Fresh Seed // Fresh Fruit (Part 5) // Michael Todd

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Hello, my name is Will, and I have the honor and privilege of serving as one of the leaders here at Transformation Church. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to you for tuning in from wherever you’re watching. If you haven’t already, be sure to like and subscribe, because we believe God has an incredible word for you today. Let’s dive into this powerful message.

Today marks week five of our series, titled “Fresh Fruit.” I’ve felt a shift in my spirit from God, calling me to change things up this year. Typically, we focus on finances, generosity, and stewardship around this time, but God told me to approach it differently. I asked Him if I should change course, but He responded, “No, my people have matured. They don’t need six weeks, they need just two.”

I hesitated and thought, “Lord, some of them still need foundational teachings. We have people who forget that You, God, own everything.” But He said, “This is a test of maturity. You don’t need to repeat things for people who’ve grown in their faith. There are believers who are ready to bear fruit. They don’t need a revelation, they just need a reminder.”

So, today and next week, I want to remind you of the power of generosity and stewardship in living a Kingdom life. I’m not here to preach at you; I’m simply here to remind you of what God has already shown you—whether on a big scale or a small scale. The only person who can determine the scale is you.

For the next two weeks, I want to ask everyone who has any issues with discussions about money in church to just relax. I know some of you might get tense when this topic comes up, but let me assure you: there will be no offerings, no second collections, no $100 donation lines. In fact, we’re going to be giving things away. We are a generous church, and we give freely—without expecting anything in return.

I want to make it clear that this isn’t about taking anything from you. We’re not fundraising for a building project, and we’re not planning to repaint the parking lot. None of that is wrong, but today, I just want you to focus on the principle of generosity. Because once you understand this principle, you will live in such overflow that you’ll start praying for God’s guidance on how to manage it.

Some of you haven’t walked into the revelation of managing abundance simply because you don’t have enough to manage yet. But God says, “If you can manage the little you have, I’ll bless you with more.” Somebody say “More fruit.”

John 10:10 tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. We’re all familiar with that scripture. The surprising part is that we often know more about what the enemy wants to do than what Jesus wants to do. But Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” Write that down: FULL.

I love the idea of fullness. When I first got my bachelor pad, there was a special feeling I’d get when my refrigerator was stocked. After grocery shopping, everything from my Gatorades to my fruit snacks was organized just the way I liked. It wasn’t just about having food; it was the joy of returning home to a full fridge.

I don’t know if you’ve experienced this, but there’s something amazing about having everything in your size when you shop. Or getting that unexpected check when you’re used to seeing your account near zero. That feeling of abundance is what God wants for us.

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