, you’re gonna walk and not faint, the anxiety, the depression seems permanent.
By this time next year, you’re going to be free. There’s going to be great joy in your life.
God is turning your mourning into dancing your sorrow into joy.
When job was in the middle of the greatest battle of his life, he lost his health, his family, his business as he was sitting in the ashes thinking he was done.
God said I will yet fill your mouth with laughter. That seemed unbelievable. I’m sure job thought.
What is he talking about? I’ll never laugh again. My world has fallen apart but down deep.
He let those words take root. This is not the end. God is still on the throne.
He has the final say. Instead of complaining job looked up and said, I know my redeemer lives.
He was saying in effect, God, if you declare there will be great laughter in my house, it seems too good to be true.
But God, I’m bold enough to believe it.
Some scholars say that jobs whole trial, all that difficulty we read about only lasted nine months.
You may have things coming against you in your health, your finances, your relationships receive this into your spirit.
By this time next year is going to be a different story. What you thought was permanent is only temporary.
What looks too big, you will defeat what seems impossible you will accomplish. How could this happen?
There is a blessing on your life. You’re in the year of God’s favor. I’m announcing what Jesus did.
Freedom from the captives. Good news to those that are struggling. The struggle is not how your story ends.
By this time next year, you’re going to see God turn it around.
Now, your mind may tell you this is too good to be true.
That’s the way the lady thought when Alecia told her she was going to have a baby.
If she would have stayed negative, doubting, she would have stopped the promise what God is speaking over.
You may seem too good to be true. It’s hard for you to accept it. How could this happen?
The right attitude is God. I don’t see a way but I know you have a way.
If you declare it, I’m going to receive it. I believe it’s my year of favor.
I believe by this time next year, you’re going to show out in my life, you’re gonna take me where I couldn’t go on my own.
You’re gonna free me from things that look permanent. Maybe you’re struggling with an addiction.
You’ve tried to stop no success. People have told you that you’ll always be addicted.
It’s been in your family line for generations. No, this is a new day. I declare you are free.
What’s held you back in the past will not hold you back anymore. This is a year for breakthroughs.
Chain are being loose right now. Strongholds are coming down. You’re about to step into freedom that you’ve never seen.
What used to be a struggle is about to get easier.
The desire for that addiction is going to get less and less its power over you has come to an end.
The scripture says the strength of the wicked is being cut off and the power of the Godly has been increased.
The strength of what’s coming against you has been cut off now every day, speak victory over your life.
Father, thank you that I am free. This addiction does not control me.
I will become all you’ve created me to be.
I talked to a lady that struggled with an addiction since she was in her teens.
She’s in her 40s now. She told how others in her family had the same addiction she had heard her whole life.
You’ll always be addicted. It runs in our family look like that negative cycle would continue.
Couple of years ago, someone gave her my podcast and she started listening.
She heard me talking about how you weren’t created to be addicted. How that’s not who you are.
That’s what you do. Who you are is a child of the most high God.
You were created to be free. When she heard that something came alive on the inside.
Those words of faith ignited the freedom in her spirit. She had never had anyone speak the blessing over her.
No one had ever declared freedom for the captives. She had heard for years negative words.
What she couldn’t do how she was limited. Never measure up. This day was a turning point.
She started saying every morning, I am free. This addiction is not my destiny. She started seeing herself differently.
Instead of struggling addicted. She saw herself healthy whole free.
About three months later, she woke up one morning and had no desire for the addiction didn’t happen gradually.
Suddenly she was free. This all happened when someone spoke the blessing over her.
When I declared freedom, she did her part and received it into her spirit.
And if you just hear these words, they’ll encourage you, they’ll help you for a few days.
But if you’ll let them take root in your spirit, if you’ll get an agreement, say yes, this is for me, then they will become a reality like with her.
Some of the negative things that we deal with have been in our family line for generations.
They keep getting passed down addictions, depression, bad relationships.
I talked to a man that had a problem with his temper. He said Joel, I get angry so easily.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
He told how his father was the same way and how his grandfather was very hot tempered.
These spirits can get in our family lines and travel from generation to generation.
I’ve seen people that come from parents that were divorced, they end up divorced.
You look back generations and see a pattern. Practically everyone went through a divorce.
It’s not a coincidence that we struggle in certain areas. Maybe you can’t seem to get ahead.
