Drawing Down God’s Kingdom to Earth | Tony Evans Highlight
Drawing Down God’s Kingdom to Earth
Dr. Tony Evans focuses on the concept of God’s kingdom and its relevance in our lives. When we pray for “Thy kingdom come,” we are asking for God’s rule to manifest in our lives, aligning our decisions, relationships, and priorities with His will.
Sometimes, we’re waiting on God, but God’s waiting on us. He’s saying, “Come on, activate My power, activate My favor, activate my healing.” God works where there’s faith. He sees our needs, but He’s not moved by needs. Otherwise, there would be no needs. He’s moved by our faith. What activates the flow is when we put a demand on our faith. When we believe that God can do what seems impossible. When we go around not talking about how big the problem is but about how big our God is. When we declare, “God is going before me making my crooked places straight. He’s opening doors no person can shut, bringing divine connections, the right people across my path.” That’s not just being positive. You just activated a flow of favor. You’re going to see God do uncommon, unusual things, things that you can’t explain.
We’re living in a world today that wants to impose human rules on god’s house, and you are seeing the repercussions when Little Old Pewdie Minh wants to impose our rules on the king, there’s gonna be disruption in the house.
On every issue of life. You wanna ask the question, oh, King, what’s your rule in this house?
Your kingdom come verse 10.
Your kingdom come now.
Have you been here For any amount of time, the word kingdom is probably driving you nuts because we kingdomize everything.
God’s concerned, the whole Bible only has one subject the glory of god through the advancement of his kingdom.
He talks about it a million different ways, but that’s the only subject in the Bible, his kingdom.
The Greek word was Becilia kingdom means rule or authority.
And so he says, when you pray to your daddy, you pray that his kingdom comes.
That is that heaven enters history.
Cause he’s your father in heaven, and you’re praying for the kingdom, you his sphere of rule is being made manifest on earth.
Now don’t miss this because you have to understand that since kingdom means rule, he wants to be in charge.
He wants to be in charge of your life. He wants to be in of your program.
He wants to be in charge of your finances. He wants to be in charge of your decisions.
He wants to be in charge of your relationships.
He wants to be in charge because he wants to manifest his kingdom. His rule.
When when you come in when you come into my house, on an earthly standpoint, when I come into your house, we are coming into each other’s kingdom.
I mean, men will say in a moment, I’m king of my castle, They’d be lying, but they’d be talking.
But you come into my realm, my sphere of rule, Now once I come into your house or you come into my house, there is an obligation to follow your rules.
Because it’s your house. So in my house, I don’t have ashtrays, so you can’t smoke.
I don’t have liquor glasses.
So Jack Daniels is unwelcomed, and the Hennessy must stay outside.
If you come into my house, I’m a correct you if you use profanity.
I don’t allow profanity in my eyes. Okay? If you come into my house with your your boo.
You’re gonna be sleeping in two separate rooms if I let you stay over.
Now you might say, but but that’s not how I roll, but you ain’t in your house.
And once you come into my kingdom, my rules rule.
Now the problem is the whole world is god’s house.
The earth is the lord’s influence around the world, and all they that dwell in it He said, it’s my house.
So I set the rules, and your job is to adjust to my rules. Right.
Which may not be your rules. It may not be how you are raised.
It may not be how you feel. It may not be what you think.
It may not be what they taught you in school. But this is my crib.
And so you are to pray when you pray that my rule becomes manifested thy kingdom come.
One of the reasons we don’t see more of god is we’re trying to impose impose our kingdom on him.
You all know what this is when you have teenagers who wanna build their own kingdom in your house.
They wanna set up their rules while they eat your food.
I told y’all about Crystal.
She’s shaking her head. No.
But I I gotta tell you because One of the reasons god get preaches kids is for illustrations.
Crystal is the intellectual one in the family, and, you know, she’s a she’s kind of the smart one.
Oh, excuse me. Now I I didn’t mean that for so but she she’s kinda, you know, she’s the intellectual one.
You know? And so she’s one day she’s she’s arguing with me. She’s I’m thinking a little.
She’s getting a little. It’s agreeing that.
So in the midst of this agreement, She decides to walk off.
Hello? She decides to walk off. So I’m saying, where you going?
She said, to my room. That needed some correction.
She’s going to my room. I let her sleep in.
God, that’s my house.
But some of you parents know what it is when teenagers wanna set up their own kingdom in your house and ain’t paying bill number 1.
We’re living in a world the day that wants to impose human rules on god’s house.
And you are seeing the repercussions of what happens when little old beauty men mankind wants to impose Our rules on the king that is gonna be disruption in the house So your question is on every issue of life.
