Dr. Winston: Dominate the System – Replenish and Subdue
Dominate the System – Replenish and Subdue
In this teaching, you will discover:*You are loaded with wisdom and supernatural solutions to solve problems at the root and yield righteous fruit to preserve humanity *Jesus never took time to attack the leaves; He always went to the root (spirit) *What causes a person to become attracted to false gods *Boldness comes when you look at things and see them through God’s eyes. As you study this teaching, depend wholly on God to use you to be the branch that is attached to the True Vine, producing good fruit!
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministries, partners and viewers.
The enemy’s job is to weaken people and keep them weak.
I’m talking about Christians now you got the other people.
I’m not a Christian, keep them weak and the way he keeps them weak.
The main way is to keep them from the word. Keep them from the word.
Keep them coming to church on Sunday, but never opened in the Bible till the next Sunday came away from the word and then tried to affect the dependence of that person.
Keep them depending on the world system and having to bow to it.
So that they could get their daily needs met the system.
Satan’s plan, he got the world. They have no choice.
They have no choice but the church, he cannot stop the covenant from functioning.
He cannot stop the covenant.
The covenant, the covenant will make any business prosper in any condition.
Look what Satan did.
Satan came at job and spoiled everything.
Kids got killed so forth.
Job said over in job chapter three verse 25 he said the thing which I greatly feared, what did he say about it has come upon me and that’s what I was afraid of has come to me.
And then over in chapter six of Job, he said in verse 23 or deliver me from the enemy’s hand, redeem me from the hand of the mighty, teach me and I’ll hold my tongue cause me to understand where I have error.
He said do something with my mouth.
Next verse how forcible our right words.
See he violated the covenant.
He violated a law and this law says that you gotta speak things because God never spoke what he didn’t want.
Now, if I’m gonna imitate God, I can never speak what I don’t want.
Now I know this strikes some people. Well, you gotta say certain things.
Sometimes you better find another way to say it because it registered on your spirit and the, the the design of it is to weaken your spirit.
See your protection comes from your spirit. As a believer, it comes from your spirit.
He said, put the scripture up there, please. Proverbs chapter 4 23 please.
He said, keep thy heart. What is your heart? What is your heart? Come on, say it again.
It’s your spirit and keep it with all. What diligence?
Because what out of it comes, what it comes, the forces of life, it comes the power to sustain your body so forth.
Notice when somebody dies, the first thing you can do is feel their skin and if you feel their skin, it is cold as ice.
Why? Because the engine is gone and the engine of your life is your spirit.
That thing is pumping man that that thing has got life in it.
And I’m saying it has radiation in it and it radiates our protection.
That’s why if it’s weak, fill it with the word of God. Why?
Because the word is food for the engine that’s in you. That’ll bring forth deliverance for you man.
That is good preaching right there in that parcel.
Now you can go further with re replenishing with Romans chapter eight and verse 11.
If you come up there, he said, but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you got it.
That’s a holy ghost. And you, you are your spirit say I am a spirit.
I say I do not have a spirit.
I am a spirit because you are just like your father watch this dwell in you.
He then raised up Christ from the dead. Shall also do what quicken your mortal body by his spirit?
Was that word quicken me, make it alive. Watch this. I’m designed to give myself a new liver.
Now. I gotta preach it.
The, the world can’t do that.
They have to go get a liver from somebody else.
But God is saying, you know, no, I don’t have to go to anybody else.
I can make you be fruitful. I can make you bring forth healing for your body.
Matter of fact, I got some healing for you this morning called communion. It is more powerful. Watch it.
It’s more powerful than any capsule. It’s more powerful than any injection. It’s more powerful than any, any anything.
You know, I was, I was, I was, I was my wife and I were talking yesterday and you know, I’m starting to think like God, you know, and I said, you know, God said he took, he took, they needed some wine and he took water.
Jesus did. And by the time it got to the mouth of the, of the wine taster who was skilled in.
