GOD Chose You – Be Fruitful | Dr. Bill Winston Sermon
GOD Chose You – Be Fruitful
The Believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministries partners and viewers up next on the Believer’s Walk of Faith.
That blessing on your life is about to bring you restoration in other words, stuff that’s been dead or stuff that’s been stolen.
That the blessing that’s on you when you start operating in it, even though it looks dead in the ground, the scent of water, that means a drop of water.
But let’s substitute the word water for the word I can put a drop of the word on this situation.
That thing will live again. That when jesus got into Peter’s boat and taught and then had Peter to pull all those fish in.
What did Peter do with his business after that? No?
Okay, Okay, okay, Alright, okay, don’t want a whole lot of guests in here.
Peter left everything and follow him Exodus.
Chapter four watch that’s what he told Moses.
Because Moses has got to lead people and they got to follow moses.
I’m telling they’re gonna follow you in exodus. Chapter four, please.
And verse 17 And thou shalt take this rod talking to moses in thy hand and we’re with thou shalt do what you’re gonna do miracles with this rod.
Now you don’t have a rod like that. You have your words.
Look at Joshua, Joshua. Chapter one. Let’s look at Joshua.
Chapter One Watch what they said to Joshua. Now he’s coming after moses and Joshua.
Chapter one verse 16 And they answered Joshua and said all that you command us. We will do.
And whether so ever you send us, we will go watch this according as we hearkened unto moses in all things.
So will we hearken unto you? Only the Lord thy God be with you as he was with moses.
I’m saying that the knowledge God is giving you is called Grace. Knowledge.
Yeah, it is knowledge that doesn’t come by the census since knowledge, all of it comes through work.
You’ve got to work to get it. Usually it’s sacrifice.
It’s usually people spend a lot of money and so forth to get all this education.
You’re gonna get knowledge by faith.
I’ve got to come over here because see I’m talking about being fruitful.
See you’re gonna bring forth something that’s not been seen.
And I call it disruptive innovation.
Okay, Okay, okay, Alright, okay, don’t want a whole lot of guests in here.
Peter left everything and follow him Exodus.
Chapter four watch that’s what he told Moses.
Because Moses has got to lead people and they got to follow moses.
I’m telling they’re gonna follow you in exodus. Chapter four, please.
And verse 17 And thou shalt take this rod talking to moses in thy hand and we’re with thou shalt do what you’re gonna do miracles with this rod.
Now you don’t have a rod like that. You have your words.
Look at Joshua, Joshua. Chapter one. Let’s look at Joshua.
Chapter One Watch what they said to Joshua. Now he’s coming after moses and Joshua.
Chapter one verse 16 And they answered Joshua and said all that you command us. We will do.
And whether so ever you send us, we will go watch this according as we hearkened unto moses in all things.
So will we hearken unto you? Only the Lord thy God be with you as he was with moses.
I’m saying that the knowledge God is giving you is called Grace. Knowledge.
Yeah, it is knowledge that doesn’t come by the census since knowledge, all of it comes through work.
You’ve got to work to get it. Usually it’s sacrifice.
It’s usually people spend a lot of money and so forth to get all this education.
You’re gonna get knowledge by faith.
I’ve got to come over here because see I’m talking about being fruitful.
See you’re gonna bring forth something that’s not been seen.
And I call it disruptive innovation.

Now, when God is calling you to do that, let’s go to john chapter 15 in verse one, He says, I am the true vine and you and her father is a husband and the husband is the one who takes care of the vine.
Every branch in me that bears not fruit. What does he do? He takes it away?
Here’s what do you think if you get a rose bush and you get some roses off the bush for you to get the luster that the rose bush is to give you concerning each rose, you’re gonna have to clip some other roses.
God made it that way. Yeah.
That for the luster to come out of your life. Something’s gonna have to be clipped.
I’m talking about being fruitful. All right now let’s put the next verse.
Put that same verse up there, let me finish that.
And he says every branch in me which bears not fruit and take it away and every branch that bears fruit.
He what purges are pruned to clip to the way that it may bring forth what more fruit.
God is not trying to restrict you. He’s trying to get more fruit out of your life.
And now you are clean through the words which I have spoken to you.
You’re gonna see what that means, abide in me and my words and I and you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself.
So you were never able to do original thinking now I said original thinking because I think somebody wrote the notes for last service and they put thinking you are supposed to think, I mean you you go out there that Roosevelt roads and don’t think and walk out in that road, you’re gonna be a box of meeting in the morning.
