How Jeremiah Prophecy Is Connected To Pandemic In New York City | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
How Jeremiah Prophecy Is Connected To Pandemic In New York City
Jonathan Cahn explores a mystery of Jeremiah’s prophecy about Potter’s Field and how it’s connected to the pandemic in New York City.
“Some would call it tolerance, I said. Yes he replied, the same tolerance that overtook ancient Israel..a tolerance for everything opposed to God, a growing tolerance for immorality and a growing intolerance for the pure-a tolerance that mocked, marginalized and condemned those who ramined faithful to the values now being discarded. Innocence was ridiculed and virtue was vilified. Children were taught of sexual immorality in public schools while the Word of God was banned. It was a tolerance that put the profane on public display and removed nativity scenes from public sight..contraband, as if somehow they had become a threat-a strangely intolerant tolerance. “But still, I countered, how does all that compare to what happened in ancient Israel? America does’nt offer its children on altars of sacrifice? “Does it not? he said. Ten years after removing prayer and Scripture from its public schools, the nation legalized the illing of its unborn.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Prophecy of Jeremiah was made with a potter’s jar at the Potter’s gate, at the Potter’s field.
All about the potter. The place where they buried the dead in New York is called the Potter’s field.
Go and buy a potter’s earth.
And where jar take some of the elders and the people, some of the senior priests then go out to the valley of beam, but which is by the entrance of the posh gate proclaim they are the words that I will tell you and say, hear the word of the Lord you kings of Judah, you inhabitants of Jerusalem.
This is what the Lord of Host says. The God of Israel.
Behold, I am going to bring a disaster on this place.
And the years of everybody who hears it will tingle since they have abandoned me.
They’ve made this place foreign and they’ve burned and sacrificed to other gods.
Neither that their forefathers or the kings of Judah ever knew they filled this place with the blood of the innocent.
And I built high places of bail to burn their sons in fire as offerings to bail a thing which I did not command or speak or had ever entered my mind.
Therefore, behold, the days are coming.
Says the Lord, when this place will no longer be called to or the valley of, but it will be called the Valley of Slaughter.
Go and buy a Potter’s jar.
Go to the Potter’s gate which is by the Potter’s field that overlooks the valley of I will bring judgment on this place because they filled it with the blood of the, They were offering up their Children as sacrifices there.
It would become the valley would become the valley that was a symbol of hell, Hanna Valley of that’s because of what they did.
He says because you filled it with your children’s blood, it will be filled with your own of all the sins that brought judgment to Israel, the killing of its own Children was foremost.
How could it not be? We know this?
We know that the killing of Children invokes judgment yet we may miss it when it actually happens or when we have a little glimpse of it?
Is it possible that we already witnessed some of it?
Now I said in the movie, this is not to say that anything like a global pandemic is only because of one thing.
There are many causes nor is it to say that anybody got sick, which is many of us.
It’s actually that means that that’s, that’s Jeremiah. The just were affected by everything too.
But we’re talking about a civilizations.
One of the judgments that Jeremiah said is gonna come on Israel because of the killing of his Children is that of a plague that will come on the land.
Could there be a mystery in this? Do you remember when it happened? That, that New York crossed that line?
The governor actually threatened the legislature and said, if you don’t do this, I’m not signing anything, do this.
So they all passed this law that was to kill Children up to the time of birth.
And you remember if you, so they all stood up, they cheered it and the governor ordered that one of the nine harbingers, the World Trade Center be lit up to celebrate what they did and they lit it up in the color pink to celebrate the killing of babies.
New York crossed a line. One year later, the play came to America when first case, as I mentioned, Patient Zero made headlines all across the country that the plague had come to America.
Next to the headline was the date, the date was January 22. January 22 is the exact date that New York crossed the line.
The headlines a little bit. It came one year anniversary to the day.
But as it is, it’s also the date January 22.
The date that America in 1973 legalized the killing of Children.
That same day, Jeremiah said as you have done this, it will be done to you all connected with Israel now, abortion I said is the sin of the older, against the younger.