Why thing he knew good stuff.
You know, like you was unsaved, you knew good stuff, man, this, this stuff is good.
You knew good stuff. Now, you, you’re born again now. So you, you, you left that life behind that, ok.
But I’m telling you, he takes.
He said, whoa, whoa, whoa He said, what, what is going on here? You’ve reversed the thing.
He said, normally you put your best stuff out first. So this is the best one.
He took water and made it wine.
Now, I’m just saying, can’t God take anything and by the time it reaches your lips, come on now, he he can make, he can make bread and tell you to eat this piece of bread.
And by the time it gets to your esophagus, it will be penicillin.
See, wait, wait a minute, only the church can do this.
He said with God, how many things are possible?
If you’ll only do what you don’t believe it will happen.
That was a Godly thought for carver to ask God can he get milk out of a peanut?
Because nobody else would ask that.
See, God not only wants to do it, but he doesn’t want anybody else to be able to take credit for it.
The intimate job is to keep you and me in our natural logical uh system trained mind when they came after Elisha in Second Kings chapter six.
Am I right about that? Elisha said one thing there are more that be with us then be with them.
Am I right about that? Now, what did I tell you today?
I told you that you can have your debts paid off in.
How much time are you gonna hold on to that?
See, the problem is not receiving the thoughts of God that we’re still trying to reason it out according to what they told you in that economics class and you don’t know what you’re talking about.
That, that system has taken that Bible out of that school and he took it out for that reason so that you will not invest in the supernatural because this is the door to the supernatural.
It’s called the Word of God. He calls it a mystery over in Matthew chapter three.
I’m preaching good. Now, whatever profession you have, you should be being fruitful, you should be inventing, you should be creating.
You should be letting God speak, download solutions to you that they don’t have how much way, way of doing it in a way that people had never thought of.
Now, what are you gonna do with that?
You’re gonna lead people into uh uh uh knowing, knowing or inquiring about your God.
Pharaoh did not ask Joseph anything about his daddy until Joseph made Pharaoh rich.
OK. Joseph had to demonstrate his God. And then pharaoh said, who dad are you?
You know who, who’s your father?
And they, when they see it come through, you’re gonna ask you who is your father?
Isn’t this beautiful?
Now, God wants him to be the person who does it through you.
He wants to give you the idea.
Now, what did, what did you, what did uh you, you know this one? What did Gideon say about himself.
He’s poor. Am I right? He’s uneducated. Am I right about that?
But God empowers your mind and that’s what Paul said. We have the mind of Christ.
Christ in you. The hope of glory. I can do all things.
Come on. Come on, help me through Christ, through Christ. Oh, that you flunked out.
But he’s gonna tell you watch what I’m gonna do if you give me some room.
He says he’s doing this because he doesn’t want anybody to save.
I made you rich. Isn’t that powerful now.
He’s got a seed for you. But there is a competitive seed.
Look over here in Genesis chapter 16 and verse one, Satan is vying for your production capability.
Now, Sarah Abraham’s wife, she bare him no Children and she had a handmaiden, an Egyptian whose name was Ha.
And Sara came up with an idea sweetheart or uh is this a girl here?
You, you see what I’m saying? Notice Satan wants to give seed.
It seems right. Oh But the end thereof.
Come on, help me, help me now, Mr This is our time but just God’s gonna give you seed.
He hadn’t forgotten you, but he says he’s gonna give seed to the ones that are thirsty.
Isaiah 44. And verse three. God pours water on ground. Let’s do it.
Now. What does she want from you?
And I, he wants us to desire what he desires or what Jesus died. To provide.
And basically that’s the whole earth.
He wants you to take back management cause you are his child and he has taken this earth and given it over to you.
Now, how are you gonna do it? Let’s move to another level. You follow what I’m saying?
Let’s go to another level. Let’s start looking for natural solutions.
I know you’ve been trained in this and trained in that.
