Dr. Charles Stanley

The Rocky Road to the Will of God – Dr. Charles Stanley Special

The Rocky Road to the Will of God We often focus our efforts on trying to discover the will of…

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Living a Surrendered Life – Dr. Charles Stanley Special

Living a Surrendered Life Is there something God is asking you to relinquish to Him? In military terms, surrender means…

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How to Be Sure of God’s Will – Dr. Charles Stanley

How to Be Sure of God’s Will Every day of our lives is to be lived for God’s purpose, according…

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Before You Step Out of the Will of God – Dr. Charles Stanley

Before You Step Out of the Will of God In this message, Dr. Stanley conveys an essential challenge from Scripture—will…

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What is the Meaning of Being Born Again? – Dr. Charles Stanley

What is the Meaning of Being Born Again? “The truth is we all need forgiveness, we all need to repent,…

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God – Our Faithful Companion – Dr. Charles Stanley

God – Our Faithful Companion – Dr. Charles Stanley God wants to bless all aspects of our lives as a…

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The Condition of the Heart – Dr. Charles Stanley

The Condition of the Heart Dr. Stanley traces the downward spiral sin leads us on when we believe Satan’s lies…

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Getting Ahead of God – Dr. Charles Stanley

Getting Ahead of God – Dr. Charles Stanley God is saying to you today, “I’m orchestrating every detail of your…

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Experiencing Inner Peace – Dr. Charles Stanley

Experiencing Inner Peace – Dr. Charles Stanley God is saying to you today, “l heard your prayer. I’m able to…

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The Seven Habits of a Godly Life – Dr. Charles Stanley

The Seven Habits of a Godly Life – Dr. Charles Stanley Brushing teeth, drinking a cup of coffee, scrolling through…

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