Dr. Charles Stanley

Building Wise Friendships – Dr. Charles Stanley

Building Wise Friendships – Dr. Charles Stanley Based on Proverbs 18:24, this message examines the value of having a true,…

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Listening To God – Dr. Charles Stanley

Listening To God – Dr. Charles Stanley “We could all work up a nervous breakdown in thirty seconds, if we…

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Happy Sunday! Let’s pray for an amazing Sunday

Happy Sunday! Let’s pray for an amazing Sunday Sunday is a day of rest and reflection for many people around…

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A Strong Life – Dr. Charles Stanley

A Strong Life – Dr. Charles Stanley We all know what constitutes a strong body, but what constitutes a strong…

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Troubled Friendships – Dr. Charles Stanley

Troubled Friendships – Dr. Charles Stanley Your most valuable asset, second only to your friendship with God, is your relationships…

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Our Very Best Friend – Dr. Charles Stanley

Our Very Best Friend – Dr. Charles Stanley Dr. Stanley gives Scriptural references showing that Jesus was a friend to…

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What Does It Mean to Be Saved? – Daily Devotional

What Does It Mean to Be Saved? – Daily Devotional Here’s today’s in touch devotion. Today’s scripture reading begins in…

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Unshakeable Faith In God | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

Unshakeable Faith In God | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day Be blessed as you meditate on God’s…

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Overflowing With Gratitude – Dr. Charles Stanley

Overflowing With Gratitude – Dr. Charles Stanley Sometimes we lose our joy as we get sidetracked by life’s responsibilities, struggles,…

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The Circle of Our Impact – Dr. Charles Stanley

The Circle of Our Impact – Dr. Charles Stanley “opportunities are always lost when we let fear overrule our faith”…

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