But so was carver, he trained in Iowa.
But when he came there, when Booker D Watson brought him down, look what book Washington did he got in that laboratory and closed and said, hey, how can I get?
He said I never take a single textbook into my lab. Why he doesn’t want to be tempted?
You want to hear one voice?
And I’m telling you hear it from me. God wants you rich.
Hold on, I’ll, I’ll put some things down here in a piece of paper.
Can I share this with you right quick. Are you all getting some out of this?
Say, I believe in the supernatural? I believe that God wants me fruitful.
And from this day, I will be fruitful in the name of Jesus.
Anything blocking that way to my being supernatural and operating by the seed of the word of God, I cancel it.
Now in the name of Jesus, that means relatives in my environment.
Anything that will try to get me not to be fruitful.
I commanded to move out of my way right now in Jesus name, now watch this.
He wants you with supernatural solutions. Say amen to that.
And also he’s going to give you business ventures and industries to capture wealth.
That’s good. That’s a good preacher right there. OK?
And also he asked Joshua, how long Joshua chapter 18 and verse three, he asked him, how long are you gonna go in to possess this?
How long you go going to possess the land? All that Jesus died to provide.
How long are you gonna go and put that down?
Don’t hang around these people because they’re gonna get you logical. You don’t want that.
You, you gotta get it from me so you can take that land.
Let’s take it Joshua 5 13 and it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went until him and he said to him, art thou for us or for our adversary.
And he said, nay, but as captain of the host of the Lord, am I now come?
And Joshua fell on his face to the, to the earth and did worship.
Now this is what I’m saying here.
This angel wanted to give him an experience of, wait a minute, wait a minute.
You’re asking me, am I on your side?
The question is, are you on my side and why am I saying that he goes, what the world is trying to do is obsolete your word of God s but it is the strongest thing in the earth trying to, trying to make you not either be ashamed of it or not want to live by it.
Someone asked me said, dove, you know, everybody’s got an opinion.
You know, I said, well, when you’re born again, there’s not, but one opinion has not been one opinion.
And that opinion is what God’s opinion.
So if I’m gonna answer your question, I need to answer it according to what the word of God, the word of God.
And I’m saying that because you get in these debates, these forums because you’re about to see a lot of that.
Now see they’re trying to solve this, excuse me, rac the problem.
They’re going to see a lot of that. But look at all the opinions that you’re gonna get.
But who’s opening up this Bible?
No, Satan doesn’t want him to open that up because if they open it up, they’ll dominate his system.
Now, how long can it take me to get my bills paid off?
Somebody said two weeks, no, I said, OK, you said two weeks.
I said, what one week now was I preaching to you?
See, while I’m preaching, the word comes through me. Got it.
The anointing comes on me, tells me what to say.
So I just told you something that you should meditate on see it.
Now, in Second Kings chapter four, that lady got rid of that debt. What?
Right now over in Matthew chapter 17, Jesus had a tax debt.
How long did it take him to get rid of that debt as long as it took for Peter to pull this fish?
But each way was super natural.
So don’t look for a natural way to get a it off in a week. You are no longer natural.
You are a supernatural being. God is supernaturally in you.
And he’s gonna give you the next steps to paying off your debt in one week.
I said, he’s gonna give you the next step to paying off your debt in one week.
Man. I’m preaching that boy say into that and get ready for foolish thoughts because he gonna drop something in you.
You’re gonna know it’s God, Jeff like Pharaoh. When Joseph came to him, he didn’t know Joseph.
But when Joseph gave the answer in Genesis 41 about what to do and all of that, what’s coming?
He said, that’s it right there.
So he right there, he know he knew his spirit bore witness to it, say amen to this.
And I like what it says in the book of Psalms, except the Lord build a house, they that labor, labor in vain and, and it said, except the Lord keep the city.
I I’m talking about with Antifa. If the, the let the Lord keeps the city. They watch but in vain.
