Faith vs Fear | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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Faith vs Fear | Enjoying Everyday Life

Choosing faith vs fear is a daily decision. Watch this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer where she shares on how to choose an attitude of faith and stop letting fear control you, and start living by faith and the Word of God.

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Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

God is always speaking to you. And when life gets challenging, it can be hard to hear his voice.
Tune in to what he’s saying with how to be ready for anything and illustrated teaching book from joys.
Discover 4 weeks of brief daily studies will help you develop your spiritual ear and reflect on god’s word for guidance.
You’ll also receive battlefield of the mind, New Testament, a special edition, taken from Joyce’s battlefield of the Mind Bible, packed with personal notes and commentary designed to help you think the way God thinks.
Face life’s journey today.
Grab your copy of how to be ready for anything, and the battlefield of the Mind View Testament for a gift of $35 or more.
Visit online at or call 1807092895.
This program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
I do I did is because I’ve seen god’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
The key to every is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that god can heal you everywhere you hurt.
You know, everything has to have an opposing force.
We wouldn’t even really know what faith is if there was no fear.
And we wouldn’t have to make a choice.
And god doesn’t want a bunch of little robots.
He didn’t make everything good and then make us to the point where we couldn’t do anything but choose good He wants us to choose.
I set before you life and death. I set before you life and death, good and evil, choose life.
That you and your descendants may live. The choices you make affect your bloodline.
There’s good and there’s evil.
We wouldn’t even know good if there was no evil in the world.
We wouldn’t even know what it was. We wouldn’t know what light was if there was no darkness.
We wouldn’t know what love is if there was no hatred.
We wouldn’t know joy without depression. We wouldn’t know kindness without harshness.
We wouldn’t know what quiet is without noise and on and on and on.
But choice equals responsibility.
And sometimes we like to take responsibility for the good things that happen in our but then when something goes wrong, it’s not my fault.
It’s always somebody else’s fault.
You know, this is a scary scripture to me, Romans 1423.
Whatever is not a faith is sin.
Now he’s talking about them eating meat that had been offered to idols, but there’s a principle here we don’t wanna miss.
He says, even though it’s not wrong for you to eat it, if you eat it and you think it’s wrong, it’s wrong for you.
So as whatever is not a faith is sin.
So anything we do that we don’t really have the faith to do, but we do it anyway, It’s not just an.
It’s sin. You know, dread.
Is a type of fear. How many things do you dread?
I dread doing dishes. How many times a week you say I dread this?
I’d read going to the grocery store.
Some of you drove a long way to get here and you’re already dreading the drive home.
Come on.
Some of you didn’t get a good parking place, and you gotta walk a long way, and you’re dreading the walk back.
And you’ve been complaining the whole time that you didn’t get the right parking place.
You ought to you ought to get down in your face and thank god.
You say even get in the building that there’s even something like this for you to have. Amen?
Yeah. You need the book on the power of thank you.
Let me tell you something.
If you think I’m rough on you, I’m just as rough on myself.
Dread and regret They’re both useless because that they don’t they’re not in the now.
We regret things we did in the past.
We can’t do anything about and we dread things in the future that we’re gonna have to do anyway.
So why bred them? The devil loves it when you dread things.
You can have fun no matter what you do.
Took me a long time to learn that. Dave’s the kind of guy that he always has fun.
Always. Sometimes when I don’t think it’s funny, he wants to have fun.
And when we were young and had little kids, He’d go to the grocery store.
We had one car, so he he’d go to the grocery store and we’d take all the kids, and I it was like a nightmare.
And we we only had a certain amount of money.
I think it was $70 for 2 weeks worth of groceries, and so I had to clip every coupon I could find and take a calculator with me and calculate everything I was buying and, you know, how we are.
We get all the stuff that looks good. Don’t ever go to the grocery store hungry.
It is a bad mistake. To go to the grocery store hungry.
And if you pay attention to the way they’ve got the store laid out, all the stuff that you really have to have is in the last rows.
The milk, the eggs, the cheese, and all that kind of stuff.
It’s in the very last row you go into.
And so you’ve already spent too much money by the time you get there, so they’re hoping you’ll overspend.
Or you’re one of those people like I used to be, you pick the things out of your cart that you can’t afford to pay for.
