How will God’s judgement day will look like after death? – Billy Graham
How will God’s judgement day will look like after death?
Billy Graham – How will God’s judgement day will look like after death?
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
But that day of judgment is yet to come.
There’s going to be a future day of judgment when everything you’ve ever done and everything you’ve ever said and everything you’ve ever thought is going to be brought to light and God has his computers and he has his cameras and he has it all stacked away and it’ll all be brought out even the thought processes of your mind.
But God weighs us as individuals.
What’s He going to weigh us by what’s on the other side of the scales?
You see, here’s the scales, here’s you and here’s what God weighs you by. Ok.
First, he’ll weigh you by the 10 commandments.
How do you stand up with the 10 commandments? Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God in vain.
Thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not murder.
All of these are taken in the 10 commandments.
And the Bible says, if we offend in one point, we are guilty of all.
If you’ve broken one commandment one time in your life, it’s the same as breaking all of them.
But you say, well, of course, I’ve broken at least one or two of them.
Well, then you’re guilty of all. And that’s the reason the Bible says we’re all guilty.
That’s the reason Jesus said you that without sin, pick up the first stone and throw it at this woman taking in adultery, none of these religious leaders could do it because we all have sin, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and all are under the judgment of God.
Then not only are we going to be weighed but the 10 commandments?
But we’re going to be weighed by the law of love. Matthew 22.
Jesus said, thou shalt love the Lord, thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self on these two commandments said Jesus hang all the law and all the teaching of the prophets.
It’s all summed up in love.
Do you love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul?
And do you love your neighbor? Now, your neighbor means anybody that’s in need.
Jesus taught that in the parable of the good Samaritan.
Anyone who’s in need, you love that neighbor as much as you love yourself.
That’s what Jesus said. We are going to be weighed by that law.
Thirdly, we’re going to be weighed by the person of Jesus Christ.
The Bible says in Psalm 89 for who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord Isaiah said to whom she will be likened to me and make me evil are equal and compare me that they should be like me.
God says be ye holy for so I am holy.
If you don’t, now Jesus Christ was the only righteous and the only holy man that ever lived, we call some people in India holy men, but Jesus was the only truly holy man of history.
And if we don’t live like Jesus and live as good as Jesus is, then we come short of God’s requirement and God’s expectation.
When you say Billy, who in the world can live like Jesus, nobody.
That’s the reason you all have to say I’m a sinner.
God is going to weigh us by Christ. He’s going to weigh us by the 10 commandments.
He’s going to weigh us by the law of love.
But he’s also going to weigh you by your works, those sins of omission that you weren’t even conscious of in Matthew 25.
Jesus reminds us five is 100 and you gave me no meat. I was thirsty.
You didn’t give me anything to drink.
I was a stranger and you didn’t take me in I was naked and you didn’t clothe me.
I was sick and in prison and you never came and visited me.
But the people will say, Lord, where we, where did we see you naked and sick and in prison and thirsty.
Then he answered them this way in as much as you did it.
Not to one of the least of these you did it not to me.
Now that strikes every person in this arena and we come short and then Jesus pronounced judgment.
He said those that are guilty of the sin of omission and these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous under life eternal.
You say, well, Billy, I’m sort of devastated.
How can any of us weigh up? We can’t.
Jesus said in revelation three, I know your works that you are neither hot or a cold.
I would that you were hot or cold.
So then because you’re lukewarm, I’m going to spell you out of my mouth.
He said, listen, there are going to be a lot of people that are going to miss heaven that you think are going to be there.
And then fifthly, he’s going to weigh us by our opportunities, by our opportunities to whom much is given much shall be required.
He said, think of living in America with all of its advantages.
A church on almost every corner, a Bible in almost every hotel room.
Millions of Bibles available, the Gospel by radio and television, think of living here.
He’s going to judge us by the opportunities we had.
Think of the Christian literature that’s available at bookstores and we don’t take advantage of it to whom much is given much is required.
You say, well, Billy, even on that score, I can’t make it. No.
But the glory of this whole thing is that there is a gospel and the gospel is good news to people like you who are sitting there saying, well, I’m guilty.
The good news is that God sent his son Jesus Christ to the cross to die for you.
And God took those sins of yours and those failures of yours and laid them on Christ.
He became sin for us.
Now he said, the just and the righteous are going to get to heaven.
How am I going to get a justness and a righteousness of my own when I don’t have him?
I’m a sinner. I don’t weigh enough to get to heaven.
But on the cross, Christ provided a justness for me.
He provided a righteousness for me that I didn’t have.
And I am acceptable tonight by God, not because I’ve been good or because I’ve read the Bible or because I’ve preached to crowds of people, I’m acceptable because of Christ.
I am accepted into the beloved because of Him and that you are privileged at this moment.
You can appropriate what Christ did on the cross to you right now and you can leave here weighing enough to get to heaven, weighing enough to have your sins forgiven, weighing enough to live a new life.
Thou weighed in the balances of God and found warning. Are you found warning?
The last word here is you Farson divided. Thy kingdom is divided.
God said Belches, I’m taking your kingdom away from you. You’re finished. Judgment has come. It’s too late.
Is God going to say that to you? Judgment has come.
It’s too late. I know people that know that and accept that and believe that and just go on merrily dancing their way to hell.
They’re like the mouse that’s been caught in the trap that’s still nibbling at the cheese.
After being caught, you’re still nibbling at the devil’s bait and you’re already dead as far as eternity is concerned.
I believe this crusade has been held at the right time and in the providence of God at the right moment in the history of many of your lives, people have prayed for you.
People have worked.
People have given to make this possible and now this is your moment with God to receive Him into your heart to make sure that you weigh enough.
No, I won’t be at the judgment.
There is therefore now no judgment to them that are in Christ, Jesus.
I won’t see you there.
The judgment that I deserved was taken by Jesus Christ at the cross and I accepted what he did even though it looked foolish and looked a little bit ridiculous for me to come forward that night and say yes to Jesus Christ in front of all those people.
I did it and I’m going to ask you in just a moment to get up out of your seat and come forward and stand in front of this platform and say by coming, I want Christ in my heart.
I want to ask you tonight.
You’re not sure you may be one of the finest members of, one of the great churches of Missouri or Illinois.
But you are not sure that you’re ready to meet God and you want to be sure you want to be certain.
I’m going to ask you in just a moment to get up out of your seat and come and make sure and make certain of your relationship with Christ.
If you’re with friends or relatives, they’ll wait or if you’ve come in a bus, they’ll wait.
But you come. You say, well, why do I have to come? That’s the thing.
I don’t understand every person that Jesus called in the new testimony called publicly.
He said, if you’re not willing to acknowledge me before men, I’ll not acknowledge you before my father, which is in heaven.
There’s something about coming forward and standing here that settles it and seals it in your heart.
It has a spiritual impact. It has a biblical foundation, it has a psychological impact.
And after you’ve come I’m going to say a word to you and have a prayer with you and give you some literature and you can go back and join your friends.
But don’t you let this afternoon pass until you’ve said yes to Jesus Christ?
Because you see, you may never have another moment like this.
This may be the last moment that you’ll ever have.
And now is the moment you get up and come with hundreds of people that have come this past week, even thousands, you come and join them and say today, I want Christ to forgive my sins.
I want to know I’m going to heaven.
I want to weigh enough when I have to be weighed in the great scales of God at the great judgment.