See, God can keep your city. He can keep your family. He can keep your health.
They planted food all out there with the Jewish people who were under the covenant and not one insect could bite those grapes because God can keep everything.
Let’s come back home to Jesus.
Well, I trust that you were encouraged by today’s message.
Now, here’s a point. You want to remember your spirit is the engine inside of you that brings life.
Your spirit is your spirit man. That’s what the Bible calls it. I know women understand.
He calls it the spirit man inside of us. Now, if your spirit gets weak, then you can get weak.
Meaning that the strength for your life comes out of your spirit and the way you strengthen your spirit is by the word of God, by you, taking time for devotion in the morning, you’re strengthening your spirit by you even praying and saying the blessings over your food.
You’re strengthening your your spirit as you come into your church service and raise your hand, lift your hands and shout the praises of God or sing songs that have the word of God.
You’re strengthening your spirit. He wants you to strengthen your spirit with might in your inner man.
That’s what he says. Now, one ounce of faith comes out of your head.
It all comes out of your spirit, keep your spirit strong praise God.
Now you could just hear this message over and over again. You don’t wanna hear it.
Once you wanna hear it continuously.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, you can download MP3 MP four.
Download it, listen to it. Let it go in your car while you, I mean, listen to this message, put it in the house, just put a speaker in the house and just let this word just keep tumbling.
I mean, that’s the way I got my faith. Strong faith that takes shopping malls, faith to get airplane.
I mean, get it strong feed that inner man just like you feed your body, feed your faith.
Praise God and that inner man. Well, this is Bill Winston order that today.
Praise God until next time we love you and keep walking by faith blessed by today’s message order, replenish and subdue series in its entirety to receive the full teaching.
This three part series is available on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four to order in the US.
Contact us at 1 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
Canada contact us at 8442982 900 or online at Bill Winston dot C A.
Now is the time to take heed and know that the church must arise and understand its vital role in establishing God’s kingdom in the earth.
Get your copy of Replenish and subdue today.
Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called a Revelation of Royalty.
Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your, your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect like that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain position and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours.
The first step to it, change your image, go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
Contact us by phone at 1 to 807 75439443.
Or submit your prayer request online at Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
Follow us on Periscope and Facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministries, partners and viewers.
The enemy’s job is to weaken people and keep them weak.
I’m talking about Christians now you got the other people.
I’m not a Christian, keep them weak and the way he keeps them weak.
The main way is to keep them from the word. Keep them from the word.
Keep them coming to church on Sunday, but never opened in the Bible till the next Sunday came away from the word and then tried to affect the dependence of that person.
Keep them depending on the world system and having to bow to it.
So that they could get their daily needs met the system.
Satan’s plan, he got the world. They have no choice.
They have no choice but the church, he cannot stop the covenant from functioning.
He cannot stop the covenant.
The covenant, the covenant will make any business prosper in any condition.
Look what Satan did.
Satan came at job and spoiled everything.
Kids got killed so forth.
Job said over in job chapter three verse 25 he said the thing which I greatly feared, what did he say about it has come upon me and that’s what I was afraid of has come to me.
And then over in chapter six of Job, he said in verse 23 or deliver me from the enemy’s hand, redeem me from the hand of the mighty, teach me and I’ll hold my tongue cause me to understand where I have error.
He said do something with my mouth.
Next verse how forcible our right words.
See he violated the covenant.
He violated a law and this law says that you gotta speak things because God never spoke what he didn’t want.
Now, if I’m gonna imitate God, I can never speak what I don’t want.
Now I know this strikes some people. Well, you gotta say certain things.
Sometimes you better find another way to say it because it registered on your spirit and the, the the design of it is to weaken your spirit.
See your protection comes from your spirit. As a believer, it comes from your spirit.
He said, put the scripture up there, please. Proverbs chapter 4 23 please.
He said, keep thy heart. What is your heart? What is your heart? Come on, say it again.