The kingdom agenda is the visible demonstration of a comprehensive rule of god of every area of life.
You wanna ask the question, oh, king, what’s your rule in this house?
This is your house, and our prayer to daddy is that your kingdom comes that you be made visible.
Your rule will be be made visible. You enter the kingdom through conversion.
You experience the kingdom through surrender. When you accept Christ, you enter the kingdom.
When you come under his authority, then you get to experience the kingdom.
So many Christians don’t experience the kingdom because they entered it, but haven’t surrendered to it.
And if there’s not the surrender, you can be a rebellious kid in the house.
Or a rebellious culture in the house.
Now I will agree. There is an adjustment to this house.
Different strokes. Arnold and Willis.
2 kids from Harlem had now been brought into the house of Philip Drumming.
Fellow Drummond is living large. There from the hood.
Now they’re in a new kingdom to the In Drummond’s house, but they brought their hood with them.
So we’ve laughed when we watched different strokes as Mister Drummond is trying to make them sadidian sophisticated and they’re bringing their old ways with them, and they have to go through this adjustment to their new location.
When you came the cries, you entered into another house, but we bring our old stuff with us.
And so god often has to bring things in our lives to let us know that’s not accepted in his house.
Thy kingdom come.
The rule of god is the cry That is his program, and it demands a priority because he says thy will be done.
So there is a opportunity, the father, there is program the kingdom, and then there is the priority, his will.
That’s a hard one.
Merging on to the highway of god is a problem.
We all know what it is to merge onto a a highway, and sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s hard.
To merge onto a highway, to get on to the route where things are going.
God is going for his kingdom. And to do that, that must be the priority of his will.
That’s why he says seek first, the kingdom of god. In Matthew 633.
Uh, the idea is to merge on to where he is going.
Now let me remind you that there are 2 categories of will.
There is the conditional will of god, and there is the unconditional will of god.
The unconditional will of god is what he’s going to do regardless.
Regardless of whether you pray or not, regardless of whether you obey or not, regardless of of anything.
He’s decided to make a sovereign decision to do something.
In other words, no conditions are attached to it. He just says, this is what I’m gonna do.
That’s tough when what you’re asking him to do is not what you’re praying.
Not what you’re asking for, not what you’re desiring, not what you’re wishing, not what you’re fasting for.
This unconditional sovereign will of god.
But then there is the conditional will of god.
These are the things god will only do if you meet the conditions, which typically boil down to prayer and obedience.
If the conditions are not met and it’s his conditional will, then he won’t do it, although he would have done it.
James 42 says you have not because you asked not because the so you didn’t you didn’t pray about it.
You didn’t pursue and pray about it. I was gonna do it.
You know, there is over a $1,000,000,000 of gift cards that go unused every year.
Over a $1,000,000,000 of gift cards that go unused.
How many prayers have gone unanswered because we didn’t cash in.
There is the conditional will of god where when you meet the conditions He responds in his own way in his own time, but he responds because you’ve met the conditions.
If it’s the unconditional will, he’s gonna do it because he’s made a sovereign decision like it or not, that this is what is his desire for whatever this situation is.
So I will be honest with you personally, and I want you to be aware of this that the sovereign unconditional will of god sometimes hurts.
The sovereign unconditional will of god sometimes hurt, particularly when he doesn’t bother to explain it.
The Bible is full of things that god has done that he didn’t.
He never explained the job why his life was turned upside down in 24 hours.
He never told him.
Job ends the book with him knowing nothing about what happened in chapter 1. That’s right.
Something was happening up there. That he had no knowledge of because god in an unconditional decision that he will only have to explain in eternity I decided this now for this reason, and I decided not to tell you.
But we shouldn’t be that surprised because all of us as parents do that with our kids.
Make decisions that we don’t bother to explain. And all we say is because I said so.
Because that’s it, sir.
That is his unconditional will, but There is his conditional will.
You say, but how do I know the difference? You don’t.
That’s why the Bible says, pray about all things because you don’t know which ones are conditional or unconditional unless it’s expressly stated, you don’t know.
So you pray about all things. That’s why Paul can say.
And first, that’s Loni in 517, pray without ceasing because he says bring everything to god.
Because you don’t always know which one is which.
Ephesians 1 versus 1011, god says he does all things after the council of his will.
His goal is to get his will done. Now He can do it with you or without you.
God will always reach his goal.
The question is, will you be a participating party in him getting there because he can skip you and go to somebody else.
He’s not god has never locked down to you. Or me. So that’s why you can never become prideful.