So it’s a strange thing that when the play came, it struck, particularly the older and, and spared most of the younger, the generation that has lived, that’s reaching its end right now is the generation that legalized abortion has killed more Children than any other generation in the history of the world.
Israel killed thousands. We have killed millions, over 60 million Children and the world has killed over a billion, well over a billion.
They’re not here today because they’re gone.
If Israel did not escape a consequence, how do we think we’re not going to?
And the number one killer, the number one nation that kills the most is communist China.
The plague begins in China but the nation that’s also at the top, you wouldn’t think so is that which led most much of the world into abortion is quote a Christian nation or was America.
So the plague comes to America in a way that was greater than it to this day.
And Jeremiah said the death will come to the very place where you killed the Children.
So where have more Children being killed in America than any other place in America, New York, right across the river.
That is the abortion capital of America. That’s where the children’s blood was shed.
So this is, I can’t go to the detail of the movie, but this is what is behind it.
The plague would focus most of its wrath.
Actually, on New York, you remember the first days that actually, you know that one out of every four person who died in America was in New York, particularly New York City.
Then it says verse verse 10, then you are to break the jar in the sight of the man who accompany you and say to them, this is what the Lord of armies Ho says to the same extent, I will break the people of this city just as one breaks a potter’s vessel which cannot be repaired.
Again, they’ll bury the dead in to because there will be no other place to bury.
They’ll be running out of place.
Well, I mentioned, and, and again, we had to do it very quick, but this is saying here, there’ll be so many that they won’t be able to bury it because of the sin of what you did during the plague.
In New York City, they could not contain, they could not bury, they had too many people.
So what they didn’t have room. So they brought them out to this island called Hart Island.
The prophecy of Jeremiah was made with a potter’s jar at the potter’s gate, at the Potter’s Field.
All about the potter. The place where they buried the dead in New York is called the Potter’s Field, which is named after the very prophecy of Jeremiah which speaks about Willoughby buried in the same warning that is linked to the killing of Children.
I’m trying to give you more clarity on what happened.
Very fact there Jeremiah says in Jeremiah eight actually it’s not the same verses but it’s the same.
He’s speaking about the same judgment. Jeremiah 8 22. He says he says, is there no bomb in Gilead?
Is there no doctor physician there? Why then have the health of the order of my people not been restored?
Gilead was the place where all the where the medicines came, the bombs came bomb.
They B A L M would they put on, they’d sue that they’d heal the sick.
So that’s where it came from.
Jeremiah is saying, why are we, why we, we’re suffering under this judgment and there’s no healing.
Where is there not any bomb in Gilead?
And so America at the beginning was searching for a uh a a cure for the plague.
And the very first announcement, some of you may remember it is a was a original first vaccine came out and the stock market went up 500 points because of the they thought, hey, it’s a cure wasn’t a cure just like Jeremiah said, where’s the bomb?
But the amazing thing is that the name of the company was Gilead, which is saying that the what has come upon you is linked to judgment bomb of Gilead.
Now we know of the jubilee.
The jubilee is a time of blessing but but it’s also a time of justice and restitution because if you took somebody’s land on the jubilee, you have to give it back whatever you took, it’s given back to you on the 50th year, giving back, giving back, taken out, give him back.
When did abortion on demand begin in America? 1970 is when it began in America, particularly New York.
In fact, what happened in New York led the Supreme Court three years later to legalize it across the whole land.
So the year was 1970. When is the jubilee the year 2020, the year.
So we took life in 1970, we began at the 50th year. Life is taken back.
A study was made of the plague reaching when it reached its peak in New York and it came up with its two dates.
April 9, April 10. When was abortion on demand legalized in New York? It happened on two votes. April 9, April 10.
It was 50 years to the exact day. Now, I didn’t share this in the movie.
But where they, where did they make that vote that actually would ultimately lead America to abortion.
It was in the State Capitol building in Albany, the same building where they legalized abortion up to the time of birth in 2019, same building it all came from and then the plague came one year to the anniversary of what they did in that house.
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- Jonathan & Supernatural Attacks | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 5 3, 2023