Dr. Bill Winston: You Are GOD’s Ability – Joint Heirs
You Are GOD’s Ability – Joint Heirs
When you were born again, you became an heir to the wealthiest family ever known to mankind, with an inheritance beyond measure. In Joint Heirs, Dr. Bill Winston teaches how consistent meditation of God’s Word brings revelation knowledge and opens your spiritual eyes to the inheritance of power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing that Jesus Christ died to provide you.
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
The best was made for you.
You don’t, you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying, why don’t we stop there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth. Jesus.
I come that you might have life and heaven, how God has not brought you into the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sound impossible for whiskey.
Don’t let them talk you out of your property, don’t let them talk you out of your battle.
Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you. Your portion is big.
One of the things about jesus’ life is that he spoke to things, speaking faithful words is the highest form of spiritual life over in John 6 63 Jesus said my words.
They are spirit and they are life and the power of spirit, words can stop a storm coming from your spirit and what you believe.
And that’s why Jesus taught on it over in Mark’s Gospel and Mark’s Gospel.
He spoke to a tree, I think it’s verse 14, but he spoke to a tree.
He didn’t go to get a minima chainsaw.
And Jesus answered and said to it, it, what? Say it loud.
No man food of you hereafter forever. And the disciples, what heard it?
And in verse 20 he says, and in the morning as they passed by, saw the fig tree dried up from the what?
So now notice what’s happening. This words that Jesus spoke goes into the unseen realm.
And Peter calling to remembrance said master behold the victory which you curse is withered away.
And Jesus said unto them have faith in God for verily, I say to you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed?
What is a mountain? It’s a problem you can’t solve. It’s a, it’s a condition you can’t change.
It’s a law. You, you, you, you, you, you can’t override.
This is a mountain something you can’t do something that’s out of the realm of natural possibility.
But whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that He says has come to pass, he shall have what whatsoever he said back up God on purpose is gonna take you to property you can’t afford.
Because if he’s not gonna play within your framework of your own ability, your own body, your own thinking your own, I imagine your own mind.
He’s gonna take your thoughts are not my thoughts. I’m gonna take you into a fight. You can’t win.
Because through your winning people are gonna say, wow, you’re gonna say Jesus and they’re gonna say that’s what I want.
Now, some people hear this and go out and get a house and got all this huge mortgage on it.
I ain’t talking about that. I’m talking about First Corinthians and chapter three verse 21 where Paul says, let me remind you that all things are your and then he tells you what all things are.
Whether Paul or Paul, the ministry gift, whether the world of the world, whether life or death, you deal the deaths can’t tell you when to die anymore or things present or things succumb all are yours.
You belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God, man. That’s a rundown right there.
So look what he says in Galatians Galatians chapter four verse one.
So what’s the problem? We gotta eat on another level?
But that means I’m gonna have to feed you on another level.
Now I say that uh the heir as long as he’s a child, if it’s nothing from a servant though, he be Lord of all.
Let’s put it up there in the amplified translation.
Now what I mean is this as long as the inheritor, the heir is a child and under age, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate.
So he said first thing you’re jealous, that’s jealous.
Then when you’re, you’re in jealousy, you’re in the flesh. You can’t do nothing for God.
You are in the flesh. They’re jealous of me.
People could be jealous of me because I have the word Dallas.
I got, got, got to the shopping mall, believe God for it.
And I had to go up in the spirit, believe God for it. Then went up in the spirit again.
Boom. Believe God for an airplane.
Well, I see you, you, you, it, that’s just greed. What’s this?
Why can’t it be growth? Why, why can’t it be growth? I’m telling you.
See, and that’s why they don’t go anywhere that busy. It says factions here. That means racism.
You don’t like another race.
You, you, you’re, you’re a carnal, you can’t do nothing for God.
Get out of the way, go and make up your mind that you’re gonna follow the word of God.
That’s why they don’t, didn’t like Booker T Washington.
That’s why yet you today, uh you know, I’m working on some things but today he he his name and so forth are not out there like it’s supposed to be that devil tried to make sure that you know why?
Because they couldn’t get him to hate. He, he raised up 20 millionaires.
One time two of them went back and brought the plantations. They were slaves on.
I’m talking about all these are black people that came off, slavery came off the plantation. He raised them up.
Not to hate. See, I don’t hate you because you got $50 billion.
I don’t hate you because I know my share my portion.
