How to Mature in Your Emotions

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How to Mature in Your Emotions

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Coming up next on changing your world.
I want to be adaptable. I want to be flexible.
I want to be able to have the ability to yield to transformation so I can obtain the goal that you have for my life.
God has a plan for us, and that plan is a good thing.
But sometimes, uh, our unwillingness to to to want to be flexible keeps us out of it.
And so what happens now is now your emotions, you’re not managing those because you don’t understand that flexibility is a big part of managing those emotion.
Hey, everybody. I’m standing in the world dome.
We are getting ready for the reunion. Grace Life 2024. Now you should have registered already.
If you haven’t, do it now. Watch this.
Now now now now now.
Why? It’s gonna be the greatest assembly of people wanting to learn how to live the grace life.
It will make a mark in your life that’ll never be erased. Let’s register right now.
Grace life is coming, baby, and we’re gonna meet you there.
Let every heart in me used to know.
You love us here to stay.
I wanna start something tonight, uh, over the next several, um, weeks.
Uh, and and I wanna take our time to just really look at every aspect of this area.
And so I wanna start off tonight and just get you a nice notebook and look at these things because we’re gonna learn how to deal with these things we feel, these emotions.
Emotions, remember, they’re feelings. They are feelings on the inside, uh, move by, uh, pain or pleasure.
There are feelings on the inside. They are feelings, and they move by pain or pleasure.
You gotta decide, uh, uh, what’s going to fill that variable. X is equal what?
Pain response or a pleasure response.
And so your emotions are being moved, but the directions that they will take you, those emotions will take you in a direction is gonna be based on whether pain is driving it or pleasure is driving it.
But emotions are real, and there’s no need of us trying to complicate emotional things with spiritual things.
I’ll show you how to tie them in together.
But before I do that, I really wanna talk about the emotions and just what they are.
So let’s start off since the, um, series is gonna be about emotional emotional maturity. Say that emotional maturity.
Emotional maturity. We’ve talked about spiritual maturity. Right? Right? But emotional maturity.
I mean, if we can just learn how to handle our emotions and learn how to recognize if we are maturing emotionally.
So let’s give this definition to you.
Emotional maturity is about your ability to understand and manage your emotions.
Emotional maturity is all about your ability to understand your emotions and to manage your emotions.
So an emotionally mature person, uh, uh, has reached the level of self understanding with regards to their thoughts and with regards to their behaviors, and then they decide how to best approach and to to deal with situations that might otherwise be trying or challenging situations in their life.
And so, again, emotionally mature people, they’ve come to this point where they’ve reached a level of understanding, uh, with regards to their thoughts and their behavior where they can simply decide which is the best way to deal with this challenging situation that’s coming.
But being emotionally mature can help you reach successful solutions to problem as well as keep problems from overwhelming you because of your maturity and emotions.
So it’s important to understand that emotional maturity is always it is always an active work in progress.
It’s never, uh, achieve something emotionally, and so that’s it.
It is something that you’re going to be actively growing in for the rest of your life because, especially, these days and times, there’s always stuff happening.
There’s always things that are gonna confront you. There are always, um, some ugly that you’re gonna have to see.
And the difference between you and other people, I believe, is gonna be that you know how to take the word of God and use those wonderful insights in the word of God to show you how to mature emotionally.
So, uh, not everyone will always be able to to keep their cool based on what situations come their way, uh, and and how to respond to those situations, how to respond to situations of rejection when you maybe went out to get a job and you didn’t get a job, how to respond to situations of being used, uh, brokenness.
You you being a Christian is is not going to put you in a position where you you don’t have to deal with this.
You you well, I’m a Christian, so I don’t have to be concerned about this, uh, even more so.
Even more so, you have to be concerned about this.
And so we’re gonna look at 10, uh, I don’t know what to call them, 10 facts or, uh, signals or in other words, how do I know that I am maturing emotionally?
What does that look like? There there got to be some some some areas that we can see.
I’m I’m I’m on this thing right now where, you know, when I read something in the word, I’m I’m asking, okay.
So what does that look like? Um, and then I’m I’m really asking about the practicality.
How do how do I implement this particular thing? I’m talking about emotional maturity.
So I divided up into 10 facts about emotional maturity, and you need to know if you’re maturing emotionally.
And so the first 1 I’m gonna start off with tonight is if you wanna know, um, that you’re maturing emotionally, you wanna know a sign or something that I’m maturing emotionally.
Number 1, you are maturing emotionally when you see that you are being, number 1, flexible.
When you’re seeing that you’re being flexible.
Now I was surprised of the number of scriptures in the bible that talks about flexibility, But it’s all too easy to assume things will go according to plan, or that situations or events will go smoothly because it has, you know, it has in, uh, each time in the past that maybe you dealt with a certain thing is always gone smoothly.