It’s your spirit and keep it with all. What diligence?
Because what out of it comes, what it comes, the forces of life, it comes the power to sustain your body so forth.
Notice when somebody dies, the first thing you can do is feel their skin and if you feel their skin, it is cold as ice.
Why? Because the engine is gone and the engine of your life is your spirit.
That thing is pumping man that that thing has got life in it.
And I’m saying it has radiation in it and it radiates our protection.
That’s why if it’s weak, fill it with the word of God. Why?
Because the word is food for the engine that’s in you. That’ll bring forth deliverance for you man.
That is good preaching right there in that parcel.
Now you can go further with re replenishing with Romans chapter eight and verse 11.
If you come up there, he said, but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you got it.
That’s a holy ghost. And you, you are your spirit say I am a spirit.
I say I do not have a spirit.
I am a spirit because you are just like your father watch this dwell in you.
He then raised up Christ from the dead. Shall also do what quicken your mortal body by his spirit?
Was that word quicken me, make it alive. Watch this. I’m designed to give myself a new liver.
Now. I gotta preach it.
The, the world can’t do that.
They have to go get a liver from somebody else.
But God is saying, you know, no, I don’t have to go to anybody else.
I can make you be fruitful. I can make you bring forth healing for your body.
Matter of fact, I got some healing for you this morning called communion. It is more powerful. Watch it.
It’s more powerful than any capsule. It’s more powerful than any injection. It’s more powerful than any, any anything.
You know, I was, I was, I was, I was my wife and I were talking yesterday and you know, I’m starting to think like God, you know, and I said, you know, God said he took, he took, they needed some wine and he took water.
Jesus did. And by the time it got to the mouth of the, of the wine taster who was skilled in.
Why thing he knew good stuff.
You know, like you was unsaved, you knew good stuff, man, this, this stuff is good.
You knew good stuff. Now, you, you’re born again now. So you, you, you left that life behind that, ok.
But I’m telling you, he takes.
He said, whoa, whoa, whoa He said, what, what is going on here? You’ve reversed the thing.
He said, normally you put your best stuff out first. So this is the best one.
He took water and made it wine.
Now, I’m just saying, can’t God take anything and by the time it reaches your lips, come on now, he he can make, he can make bread and tell you to eat this piece of bread.
And by the time it gets to your esophagus, it will be penicillin.
See, wait, wait a minute, only the church can do this.
He said with God, how many things are possible?
If you’ll only do what you don’t believe it will happen.
That was a Godly thought for carver to ask God can he get milk out of a peanut?
Because nobody else would ask that.
See, God not only wants to do it, but he doesn’t want anybody else to be able to take credit for it.
The intimate job is to keep you and me in our natural logical uh system trained mind when they came after Elisha in Second Kings chapter six.
Am I right about that? Elisha said one thing there are more that be with us then be with them.
Am I right about that? Now, what did I tell you today?
I told you that you can have your debts paid off in.
How much time are you gonna hold on to that?
See, the problem is not receiving the thoughts of God that we’re still trying to reason it out according to what they told you in that economics class and you don’t know what you’re talking about.
That, that system has taken that Bible out of that school and he took it out for that reason so that you will not invest in the supernatural because this is the door to the supernatural.
It’s called the Word of God. He calls it a mystery over in Matthew chapter three.
I’m preaching good. Now, whatever profession you have, you should be being fruitful, you should be inventing, you should be creating.
You should be letting God speak, download solutions to you that they don’t have how much way, way of doing it in a way that people had never thought of.
Now, what are you gonna do with that?
You’re gonna lead people into uh uh uh knowing, knowing or inquiring about your God.
Pharaoh did not ask Joseph anything about his daddy until Joseph made Pharaoh rich.
OK. Joseph had to demonstrate his God. And then pharaoh said, who dad are you?
You know who, who’s your father?
And they, when they see it come through, you’re gonna ask you who is your father?
Isn’t this beautiful?
