From Condemnation to Grace

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From Condemnation to Grace

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Coming up next on changing your world.
Jesus was not sent to condemn the world, to shame the world, to say to the world that you’re not enough.
I literally, he says, I have come to end your shame, your blame, your guilt, your condemnation because through me, you will get a free gift of no condemnation and begin to do outstanding things because the root has been dealt with.
Hopefully, you’re gonna choose to let heaven determine your thinking because whatever choice you make, then that’s gonna be your mentality for today.
Can you say that he’s a way maker? Yes.
Can you say that he’s a god that sits high and looks low? Yeah.
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Let every heart that me used to know your love is to If you have your bibles, go with me to the book of Exodus chapter 19, and we’re gonna we’re gonna start at verse 8.
I wanna kinda set a a foundation for where we’re going here.
We’ve been talking about overcoming condemnation and really trying to understand it in light of our living.
You know? And sometimes we hear the word condemnation, but we’re not really visualizing what it looks like in our everyday lives.
And condemnation becomes the foundation, uh, basically for a lot of negative things that you’re you’re trying to overcome.
For example, condemnation is responsible for fear. I thought fear was the bottom line. But condemnation is the root.
Condemnation produces the fear and all the fears you have to deal with.
And if you don’t understand the root of it and you just try to deal with fear, then you’ll find yourself moving to the next stage where you’re dealing with the stresses of life.
And stress is absolutely an enemy that will be responsible for transferring uh, the curse in your physical body and in your soul.
And because as a result of stress, you begin to see and experiences the manifestations of the curse, the death cycle begins to take place.
And yet I still don’t think that the body of Christ as a whole has really gotten a hold of condemnation and what it looks like and and what it looks like on your journey, you know, because our Christian life is a a journey that we’re taking.
And so I wanna look at this this scripture.
We we’re studying the book of John on Wednesday night with the Wednesday night crew, and and we’re getting into just, like, every detail.
Right? And so the word of the Lord came by Moses to the people of God and something really happened here, and I encourage you to read the whole chapter.
But when he gave the word in verse 8, Exodus 19, he said, and all the people answered together, all of them, and they said, all that the lord hath spoken, these three words right here, we will do.
And Moses returned the words of the people unto the lord, and I encourage you to read the rest of it, but then when he returned the the the the the the the the three words back to god, something happened because god was like, go and get everybody cleansed because from this point, if you even touch the bottom of this mountain, you’re gonna die.
And if you do this, you’re gonna die. And if both y’all do that, both of y’all gonna die.
And I’m like, what ticked God off?
From my my view, I’m looking at what happened because they were they were, uh, allowed to touch the bottom of the mountain, uh, before.
There’s something that took place that I don’t think we noticed.
What happened before Exodus 198 and then god’s everything changed after Exodus 198 And these three words are the only things that I can see we will do?
And if you read this entire chapter, you’ll notice in the next few chapters, immediately he begins to establish the law.
The law was something that was perfect. It was flawless. It represented God’s character.
You you you knew God based on the law that he gave because there was there was no in between.
It was perfect. However, it was too perfect for a fallen man to be able to keep with his own performance and and and and his own effort.
So you can see clearly I’ll draw to conclusion and then you’ll see it as we teach it today, that God was saying to those who said we will do, He was saying not by yourself.
You won’t. He was saying something a little deeper.
He was saying, you by yourself, you are not enough to do what I sent you.
So the law was sent to condemn that which was perfect was sent to condemn man.
Listen to this now. The law of Moses was sent to condemn man.
Now, remember, the condemnation was all about this sense of not enough.
And the law was sent to convince mankind you’re not enough.
Now, imagine Christian people trying to keep something that was sent to condemn you.
Yes, it’s flawless. Yes, it’s perfect, but it was sent to say to you, not enough.
Because as they tried to keep the law, they constantly failed. Constantly failed. Constantly failed. The failure was so bad.
If you keep reading, uh, from Exodus on, that, it was so bad that God had to institute the sacrificial system of bringing sacrifices to a priest to cover your sins just so you can make it another year.
You think that that it lasted another year? No. In some cases, they bought a sacrifice. It was acceptable.