Right. You know, you can be blessed, but you bet not get Visa ditty with it. K?
It never can never. They said this is the great Babylon with Jabber.
If you ever hear me say, This is the great old cliff, and and the word I come after that?
Stop me before I go crazy. Okay?
You never become private because then you join the devil and his pride for rebellion against god, thinking of yourself more than you ought to think.
That affects not only how we rate relate to god, but how you relate to other people.
You’re not better. You may just have more.
So god is after his will.
He wants us to give him the keys to the car of our lives because like a drunk driver, we stagger with our lives and our decisions.
We stagger. We we stagger. We think we’re going right, but we’re going left.
And we, you know, we stagger.
So we need somebody behind the wheel of a car of our lives that knows where he’s going.
So there is the paternity. He’s your daddy.
There is the program, his rule. There is the priority he wants to do his will.
But the lord’s prayers divided into 2 halves.
Those first things have to do with god, his name, his program, his priority.
But now he switches to us because the the next three things have to do with us.
So he’s not forgotten you. He just wants you and me to be in our proper place after him.
So paternity program, priority. Now he comes to provision.
Verse 11, give us this day our daily bread.
Or to put it another way, as you’ve heard me say a million times, only god is your source.
One source, On all matters, only god, your father is your source.
Everything else is a resource. Is a means that god uses, and he can change resources.
The the the beautiful thing about that is that means that nobody can own you nobody can own you because nobody is your source.
God can replace things, people, times, changes, circumstances.
He can do it subtly. He can do it gradually. So only god is your source.
God is so comprehensive in his sourcing.
That he even uses bad things to accomplish his goodwill.
He uses the devil. To accomplish his will.
He uses the sin of other people to accomplish his will.
He took an unclean bird to feed the prophet. Elijah.
All through the Bible god is using things that are for him and using things that are against him because he gonna get where he wanna go even if he has to use bad to get there.
But he is your provider.
Notice the word daily is twice in this verse.
He says give us this day our daily bread. That’s physical provision.
Give us this day, our daily bread.
Your daddy wants to be so involved with your life he wants to be involved in your life on a day by day basis.
Not a week by week Sunday morning worship scenario. Says it twice.
This is I want your daily dependence on me.
That’s why he fed Israel in the wilderness with manner day by day. Why to keep them dependent?
See, the problem the blessing in America is that we have a lot.
The blessing, the curse in America is that we have a lot.
Because we don’t have to most of us don’t have to think about daily bread because we got weekly and monthly freezers.
And we got weekly and monthly freezers.
You don’t think about daily bread because you already know you got the bread for today, tomorrow, and that take.
You got it. You got the grocery store up the street, you know, when you could afford it.
So we don’t think about daily dependence.
Until something goes wrong. Yeah. Right. That’s right.
Until something goes wrong, then all of a sudden, god is really important now.
Don’t need I need him today.
He wants that to be a habit.
On every issue of life. You wanna ask the question, oh, King, what’s your rule in this house?
Your kingdom come verse 10.
Your kingdom come now.
Have you been here For any amount of time, the word kingdom is probably driving you nuts because we kingdomize everything.
God’s concerned, the whole Bible only has one subject the glory of god through the advancement of his kingdom.
He talks about it a million different ways, but that’s the only subject in the Bible, his kingdom.
The Greek word was Becilia kingdom means rule or authority.
And so he says, when you pray to your daddy, you pray that his kingdom comes.
That is that heaven enters history.
Cause he’s your father in heaven, and you’re praying for the kingdom, you his sphere of rule is being made manifest on earth.
Now don’t miss this because you have to understand that since kingdom means rule, he wants to be in charge.
He wants to be in charge of your life. He wants to be in of your program.
He wants to be in charge of your finances. He wants to be in charge of your decisions.
He wants to be in charge of your relationships.
He wants to be in charge because he wants to manifest his kingdom. His rule.
When when you come in when you come into my house, on an earthly standpoint, when I come into your house, we are coming into each other’s kingdom.
I mean, men will say in a moment, I’m king of my castle, They’d be lying, but they’d be talking.
But you come into my realm, my sphere of rule, Now once I come into your house or you come into my house, there is an obligation to follow your rules.
Because it’s your house. So in my house, I don’t have ashtrays, so you can’t smoke.
I don’t have liquor glasses.
So Jack Daniels is unwelcomed, and the Hennessy must stay outside.
If you come into my house, I’m a correct you if you use profanity.
I don’t allow profanity in my eyes. Okay? If you come into my house with your your boo.
You’re gonna be sleeping in two separate rooms if I let you stay over.