And instead of taking them back and putting them where you should put them, you put them in with the cleanser or the dish soap or something like that.
And then you say what kind of crazy person leaves a head of lettuce and with the dish washing?
So me, I did that. But if Dave was gonna go to the store and Dave was gonna have fun, And he’s six foot 4, and so he can see things that I can’t see.
Like, he would he could get in one aisle and he could see me, but I couldn’t see him.
And so he would pick something soft that wouldn’t hurt me, like you know, roll a toilet paper or something, and he threw it over the aisle.
That would hit me. And then he chase the kids around with the cart.
And the I would get madder and matter and that I’m into the point where I thought I was gonna explode and I got my calculator and I got my coupons and I’m I’m like I am trying to get these groceries and get them paid for, get them in the car, get them home, put them away.
He said, I’m just trying to have a little fun.
Now, obviously, you know, anybody can go overboard with being like that, but it’s true.
There’s so many things that we dread that we could make fun Come on.
Come on. I got a backache.
Don’t make me work hard. It hurts you right there.
Right there. Whatever is not a faith to sin.
Okay. Now, I love Joshua 1, 1 through 9.
Not gonna read every verse, but It says, after the death of Moses, the servant of the lord, the lord said to Joshua, who was Moses’s aid, And I love the fact that Joshua spent years doing nothing but serving Moses, then he was the one who got to take Moses’s place.
He said, well, I’m just a servant.
Well, Jesus had the greatest of all is the servant of all.
Amen? So he took he took Moses’s place, and In verse 3, well, verse 2 says Moses, my servant is dead, which is interesting because they’d already been mourning him for 30 days so they knew he was dead.
Why did he tell them he was dead when they knew good and well that he was dead?
Because he was really making a statement. He’s dead. The 30 days of mourning are over.
Now it’s time to get up and get back to the business of living.
Moses is dead.
It’s time to get back to work.
Now you and all these people get ready to cross the Jordan into the land that I am about to give to them.
And then it says, uh, I like this translation best.
I’m gonna quote it out of the one I like.
Every place on which the soul of your foot shall tread that have I already given you?
Do you know what that means That means that out in front of me, god has already provided for this wonderful life for me to have.
And for YouTube, wonderful wife, for you to head.
And even if you messed up plan a because god’s god, he can make plan b better.
You say I’ve already messed up my life. Uh-uh. No.
God is god. He can do what he wants to.
So but he says every place on which the soul of your foot shall tread.
That have I already given unto you?
God has already given it, but we gotta go take it. Aren’t you with me?
God has already given it that you gotta go take it.
I’ll tell you what the devil don’t like this sermon tonight.
Verse 5, no one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life.
As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.
I will never leave you nor forsake you. Now there’s a great message there.
He did not say you get out there Joshua, and I want you to be just like Moses.
He said, no, as I was with Moses so I will be with you.
You don’t have to be like somebody else to be great You just have to believe that God is with you and that whatever he wants you to do, you’ll be able to do.
Thank god. I don’t have to be like anybody else.
I free to be me, and you’re free to be you.
I love that.
As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.
Now in verse 6, verse 7 and verse 9, he says the same thing 3 times.
Be strong and courageous. Verse 7. Verse 8, be strong and courageous.
Be careful to obey all of the law that my servant Moses will give you.
Turn not from it to the right or to the left that you may be successful wherever you go.
The key to having a great life is very simple. Oh, by god.
You know, there’s nothing hard about Christianity. Very simple.
You wanna have a life that is so smashingly great that it will leave you with your mouth hanging open in awe Oh my god.
Do what he tells you to, whether you like it or not, whether you feel like it or not, whether you agree with it or not.
Adopt a new attitude. I’m not gonna live behind field.
I’m gonna live by your word and it doesn’t matter if I like it.
It doesn’t matter if it makes any sense to me.
I’ve with your help, god, I’m gonna do what you tell me to do.
And I can tell you, anybody that will do that your life will turn around, and there’s nothing bad that’s happened to you that god won’t work out for your good.
Am I pushing anybody over the edge I mean, like, are you getting it?
You know, are you? I’m ready to stop living by how I feel I want.