You take one step forward and it’s two steps backwards.
Just when you’re ready to move up, you have an unexpected expense. Something goes wrong, takes your funds.
It’s always something that’s not just bad luck. Those are generational forces that are limiting you.
They’re keeping you from stepping into the abundance and victory that belongs to you.
This will continue going to the next generation and the next until someone rises up and puts an end to it.
I believe that someone is you. You wouldn’t be hearing this.
If you weren’t called to make a difference, you’ve been raised up for such a time as this.
Now, I declare that every generational curse that’s in your family line is broken.
I declare the addictions, depression, divorce, low self esteem, poverty, not having enough.
Those forces will no longer have any power over you. In the name of Jesus.
I declare that you are the difference maker.
I declare you will set a new standard that you will take your family to a higher level.
I declare supernatural favor, supernatural breakthroughs, supernatural increase. My father was raised in poverty. His parents lost everything.
During the Great Depression. He had to drop out of high school to work on the farm to help the family survive.
Didn’t look like he had much of a future. But at 17 years old, he gave his life to Christ.
The first one in his family, he suddenly had the desire to become a minister.
He had no education, no experience, no money.
But he told his parents he was going to leave the farm and go out and start ministering.
He could feel those seeds of greatness on the inside.
His parents were good people, they loved him, but they didn’t understand it.
They said John, you make and a big mistake. All you know how to do is work on the farm.
You better stay here with us. They were saying you don’t have what it takes. You’re not that talented.
We’ve always been poor, defeated, mediocre. That’s just who we are.
If my father would have listened to those words, I wouldn’t be here to receive the blessing.
You have to get rid of the negative things people have spoken over you.
They may have meant well, they were trying to help but they told you what you can’t do, how you don’t measure up how you’ll never be successful.
That ex spouse, how you’re not attractive. Nobody will ever want. You don’t let them limit your future.
They don’t know what’s in you. They didn’t see you before. You were formed in your mother’s womb.
They didn’t breathe life into you. They didn’t call you equipped you empower you.
God is saying to you today, you are blessed, you are favored, you are strong, talented, valuable, free.
You have greatness in you. You are destined to leave your mark to make the world a better place.
You’re about to shine. You’re about to see favor in greater ways. You’ve celebrated others. You’re about to be celebrated.
You’ve admired friends. You’ve honored coworkers. You’re about to be admired, esteemed, honored.
You’re going to come out of the background into the foreground from being overlooked to being in charge.
I declare you will excel, you will rise higher, you will go further than anyone thought you will accomplish more than you’ve ever dreamed.
You may feel stuck in your career like you can’t get ahead. I declare you’re about to be unstuck.
You’re about to step into opportunity that you’ve never imagined.
You’re going to discover things in you that you didn’t know you had gifts, talents, books, songs, movies, ideas, inventions, businesses.
Now do your part. Tune out all the negative voices. What God has declared? No person can stop.
No bad break, no disappointment. The blessing always overrides the curse. Gaylord Perry was a star baseball pitcher.
He spent 22 years in the major leagues. Most of them with the San Francisco Giants.
He’s in the Hall of Fame, one of the best pictures of all time. Although Perry was a great picture.
He was a terrible hitter. He had less than half the hits of an average picture In 1960 for his manager, Alvin Dark was so frustrated with his hitting.
He told the newspaper somewhat kiddingly mark my word.
A man will land on the moon before Perry ever hits a home run.
His coach declared how bad of a hitter he was. Perry continued to struggle.
Year after year, five years later on July 20th, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon.
History was made that same night, Perry was pitching against the Dodgers during the third inning.
The announcer asked everyone to stand and have a moment of thanks for the astronauts that landed on the moon.
A few minutes later, Perry stepped up to the plate and hit the first home run of his career.
His manager’s words became a prophecy.
I wonder how many more home runs he would have hit if he hadn’t let those words limit his life?
Are you being held back by negative things? People have spoken over you.
How much further will you go if you will tune out what they’ve said and receive what God says about you?
He says you’re about to step into new levels of favor that you’re about to go where you’ve never gone.
That what stopped you in the past will not stop you anymore.
Now, get an agreement with God in the Old Testament. They understood the power of the blessing.
When the father was getting up there in years, he would call the Children in and he’d speak words of life and victory over them.
Those words would literally help set the course for their life without the blessing.