But you do think but you don’t do original thinking I didn’t decide, pardon me, I didn’t think of coming to Chicago.

It wasn’t my thought what my thought first place.
I didn’t have any Chicago money.
How many of you know it takes money moolah dinero uh change to live in Chicago.
But what? That was my original idea was my idea to start a joseph business school, that’s not my idea what my idea to move as far as product.
That my idea, in fact, I thought it it’s a pastor, you know that’s a place up there in forest park and and and and it’s a little place on on Madison Street and so forth.
Past that looked like something that that we should go to.
I said okay sister sure did wasn’t my idea because the first reason why it wasn’t it was disruptive, it’s disrupting your normal train of thought why he’s trying to get you off of self abide in me.
And I knew as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except that abide in the vine no more.
Can you accept you abide in me?
I am the vine and you are the branches and he that abideth in me, what is he going to do?
And and I and him the same. Bringeth forth what much fruit for without me?
You can do what, nothing, nothing, no, no no no, okay here’s the branch, here’s the tree, let’s say I’m a tree.
Arms of the branches. Now, what if one of the branches got struck by lightning and it’s half hanging on and this is an apple tree, it’s half hanging on, how do you think that will affect the fruitfulness of the branch alright.
Either, no fruit or fruit that that’s not fully developed or whatever. Why? Because the branch is not firmly attached.

Come on, it’s not firmly attached to the vine.
And when God gives you a step of faith, he’s trying to get you committed to the vine.
He’s trying to get you firmly attached so that you will depend on him If you don’t depend on him.
There’s only one of the source. Matthew chapter six verse 24. That’s there’s only one other source.
And he says here, man cannot serve two masters either.
He’s gonna hate hate one and love the other else.
He’ll hold to the one, hold to the one, hold to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God in mammoth Simpson’s got as a system out here.
That satan is God that he wants you to depend on because he’s got to get some fruit in this earth.
And so if he can get people to separate from God or at least be in the church, but listen to the devil, then he can get them to do what he wants to.
And now God’s work and purpose is not being delayed of getting done.
But you are coming here to learn that you are not the original thinker, that God is gonna give you the thought.
Now as you purposely move in, Obedience to God, you attract and anointing to make it happen.
See if not he want, he doesn’t want you to make it happen, not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit says, the Lord of hosts say Amen.
So every step of the way God telling me to do more what do more what I mean by do more molests a bill Winston and more of God, man.
You’re telling me to do something now. I’m saying Lord jesus, haven’t I done enough? No, I want more fruit.
Let’s go go to Chicago, started licking pulaski.
Some of you better come over the other place that it’s getting hostile mad at that hospital over there.
No, no. Are you following? It’s very important because God wants all the fruit out of your life.
Now we’re saying, hey, alright, the blessing is on me now. How did God operate?
Because the same way God operated is the way I’m gonna operate.
Same n he said to adam, be fruitful.
Come on, multiply replenish the earth, didn’t he said that? And said do it.
Look at Noah look at genesis chapter nine and verse one. This is after the flood. After the flood.
You read it in the bible, everything wiped out.
He said the trees wiped out the animals wiped out everything except what noah had on that boat.
Well, it’s an arc. But you know, I say things like that on the boat.
And people write me that wasn’t the boat that he had and that wasn’t a fish of Jonah, you know?
And that wasn’t this. And I want to right thumb back said mind your own business and get some fruit in your life.
You know, they missed the whole point.
I’m trying to tell them a principle and they’re dogging me out on that and God bless noah what he did what to him, he empowered him and then he said to know of what said what and what else and what else and what else?
That’s it. No, he didn’t say some do it ain’t up there.
Now my point to you is I was just trying to see how many y’all just follow me okay now but here’s what I’m saying.
I’m gonna use the blessing and I said we a turning gels come on, help me in the morning schools.
I’m gonna act like God, I’m gonna, I’m gonna see what I want and decree a thing.
Say amen and God’s gonna make it happen Now for you to do that, you gotta know who you are, say amen to that.
And I’m saying to you right now God has big plans for you because what he did look what he said in Matthew chapter 13 and verse 31 glory to God.
Remember what he said now every tree in you that the father has not planted shall be routed up.
I’ll try that again. Every tree in you. Every belief system that God didn’t put in you.