But people hate, I’m telling you they’re envious of me because I preach now what is gonna happen is some of them people are gonna be tired of man and they going to get out of those places because they’re not going anywhere.
They’re in the same condition financially this year as they were 10 years ago. That’s not growth.
That’s eating manor.
You’re coming here getting titillated and, and all of this and go back home.
Uh girl, listen, get out of here. We can’t afford that. Go, go going out here, man.
Here this gas bill again. See when I start preaching that you’re gonna have to watch out.
You have to cultivate a taste for this. That’s what daddy used to tell me.
I said, Dana, I don’t like this. Okra. So I’m cultivate a taste for it.
I didn’t know what that meant but it meant that if you eat it enough, you like it.
Well, that works on the reverse. If you eat that junk food enough. You like that?
And I’m not coming against anybody.
I’m just saying it’s time for the church to be central. It’s time for the church.
Come on to, to, to be in leadership. Nobody said that.
Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes and chapter 10, a country is in trouble when its ruler is childish and its leader.
Come on. Leaders party all day long country is in trouble.
Then a child is selfish.
That’s the first thing about them is all about them, that it’s all about them.
No. And so what you have to do is understand. Wait, wait a minute.
When God says all things are yours.
He is saying in your joint earth with Christ Muhammad says Christ’s own over in Psalms say everything.
Psalm chapter 24 verse one, the earth is a whose Lord and the fullness thereof on everything.
He doesn’t mean for you to get out there. How much is my praise, God? That’s mine.
That’s mine. That’s mine. That’s mine. No, it means it includes stewardship.
This city of Chicago is mine to fix. See selfish and says his mind.
Oh, no, finish the sentence. You are owners with stewardship responsibilities. Say it again.
You are owners with stewardship responsibility. That’s what you are now.
Can you fix it? Yeah, I can fix it.
But the biggest way you’re gonna fix it first starts with your thinking.
Jesus saw the world in, through the eyes of the blessing.
He saw the world through the eyes of eternal life and an eternal life, which is an invisible world above this natural world, you could call it uh that it is another dimension.
Everything is done. God saw what’s gonna happen and he put up wisdom to take care of it.
He put up a, he put up another eye to take care of it.
He put up another ear to take, he put up another heart for that person. It’s already there.
So Jesus taught that in March 11 24 whatsoever things you desire when you pray, just believe you received them and you shall have him.
Job said it like this job chapter 22 verse 28 thou shalt also what the thing and it shall be established.
So one of the main ways that Jesus got things done in the earth is he’s spoken because that’s the highest, come on, that’s that highest spiritual realm and that’s where he’s taking you to.
We’re turning jails in the morning school.
See, and once you decree that as a king, those around you begin to take it and make it happen.
I’m not saying people are just working for you. I’m talking about the system.
You have just decreed decree means to command, it means to legislate, it has to do with a government making laws.
See, and you just made a law in the spirit decree and declare, declare has to do with more with um uh your, what you uh make known the declare, you’re gonna make something known what was already written in heaven.
You’re gonna make known, you’re gonna declare you, you use that when you’re going through customs and, and they said, do you have anything to declare?
They talk about, make known what you have and we’re gonna make known healing.
We, we’re gonna make known peace on the West side.
Come on, David decreed five times.
I haven’t checked it out myself, but I know it’s 45 of what he was gonna do to Goliath before it was done.
Manifesto, the whole earth is waiting for the manifestation of God.
Wow, it’s going the wrong way and the way we’re trying to stop it with scientific solutions, but we don’t have to stop it with the wisdom of God and the word of God and God has put you in this earth to act like Jesus.
He put you in this earth to act like Him.
When God saw darkness, what did he call it?
Where did light come from out of God?
So God was not looking at it as it was.
He was looking at it through the eyes of how he said it will be.
So Jesus was walking in the earth operating through the eyes of the blessing.
He saw the man. He he come on, you gotta see it folks.
If you’re raising up a child, you’re gonna have to see him going to college and if you’re gonna do that, make it college debt free, watch it.
The finest institutions. The, one of your choice is that making sense to you?
You see what we’ve done? We’ve limited ourselves by our flesh.
We’ve limited ourselves by what we could do in the natural. We are not natural.
Jesus was walking on water.
Peter said, if that’s you, you tell me to walk to you on the water.
Jesus said, well, come on, he got out, out of the boat and what did he do?
Can’t no natural man walk on water.
Now, they’ve tried to do some stuff with the mine because the mine has a little power to it and walk on hot coals and so forth that.