The blood of the animals covered their sin. And then 15 minutes after they walked away, they said.
So they had to live under sin, condemnation, sin, consciousness for the rest of the year until they could get back here to present another sacrifice to cover it.
So now you’re dealing with condemnation.
You’re dealing with constantly seeing that you’re not enough, that you’re not enough, that you’re not enough.
And now you’re dealing with the creation of seeing consciousness.
You’re now more conscious of seeing than anything else.
And so that’s a summary of putting everything together and shows you this is not the way of the new covenant.
And yet Christian people are still fighting to live by a law that brings condemnation.
Church full of people that show up at church feeling like I’m not enough because they are coming week after week knowing they hadn’t kept this, they hadn’t kept that, they hadn’t kept this.
And you know what was going on ultimately? You’re not enough, you’re not enough, you’re not enough.
And so condemnation and the feeling of not enough leads you to sin more.
And it’s happening with the stuff that the majority of the body of Christ is coming to church.
They’re coming to church and they’re hearing the law. They’re hearing do good and you’ll get good.
And so what happens is when you don’t get good, you’ll say, oh, my God, that’s because I didn’t do good.
And you’re constantly beating yourself up.
You get up in the morning and you say, Lord, forgive me for the sin I hadn’t even done yet because you’re more conscious of sin than you are the righteousness of God.
So how does this teaching fit today?
It fits with every individual that has not seen the gospel of grace yet, and they’re still stuck into the law.
And, you know, eventually, you have to act phony to make it seem like you’re actually doing it.
And then you have to start judging somebody to make you feel better about yourself not being able to do it.
And then, eventually, you have to start taking sin and dividing it into big sin versus little sin, when there was never that division in the whole Bible, was never that division of big sin, little sin.
Sin was just sin. Is everybody following me?
So now we move, and listen, there are still people, when you’re living by the law, it’s so hard to see grace.
All you got all all you gotta do is back up when before you heard the message of grace and remember your struggle.
You kept trying over and over again. You have to lie to be able to say you perfected it.
You have to because ain’t nobody in this house was able to keep the law perfectly.
For if you were, you would be called savior.
And there was only one savior and there was only one man that could perfectly keep the law, and the Bible says he kept it every jot and tittle.
So the next time you brag about how many commandments you’ve kept this week, if you hadn’t kept all of them, keep your mouth closed because James says if you have offended in one area, then you’re guilty of the whole thing.
Are you listening to me? Now that’s humbling to hear. Right?
Now all of a sudden, your religious your your religious pride is like, oh, okay. So what we got here?
You came in here bragging on, well, I’m apostle. I’m prophet.
And you apostle and prophet that’s still going to be under condemnation and you still not enough.
Your title will not make you enough. Your so called anointing won’t make you enough. Glory to god.
The only person that can make you enough is Jesus Christ, hallelujah.
He’s the only one that can make you enough. Now, that’s foundation, let’s get started.
All right, John chapter 3, we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna trace from condemnation to grace.
From condemnation to grace.
Now John chapter 3 verse 17, and I want I want you to read this out out loud with me.
Saint John chapter 3 verse 17. Well, let’s back up a little bit. You you’re familiar with verse 16.
Let’s look at verse 16 because I want you to see it in context.
Verse 16 says, for god so loved the world, so he love was his motivation.
For god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that, watch this, whosoever believeth in him, what?
Okay. So what do you have to do to not perish? Believe in him. Right?
Uh, and so what does belief look like? It looks like total dependence on god.
See, eventually, we gotta get from the point of saying I believe and not really know what that means.
To believe something is to receive something and then what you believed and received equals dependence upon it.
What you believe equals dependence upon it.
Abraham had faith in God that he was gonna give, uh, was gonna have a child like God said.
Alright? He was fully persuaded. But what was he what was it really?
He was dependent on God because he couldn’t depend on himself. Bruh, 100 years old, he’s shooting blanks.
He can’t depend on his self. He cannot depend on his self.
But he believed god which means that he depended on god, And Abraham was 90, those eggs were fried, diced, chopped, and every you understand?