They knew they couldn’t accomplish their dreams. They couldn’t go as far as they should. This blessing was so valuable.
So life changing that Jacob tricked his twin brother, Esau all so he could get his blessing.
Esau was the firstborn son. They received a double portion.
Their father, Isaac was partially blind and couldn’t tell it was an essential.
He spoke the double portion over Jacob when Esau came in and wanted the blessing, Isaac realized he had been tricked.
He began to weep. He told Esol, I’ve spoken the blessing and I cannot take it back.
Maybe you’ve never had anyone speak the blessing over you.
Your father wasn’t around the people that raised you didn’t encourage you.
Nobody was there to tell you what you could become. Sometimes they did the opposite.
All you heard was what you can’t do, how you’ll never be successful. You’re not that talented.
First off, you have to let all that go tune out every negative derogatory, hurtful thing that was spoken over you and receive these new words into your spirit.
This is what your heavenly Father says about you.
I declare by the authority that God has given me, that you are blessed.
I declare that you are blessed with wisdom that you have clear direction that you make good choices in life.
I declare that you are blessed with courage, with strength, with great vision, with an obedient heart, with a positive outlook.
I declare that you are blessed with good health, with vitality, with energy that you will live a long satisfied life.
I declare that you are blessed with a good family, good friends, healthy relationships that your Children will be mighty in the land.
I declare that you are blessed with protection, that God is guarding you, guiding you, that angels are watching over you and your family.
I declare that you are blessed with promotion with good success, with ideas, with creativity.
I declare that whatever you put your hands to will prosper, you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out, I declare you will lend and not borrow that you will be above and never beneath.
I declare that every negative word, every curse that has been spoken over you right now, that curse is broken.
I declare negative things that have been in your family line for generations will no longer have any effect on you.
The generational curse is broken and the generational blessing is beginning.
I declare this will be a year of God’s favor, freedom for every bad habit, recovery from everything that was lost.
That from this day forward, you will experience a new sense of freedom, a new happiness, a new fulfillment. Friends.
I declare that you are blessed. And if you receive the blessing, can you say amen?
I’d like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Would you pray with me? Just say, Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins come into my heart.
I make you my Lord and Savior. If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again.
We’d love to give you some information on your new walk with the Lord.
Just text the number on the screen or you can go to the website.
I hope you’ll get into a good Bible based church. Keep God first place Victorian.
I’ll be right back to speak a blessing over you. Thanks for being a part of our youtube channel.
We post new videos right here every week to keep you inspired and encouraged.
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We also want to take, take a moment and thank you for all you do to support the ministry with your donations and offerings you help keep the ministry going.
When you give, I believe God will open the windows of heaven.
You’ll see his favor in new ways in your life.
I know our best days are still up in front of us.
We love you and we’ll see you next time.
I hope you’ll stay connected with us throughout the week. We have a daily podcast that you can download.
You can go to our youtube channel, watch the messages anytime or of course you can follow us on social media.
Our goal is to keep it encouraged and inspired. But thanks for tuning in.
Thanks again for coming out today and I’d like to start with something funny.
And I heard about this man, he said, I’ve read so many terrible things about how bad eating sugar and junk food is.
I’ve made a New Year’s resolution. No more reading.
Say it like you mean it, this is my Bible. I am what it says. I am.
I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do today.
I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess my mind is alert, my heart is receptive.
I will never be the same in Jesus name. God bless you.
I want to talk to you today about, I declare words are powerful.
They have the ability to help set the direction for our lives.
When they’re spoken over us by someone that has authority, like a parent, a coach, a mentor, they can determine our destiny.
And the reason some people aren’t reaching their potential is they’ve never had the blessings spoken over them.
They’ve never had anyone declare what they can become who God says they are and how they have seeds of greatness.
Isaiah said, the spirit of the Lord is upon me to declare the year of God’s favor, to announce freedom to the captives, the recovery of sight to the blind, good news to the poor.
Isaiah went around declaring favor freedom, victory, all those that would receive it.
Those that would let those words take root would see it come to pass.
Hundreds of years later, Jesus was in the synagogue in Nazareth.
He picked up a scroll that had the writings of Isaiah, of all the things he could have read hundreds of different passages.
He found this same place and read it to the people.
The spirit of the Lord is upon me to declare the year of God’s favor.