I’m gonna live by the word. And, uh, you know, it’s easy to say yes and here.
But wait till the next time you wanna do something, you know down deep inside god’s telling you not to do it Everybody’s going to the movie that you know you shouldn’t go see.
But you don’t want them to think you’re just a Jesus freak.
You don’t want to think. You don’t want them to think.
Why do you care what people think?
At least as I was thinking about you, they’re leaving somebody else alone.
Yeah. You might spend the night. Home alone.
But, oh, you don’t feel so good in the morning because you obeyed god.
And I wanna tell you something. Obedience.
Obedience is learned in the little things of life.
The little things of life.
And you hear me tell all my stories that you laugh at and you think are funny, but to be honest, that’s where I learned You don’t have to go off to Bible College somewhere if you can’t afford to go or it’s not the right thing for you if it is go, but if it’s not, you can go to the school.
The holy ghost anywhere you live.
And all you need to do is say to the lord tonight, I I want to enroll in the school of the Holy Spirit.
Uh, I wanna enroll in your school, I’m happy to start in kindergarten if that’s where I belong, but I wanna enroll in your school and I wanna learn how to be a real Christian.
And then, you know, god told them to go in and possess the land.
And god wants you to possess the promises.
But do you know what the word possessed means?
If you look it up it means to dispossess the current occupants.
Now in the Bible, it says that there was a shorter route that god could have taken them to the promised land.
But he took them the long harder route because they were not ready for war.
Well, now there’s a lesson on what I’m getting ready to say.
So they wandered around out there in the wilderness.
They needed the power of thank you because all they did was murmur and complain.
They wandered around out there for 40 years trying to make an 11 day trip.
And if you re if you look at it, every town that they possessed, they had to fight and run off the current occupants.
Jericho, the first town they took, They possessed it, but they had to first dispossess the other people who occupied it.
They had to do war.
David was anointed to be king 20 years before he wore the crown.
What did he do in the meantime? He had to fight Goliath.
You’re gonna have to learn how to defeat the devil.
And you know how you do that? By feeling fear but doing what you’re afraid of.
And, you know, I don’t mean you have to go climb Mount Everest.
That’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m not a good swimmer, so I’m not gonna get in the deep end of the pool.
That’s not the kind of stuff I’m talking about. I’m talking about You have a destiny.
You have a destiny, but the devil will try to get you to back off.
I waited so long to get a speaking engagement.
Oh god, I wanted somebody to ask me and come preach so bad. I couldn’t hardly stand it.
And finally somebody did.
And I got 2, not 1, but 2 engagements right in a row.
Was gonna go to Colorado and then from there, I was going to Florida.
And in Colorado, I was preaching with this real famous, well known preacher and I was overjoyed because I knew he would bring in a big crowd.
Well, he canceled. And we had a snowstorm.
And there was just me. And a few pay a few a few.
A pitiful little few. People.
Well, I was so discouraged.
And, I mean, the devil told me Who do you think you’re fooling?
You ain’t called to do nothing. You made this all up. This is just stupid.
So I went to Jacksonville, Florida, and there was gonna be about 900 people in this conference.
Now I I only got invited because a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend.
A speaker canceled at the last minute, and they were desperate, so they got me.
And I wasn’t one of the main speakers. I just had a workshop.
And all the speakers said on the front row, And there was reverence, so and so, and Bishop, so and so, and prophetess, so and so.
And Joyce from Fenton.
And I already felt like about that big.
And they asked all the workshop speakers to get up and give about 3 minutes worth of what they were gonna talk about to make in the workshop.
And I was so afraid that when I got up to speak, I opened my mouth And when I tried to say something, just a little squeak came out.
You know, when you’re afraid you get dry and you feel like you gotta go to the bathroom and you sweat and everything’s just a mess.
And the devil screaming in my ear.
If you had any sense, you’d get your stuff and get out of here and get back to fit, and you’d never stick your head out of there again.
Who do think you are. Look at that prophet as a prophet and reverend and choice.
Well, you know what?
I have a doctorate now, but I don’t want anybody to call me doctor because I’m pleased to just be Joyce.
AM. Amen. Because just plain old joys from Fenton can be just as anointed as profitless so and so.
Hey, man. And right there, I had a decision to make that was a a destiny altering decision.