Now, God wants him to be the person who does it through you.
He wants to give you the idea.
Now, what did, what did you, what did uh you, you know this one? What did Gideon say about himself.
He’s poor. Am I right? He’s uneducated. Am I right about that?
But God empowers your mind and that’s what Paul said. We have the mind of Christ.
Christ in you. The hope of glory. I can do all things.
Come on. Come on, help me through Christ, through Christ. Oh, that you flunked out.
But he’s gonna tell you watch what I’m gonna do if you give me some room.
He says he’s doing this because he doesn’t want anybody to save.
I made you rich. Isn’t that powerful now.
He’s got a seed for you. But there is a competitive seed.
Look over here in Genesis chapter 16 and verse one, Satan is vying for your production capability.
Now, Sarah Abraham’s wife, she bare him no Children and she had a handmaiden, an Egyptian whose name was Ha.
And Sara came up with an idea sweetheart or uh is this a girl here?
You, you see what I’m saying? Notice Satan wants to give seed.
It seems right. Oh But the end thereof.
Come on, help me, help me now, Mr This is our time but just God’s gonna give you seed.
He hadn’t forgotten you, but he says he’s gonna give seed to the ones that are thirsty.
Isaiah 44. And verse three. God pours water on ground. Let’s do it.
Now. What does she want from you?
And I, he wants us to desire what he desires or what Jesus died. To provide.
And basically that’s the whole earth.
He wants you to take back management cause you are his child and he has taken this earth and given it over to you.
Now, how are you gonna do it? Let’s move to another level. You follow what I’m saying?
Let’s go to another level. Let’s start looking for natural solutions.
I know you’ve been trained in this and trained in that.
But so was carver, he trained in Iowa.
But when he came there, when Booker D Watson brought him down, look what book Washington did he got in that laboratory and closed and said, hey, how can I get?
He said I never take a single textbook into my lab. Why he doesn’t want to be tempted?
You want to hear one voice?
And I’m telling you hear it from me. God wants you rich.
Hold on, I’ll, I’ll put some things down here in a piece of paper.
Can I share this with you right quick. Are you all getting some out of this?
Say, I believe in the supernatural? I believe that God wants me fruitful.
And from this day, I will be fruitful in the name of Jesus.
Anything blocking that way to my being supernatural and operating by the seed of the word of God, I cancel it.
Now in the name of Jesus, that means relatives in my environment.
Anything that will try to get me not to be fruitful.
I commanded to move out of my way right now in Jesus name, now watch this.
He wants you with supernatural solutions. Say amen to that.
And also he’s going to give you business ventures and industries to capture wealth.
That’s good. That’s a good preacher right there. OK?
And also he asked Joshua, how long Joshua chapter 18 and verse three, he asked him, how long are you gonna go in to possess this?
How long you go going to possess the land? All that Jesus died to provide.
How long are you gonna go and put that down?
Don’t hang around these people because they’re gonna get you logical. You don’t want that.
You, you gotta get it from me so you can take that land.
Let’s take it Joshua 5 13 and it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went until him and he said to him, art thou for us or for our adversary.
And he said, nay, but as captain of the host of the Lord, am I now come?
And Joshua fell on his face to the, to the earth and did worship.
Now this is what I’m saying here.
This angel wanted to give him an experience of, wait a minute, wait a minute.
You’re asking me, am I on your side?
The question is, are you on my side and why am I saying that he goes, what the world is trying to do is obsolete your word of God s but it is the strongest thing in the earth trying to, trying to make you not either be ashamed of it or not want to live by it.
Someone asked me said, dove, you know, everybody’s got an opinion.
You know, I said, well, when you’re born again, there’s not, but one opinion has not been one opinion.
And that opinion is what God’s opinion.
So if I’m gonna answer your question, I need to answer it according to what the word of God, the word of God.
And I’m saying that because you get in these debates, these forums because you’re about to see a lot of that.
