Healing The Soul Of A Woman: It’s Time For An Upgrade | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Healing The Soul Of A Woman: It’s Time For An Upgrade | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

Join Joyce Meyer in this powerful episode of Enjoying Everyday Life as she dives into her personal journey of healing and restoration. In her series, “Healing the Soul of a Woman,” Joyce shares candidly about overcoming past hurts, abandonment, and abuse, offering a message of hope and encouragement for everyone, regardless of their life circumstances. Discover how God’s love can transform wounds into opportunities for growth and how taking responsibility for your life is the first step towards wholeness.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series healing the soul of a woman.
We’ve all been hurt, but we don’t have to live with the pain from our past.
And guys, this message is for you too.
God wants to pick up all of our broken pieces and make us whole again.
Now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
What is a wounded soul?
Well, first of all, I wanna start by telling you a little story about me and Albuquerque, where we happen to be today.
56 years ago, I was abandoned by my first husband in this town in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I was sexually abused by my father for many years, always really felt like nobody would ever want me or love me.
And so the first young man that paid any attention to me, I grabbed him up because I thought I’d never have anybody.
I knew down deep inside it wasn’t right when I did it, but desperate people do desperate things and desperate people do stupid things.
Amen? Amen. So we got married. I was eighteen. I think he was nineteen.
And, um, he was a used car salesman and back then, they would pay people to, like, if somebody here want a certain kind of car and There was one of them in Saint Louis or wherever, the car dealership here would pay somebody from there to drive the car here.
And so that was part of how he made money was he would drive cars to places.
Well, the plan was he was gonna drive that car here, and then he was gonna work at the car lot.
And I was gonna get a job, and we were gonna live happily ever after.
So We checked into a motel, and, uh, I I don’t remember where this was.
I I got a little job down the street that I could walk to and I’m kind of an office.
I always did office work, and he, uh, he went off to to work.
I think another friend had driven down here with his friend to his, and Long story short, after, I don’t know, 10 days, probably no more than that, he just didn’t come back.
He just went one day and didn’t come back.
Now I was married to this guy for 5 years, but it was a totally crazy, crazy ride.
He did the same thing to me one time in Oakland, California, and I’ve also been back there and done a conference.
And I think it’s just, um, interesting that 56 years ago, I was abandoned in this city, totally alone, had no money to even get home on, had to call a friend and borrow $75 for a bus ticket, you couldn’t take much with you on a bus.
So what things I did have, which wasn’t that many, I remember I had some quilts that my grandmother had quilted, and I had to leave a lot of that stuff here.
And I was about as low and lonely and felt about as hopeless as anybody could have felt.
At that time, eighteen years old It just got an away from abusive father.
Now I’ve married this guy that is starting to show signs already that not gonna be much better than what I had.
And here I am now, 56 years later, the arenas full of people coming to hear me speak.
And and I wanna What I want is for what I’m telling you to give you hope that you could be at the lowest place in your life right now.
You could be hurting so bad.
Maybe your husband or your wife has walked out on you or those of you watching by TV from home, you may just feel like that your whole life was over, and little do you know it may just be beginning.
And let me just say this to you.
You have no idea the amazing things that god has planned for you but you cannot walk around wounded your entire life and taking those wounds out on other people and have the life that god intends you to have.
So if you would come under the category of a wounded soul, which I think pretty much today in our society, almost everybody does in some way, shape, or form, then I want you to make a decision today that it’s time for you to learn how to live the life that Jesus died for you to have to let go of the things that are behind and to start fresh and to ask god to take everything that’s ever been done to you that was unjust or immoral and somehow work it out for your good and turn it into something that can actually help other people.
Is anybody up for that today? Okay.
So You know, we are a spirit.
We have a soul, and we live in a body.
You’re looking at my body, but to be honest, you’re not looking at the real me.
I look at you I see your body just because you got a smile on your face.
Doesn’t mean you’re happy. Men?
Just be just because you look good on the outside, you know, we get so good at pretending, and we’re very good at trying to make everybody think we’ve got it all together.
And I tell you what, we are walking around in the midst of hundreds of thousands of people that are literally falling apart on the inside.
They’re trying to make up for it by getting something on the outside.
We think that we need more of this or a promotion or a bigger house or a a bigger car.
We need to get married or we are married and need to not be married or, you know, whatever.
It’s always something. It’s always something else.
But what we really want, the simplest way that I know to say this, is people just want to be happy.
I mean, truly genuinely peaceful and happy.
And the Bible says the kingdom of god it’s not about what you eat and what you drink, which really is talking about.
What might as well say, the kingdom of god is not about stuff.
It’s not about what you own, the kind of house you live in, It is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
So God is not offering us a perfect outside life.
