God’s Key for America’s Revival | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
God’s Key for America’s Revival
With many praying for revival, Jonathan Cahn shares from “2 Chronicles 7:14: God’s Key to Revival” the absolute keys of revival as given by God to Israel. It’s one of the most famous of Scriptures – but most never open up what it really means – The keys for national or personal revival.
Without revival. They know there’s no hope and they watch what’s happening to the culture, they know it.
So it has awakened something in people who are seeking revival and that’s good every year at the beginning of the year or in February, there has been the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC started around 1953 I believe with Eisenhower, the president United States attends, has always attended it and speaks and leaders of the government.
And you know, but this year there was a change this year, an organization called Freedom From Religion, which basically doesn’t like faith wrote a letter asking members of the government to boycott the event and saying that there shouldn’t be this in government.
And then they, they said, well, they are their concerns about the people organizing the event for some reason after 50 after 70 years and what the White House did and others there is they split off from it and they, they had so they said we’ll have our own, they had about 300 people or for a little small thing that privately and that was it.
Well, the president was there as far as I know while the original group that’s always been doing it hosted, it continued it and I believe the Lord was in that because it actually separated the original.
And the reason why is this, you know, we’re blessed that anybody would come, everybody would come. That’s great.
But it became a mixed event with those who are not really even, there are people who are at that event who maybe don’t even really know God or not, not born again, not knowing God.
And and so now it kind of freed it up from any other agenda, not just freed it up.
So they had many people pray at the event and they asked four people to speak everybody.
The the rest would pray or worship.
But they asked Billy Graham’s daughter and Graham, lots of great, great woman of God.
They asked Carter Carlson, a great man of God, another pastor, I think pastor mum who was in prison in Turkey for his faith.
And they asked me to speak last at the event where Christian leaders at the event where there were people from around the country.
There were young people and there were a lot of members of Congress there.
And I will, I will say this is not a political statement. It’s an unfortunate statement. We gotta pray.
I didn’t see one democratic member of Congress. They were all Republican. We gotta pray for the Democrats as well.
But the members of Congress got up and they prayed humbly for God to have mercy on America, the speaker of the house Kevin mccarthy, who’s the third most powerful man in America by political position also was there and he spoke and he prayed humbly for a God to have compassion on America.
And they prayed in the name of Jesus.
And I was, I was amazed how many times throughout the event, not only, not only the name of Jesus, but the name of Yeshua kept coming up.
That’s a first, I mean, that’s a sign we’re in certain times now.
But I was mostly blessed by the spirit of humility among the leaders.
I was led to speak of the city on the hill, the city on the hill because that was a, that’s what God gave, that’s what Messiah gave.
And yet that became a symbol of America from the very beginning.
And of course, of course, the city, we are the city on the hill, but it was applied to America.
And so I spoke of that and how it has fallen and lost the light.
And I ended with these words and I have it here.
So I’m gonna say it as I, I’m not gonna say it exactly as I said it.
But this is what I said.
I said, our only hope is God, there is no other, without God, our nation is lost.
There’s no other way but to return to him from whom we have departed to turn.
And repent from our evil and come back to God who alone can restore us.
There’s no other way but revival and the hour is late.
And so we’ve come this day to our nation’s capital, not to seek the favor of any man, but to seek the face of God and his mercy, to pray and turn from our sinful ways.
We’ve come this day to seek the God who does the impossible, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the God of Moses, Elijah and the prophets, the God who parted the red sea and rolled away the stone from Messiah’s tomb.
We’ve come to the throne of the eternal and most high and almighty God of Israel to plead on behalf of this nation and we cry out, have mercy, have mercy, have mercy on this land.
Lift up your eyes again to this city on the hill and have mercy.
Let your power again be seen on our shores.
Let it fall upon our coast lands and our Heartland upon our cities and upon this capital, revive us.
Oh Lord. And let there be revival no matter what it takes, no matter what it means and no matter what it costs, let revival come to this land, let your name be glorified and let your will be done and let this city on the hill yet again, shine with the light of the fire of the presence of the glory of the living God.
In the name that is above all names that are named the name of Yeshua Hamas, Jesus, the Messiah, the king of all kings, the Lord of all lords, the light of the world and the glory of Israel and the one and only hope of these United States of America, the city on the hill.
So help us God amen. That’s what I shared at the end.
That was Wednesday, February 1st, one week later on Wednesday, there was a chapel service in a Christian college in Kentucky called Ashbury University.
There was a chapel service that happens during the week. Regularly.
Several mornings, the students are given the choice to go to a number.
They have to go to a certain number of them.
On this 11 of the students stood up and confessed his sins.
At the end of the service, students stayed and they stayed and they stayed and the worship continued and went on and on.
There was no dramatic outbursts or even signs that we would see, but a spiritual, a spirit of gentleness and peace in God’s presence.
Worship. Soon students from other colleges heard about it and they came to the college to this event that never ended.
It just kept going to be part and the service kept going 24 hours a day.
Every day, the word started spreading farther and now people started coming from around the country and around the world and people were lining up outside to get in it started February 8th.
It continued, it has continued.
Now, I just read that the college president is changing and he said he believes what is happening is the, is the power of God, but he has to balance the needs of the students in the college.
And so it won’t be a continuous service, but it’ll be afternoon will be for visitors, night will be for the students.