Now see they’re trying to solve this, excuse me, rac the problem.
They’re going to see a lot of that. But look at all the opinions that you’re gonna get.
But who’s opening up this Bible?
No, Satan doesn’t want him to open that up because if they open it up, they’ll dominate his system.
Now, how long can it take me to get my bills paid off?
Somebody said two weeks, no, I said, OK, you said two weeks.
I said, what one week now was I preaching to you?
See, while I’m preaching, the word comes through me. Got it.
The anointing comes on me, tells me what to say.
So I just told you something that you should meditate on see it.
Now, in Second Kings chapter four, that lady got rid of that debt. What?
Right now over in Matthew chapter 17, Jesus had a tax debt.
How long did it take him to get rid of that debt as long as it took for Peter to pull this fish?
But each way was super natural.
So don’t look for a natural way to get a it off in a week. You are no longer natural.
You are a supernatural being. God is supernaturally in you.
And he’s gonna give you the next steps to paying off your debt in one week.
I said, he’s gonna give you the next step to paying off your debt in one week.
Man. I’m preaching that boy say into that and get ready for foolish thoughts because he gonna drop something in you.
You’re gonna know it’s God, Jeff like Pharaoh. When Joseph came to him, he didn’t know Joseph.
But when Joseph gave the answer in Genesis 41 about what to do and all of that, what’s coming?
He said, that’s it right there.
So he right there, he know he knew his spirit bore witness to it, say amen to this.
And I like what it says in the book of Psalms, except the Lord build a house, they that labor, labor in vain and, and it said, except the Lord keep the city.
I I’m talking about with Antifa. If the, the let the Lord keeps the city. They watch but in vain.
See, God can keep your city. He can keep your family. He can keep your health.
They planted food all out there with the Jewish people who were under the covenant and not one insect could bite those grapes because God can keep everything.
Let’s come back home to Jesus.
Well, I trust that you were encouraged by today’s message.
Now, here’s a point. You want to remember your spirit is the engine inside of you that brings life.
Your spirit is your spirit man. That’s what the Bible calls it. I know women understand.
He calls it the spirit man inside of us. Now, if your spirit gets weak, then you can get weak.
Meaning that the strength for your life comes out of your spirit and the way you strengthen your spirit is by the word of God, by you, taking time for devotion in the morning, you’re strengthening your spirit by you even praying and saying the blessings over your food.
You’re strengthening your your spirit as you come into your church service and raise your hand, lift your hands and shout the praises of God or sing songs that have the word of God.
You’re strengthening your spirit. He wants you to strengthen your spirit with might in your inner man.
That’s what he says. Now, one ounce of faith comes out of your head.
It all comes out of your spirit, keep your spirit strong praise God.
Now you could just hear this message over and over again. You don’t wanna hear it.
Once you wanna hear it continuously.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, you can download MP3 MP four.
Download it, listen to it. Let it go in your car while you, I mean, listen to this message, put it in the house, just put a speaker in the house and just let this word just keep tumbling.
I mean, that’s the way I got my faith. Strong faith that takes shopping malls, faith to get airplane.
I mean, get it strong feed that inner man just like you feed your body, feed your faith.
Praise God and that inner man. Well, this is Bill Winston order that today.
Praise God until next time we love you and keep walking by faith blessed by today’s message order, replenish and subdue series in its entirety to receive the full teaching.
This three part series is available on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four to order in the US.
Contact us at 1 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
Canada contact us at 8442982 900 or online at Bill Winston dot C A.
Now is the time to take heed and know that the church must arise and understand its vital role in establishing God’s kingdom in the earth.
Get your copy of Replenish and subdue today.
Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called a Revelation of Royalty.
Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your, your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb. It affects how rich you become.
It affects all of that and nobody really can affect like that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain position and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours.
The first step to it, change your image, go and understand who God says you are and be that praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
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We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
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The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of Bill Winston ministry partners and friends.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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