Jesus knew the power of declaring, he knew you have to hear victory, spoken over you.
You have to hear abundance, healing freedom, for it to come to pass.
You may have heard it in the past but life happens 2020 may have taken your passion.
You go through disappointments, a dream didn’t work out.
You’re still believing to meet the right person, the thoughts of doubt come, it’s never going to happen.
You’re never going to get, well, you’ve seen your best days.
The negative starts to drown out what was spoken over you. That’s why you need a free fresh blessing.
You need fresh favor, spoken over your life. You need a fresh anointing. That’s what I’m going to do today.
Like Isaiah declared the blessing. Jesus thought it was so important that he repeated it.
I’m going to declare some things that God says about you. If you will let these words take root.
If you will receive them into your spirit, they’re going to put you on a path to greater joy, better health, stronger relationships to new levels of your destiny.
These words have the power to ignite something in your spirit, to wake up dreams, to unleash the favor, the gifts, the potential that God put in you.
When Jesus chose his disciples, they were ordinary people, a fishermen, a tax collector, carpenters.
Yet he looked at them and said, you are the light of the world.
You are the salt of the earth. They could have thought, what’s he talking about? There’s nothing special about us.
Their reasoning said he has the wrong person but down in their spirit, something ignited, something came alive.
Their seeds of greatness begin to take root.
They felt faith rising up destiny, calling them instead of talking themselves out of it. They got an agreement.
Yes, we’re the light of the world. Yes. We’re going to leave our mark. We’re going to impact our generation.
Jesus spoke the blessing. He declared favor and influence and because they agreed they saw it come to pass.
They’re still affecting us. 2000 years later, don’t talk yourself out of this favor.
Don’t think of all the reasons this can’t happen for you. The blessing.
I’m about to speak is more powerful than any force that’s trying to hold you back.
The blessing is not canceled out because of your background. How you were raised your education.
It’s not stopped by mistakes you’ve made by how long it’s been by disappointments.
The blessing is a supernatural empowerment, a divine favor that will thrust you where you can’t go on your own.
I declare for you and your family.
This will be a year of God’s favor that new doors are going to open.
Opportunities are going to find you. Good breaks are going to track you down divine connections.
The right people are going to show up people that will use their influence to help you go further people that have been ordained to help you reach your destiny.
You don’t have to make this happen. You don’t have to manipulate things. Try to convince someone to like you.
God has already lined up the right people for you in the old Testament.
Ruth was out in the fields picking up wheat. She was a young widow. She had lost her husband.
I’m sure she was discouraged thinking life was all downhill from here.
But the scripture says the owner of that field noticed Ruth and wanted to be good to her.
Ruth didn’t see him, but he saw her suddenly he had the desire to help her.
God has people in your life that you can’t see right now. But they’ve seen you.
He’s already given them a desire to be good to you, to show you favor, to open a door to help you get through that challenge.
That man didn’t just help Ruth. They fell in love, they ended up getting married.
You may have been through disappointments, things haven’t worked out.
But I declare like with Ruth, things are about to turn in your favor.
I declare unexpected blessings, good breaks that you didn’t see coming promotion when you weren’t next in line problems turning around when there was no sign of it.
Ruth thought she would have to pick up wheat the rest of her life to survive.
She never dreamed one day she wouldn’t be working in the field. She would own the field.
God has good breaks in your future that are going to catapult you to a new level blessings that are going to thrust you into influence resources, ability that you’ve never imagined.
I’m declaring the year of God’s favor.
Now, take the limits off of God and take the limits off of yourself.
Quit telling yourself all the reasons you can’t accomplish your dreams. What you don’t have what you didn’t get.
It’s not going to happen just by your ability, your talent, your connections, it’s going to happen by the spirit of the living God.
He’s breathing on your life right now. His favor is surrounding you in a greater way.
There are breakthroughs already en route, healing promotions, contracts, the right people, they’re already headed your way now, don’t talk yourself out of it.
Received the blessing. Lord, I believe what you declared that this is a year of favor that you’re taking me where I can’t go on my own.
There was a lady in the scripture that had been baring her whole life and not able to have Children.
She and her husband had plenty of resources, a nice house. They had influential friends.
Life was good except for this one thing, she wasn’t able to have a baby.
She was friends with the prophet Elisha.
When he was in town, he would stay at their house one day, Elisha had the desire to be good to this lady.