Ok. Here’s the thing. Number one. is it a revival of God?
Well, people are worshiping God and to me that it no matter what, that’s good, people are worshiping God, that’s of God in their spirit there.
And they’re focused on the Lord. Is it a revival? Is it the revival we’ve been praying for?
It could be the beginning. We’ll see, we shall see interesting.
In 1970 there was a revival on that same, in that same college, the same way I believe the same service.
And it was called the Ashbury revival. And it continued for like like almost 200 days nonstop.
And it started at the first beginning of February just like this one did.
Just the idea of this has spread around the body of Messiah.
You may have heard of it before you came in.
But that’s, you know, and even God can use that too because people have been seeking that they know believers know there needs to be revival and without revival, they know there’s no hope and they watch what’s happening to the culture, they know it.
So it has awakened something in people who are seeking revival and that’s good.
We have been praying continuously for revival and any good news, I’ll take it, I’ll take any encouragement.
If it’s of God, I’ll take it.
And I have no reason to think again that this, this what they’re doing is not of God because they focus on it now and no revival is perfect by the way, because there may be things.
But the point is God is sovereign. And even if this stops tomorrow or today, it doesn’t matter.
We need to pray for revival. We need to believe for revival.
We need to seek for revival and we need to choose to live in revival.
This is an encouragement with God. Nothing is impossible. God likes a surprise.
You know, remember when, remember when, when the president recognized Jerusalem, that was a surprise from God.
You know, God is always able to do surprises that we don’t even realize whether this continues or not.
It doesn’t have to stop on our part. I’ll be blessed any wind that’s from God.
I’ll sail with it if it’s from God, you know, I’ll believe for it.
I’ll take it as an encouragement.
And so it just so happened that we planned this Sunday as a special service, not the regular thing, a time in God’s presence without a word planned beforehand, but a word for now.
What a perfect time. So I’m led to speak today about the keys of revival.
Now, there are many, I could speak about the revivals from the pastel and the revivals in the Bible.
But I’m only gonna speak about one word that God himself gave. One simple word that he gave.
Key for revival. It’s a word that you have heard many times and you’ve heard me say it, but you may never have heard it opened up.
So I’m gonna open it up. Let’s do that.
And the word is, if my people, if my people who are called by, my name will humble themselves and turn from their sinful ways, I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their lambs.
If, if I wanna open up the keys, not only for national revival world revival, we need to pray for but revival in your life.
Because if revival starts in your life, then revival starts and there’s nothing the enemy can’t, can do to stop that.
And you don’t know, you don’t have control over whether revival happens. So you know, we pray for it.
But you do have control over whether revival happens in your life. First word, big word.
If, if big word, if means it could be maybe, maybe not.
But there’s an, if here’s a promise from God. God gives a promise of what he will do.
But it begins with a word. If God wants to do what it’s saying if it’s not, it’s not.
If with God, if not, if with his promise, God is saying this is what I wanna do.
But the if is with us, if God wants to give blessing, God wants to restore you, God wants to heal you.
God wants to do a great work here. God wants to do all that.
But there’s the, if the if is not for God, if God wants God wills it, the if is for us, God’s part doesn’t begin with it.
Our part begins with, if God’s part begins with, then not if the, if is with us, the then is with God.
God is saying I not, maybe I’ll do it, then I will do it. I will do it.
But the then is based on our, if his promises are not and if his promises are sure, you know, they, they his promises.
There are a lot of times people look at, well, well, I didn’t see this. I didn’t see this.
Did you do what God said? Because God says I will do this.
But you need to do this too. If God tells you to do it, you can do it.
He’ll honor it. You start doing it, you make that commitment, the wind will be at your back because it’s from God and this is from God, whatever happens in the world or in the churches or with these that we’ve heard of revival again.
We need to pray for anything that’s of God to continue.
But regardless, God wants revival in all of us, therefore, that is his will.
Therefore, we have to pray for revival, believe for revival, seek for revival, choose revival for each of us.
Decide on it. Commit to revival in our hearts, commit to revival in our walks to live in revival.
And we must remember the word. If, if, if everything hangs on it, God can do great and mighty things.
He wants to show us great and mighty things we know not of.
But there’s that if make the, if a yes, turn the if into a yes, you are his my people, you are his people.
And he say you are called by his name.
If you will do what you have to do, bow your knee, Lord, yes, it’s your will.
Now, Lord, I’m not gonna fight you. I’m not gonna pretend I’m not going back and forth.
I’m not putting you to do. I’m not gonna ignore you. It’s you. I’m doing it. Lord, I got it.
I got it will humble themselves, subject themselves to me and pray. Lord.
I’m gonna spend that time in your presence. Forgive me for not.
It’s going to be the greatest joy of my life that I’m gonna be in the presence of the eternal living, almighty God in my bedroom and seek my face.
I’m gonna seek you, Lord. I’m gonna see and turn from their evil ways.
If, if if, if he’s four ifs there, if, if, if, if, then God says, then, then, then, then what, then what, then he’s going to hear your prayer.
Maybe even the prayer you’ve been praying for years, he’s going to hear it. Total, total and answers.
Then he will forgive and cleanse and make new and redeem and then he will bring healing and restoration and blessing to everything that’s needed in.
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