You’re gonna have problems just like other people in the world have problems. You’re gonna have trials and tribulations.
You’re gonna things to deal with, you’d rather not deal with.
But what he is offering you is right standing with him How wonderful is it to not have to feel wrong about yourself all the time?
I mean, after being abused by my dad, I spent years with a record playing in my head that simply said, what’s wrong with me?
What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me? Anybody else ever hear that record?
I mean, the devil has sold millions of copies of that one. Most of us.
What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me?
And then other people would say, what’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you?
And I’d, you know, it’s so wonderful now to know that I’ve been made right with God through the blood of Jesus Christ.
And that that I can be far myself and not against myself.
We we really want that righteousness and it has to come first.
A right relationship with god has to come before you can have peace, and you gotta have peace before you can have joy.
And I can tell you no matter what it is that you came in here thinking you wanted or thinking that you had to have in order to be happy If it was anything other than those three things, then your thinking is all messed up and you’re wrong.
Because really it doesn’t matter how much money you have if you’re miserable.
Doesn’t matter how big your house is if you don’t have any peace.
It doesn’t I mean, you can be the president of 5 companies, but if you hate yourself, than what do you have?
So what we really want is this inside part of us, our soul, to be healthy and whole.
You have a blood bought right to have a good relationship with yourself.
And I hope before the day is over, you will decide to become your best friend instead of your worst enemy.
Amen? You need to be friends with yourself. Yeah.
If you’re a good friend to yourself, and you’ll get over caring so much about what everybody else thinks all the time.
So we are a spirit. We have a soul. We live in a body.
Our body is gradually falling apart day after day, and it will one day turn back to ashes and thus, thankfully, we’ll get a glorified body.
I bet that’s gonna feel good.
And it is our spirit and our soul, that will go on and endure forever.
So to be honest, if you’re born again, everything in your spirit’s good.
I mean, god had to fix that up before he could come and live in there.
He actually had to make you holy in the deepest part of your being in order to dwell in you because he can’t dwell anywhere that’s not holy.
And so the whole job that’s going on now, this this this whole journey that we’re on that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us make is to get what’s in our spirit all throughout our soul, immersed in our soul, this knowing who we are in Christ, this knowing we’re loved, and loving other people, and All this wonderful fruit of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, all the wonderful, amazing things that god has deposited in us at the new birth.
No wonder the Bible says, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things pass away and all things become new.
That doesn’t mean you’re gonna look different when you look in the mirror, and it doesn’t even mean that your soul is new immediately, but it means everything in your spirit, you you now have a seed.
Everybody say seed. You now have a seed on the inside of you of everything that you could ever possibly need to have the best life that you could possibly have.
So as we water that seed with the word of god, I don’t know if you even realize what a favor you have done yourself by taking this Saturday to come and do what you’re doing because what you will hear today, if you let it, can be life changing.
It’s more valuable than anything you could go out and purchase for yourself or any party you could go to or any buddy that you think is important that you could go hang out with, having a healed soul, being right on the inside, having peace and joy are the most valuable things that you could ever have, and that’s what our world is missing.
I’ve made this journey, and I’m still making it every day.
So it qualifies me not only as a teacher of the word, but because I’ve lived through this and experienced it, to tell you that there’s no devil in hell that is big enough to keep you from the best that god has for you if you’re determined to have that best and if you will do your part.
I want you to make a decision Amen?
And you’re not gonna live your life with a chip on your shoulder because you had a bad beginning and feeling sorry for yourself because you didn’t get all the breaks that everybody else got.
Number one thing we gotta learn today, no matter how you got to you are.
Let’s just say that not one bit of it was your fault, which is probably not accurate, but let’s just say that none of it was your fault.
That you the life you have right now, the mess you’re in right now is all because of things that other people did to you And I’m sorry about that, but step number 1, toward wholeness, is right now, today, you have to take 100% responsibility for your life and where you’re at.
It may not be your fault that you got here.
But you’re the only one that can cooperate with god for your life to get you out of here and into the place where god wants you.
God’s love can heal and restore us all.
Joyce certainly experienced god’s healing touch in her life and shares about it in her book, beauty for ashes.
In these pages, Joyce share openly about the painful abuse in her past, and the incredible healing work god has done in her.
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Well, I hope that you feel that I’m a partner in your life by teaching you the word of god.
And I’m asking you to partner with me in helping us continue reaching out, not only to you through this program, but to so many people around the world that still don’t know Jesus.
Together, we can do so much more than what we can do by ourselves.
So please become a brand new partner with us today.
To join us in partnership right now, go to Joyce meyer.org. Thank you so much.
Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together, we can do so much more.

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