But I ain’t never seen a man walk on the water, but that’s just some something that’s light.
How about a man that’s decomposed and you call him forth?
Jesus said you can do that too.
Now, what I want you to do is I want you to get a consciousness of the fact that you’re not human, get a consciousness of that and, and let’s start working on that from the meditation standpoint now and, and see you remember when I told you I was thought I was Superman and, and got all this Superman shirts and then jumped off this thing thought I was gonna fly down to Wendell’s house.
Why didn’t I fly? Because it wasn’t based on the truth.
I better come over here. Why? Yeah.
Yeah, that’s why he’s giving you this word so you can meditate the word.
OK? That’s it.
So when David declared that, uh after he finished speaking, Goli just considered himself a dead man, but David didn’t say we were just gonna take out Goliath.
He said, no, I’m gonna take out the whole army. Now.
I’m saying here that I think the situations that we have today are too big for anything other than a decree, glory to God.
You’re gonna have to come on here now.
So God’s word can change cities.
God’s word can change countries.
God’s word over to a heart can change companies.
God’s word can change systems.
Now, you, you will have to come on up, come on up, come on up, come on up.
We’re gonna eat on a high level.
Listen, he look at Hebrews chapter 11 verse three, thi this that I’m giving you, you can only receive it by faith through faith.
We understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that the things which were seen were not made of things that do appear over in Romans chapter four verse 17, he says this as it is written, I have made the father of many nations before whom he believed, even God who quicken the dead and called us.
Those things would be not as what though they were who against hope, believed in hope that it might become the father of many nations according to that, which was spoken.
So shall my see be I call you a millionaire. Minimum, minimum, minimum.
Now somebody might go out here where, you know, he calling everybody a millionaire. Yeah.
Uh, listen there in, according to heaven’s records, extra, extra read.
All of there’s not a broke person in my, in.
He listening to me right now, all his Children are rich.
He said, he said, God has not brought you into the earth to do small things they can do that.
You’re gonna do something big, you’re gonna do something that your flesh will not be limited by.
I mean, it, it is not gonna be the limit of your behavior. From now on.
I said from now on I decree your flesh will never be the limit of your behavior again that you gonna think like God talk like God own what God has given you.
We are done with trying to please people.
We now are gonna please God.
And when you speak words of faith, I know your mind and your natural body may not agree with it because it doesn’t know any better, but it’s not you.
You are on the inside. You’re designed to speak like my father.
You can decrease it. This in three months, this house will be paid off.
You can decrease something that sounds impossible, please.
Guys, Isaiah chapter eight and verse 18.
And he says, I, and the people whom God has given me of signs and wonders.
You’re here for signs, you’re here for wonders. You know what a wonder is.
I wonder how that happened. That’s, that’s what I wonder is.
I wonder how they scale that business up to a billion dollars this year in one year?
How did they do that? You’re not supposed to act natural.
You’re peculiar, your royalty, that enemy comes suddenly to try to talk you out of that.
I’m getting so I don’t like to hang around with people who don’t have that the unbelief is a spirit.
Now, I’m not telling you don’t hang around, you know, whatever you do, you do what you wanna do.
But I’m saying you can’t listen to everything.
Now we’re gonna eat on a what another level we’re gonna be talking about the impossible.
Not possible. We’re done with possible. I said we’re done with possible.
What is a powerful man? Yes.
God sent you here to demonstrate to the world who he really is my sister and he’s in you now.
Well, I trust that you are blessed and encouraged by this message.
Now, here’s something you want to remember.
Speaking, faith filled words is the highest form of spiritual life on this earth. You remember what Jesus did?
He saw a fig tree that bore no fruit.
What did he do to get it out of the way out of the earth? He spoke to it.
No man eat food of you here after forever.
The next day they came back, the tree was dried up from the roots. Here’s a storm coming.
What did Jesus do to stop it? He spoke to it.
Here’s a man named Lazarus who had been dead four days and stinking his body was beginning to decompose.
What did Jesus do to get him up?
He spoke to him because speaking faithful words is the highest form of spiritual life on this earth.
Speak to that wallet. Speak to that tuition, speak to that debt. Come on, let’s start speaking praise God.
Well, I tried to do a bless by this teaching. This is Bill Winston saying keep walking by faith.
The best was made for you.
You don’t, you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying why we stopped there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth. Jesus.
I come that you might have life and heaven.
How God has not brought you into the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world, eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who was?
