End Time Mockers | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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End Time Mockers

“The justice of God is found in judgment—but the heart of God you find in the cross, in the Lamb. God is love, and the greatest love is that which gives itself, puts itself in our place, bears our pain and sorrows, takes our hell and judgment, that we would never know it, that we would be saved. That’s the heart of God. So when we speak of judgment, remember, God is the One who bears all judgment on Himself that we would never have to. God is the love . . . and love is the Lamb.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger II: The Return

It will be perilous times.
Moses said or, or it will be through actually throughout the scripture up to the, the, the the New Testament.
But what is that? What was that description of the people of the end times? What is it?
Men shall be lovers of self? Does that sound familiar?
There is more self love in our culture than there has ever been in the history of the world.
I don’t just mean American, I mean modern culture, self love, self realization, self actualization, self obsession, self magazine, self culture, self preoccupation.
Even the end time celebration of, of same sex relations, that self, that same, same in the church.
The gospel has become in many churches is largely uh largely for the self.
God is your counselor, God is your personal personal agent. He’s gonna help you.
He’s your personal trainer and he’s gonna help you be more successful. That’s not the gospel.
God will bless you as you follow him as he chooses to bless you.
But it becomes a thing where are you serving God? Or is God serving you?
You’re seeking to be served by God. That is not what what Jesus said that’s not what he said.
He serves himself. No, I’ve come to serve others, but it ends up, ultimately, it’s about self, self help what God wants for you and God wants for you and God God will bless you.
But put him first. Don’t put yourself first.
If you’re put, if you’re just getting more, if that’s all you’re doing, you’re getting more selfish in the name of God.
That’s not what God said Said, give up, be selfless love and God will bless you and even the church becoming it says, what, what else does it say?
Here, men will be lovers of money, become more materialistic, more money oriented.
I was with an old time minister the other day and he was speaking about how, you know, when he said in past, I could, people just volunteered, volunteered, volunteered for the Lord’s work and he says, now people want to be paid for everything and that, that is a shift people want.
What do I get out of it? Instead of just serving the Lord God will bless you.
He says they want the reward. Now they don’t want it later.
Men will be boastful, arrogant culture of, of, of arrogance, malicious culture, a vulgar.
It’s describing a vulgar culture, a harsh culture.
How many people realize that I don’t, I don’t depending on where you grew up, that we are in a, a vulgar culture, a culture that is vulgar, that’s harsh, that’s not gentle.
That that is, that, is, that is destructive, treacherous, reckless, conceded, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.
Does that sound familiar? We’re in it?
And all those things are more so now than have ever been since the gospel came to western civilization says there shall be a great falling away.
When you know, before the Lord comes today, the New York Times and ABC news and others will refuse to even write the name of God with a capital G.
They will not even give him the dignity of a first name.
They’ll treat him as if he was a pagan deity.
Recently, it came out the top, they had a study of the top 10 books in schools that Americans viewed as most dangerous.
One of the top 10 was the Bible.
Can you imagine that in a school system that was founded by the pyramids for the, for the purpose of spreading the gospel?
Imagine if the puritans return today to America to see what happened?
They would be shocked every year in the last seven years, the numbers of those in America who identify as Christian at all, not saying, not saying born again Christian, not saying evangelical Christian, not saying true Christian, but Christian has dropped by 1% point every single year.
Thus in seven years, 7% less now that that may, I don’t know, it seems to you that has to be, you were talking about 2000 years that has to be the greatest change, mass change.
We’re witnessing the greatest mass change of morality in the history of the world.
There’s never been a change in morality this fast globally ever.
It’s like the undoing of the gospel when it came to, to this civilization among millennials.
It’s heading to almost half saying they’re not Christian at all. Then that’s, that’s the future.
How many millennials are evangelical?
19%? 81%. no one poll sought to find out how many of the younger generation have a biblical world view.
The answer 1%. Another translation of Timothy, it says they were, they were in the last days, they will be without natural affection without natural affection.
Interesting. Well, they’ll be with, they, they will therefore be with unnatural affection.
There, there’s something about this that there’s something about the end times that’s linked to unnatural.
The word when Paul says there will be a great falling away.
The word is apostasy and apostasy comes from the Greek apo and that is taken to mean and it does mean it means to, to, to move away from fall away from your stand, fall away from faith is what it’s saying here.
But it means fall away from the stand of, but it also means to fall away from the state of or the state of being.
So in other words, in the same day, when you see you see a culture, a civilization falling away from faith from the faith from the word of God.
You will also see man falling away from the state of man, women falling away from the state of women, marriage, falling away from the state of marriage.
You get it a falling away from being in Daniel when he looks, when he looks at the last global kingdom or the last Great Kingdom, that, that fourth creature, that fourth beast in Daniel, the word that’s used to describe.
First of all, it’s a weird looking thing. It’s the only one that has metal in it.
It’s like unnatural. It’s artificial. But the word when it’s described in Daniel, it says this, this creature was Shane in Hebrew, which means can mean it was different, it was diverse or it was altered.
In other words, the end time civilization will be different from everything before it.
The first creatures are all animal forms, but this one is beyond.
And so it’s saying the end time civilization last day, civilization will be unnatural.
It will be an unnaturalness, a deh humanness about it. We’re watching that.
So it’s weird to watch people.
You know, if I, when I go to airports now, I just kind of every single person is plugged into something electronic.
Unless they’re like very old. There’s almost everybody is plugged into electronic something, you know, everybody.
It’s amazing and, and yet we know we’re using it, you’re using it, but you gotta be, you gotta be careful where this is all going, we’re using it or are we getting so plugged in that we stop, you know, the younger generation in many ways, they, they, they’ve done studies, they don’t relate as much to others.
They relate through there through that. So I’m looking and saying, wow.
And I’m writing it, I’m typing this up and writing it down on my laptop as I do that to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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