She couldn’t do nothing but depend on god, but their dependence on god is called believing.
I need to say that to you because I don’t want you to just keep articulating I believe and it’s not matching I depend.
Are are you listening to me?
I depend on god when I’m sick. I depend on god when I’m in lack.
I depend on god when I’m acting like a fool. I depend on god when I when I’m hurting.
And all of a sudden, none of those things will have victory over you because of your declaration of dependence on him, which now translates and means I believe.
So he says, for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth or depends on him, he’s not gonna perish, but he’s gonna have everlasting life.
Now please understand something. When you believe in the Lord Jesus, you have everlasting life.
Somebody says, when are you gonna have everlasting life? When you die? No.
When the day you start believing on Jesus, you now you have everlasting life because he is ever oh, glory.
He is everlasting life. Everlasting life is not time, honey. Everlasting life is a person.
Y’all know that’s in the Bible, don’t you? Show it to it.
I ain’t got time. I’m already you know. Everlasting life as a person.
The day you believe on Jesus, everlasting life. You have everlasting life. Alright. Now watch this.
For god sent not his son to the world to condemn the world.
He didn’t send Jesus in the world to tell you that you’re not enough.
He sent Jesus in the world to tell you, I’m here. I’m getting ready to end all of those insufficiencies.
He sent him into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved from being not enough, saved from guilt, saved from not enough, saved from condemnation.
Jesus was sent in the world not to condemn it.
So if he wasn’t sent to condemn, how many of you know we’re not supposed to be we’re not supposed to be condemning people or judging people?
That is one of the major things you see in the church today is slanderous judgment motivated by mammon.
In other words, most of the people that slander folks, there’s some money involved somewhere that’s motivating your slander.
Are you listening to me?
Jesus was not sent to condemn the world, but to save the world.
A lot of times we see things in general and we ignore the context.
Jesus was not sent to condemn the world, to shame the world, to say to the world that you’re not enough.
I literally, he says, I have come to end your shame, your blame, your guilt, your condemnation, because through me.
You will get a free gift of no condemnation and begin to do outstanding things because the root has been dealt with.
Condemnation is the root to a lot it’s the root to all sin.
And if you can deal with the root to all sin, how many you know the fruit is gonna be greatly damaged?
Yeah. All right now.
We can see the huge difference between the condemnation of the Pharisees and the salvation of Jesus in this story we left off with last week dealing with a tax collector by the name of Zacchaeus.
Look at Luke chapter 19 and let’s begin at verse 1 in the, um, let’s go with the, uh, NLT.
Luke 19 verse 1. So you’re gonna see the difference between the condemnation of the Pharisees and the salvation of Jesus.
Somehow the church has been convinced that we can maybe see people transform their life by condemning them.
Condemn them, make them feel bad, tell them they’re gonna go to hell by 12, and Jesus is getting ready to show you that he can do so much more without condemnation than people with condemnation.
I I remember when I first got into ministry.
Most of the ministries that that that I was with and and and and the pastors and preachers, they used condemnation.
Okay? You know, we we do stuff like, you know, God didn’t, uh, what was that, About Adam and Eve and Adam and Steve.
And and that that won’t happen nobody. That was condemning people. You know what they do.
Just don’t come no more. You can do so much more through compassion than you can do through condemning.
And then as parents, we turn it around and make a reverse psychology. It’s still condemning.
You better watch out. You’re gonna be just like your no good for none daddy. Look at you.
You’re already acting like it. He like, okay. Well, I’m a go and do some more because I’m enjoying myself.
That ain’t all look too bad to me.
Transformation is blocked if condemnation is your motivator.
Alright? Look at this. Jesus entered Jericho and made his way through the town.
Uh, there was a man there named Zacchaeus.
He was a chief tax collector in the region, and he had become very rich.
He tried to get a look at Jesus, but he was too short.
So he you already know his he already got the Napoleon complex. He already got a issue.
I’m rich and short. He already got a issue.
But he was too short to see over the crowd, so he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree.
Turn on your neighbor and say, you sick of yours?
Somebody said, I’m sycamore.
Besides the road, he said, for Jesus was going to pass that way.