He had known her for a while, but suddenly he wanted to do something special for her.
God knows how to put desires in people’s hearts to be good to you.
You keep doing the right thing honoring God and he’ll line up the right people to help you.
Elisha said to her by this time next year, you’re going to have a baby. She nearly passed out.
She said, Alicia don’t give me like that. I’m an old woman. My husband’s older than me.
It’s not possible to have a baby.
Her mind said there was no way but down in her spirit, she was excited.
She received the blessing a year later, just like God promised, she was holding her little baby.
What she thought was too good to be true became a reality.
We have people tell us if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is that may be good advice in one sense.
But when it comes to what God says, you have to have the boldness to believe it.
God, this seems too good to be true. But I know you’re a supernatural God, you created the universe.
You can make things happen that I could never make happen.
Some of the dreams that you’ve given up on seems too late.
You could never get, well, never start the business, never see your family restored.
That would be too good to be true.
God is saying, get ready by this time next year, you’re going to see it come to pass by this time next year.
You’re gonna have that baby you’ve been dreaming about, you’ve been lonely a long time. You’ve accepted.
That’s the way it’s always going to be.
By this time next year, you’re gonna meet someone better than you imagined. You tried to start that business.
Nothing worked out. Nobody would help you.
You think you’ve missed your chance by this time next year, it’s gonna be up and running, things are gonna fall into place or you’ve struggled with that sickness.
A long time, you’ve accepted that you have to live with it.
I declare by this time next year, you’re gonna be healthy and whole, you’re gonna feel better than you’ve ever felt.
You’re gonna run and not be weary, you’re gonna walk and not faint, the anxiety, the depression seems permanent.
By this time next year, you’re going to be free. There’s going to be great joy in your life.
God is turning your mourning into dancing your sorrow into joy.
When job was in the middle of the greatest battle of his life, he lost his health, his family, his business as he was sitting in the ashes thinking he was done.
God said I will yet fill your mouth with laughter. That seemed unbelievable. I’m sure job thought.
What is he talking about? I’ll never laugh again. My world has fallen apart but down deep.
He let those words take root. This is not the end. God is still on the throne.
He has the final say. Instead of complaining job looked up and said, I know my redeemer lives.
He was saying in effect, God, if you declare there will be great laughter in my house, it seems too good to be true.
But God, I’m bold enough to believe it.
Some scholars say that jobs whole trial, all that difficulty we read about only lasted nine months.
You may have things coming against you in your health, your finances, your relationships receive this into your spirit.
By this time next year is going to be a different story. What you thought was permanent is only temporary.
What looks too big, you will defeat what seems impossible you will accomplish. How could this happen?
There is a blessing on your life. You’re in the year of God’s favor. I’m announcing what Jesus did.
Freedom from the captives. Good news to those that are struggling. The struggle is not how your story ends.
By this time next year, you’re going to see God turn it around.
Now, your mind may tell you this is too good to be true.
That’s the way the lady thought when Alecia told her she was going to have a baby.
If she would have stayed negative, doubting, she would have stopped the promise what God is speaking over.
You may seem too good to be true. It’s hard for you to accept it. How could this happen?
The right attitude is God. I don’t see a way but I know you have a way.
If you declare it, I’m going to receive it. I believe it’s my year of favor.
I believe by this time next year, you’re going to show out in my life, you’re gonna take me where I couldn’t go on my own.
You’re gonna free me from things that look permanent. Maybe you’re struggling with an addiction.
You’ve tried to stop no success. People have told you that you’ll always be addicted.
It’s been in your family line for generations. No, this is a new day. I declare you are free.
What’s held you back in the past will not hold you back anymore. This is a year for breakthroughs.
Chain are being loose right now. Strongholds are coming down. You’re about to step into freedom that you’ve never seen.
What used to be a struggle is about to get easier.
The desire for that addiction is going to get less and less its power over you has come to an end.
The scripture says the strength of the wicked is being cut off and the power of the Godly has been increased.
The strength of what’s coming against you has been cut off now every day, speak victory over your life.
Father, thank you that I am free. This addiction does not control me.
I will become all you’ve created me to be.
I talked to a lady that struggled with an addiction since she was in her teens.
She’s in her 40s now. She told how others in her family had the same addiction she had heard her whole life.