Now you might say, but but that’s not how I roll, but you ain’t in your house.
And once you come into my kingdom, my rules rule.
Now the problem is the whole world is god’s house.
The earth is the lord’s influence around the world, and all they that dwell in it He said, it’s my house.
So I set the rules, and your job is to adjust to my rules. Right.
Which may not be your rules. It may not be how you are raised.
It may not be how you feel. It may not be what you think.
It may not be what they taught you in school. But this is my crib.
And so you are to pray when you pray that my rule becomes manifested thy kingdom come.
One of the reasons we don’t see more of god is we’re trying to impose impose our kingdom on him.
You all know what this is when you have teenagers who wanna build their own kingdom in your house.
They wanna set up their rules while they eat your food.
I told y’all about Crystal.
She’s shaking her head. No.
But I I gotta tell you because One of the reasons god get preaches kids is for illustrations.
Crystal is the intellectual one in the family, and, you know, she’s a she’s kind of the smart one.
Oh, excuse me. Now I I didn’t mean that for so but she she’s kinda, you know, she’s the intellectual one.
You know? And so she’s one day she’s she’s arguing with me. She’s I’m thinking a little.
She’s getting a little. It’s agreeing that.
So in the midst of this agreement, She decides to walk off.
Hello? She decides to walk off. So I’m saying, where you going?
She said, to my room. That needed some correction.
She’s going to my room. I let her sleep in.
God, that’s my house.
But some of you parents know what it is when teenagers wanna set up their own kingdom in your house and ain’t paying bill number 1.
We’re living in a world the day that wants to impose human rules on god’s house.
And you are seeing the repercussions of what happens when little old beauty men mankind wants to impose Our rules on the king that is gonna be disruption in the house So your question is on every issue of life.
The kingdom agenda is the visible demonstration of a comprehensive rule of god of every area of life.
You wanna ask the question, oh, king, what’s your rule in this house?
This is your house, and our prayer to daddy is that your kingdom comes that you be made visible.
Your rule will be be made visible. You enter the kingdom through conversion.
You experience the kingdom through surrender. When you accept Christ, you enter the kingdom.
When you come under his authority, then you get to experience the kingdom.
So many Christians don’t experience the kingdom because they entered it, but haven’t surrendered to it.
And if there’s not the surrender, you can be a rebellious kid in the house.
Or a rebellious culture in the house.
Now I will agree. There is an adjustment to this house.
Different strokes. Arnold and Willis.
2 kids from Harlem had now been brought into the house of Philip Drumming.
Fellow Drummond is living large. There from the hood.
Now they’re in a new kingdom to the In Drummond’s house, but they brought their hood with them.
So we’ve laughed when we watched different strokes as Mister Drummond is trying to make them sadidian sophisticated and they’re bringing their old ways with them, and they have to go through this adjustment to their new location.
When you came the cries, you entered into another house, but we bring our old stuff with us.
And so god often has to bring things in our lives to let us know that’s not accepted in his house.
Thy kingdom come.
The rule of god is the cry That is his program, and it demands a priority because he says thy will be done.
So there is a opportunity, the father, there is program the kingdom, and then there is the priority, his will.
That’s a hard one.
Merging on to the highway of god is a problem.
We all know what it is to merge onto a a highway, and sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s hard.
To merge onto a highway, to get on to the route where things are going.
God is going for his kingdom. And to do that, that must be the priority of his will.
That’s why he says seek first, the kingdom of god. In Matthew 633.
Uh, the idea is to merge on to where he is going.
Now let me remind you that there are 2 categories of will.
There is the conditional will of god, and there is the unconditional will of god.
The unconditional will of god is what he’s going to do regardless.
Regardless of whether you pray or not, regardless of whether you obey or not, regardless of of anything.
He’s decided to make a sovereign decision to do something.
In other words, no conditions are attached to it. He just says, this is what I’m gonna do.
That’s tough when what you’re asking him to do is not what you’re praying.
Not what you’re asking for, not what you’re desiring, not what you’re wishing, not what you’re fasting for.
This unconditional sovereign will of god.
But then there is the conditional will of god.
These are the things god will only do if you meet the conditions, which typically boil down to prayer and obedience.
If the conditions are not met and it’s his conditional will, then he won’t do it, although he would have done it.
James 42 says you have not because you asked not because the so you didn’t you didn’t pray about it.
You didn’t pursue and pray about it. I was gonna do it.
You know, there is over a $1,000,000,000 of gift cards that go unused every year.
Over a $1,000,000,000 of gift cards that go unused.
