Friday Morning Prayers! December 1, 2023

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Friday Morning Prayers!

Prayer for the day

I pray, Lord, for the homes in this beloved country. Without Your love and wisdom guiding us, our society will crumble.

Prayer of the Day: Lord, thank You for the Holy Spirit, and the guarantee of heaven. Thank You for these glimpses of what the fullness of Your glory will be like. Help me stay to always stay excited, amen.


Father God, Thank You for Your amazing power and work in my life. Thank You for Your sacrifice on the cross so that we might have true freedom and eternal life. Help me to set my eyes and hearts on you this Friday. Revive my spirit, fill me with your Holy Spirit. I love you, Lord and want more and more of You in my life. So, please help to draw closer to You. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Lord, Jesus, I want Your will to be done this Friday. So, whatever happens or comes my way, help me to hold on to You and give me the wisdom and discernment to make wise choices. In Jesus name, amen.


Friday Morning Prayers

O’ Lord, thank you for this beautiful Friday morning. Today is a new day and I ask for your hand to guide me. Give me the wisdom needed today to make decisions that are part of Your will for my life. Bless those I interact with at work and home. In Jesus name, amen.

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people – Ephesians 1:18

Holy Spirit, I ask on this Friday morning that you would open the eyes of my heart that I may fully know what You have called me too. That I may understand the riches of my inheritance through Christ Jesus. Help me to walk in these truths and to be a light to those around me. Let the words of my mouth draw others towards You and plant seeds of salvation to those who don’t know You. Bless this Friday abundantly Lord. In the name of Jesus, amen!


Today’s Scripture

Nehemiah 2:8, NIV

And because the gracious hand of my God was on me, the king granted my requests. 

Today’s Word

Nehemiah was a cupbearer to the Persian king, Artaxerxes, when he prayed a bold prayer that the king be favorable to help him restore the broken down walls of Jerusalem. Even though there was no reason why the king would help, when Nehemiah went to the king, the first thing the king said was, “How can I help you?” When God puts a big dream in your heart, He’s already lined up the right people to help you. Not only that, but the king agreed to provide the timbers and building supplies as well as a military escort to keep him safe on the thousand-mile journey.

Nehemiah would tell you, “When you’re facing a big obstacle that looks impossible, thoughts will tell you that it will never work out. But the right people will be there to help you, the funds will show up, the good breaks will come. You have an advantage. The gracious hand of God is on your life.” There is favor on your life that will cause you to do what you could never do on your own.

Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for the dreams You put in my heart. Thank You that You have the right people and everything I need ready at the right time and place. I declare that Your gracious hand of favor is helping to take me to new levels. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

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