You’ll always be addicted. It runs in our family look like that negative cycle would continue.
Couple of years ago, someone gave her my podcast and she started listening.
She heard me talking about how you weren’t created to be addicted. How that’s not who you are.
That’s what you do. Who you are is a child of the most high God.
You were created to be free. When she heard that something came alive on the inside.
Those words of faith ignited the freedom in her spirit. She had never had anyone speak the blessing over her.
No one had ever declared freedom for the captives. She had heard for years negative words.
What she couldn’t do how she was limited. Never measure up. This day was a turning point.
She started saying every morning, I am free. This addiction is not my destiny. She started seeing herself differently.
Instead of struggling addicted. She saw herself healthy whole free.
About three months later, she woke up one morning and had no desire for the addiction didn’t happen gradually.
Suddenly she was free. This all happened when someone spoke the blessing over her.
When I declared freedom, she did her part and received it into her spirit.
And if you just hear these words, they’ll encourage you, they’ll help you for a few days.
But if you’ll let them take root in your spirit, if you’ll get an agreement, say yes, this is for me, then they will become a reality like with her.
Some of the negative things that we deal with have been in our family line for generations.
They keep getting passed down addictions, depression, bad relationships.
I talked to a man that had a problem with his temper. He said Joel, I get angry so easily.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
He told how his father was the same way and how his grandfather was very hot tempered.
These spirits can get in our family lines and travel from generation to generation.
I’ve seen people that come from parents that were divorced, they end up divorced.
You look back generations and see a pattern. Practically everyone went through a divorce.
It’s not a coincidence that we struggle in certain areas. Maybe you can’t seem to get ahead.
You take one step forward and it’s two steps backwards.
Just when you’re ready to move up, you have an unexpected expense. Something goes wrong, takes your funds.
It’s always something that’s not just bad luck. Those are generational forces that are limiting you.
They’re keeping you from stepping into the abundance and victory that belongs to you.
This will continue going to the next generation and the next until someone rises up and puts an end to it.
I believe that someone is you. You wouldn’t be hearing this.
If you weren’t called to make a difference, you’ve been raised up for such a time as this.
Now, I declare that every generational curse that’s in your family line is broken.
I declare the addictions, depression, divorce, low self esteem, poverty, not having enough.
Those forces will no longer have any power over you. In the name of Jesus.
I declare that you are the difference maker.
I declare you will set a new standard that you will take your family to a higher level.
I declare supernatural favor, supernatural breakthroughs, supernatural increase. My father was raised in poverty. His parents lost everything.
During the Great Depression. He had to drop out of high school to work on the farm to help the family survive.
Didn’t look like he had much of a future. But at 17 years old, he gave his life to Christ.
The first one in his family, he suddenly had the desire to become a minister.
He had no education, no experience, no money.
But he told his parents he was going to leave the farm and go out and start ministering.
He could feel those seeds of greatness on the inside.
His parents were good people, they loved him, but they didn’t understand it.
They said John, you make and a big mistake. All you know how to do is work on the farm.
You better stay here with us. They were saying you don’t have what it takes. You’re not that talented.
We’ve always been poor, defeated, mediocre. That’s just who we are.
If my father would have listened to those words, I wouldn’t be here to receive the blessing.
You have to get rid of the negative things people have spoken over you.
They may have meant well, they were trying to help but they told you what you can’t do, how you don’t measure up how you’ll never be successful.
That ex spouse, how you’re not attractive. Nobody will ever want. You don’t let them limit your future.
They don’t know what’s in you. They didn’t see you before. You were formed in your mother’s womb.
They didn’t breathe life into you. They didn’t call you equipped you empower you.
God is saying to you today, you are blessed, you are favored, you are strong, talented, valuable, free.
You have greatness in you. You are destined to leave your mark to make the world a better place.
You’re about to shine. You’re about to see favor in greater ways. You’ve celebrated others. You’re about to be celebrated.
You’ve admired friends. You’ve honored coworkers. You’re about to be admired, esteemed, honored.
You’re going to come out of the background into the foreground from being overlooked to being in charge.
I declare you will excel, you will rise higher, you will go further than anyone thought you will accomplish more than you’ve ever dreamed.
You may feel stuck in your career like you can’t get ahead. I declare you’re about to be unstuck.
You’re about to step into opportunity that you’ve never imagined.