God’s gonna get it out of you.
Look what he says up here and the parable putting forth, he’s saying the kingdom of heaven is life to a grain of mustard seed which a man showed in his field, which indeed is the least of all seas.
But when it is grown it, what is the greatest among herbs and what else becomes the tree?
Come on that the birds of the air come and lodge under the branches.
You see what I’m saying here now God sang for you to replenish the earth.
I want you to replenish the earth now where you gonna get the ideas from?
Gonna get them from God because you don’t have original ideas. God knows exactly what he wants to do.
Watch this and chose you to do it. Am I right about it?
He knew exactly what he wanted and spoke to what he wanted it to come from meaning that he wanted fish and he spoke to the water, he wanted cattle, He spoke to the earth but he wanted you and spoke to himself.
But now he spoke to himself and produced you to act like him.
So what you want, God is now speaking to you for you to bring forth what East Lord have mercy.
This is powerful stuff.
Now say I am intelligent now that means that you’re gonna know things that the most educated people in the world don’t know.
So just just receive that. Am I right about it?
That means also because of this um Grace knowledge and Grace skill, God’s gonna give you skills that you didn’t have to go to learn.
He’s gonna give you proficiency without years Exodus.
Chapter 31 1st one, just look at it. Now, now I’m talking to everybody in here.
I’m saying, I don’t care whether you’re eight or 80.
I don’t care whether you’ve got a poor family, rich family, I don’t care what your third grade education or whatever.
I’m not down in education. I’m just letting you know the government is not your problem.
Because what you’ve got, the government can’t stop. All right, look what it says here it says.
And the Lord spoke to moses saying, watch this.
See, I have called by name, Bezalel, the son of your eye, the son of hur of the tribe of Judah and I have filled him with what?
The spirit of God, that’s the spirit of intelligence or wisdom in wisdom and what in understanding and in what knowledge and in all what manner of what workmanship in other words, skills, skills.
So, David never fought Goliath. Goliath been trained in skills from his youth. David never fought like that yet.
David slaughtered Goliath and everybody in there.
And I’m telling you, you’re about to take the lead over the world and you’re gonna take the lead because the blessing is on your life.
The first thing you do is got to receive the blessing.
Watch this and have faith in what the blessing said to you.
Now, the blessing when you got it on you, No matter where you go, it will protect you.
Say amen to that. That blessing. The only reason it got to Job like that is because the blessing.
Stop, look what it says here in Job chapter one and verse nine let’s try that one right there then satan incident said the Lord do you does job fear you for not hast not thou made a hedge about him and about his who house and about all that.
He what has on what every side thou has, what thou hast? What bless the work of his hand.
Job was blessed. No way, satan could have gotten the job.
The only way he got the job is Job got fearful. Look at it. Job chapter three verse 25.
And if you get fearful that head will try to drop in your life.
So you’re not gonna fear anything from now to the day, jesus comes for the thing which I what greatly feared has come on me and that’s what what I was afraid of has come to me.
Are you with me here? So say the blessing is on my life Now I want you to go over to job and chapter 14, please And job chapter 14 and verse seven there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down that it will sprout again and that the tender branches or branch thereof will not cease.
Watch this though the root thereof wax o in the earth and the stock thereof die in the ground yet through a scent of water it will bud bring forth boughs or branches like a plant.
Now, what is he saying? He is saying that blessing on your life is about to bring you restoration.
In other words, stuff that’s been dead or stuff that’s been stolen.
That the blessing that’s on you when you start operating in it, even though it looks dead in the ground, a scent of water.
That means a drop of water. Well let’s substitute the word water for the word.
I can put a drop of the word on this situation. That thing will live again.
That come on, That dead marriage will come to light.
So I’m saying to you right now that the blessing needs to be added to your thinking or be fruitful multiply replenish the earth because amazon can do that or somebody else can do it.
Maybe they don’t know God. I don’t know the situation, but I do know this, you know God And what he’s gonna give you is gonna be far above all Principalities and powers.
Why? Because you’re not coming to take sides, you’re coming to take over.
And the first thing you’re gonna do is coming to a neighborhood and decrease something.
Look at Isaiah chapter three 32. Look at Isaiah Chapter 32.
And my people shall what dwell in what a peaceable habitation and should dwelling and in quietness and resting places.
Listen, this is not the devil city, This is the city of God and every place the sole of a foot, your thread upon.