Don’t let them talk you out of your property.
Don’t let them talk you out of your battle. Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you.
Your portion is big lay hold of the blessed life God has for you with Dr Winston’s series, joint heirs.
In this teaching, you’ll learn how consistent meditation of God’s word brings manifestation of the inheritance.
Jesus died to provide for you.
The inheritance of wisdom, riches, power, strength and much more order this four series today on CD DVD or MP3 P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a special never before aired message to order, go online to Bill Winston dot org or call 1 807 119327.
Get this breakthrough series joint airs today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called Revelation of Royalty. Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb.
It affects how rich you become, it affects all of that and nobody really can affect that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain positions and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it, change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that. Praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
The best was made for you.
You don’t, you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying, why don’t we stop there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth. Jesus.
I come that you might have life and heaven, how God has not brought you into the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world. Eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sound impossible for whiskey.
Don’t let them talk you out of your property, don’t let them talk you out of your battle.
Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you. Your portion is big.
One of the things about jesus’ life is that he spoke to things, speaking faithful words is the highest form of spiritual life over in John 6 63 Jesus said my words.
They are spirit and they are life and the power of spirit, words can stop a storm coming from your spirit and what you believe.
And that’s why Jesus taught on it over in Mark’s Gospel and Mark’s Gospel.
He spoke to a tree, I think it’s verse 14, but he spoke to a tree.
He didn’t go to get a minima chainsaw.
And Jesus answered and said to it, it, what? Say it loud.
No man food of you hereafter forever. And the disciples, what heard it?
And in verse 20 he says, and in the morning as they passed by, saw the fig tree dried up from the what?
So now notice what’s happening. This words that Jesus spoke goes into the unseen realm.
And Peter calling to remembrance said master behold the victory which you curse is withered away.
And Jesus said unto them have faith in God for verily, I say to you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed?
What is a mountain? It’s a problem you can’t solve. It’s a, it’s a condition you can’t change.
It’s a law. You, you, you, you, you, you can’t override.
This is a mountain something you can’t do something that’s out of the realm of natural possibility.
But whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that He says has come to pass, he shall have what whatsoever he said back up God on purpose is gonna take you to property you can’t afford.
Because if he’s not gonna play within your framework of your own ability, your own body, your own thinking your own, I imagine your own mind.
He’s gonna take your thoughts are not my thoughts. I’m gonna take you into a fight. You can’t win.
Because through your winning people are gonna say, wow, you’re gonna say Jesus and they’re gonna say that’s what I want.
Now, some people hear this and go out and get a house and got all this huge mortgage on it.
I ain’t talking about that. I’m talking about First Corinthians and chapter three verse 21 where Paul says, let me remind you that all things are your and then he tells you what all things are.
Whether Paul or Paul, the ministry gift, whether the world of the world, whether life or death, you deal the deaths can’t tell you when to die anymore or things present or things succumb all are yours.
You belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God, man. That’s a rundown right there.
So look what he says in Galatians Galatians chapter four verse one.
So what’s the problem? We gotta eat on another level?
But that means I’m gonna have to feed you on another level.
Now I say that uh the heir as long as he’s a child, if it’s nothing from a servant though, he be Lord of all.
Let’s put it up there in the amplified translation.
Now what I mean is this as long as the inheritor, the heir is a child and under age, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate.
So he said first thing you’re jealous, that’s jealous.
Then when you’re, you’re in jealousy, you’re in the flesh. You can’t do nothing for God.
You are in the flesh. They’re jealous of me.
People could be jealous of me because I have the word Dallas.
I got, got, got to the shopping mall, believe God for it.
And I had to go up in the spirit, believe God for it. Then went up in the spirit again.
Boom. Believe God for an airplane.
Well, I see you, you, you, it, that’s just greed. What’s this?
Why can’t it be growth? Why, why can’t it be growth? I’m telling you.
See, and that’s why they don’t go anywhere that busy. It says factions here. That means racism.
You don’t like another race.
You, you, you’re, you’re a carnal, you can’t do nothing for God.
Get out of the way, go and make up your mind that you’re gonna follow the word of God.
That’s why they don’t, didn’t like Booker T Washington.
That’s why yet you today, uh you know, I’m working on some things but today he he his name and so forth are not out there like it’s supposed to be that devil tried to make sure that you know why?
Because they couldn’t get him to hate. He, he raised up 20 millionaires.
One time two of them went back and brought the plantations. They were slaves on.