It it’s always helped happened well.
And I had a situation a couple weeks ago where I really got to see that I have maturity emotionally.
But what happens when it doesn’t go smooth?
What happens when um, the situation or the circumstance just is not working like you thought it would.
And so what happens, an emotionally mature person is able to think things out and come up with plan b or even plan c, Then he still moves forward, and he didn’t let the bump in the road just ruin his entire plan.
Now I I don’t mind using me for an example throughout this whole series, but I was such a stickler for excellence in ministry.
And I just was pushing for it to always work out right where when it didn’t work out right, I would explode emotionally.
I would just get on everybody.
It’s a wonder anybody you ever want to have anything to do with me.
I just get on them like sergeant Carter, like they were in the military.
It’s like, dude, I didn’t sign up for this. You know? That was a demonstration of emotional immaturity.
But being flexible, that’s a that’s a key.
Can you be flexible enough to kinda calm down and say, alright. Let’s deal with plan b.
Let’s deal with plan c. And, uh, recently, out of town, you know, III showed up.
We had a meeting schedule, and things were not like I wanted them to be at all.
And I even said to myself, I said, oh, if this was 20, 30 years ago, everybody and their mama woulda heard me outside.
All for the sake of excellence in ministry, but that’s not spiritual. That’s not emotional maturity.
When you are challenged with things that don’t work and things that fail and things don’t turn out the way you want them to turn out, what’s going on with your emotions?
Can you be flexible enough to keep your emotions managed and in control while you are trusting God to give you plan b or plan c?
I mean, do you just do you just go nuts and fall in depression and, you know, you’re a Christian talking in tongues, but now you cussing people a lot because things you know, that’s that is not an indication that you are mature, uh, you you that you’re not that you’re emotionally mature.
So we wanna look at some facts about flexibility in the bible.
And since I think not only is this the first 1, but I think it’s probably 1 of the most important ones.
Learning how to be as Christian people flexible.
I love how we just try to lock God into what we want. You know?
And then when it doesn’t work that way, then then something’s wrong.
I remember, you know, when I when I finished college, I’d already had all everything planned out, And I went to have my interview to get this, uh, position as the the head defensive coordinator, uh, on a football team.
And, you know, the head coach assured me everything’s fine. We want you.
I get to choose what I want, and I’m ready to go.
I mean, it’s all planned out, ready to go.
And it did not work out that way, and I could not understand why it didn’t work out.
And I fell deep into some kind of depression. I didn’t know. I just felt like the world was over.
Taff and I were dating at the time, and she encouraged me.
And she was just like, you know, well, you know you know, what’s what’s the what’s the plan b?
I’m like, I don’t have a plan b.
I only have a plan a. That’s it. My life is over.
Idiot. You know? And no sooner than that, I get a call from this lady.
Uh, She was in, uh, psychiatrists, and and she got my resume.
And she said, I’m holy ghost filled, and I know you’re holy ghost filled.
And the holy ghost told me to call you and offer you this job.
And I’m like, And she says she says, by the way, I’m not just holy ghost filled.
I’m tongue talking. I was like, wow.
I didn’t know what god was doing and what he was setting up and what he was trying to say to me.
But I learned then, you know, sometimes if you just keep cool, God’s got this thing together.
And you you you you lose your emotions for, uh, AAAAAA variety of reasons.
You feel like somebody’s disrespecting you. Well, that’s coming from somewhere. Okay.
You you feel like, you know, somebody’s treating you this.
You know, you’re gonna bump into people who you’re gonna bump into disrespectful people. You’re gonna be disrespected. Okay?
But you gotta mature emotionally so that you can handle the ugly part of life. Okay?
And you gotta know it’s your emotions that are doing that. Now it’s the devil.
You know, well, it must be your I so listen.
Flexibility to change is well understood as the ability to yield to a transformation in order to obtain or to achieve something or a certain goal.
And so I wanna be flexible. I wanna be flexible enough to change.
I wanna be flexible enough to yield to the transformation that might be happening right in front of my face.
I wanna have that, the ability to adapt to change. That’s what this is about.
The ability to adapt to change.
It’s a skill that we can develop, and with the help of the holy spirit, perfect this thing, uh, for the rest of our lives.
But we’ve gotta recognize it’s something we should strive for, and that’s what this series is about too.
Putting some stuff in front of you so you can say, you know, that’s something I can I can really work towards?
Of course, I’ve taught you to depending on the holy spirit, but you know, you look at your life and you say, you know what?
I’m not I’m not flexible to to to to the transformations that are happening.
I mean, I’m not flexible to what maybe even God’s trying to do.
And and a lot of times people don’t end up getting where they need to be because of that lack of flexibility, and you’ve decided to go this way, but God’s working on this thing, and so you’re fighting him, trying to get you where you need to be because there’s no sense that you need to work on being flexible where change is concerned.