He’s given to us. So he’s saying wherever you go, you can decree peace, Not one gun will be shot.
Say amen. You can quiet your neighborhood down, starting tonight now decree peace and you’ll see peace in your neighborhood once you speak it empowered by the blessing.
The blessing knows what to do. You don’t have to do anything else. Jesus only spoke results.
No man eat food of you forever. That’s done peace.
Be still Lazarus come forth, he said, Lazarus come forth. Everything that you had in your body.
Everything lined up now because it’s the father in you. He’s doing the work.
As reason for clipping away things in your life. The reason leading you in faith.
So you have to depend on him is to make you holy, you are clean through my word God’s separating you from the world.
Why? Because you’re about to draw the world to God.
Well, I tried to do a blessed by today’s message.
Now, here’s the point. You want to remember, jesus is the vine and you and I are the branches.
Now, what do I mean by that? I mean that he said, I’m the vine and you are the branches.
Now if he’s talking about bringing forth fruit, where do fruit grow?
They grow on the branch and you and I are supposed to give our life and our life from the trunk from the roots And that life flows through the branch.
And it actually brings forth fruit on the branches. So, notice what happens.
We bring forth the will of God in this earth. He is the one that were attached to. Now.
What happens if somebody is not firmly attached, then it’s very difficult for the power and the the life of God to flow into the branch.
If somebody takes an ax and kind of have chops a branch off, what will happen to the fruit?
The fruit are not that big or not that you have that vitality and so forth. Why?
Because you’re not getting all the food source from the trunk or from the vine.
So what I’m saying to you is when God gives you a step of faith, he’s just trying to get you firmly attached.
Why? Because he said, you bear bring forth much fruit and your fruit shall remain praise God.
He wants you to bring forth something that will attract people to christ.
And let me tell you, he has done that in my life. I’m telling you these steps of faith.
At first it looked uncomfortable and so forth. But I took the step anyway. And look what God has done.
Look how far he spread this ministry! Every step was a step of faith.
And what was I doing, bringing forth much fruit? God powerful teaching.
Make sure you get that teacher teaching is powerful.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying until next time we love you and keep walking by faith.
Today’s series.
Be fruitful is available on Cd or MP three on DVD or MP four to order in the US contact us at 1 807 1193 to 7 or online at Bill Winston dot org as an additional resource order Today’s special bundle and receive the be fruitful audio or video series along with Dr Winston’s book, Faith in the marketplace.
In this bundle, DR Winston breaks down to you what it truly means to be a fruitful christian and shows you how to produce increase in every area of your life.
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to turn these cities around.
I said, I’m ready to turn these cities around.
We need help and bless the families and the Children, thank you dr whistling for blessing me and my family.
This is truly a blessing. There’s a lot of single parents like myself that doing everything by himself and this actually is a big help.
Oh, this is huge for the Detroit community.
Some of us are like swamped in bills and property taxes and um, this is excellent.
We appreciate the blessing being out here handing out Uber and gas cards that really helps me and thank you for your city tourists for the resources that you bring to our neighborhood.
We want to thank you DR Winston and Operation 10 city campaign and all of the pastors and ministers and people that have come out to serve it has been fun nominal and we are forever just blessed because of your leadership.
Thank you so much. We’ve had opportunity to pray for so many families.
I mean we prayed for people that were ex gang members on southwest side of Detroit are single mothers.
Every single person is being prayed for. Thank you for touching this family.
Thank you for this mother and thank you for these kids.
We ask that you touched their lives right now.
Pitch competition was important for Detroit because sometimes the city of Detroit can feel lost or forgotten and I want everybody to know that you’re not forgotten and that their churches out there.
Um pastors out there. Doctor Bill Winston ministries that really love the people of God and support the people of God.
Me having my record expunged will be the most powerful impact in my life because I plan on getting my C. D. L.
So I can be a truck driver.
I want to give everyone a hug with the guidance that you all are giving us today, I have a future and your business is gonna be so powerful.
It is gonna turn people back to God, this is your day.
No no no no no no.
You got to say this is my day, you’re not gonna leave here without your stuff.
Just thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for coming to Detroit to help us heal the community.
Thank you. You don’t know what we’ve been through here, But I feel extremely blessed and I just want to thank you.
Thank you. Living word. Dr. Bill Winston and Operation 10 city for what you’ve done for this city.
Remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by Faith.