So when Jesus came by, he looked up. Ain’t that something?
God knows when your time is gonna be. You ain’t gotta announce it.
You ain’t gotta try to set up nothing. It’s the same way with David, man.
David was in the back tending to the sheep, and all them boys was up there.
And and and the prophet said, ain’t none of these they not the one.
You you sure you ain’t got one more? Yeah.
We got one boy, but he ain’t none of the little red headed boy back down there, and they called him up.
Call him here. See, God knows when to call you. Alright?
You just keep doing what God told you to do last, and he knows how to call you up front.
And while I’m at it, let me say those of you who are have been the last, get ready.
There’s a season coming where he’s getting ready to call the last to the front.
So your boss better watch out, you might end up being his boss.
When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name.
My God called him by name. Imagine that. Imagine what that did for him. Jesus know me.
Jesus know me. Now now think about it now. You’re Zacchaeus.
Jesus know me, and I’ve been stealing from these people.
Jesus know me, and I’ve been taking advantage of these people. But Jesus know me.
I’m sure the religious people say he need to condemn him.
Why why how come Jesus know his name? And he don’t know my name.
I pray. I fast. I give my tithe. And he never called me by my name.
In fact, when he told me to do this, he said, what’s my call? What whatever. Come here.
He called him by name, Zacchaeus, and he said, quick.
Calm down. Now And, you know, Zacchaeus wasn’t taking this time. He probably almost broke his ankle.
He probably didn’t climb. Now he just just came on down. Jesus said, quit.
Because if Jesus say, do something, do it. He got you covered. Quick, come down.
I must be a guest in your home today. But geez, I ain’t ready yet.
My house dirty and I’m not no. No. No. No. No. No.
Because I believe before the service is over with, Jesus is gonna be a guest in your home today.
Now watch this.
So Zacchaeus quickly clamped down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy.
I can’t even imagine what that was like. Alright. Now I understand something.
So Zacchaeus wasn’t saved at all.
In fact, if you just kinda really look at it, nobody was because Jesus had not yet died yet.
So Jesus is living in a situation where he is demonstrating and showing you the power of compassion over condemnation.
We don’t need to rely on our performance to earn God’s approval.
He already approves of us. In this 3 message series, The Danger of Condemnation, Creflo Dollar uncovers how condemnation is the root of many struggles for believers, but transformation comes from the love and compassion demonstrated by Jesus.
When you’re living by the law, it’s so hard to see grace.
Literally, he says, I have come to end your shame, your blame, your guilt, your condemnation because through me, you will get a free gift of no condemnation.
When there is no condemnation, the transformation can take off.
When there is no condemnation, the changes will take place.
For a love gift of only 9 US dollars or more, you can secure your digital download right now.
Call the number on your screen, scan the QR code, or visit w, and click e store.
Be free from condemnation today.
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We wanna be sure we are living according to what God has taught us about giving, and we understand that giving and receiving is a spiritual law.
It’s a reflex of God’s love.
And I’m so glad that Taff and I began to understand how to walk in this principle, but we give not out of necessity.
We give out of a cheerful heart. We give because we’re grateful and we’re thankful to what God has done.
You know, I I want you to pray about, uh, becoming a giver into Creflo Dollar Ministries today.
And if this ministry has blessed you in any way, consider sowing a seed of any amount and we will greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance for your support and God bless
you. Your financial donations into this ministry work all over the world to change countless lives.
If you’d like to support our efforts to save the lost, you may call in or visit creflo today.
God bless you.
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As we wrap up today’s broadcast, I’d like to take a moment to pray for you.
I don’t ever want to take for granted that you have received Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior.
There’s no better way to embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Christ.
So if you wanna become born again and begin an exciting intimate relationship with Jesus, pray this prayer with me now.
Heavenly father, come into my heart. Save me.
I receive you now by faith and I declare in Jesus’ name that I am saved.
Thank you, Lord, for saving me. Amen.
Well, if you prayed that prayer with me, I wanna welcome you to the kingdom of God.
Because of you, Creflo Dollar Ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day.
Thank you, partners and friends. Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo Dollar Ministries.

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