I’m talking about all these are black people that came off, slavery came off the plantation. He raised them up.
Not to hate. See, I don’t hate you because you got $50 billion.
I don’t hate you because I know my share my portion.
But people hate, I’m telling you they’re envious of me because I preach now what is gonna happen is some of them people are gonna be tired of man and they going to get out of those places because they’re not going anywhere.
They’re in the same condition financially this year as they were 10 years ago. That’s not growth.
That’s eating manor.
You’re coming here getting titillated and, and all of this and go back home.
Uh girl, listen, get out of here. We can’t afford that. Go, go going out here, man.
Here this gas bill again. See when I start preaching that you’re gonna have to watch out.
You have to cultivate a taste for this. That’s what daddy used to tell me.
I said, Dana, I don’t like this. Okra. So I’m cultivate a taste for it.
I didn’t know what that meant but it meant that if you eat it enough, you like it.
Well, that works on the reverse. If you eat that junk food enough. You like that?
And I’m not coming against anybody.
I’m just saying it’s time for the church to be central. It’s time for the church.
Come on to, to, to be in leadership. Nobody said that.
Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes and chapter 10, a country is in trouble when its ruler is childish and its leader.
Come on. Leaders party all day long country is in trouble.
Then a child is selfish.
That’s the first thing about them is all about them, that it’s all about them.
No. And so what you have to do is understand. Wait, wait a minute.
When God says all things are yours.
He is saying in your joint earth with Christ Muhammad says Christ’s own over in Psalms say everything.
Psalm chapter 24 verse one, the earth is a whose Lord and the fullness thereof on everything.
He doesn’t mean for you to get out there. How much is my praise, God? That’s mine.
That’s mine. That’s mine. That’s mine. No, it means it includes stewardship.
This city of Chicago is mine to fix. See selfish and says his mind.
Oh, no, finish the sentence. You are owners with stewardship responsibilities. Say it again.
You are owners with stewardship responsibility. That’s what you are now.
Can you fix it? Yeah, I can fix it.
But the biggest way you’re gonna fix it first starts with your thinking.
Jesus saw the world in, through the eyes of the blessing.
He saw the world through the eyes of eternal life and an eternal life, which is an invisible world above this natural world, you could call it uh that it is another dimension.
Everything is done. God saw what’s gonna happen and he put up wisdom to take care of it.
He put up a, he put up another eye to take care of it.
He put up another ear to take, he put up another heart for that person. It’s already there.
So Jesus taught that in March 11 24 whatsoever things you desire when you pray, just believe you received them and you shall have him.
Job said it like this job chapter 22 verse 28 thou shalt also what the thing and it shall be established.
So one of the main ways that Jesus got things done in the earth is he’s spoken because that’s the highest, come on, that’s that highest spiritual realm and that’s where he’s taking you to.
We’re turning jails in the morning school.
See, and once you decree that as a king, those around you begin to take it and make it happen.
I’m not saying people are just working for you. I’m talking about the system.
You have just decreed decree means to command, it means to legislate, it has to do with a government making laws.
See, and you just made a law in the spirit decree and declare, declare has to do with more with um uh your, what you uh make known the declare, you’re gonna make something known what was already written in heaven.
You’re gonna make known, you’re gonna declare you, you use that when you’re going through customs and, and they said, do you have anything to declare?
They talk about, make known what you have and we’re gonna make known healing.
We, we’re gonna make known peace on the West side.
Come on, David decreed five times.
I haven’t checked it out myself, but I know it’s 45 of what he was gonna do to Goliath before it was done.
Manifesto, the whole earth is waiting for the manifestation of God.
Wow, it’s going the wrong way and the way we’re trying to stop it with scientific solutions, but we don’t have to stop it with the wisdom of God and the word of God and God has put you in this earth to act like Jesus.
He put you in this earth to act like Him.
When God saw darkness, what did he call it?
Where did light come from out of God?
So God was not looking at it as it was.
He was looking at it through the eyes of how he said it will be.
So Jesus was walking in the earth operating through the eyes of the blessing.
He saw the man. He he come on, you gotta see it folks.
If you’re raising up a child, you’re gonna have to see him going to college and if you’re gonna do that, make it college debt free, watch it.
The finest institutions. The, one of your choice is that making sense to you?
You see what we’ve done? We’ve limited ourselves by our flesh.
We’ve limited ourselves by what we could do in the natural. We are not natural.
Jesus was walking on water.
Peter said, if that’s you, you tell me to walk to you on the water.