How many prayers have gone unanswered because we didn’t cash in.
There is the conditional will of god where when you meet the conditions He responds in his own way in his own time, but he responds because you’ve met the conditions.
If it’s the unconditional will, he’s gonna do it because he’s made a sovereign decision like it or not, that this is what is his desire for whatever this situation is.
So I will be honest with you personally, and I want you to be aware of this that the sovereign unconditional will of god sometimes hurts.
The sovereign unconditional will of god sometimes hurt, particularly when he doesn’t bother to explain it.
The Bible is full of things that god has done that he didn’t.
He never explained the job why his life was turned upside down in 24 hours.
He never told him.
Job ends the book with him knowing nothing about what happened in chapter 1. That’s right.
Something was happening up there. That he had no knowledge of because god in an unconditional decision that he will only have to explain in eternity I decided this now for this reason, and I decided not to tell you.
But we shouldn’t be that surprised because all of us as parents do that with our kids.
Make decisions that we don’t bother to explain. And all we say is because I said so.
Because that’s it, sir.
That is his unconditional will, but There is his conditional will.
You say, but how do I know the difference? You don’t.
That’s why the Bible says, pray about all things because you don’t know which ones are conditional or unconditional unless it’s expressly stated, you don’t know.
So you pray about all things. That’s why Paul can say.
And first, that’s Loni in 517, pray without ceasing because he says bring everything to god.
Because you don’t always know which one is which.
Ephesians 1 versus 1011, god says he does all things after the council of his will.
His goal is to get his will done. Now He can do it with you or without you.
God will always reach his goal.
The question is, will you be a participating party in him getting there because he can skip you and go to somebody else.
He’s not god has never locked down to you. Or me. So that’s why you can never become prideful.
Right. You know, you can be blessed, but you bet not get Visa ditty with it. K?
It never can never. They said this is the great Babylon with Jabber.
If you ever hear me say, This is the great old cliff, and and the word I come after that?
Stop me before I go crazy. Okay?
You never become private because then you join the devil and his pride for rebellion against god, thinking of yourself more than you ought to think.
That affects not only how we rate relate to god, but how you relate to other people.
You’re not better. You may just have more.
So god is after his will.
He wants us to give him the keys to the car of our lives because like a drunk driver, we stagger with our lives and our decisions.
We stagger. We we stagger. We think we’re going right, but we’re going left.
And we, you know, we stagger.
So we need somebody behind the wheel of a car of our lives that knows where he’s going.
So there is the paternity. He’s your daddy.
There is the program, his rule. There is the priority he wants to do his will.
But the lord’s prayers divided into 2 halves.
Those first things have to do with god, his name, his program, his priority.
But now he switches to us because the the next three things have to do with us.
So he’s not forgotten you. He just wants you and me to be in our proper place after him.
So paternity program, priority. Now he comes to provision.
Verse 11, give us this day our daily bread.
Or to put it another way, as you’ve heard me say a million times, only god is your source.
One source, On all matters, only god, your father is your source.
Everything else is a resource. Is a means that god uses, and he can change resources.
The the the beautiful thing about that is that means that nobody can own you nobody can own you because nobody is your source.
God can replace things, people, times, changes, circumstances.
He can do it subtly. He can do it gradually. So only god is your source.
God is so comprehensive in his sourcing.
That he even uses bad things to accomplish his goodwill.
He uses the devil. To accomplish his will.
He uses the sin of other people to accomplish his will.
He took an unclean bird to feed the prophet. Elijah.
All through the Bible god is using things that are for him and using things that are against him because he gonna get where he wanna go even if he has to use bad to get there.
But he is your provider.
Notice the word daily is twice in this verse.
He says give us this day our daily bread. That’s physical provision.
Give us this day, our daily bread.
Your daddy wants to be so involved with your life he wants to be involved in your life on a day by day basis.
Not a week by week Sunday morning worship scenario. Says it twice.
This is I want your daily dependence on me.
That’s why he fed Israel in the wilderness with manner day by day. Why to keep them dependent?
See, the problem the blessing in America is that we have a lot.
The blessing, the curse in America is that we have a lot.
Because we don’t have to most of us don’t have to think about daily bread because we got weekly and monthly freezers.
And we got weekly and monthly freezers.
You don’t think about daily bread because you already know you got the bread for today, tomorrow, and that take.
You got it. You got the grocery store up the street, you know, when you could afford it.
So we don’t think about daily dependence.
Until something goes wrong. Yeah. Right. That’s right.
Until something goes wrong, then all of a sudden, god is really important now.
Don’t need I need him today.
He wants that to be a habit.
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