Was I gonna open my mouth and try again, or was I gonna run off that platform and go home and never stick my head out the door again?
Well, obviously, I open my mouth again. And here I am.
You gotta learn to do it afraid.
I tell a story in my book, and I’ll tell it to you, and then I’m gonna have to close.
There was a woman, true story, She had just basically missed her life because of fear.
Fear had stolen everything from her. She wouldn’t go out at night. She was afraid of the dark.
She wouldn’t drive. She was afraid to drive in traffic.
She didn’t like to be around a lot of people, so she lived a lonely life.
I mean, everything was fear, fear, fear, fear. And she was a Christian.
And, you know, the Bible says plainly god hath not given us the spirit of fear.
But if power and love and a sound and a well disciplined mind.
I rebuke you. And so a Christian friend of hers came over and she was feeling sorry for some.
I said I’m just so afraid. I just fear just steals everything from me.
And the woman looked at her And when I read this, it it changed my life too.
She said, well, why don’t you just do it afraid?
Well, see, what makes you think if you feel afraid that you still can’t do something?
You know what courage is going forward in the face of fear?
I mean, I had a guy at a conference last week, and he was there.
Last time I had a conference in that town, and he asked me the exact same question he asked me a few years ago.
So that guy is stuck. And he said to me, I just don’t know what I I both feel that god wants to use me.
But I just don’t know what god wants me to do.
Can you tell me how I can know what god wants me to do? I said, yes.
I can tell you. Step out and try something.
For 4 weeks of brief daily studies that’ll help you develop your spiritual ear and reflect on god’s word for Magnus.
You’ll also receive battlefield of the mind, New Testament, a special edition taken from Joyce’s battlefield of the mind bible packed with personal notes and commentary designed to help you think the way God thinks.
Face life’s journey today, grab your copy of how to be ready for anything and the battlefield of the mind new testament for a gift of $35 or more.
Visit online at or call 1807092895.
These are volunteers at our medical and dental outreaches, and we you use the gifts that god has given you to do something for him, he always blesses you for it.
And we invite you to come along with What do you think? Should they should they do that?
More information, but volunteer for a medical dental mission as soon as you possibly can.
The love life women’s conference is right around the corner. It’s next month.
And I’ll tell you, this is one of my favorite things all year round. You don’t wanna miss it.
October 19th through 21st in San Antonio, Texas. What a great place to be. And I promise you.
There is nothing like being in an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and healing. There’s prayer and worship and teaching.
And here is one example of what that environment feels like. This is a note from Deborah in Kansas.
And she says it was as if my Christianity had gone out the window ever felt like that?
I know a lot of us probably have.
I was in a panic because one of my children was facing an 8 year jail sentence.
Each time I prayed over the situation.
I envision myself on a boat in the ocean next to an abyss that was ready to suck me down to the bottom.
That kind of devastation feels horrible.
During this time, a friend of mine invited me to the love life women’s conference with a small group of ladies.
I was reluctant to go, but felt god calling me.
At the conference, I chose to sit up high and away from the others so I could keep to myself.
When the music started, I stood to my feet and began singing.
As I lifted my arms and worship, I saw myself in that same dreaded boat.
But by the end of the song, I was smiling for the first time in weeks.
God called this calmed the seas and made the waves disappear.
I left that weekend renewed, and I told the lord that my child was his.
I understood his plan for her life, and I prayed that he had a better solution, and he did.
She spent only 1 weekend in jail, and more importantly, her relationship with the lord has been restored.
Now listen, this is a great story and it is only one of literally thousands.
When you seek god, he promises that you will find him.
And when you go to a place like this and you just open yourself up to whatever he has, he will be there to meet you.
So we invite you to join us register today.
You can go to, but don’t wait too long because it is going to be here before you know it.
So make plans, and we will see you in San Antonio for a fantastic time together.
We hope you enjoy today’s program.
Please contact us or visit to share your prayer quest or partner with us in sharing Christ and loving people all across the globe.
This program has been made possible by friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries.
Have you been looking for a 365 day devotional Well, look, no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer.
There’s a focus verse for all 3 165 days of the year, along with a prayer starter.
Get your copy of promises for your everyday life devotional at offer.


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