You’re going to discover things in you that you didn’t know you had gifts, talents, books, songs, movies, ideas, inventions, businesses.
Now do your part. Tune out all the negative voices. What God has declared? No person can stop.
No bad break, no disappointment. The blessing always overrides the curse. Gaylord Perry was a star baseball pitcher.
He spent 22 years in the major leagues. Most of them with the San Francisco Giants.
He’s in the Hall of Fame, one of the best pictures of all time. Although Perry was a great picture.
He was a terrible hitter. He had less than half the hits of an average picture In 1960 for his manager, Alvin Dark was so frustrated with his hitting.
He told the newspaper somewhat kiddingly mark my word.
A man will land on the moon before Perry ever hits a home run.
His coach declared how bad of a hitter he was. Perry continued to struggle.
Year after year, five years later on July 20th, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon.
History was made that same night, Perry was pitching against the Dodgers during the third inning.
The announcer asked everyone to stand and have a moment of thanks for the astronauts that landed on the moon.
A few minutes later, Perry stepped up to the plate and hit the first home run of his career.
His manager’s words became a prophecy.
I wonder how many more home runs he would have hit if he hadn’t let those words limit his life?
Are you being held back by negative things? People have spoken over you.
How much further will you go if you will tune out what they’ve said and receive what God says about you?
He says you’re about to step into new levels of favor that you’re about to go where you’ve never gone.
That what stopped you in the past will not stop you anymore.
Now, get an agreement with God in the Old Testament. They understood the power of the blessing.
When the father was getting up there in years, he would call the Children in and he’d speak words of life and victory over them.
Those words would literally help set the course for their life without the blessing.
They knew they couldn’t accomplish their dreams. They couldn’t go as far as they should. This blessing was so valuable.
So life changing that Jacob tricked his twin brother, Esau all so he could get his blessing.
Esau was the firstborn son. They received a double portion.
Their father, Isaac was partially blind and couldn’t tell it was an essential.
He spoke the double portion over Jacob when Esau came in and wanted the blessing, Isaac realized he had been tricked.
He began to weep. He told Esol, I’ve spoken the blessing and I cannot take it back.
Maybe you’ve never had anyone speak the blessing over you.
Your father wasn’t around the people that raised you didn’t encourage you.
Nobody was there to tell you what you could become. Sometimes they did the opposite.
All you heard was what you can’t do, how you’ll never be successful. You’re not that talented.
First off, you have to let all that go tune out every negative derogatory, hurtful thing that was spoken over you and receive these new words into your spirit.
This is what your heavenly Father says about you.
I declare by the authority that God has given me, that you are blessed.
I declare that you are blessed with wisdom that you have clear direction that you make good choices in life.
I declare that you are blessed with courage, with strength, with great vision, with an obedient heart, with a positive outlook.
I declare that you are blessed with good health, with vitality, with energy that you will live a long satisfied life.
I declare that you are blessed with a good family, good friends, healthy relationships that your Children will be mighty in the land.
I declare that you are blessed with protection, that God is guarding you, guiding you, that angels are watching over you and your family.
I declare that you are blessed with promotion with good success, with ideas, with creativity.
I declare that whatever you put your hands to will prosper, you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out, I declare you will lend and not borrow that you will be above and never beneath.
I declare that every negative word, every curse that has been spoken over you right now, that curse is broken.
I declare negative things that have been in your family line for generations will no longer have any effect on you.
The generational curse is broken and the generational blessing is beginning.
I declare this will be a year of God’s favor, freedom for every bad habit, recovery from everything that was lost.
That from this day forward, you will experience a new sense of freedom, a new happiness, a new fulfillment. Friends.
I declare that you are blessed. And if you receive the blessing, can you say amen?
I’d like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Would you pray with me? Just say, Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins come into my heart.
I make you my Lord and Savior. If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again.
We’d love to give you some information on your new walk with the Lord.
Just text the number on the screen or you can go to the website.
I hope you’ll get into a good Bible based church. Keep God first place Victorian.
I’ll be right back to speak a blessing over you. Thanks for being a part of our youtube channel.
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We also want to take, take a moment and thank you for all you do to support the ministry with your donations and offerings you help keep the ministry going.
When you give, I believe God will open the windows of heaven.
You’ll see his favor in new ways in your life.
I know our best days are still up in front of us.
We love you and we’ll see you next time.
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