And so, Lord, help me to be adaptable. Lord, help me to be flexible.
Lord, help me to yield to the transformations that are that that are happening in my life.
I mean, you’re doing things with me. You’re saying things to me, maybe new things that I hadn’t heard before.
I want to be adaptable. I want to be flexible.
I want to be able to have the ability to yield to transformation so I can obtain the goal that you have for my life.
God has a plan for us, and that plan is a good thing, But sometimes, uh, our unwillingness to to to want to be flexible keeps us out of it.
And so what happens now is now your emotions, you’re not managing those because you don’t understand that flexibility is a big part of managing those emotions.
So let’s let’s deal with this now.
I’m gonna look at about maybe 10 or 12 different facts about about this issue of, um, most emotional maturity.
I’m so used to in spiritual maturity. I wanna say up we’re gonna remind ourselves emotional maturity.
So when the first thing we’re gonna look at here, number 1, flexibility is a quality for leaders.
It is a quality for people who lead, and everybody has a place of leadership somewhere in your life.
Whether it’s at home or on the job or on a team or everybody has some kinda area of leadership in your life, but you prove your emotional maturity when you begin to understand that flexibility should be a quality for you, but especially for leaders.
Flexibility, especially for leaders, is a very important quality to have.
Now let’s get into some scriptures here.
1st Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 19 through 20, and maybe through spiritual insight, I can kinda add more to this area.
Flexibility, it is an influential and a prerequisite quality for ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ and leadership.
I really believe that. I’ve learned that that this is something that I know.
You can’t just get tied into 1 thing.
And so I’m learning to just not just go with the flow, but just, you know, Lord, I there are 2 prayers that I’m I’ve been focusing on more than anything.
Let your will be done. Amen? Amen.
I want I want the will of God to be done in my life no matter what.
And number 2, Lord, help me to be yielded.
With those 2 things right there, I wanna yield to you. Okay?
And I want your will to be done.
And that’s, uh, uh, that feels weird when you first start.
You’re praying God’s will, like, what in the world is he gonna you know, it’s like, damn, I gonna want your will?
He’ll he knows how to work on your desire.
But I just figured out I don’t really need to get I spend I spend more time praying about what I want, years praying about what I want to happen, only to go around that circle to find that man if I had just listened to what and been flexible enough to hear what he had
to say. III don’t I
don’t think it’s always good to to just believe for what you want.
I’ve come to the place where I don’t really really I think I
know what I want, but I don’t think I really know what I want.
Excuse me. I I think I know what I want, but if I knew what I needed, I would probably want different.
I I think that’s a better way to say it.
If I knew what I needed and I and and and let me just fix all that up.
If you ask me, well, what do you need?
If god came down to ask me, well, what do you need?
Are you serious? I don’t know. Because I’m
I’m gonna tell you what I want, but you ask me what I need.
Are y’all following what I’m saying? Yes. And I thought about that.
And I’m like, if you were to come right now, it’s alright.
Greflo, what are you what are you what do you, uh, need?
I don’t know. You know? I’m I’m somebody still in process. You’re still fixing me, god.
So instead of me I think it’s kinda arrogant.
I think the ego comes up a little bit. Instead of me going to god saying, this
is what I need. Are you serious? The 1 who created you,
and you’re gonna tell him what
you need. No. I need him to let me know what I need. Okay?
Because all I’m gonna do is is turn my wants into needs.
Lord, I need money, and you don’t even need money.
Your issue is so much deeper than money.
Ain’t that what we lord, if I could I I need this.
If you just if you could just give me this, pay my bill. That’s just what I need.
No. You don’t. Because you you prayed that prayer a 100 times.
You keep ending up in the same place where you think you need money.
And you obviously, you don’t need money.
There’s something that keeps putting you in a position where that same need keeps coming up. Wonder what it is.
And if we can get down to the root issue,
then we can see some different things happening.
See see, this series is gonna be trying to help you to learn how to live.
Living. That’s when you get god’s best when you learn how to live instead of religion where you’re gonna close and ask for your desire and then come out looking for it.
I I don’t wanna do that anymore.
I wanna learn how to live with him, and I and I wanna live him with him being my side partner.
I wanna live with him with him doing the work through me. Here’s here’s my relationship with god.
Here’s my body. Obviously, in the physical world, you need it to do some things.
Maybe you don’t, but here’s my body. What do you wanna do through it? Amen.
IIII try to I keep trying to get you to work with me, and you keep trying to convince me that I just wanna work through you.
Come on, Lord. Work with me. No. I don’t wanna go. I wanna work through you.
You’re trying to get me to yield to you. Uh-uh.
I want you to yield your body to me, and I wanna work through you.
I wanna speak through you. I wanna operate through you. I wanna bless through you.
I wanna do so much through you that your whole being starts getting used to my presence.
But that ain’t gonna happen if you keep praying.
Come on, Lord. Work with me. Work with me. Work with me.
God, like, I’ve been working with you. You ain’t changed yet.
And then
he says, you can’t do this, so I’m a work through you.
I don’t know.
Some sometimes I think I’m going to a place where I’m gonna look back 1 day and wonder if anybody understand what I’m saying.
Because I wanna dig deep on this thing, and flexibility is is as a part in my emotional maturity.
And so at least I know that this is something I can begin to believe God for to help me to be more more more flexible.
Now look at this. For King James, uh, version, uh, first Corinthians chapter 9 verse 19 through 23.
Now here’s what he says. Now listen to this. See if you can spot the flexibility here.
For though I’d be free from all men, Jesus speaking, though I’d be free from all men, yet have I made myself a servant unto all.
That’s flexible, isn’t it?
Why? That I might gain the more.
And unto the Jews, he said, alright.
Well, this is Paul. Yeah. Unto the Jews, he said, I became as
a Jew, that I might gain the Jews. That’s flexible, isn’t it?
To them that are under the law, I became like those who were under the law.
That I might gain them that are without the law.
And unto the Jews, I became a Jew that I might gain the Jews, and to them that are under the law as under the law that I might gain them that are under the law.
Verse 21, to them that are without law, I became 1 without law being not without the law of god, but under the law to Christ that I might gain them that are without law, 22.
To the weak became I became as weak that I might gain the weak, and I and, uh, and I made all things to all men that I might, by all means, save some.
Not everybody, but save some. And this I do for the gospel’s sake that I might be partakers thereof.
Paul said, for the sake of the gospel, I will be flexible.
For the sake of the gospel, I will be flexible that I might win some.
He says, oh, I know I’m not gonna win everybody, but I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna allow my emotions to mature enough so that I can be flexible.
There are preachers in the pulpit these days that they’re not trying to be flexible, you know, for the sake of of of of excellence in the ministry and and for the sake of being strong leaders.
No. You you know, but you you know, if you decide to do that, you can’t get in front of the people and change your mind.
If you said that you can’t get in front of people, you gotta be flexible.
Did you know your emotions determine your level of victory?
In Creflo Dollar 7 part series, how to mature in your emotions, he identifies the key to unlocking a successful life through maturing spiritually and emotionally.
An emotional mature person will work towards a better understanding and a course of action moving forward.
Responsibility equals accountability, and accountability equals ownership. It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to make mistakes.
Nobody is perfect. And only by failing and making mistakes can you learn and get better. That’s life.
It’s when you take responsibility for your life that you discover how powerful you truly are.
Call the number on your screen,
Hey, everybody.
I’m standing in the world dome.
We are getting ready for the reunion, Grace Life 2024, July 11th through 13th.
Now you should have registered already.
If you
haven’t, do it now. Watch this.
Now now now now now.
Why? It’s gonna be the greatest assembly of people wanting to learn how to live the grace life.
This is my 3rd time out here at Grace Life conference.
I’m coming all the way from Nigeria with my kids. This experience has been life changing, life transforming for us.
And why I do this all the time is because there is nothing like being here in person.
That connect is everything.
It will make a mark in your life that’ll never be erased. So come on. Let’s register right now.
I know you can do it. Come on. Right now. Register. Right now.
Grace Life 20 24, the reunion is coming, baby, and we’re gonna meet you there.
Everything in God’s kingdom works by faith.
Now I remember when Taffy and I started giving.
It was a painful thing to give because we didn’t have much at all financially.
However, we made a decision to be givers.
And 1 of the most quoted scriptures in the Bible is John 3 16, God so loved the world that he gave.
Therefore, as Christians, we give. Our giving is an expression of our love.
And when you support Kreflo Dollar Ministries financially, you are giving to our efforts to spread the gospel all over the world.
And in addition to helping 1,000,000 who are hurting and have vital physical needs, pray about what God would have you to sow at this time.
We wanna thank you and it thanks for your support.
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God bless you.
Look no further for encouragement to walk in the grace of God.
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Salvation is the beginning of a new life for a believer.
It is from this point that we can move into the fullness of who God has called us to be and see the manifestation of the finished works of Jesus.
It is 1 of my greatest pleasures to help people, uh, to understand who Christ is and to lead people to Christ.
If you would like salvation today, pray this prayer with me, very simple prayer.
Heavenly father, I believe in Jesus.
I believe that he died, that he rose again, and that he lives today. Come into my life.
Save me. I receive you as my savior. In Jesus’ name, amen. Listen.
If you prayed that prayer with me,
that’s how simple it is.
Welcome to the family of God.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo Dollar Ministries.

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