Jesus said, well, come on, he got out, out of the boat and what did he do?
Can’t no natural man walk on water.
Now, they’ve tried to do some stuff with the mine because the mine has a little power to it and walk on hot coals and so forth that.
But I ain’t never seen a man walk on the water, but that’s just some something that’s light.
How about a man that’s decomposed and you call him forth?
Jesus said you can do that too.
Now, what I want you to do is I want you to get a consciousness of the fact that you’re not human, get a consciousness of that and, and let’s start working on that from the meditation standpoint now and, and see you remember when I told you I was thought I was Superman and, and got all this Superman shirts and then jumped off this thing thought I was gonna fly down to Wendell’s house.
Why didn’t I fly? Because it wasn’t based on the truth.
I better come over here. Why? Yeah.
Yeah, that’s why he’s giving you this word so you can meditate the word.
OK? That’s it.
So when David declared that, uh after he finished speaking, Goli just considered himself a dead man, but David didn’t say we were just gonna take out Goliath.
He said, no, I’m gonna take out the whole army. Now.
I’m saying here that I think the situations that we have today are too big for anything other than a decree, glory to God.
You’re gonna have to come on here now.
So God’s word can change cities.
God’s word can change countries.
God’s word over to a heart can change companies.
God’s word can change systems.
Now, you, you will have to come on up, come on up, come on up, come on up.
We’re gonna eat on a high level.
Listen, he look at Hebrews chapter 11 verse three, thi this that I’m giving you, you can only receive it by faith through faith.
We understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that the things which were seen were not made of things that do appear over in Romans chapter four verse 17, he says this as it is written, I have made the father of many nations before whom he believed, even God who quicken the dead and called us.
Those things would be not as what though they were who against hope, believed in hope that it might become the father of many nations according to that, which was spoken.
So shall my see be I call you a millionaire. Minimum, minimum, minimum.
Now somebody might go out here where, you know, he calling everybody a millionaire. Yeah.
Uh, listen there in, according to heaven’s records, extra, extra read.
All of there’s not a broke person in my, in.
He listening to me right now, all his Children are rich.
He said, he said, God has not brought you into the earth to do small things they can do that.
You’re gonna do something big, you’re gonna do something that your flesh will not be limited by.
I mean, it, it is not gonna be the limit of your behavior. From now on.
I said from now on I decree your flesh will never be the limit of your behavior again that you gonna think like God talk like God own what God has given you.
We are done with trying to please people.
We now are gonna please God.
And when you speak words of faith, I know your mind and your natural body may not agree with it because it doesn’t know any better, but it’s not you.
You are on the inside. You’re designed to speak like my father.
You can decrease it. This in three months, this house will be paid off.
You can decrease something that sounds impossible, please.
Guys, Isaiah chapter eight and verse 18.
And he says, I, and the people whom God has given me of signs and wonders.
You’re here for signs, you’re here for wonders. You know what a wonder is.
I wonder how that happened. That’s, that’s what I wonder is.
I wonder how they scale that business up to a billion dollars this year in one year?
How did they do that? You’re not supposed to act natural.
You’re peculiar, your royalty, that enemy comes suddenly to try to talk you out of that.
I’m getting so I don’t like to hang around with people who don’t have that the unbelief is a spirit.
Now, I’m not telling you don’t hang around, you know, whatever you do, you do what you wanna do.
But I’m saying you can’t listen to everything.
Now we’re gonna eat on a what another level we’re gonna be talking about the impossible.
Not possible. We’re done with possible. I said we’re done with possible.
What is a powerful man? Yes.
God sent you here to demonstrate to the world who he really is my sister and he’s in you now.
Well, I trust that you are blessed and encouraged by this message.
Now, here’s something you want to remember.
Speaking, faith filled words is the highest form of spiritual life on this earth. You remember what Jesus did?
He saw a fig tree that bore no fruit.
What did he do to get it out of the way out of the earth? He spoke to it.
No man eat food of you here after forever.
The next day they came back, the tree was dried up from the roots. Here’s a storm coming.
What did Jesus do to stop it? He spoke to it.
Here’s a man named Lazarus who had been dead four days and stinking his body was beginning to decompose.
What did Jesus do to get him up?
He spoke to him because speaking faithful words is the highest form of spiritual life on this earth.
Speak to that wallet. Speak to that tuition, speak to that debt. Come on, let’s start speaking praise God.
Well, I tried to do a bless by this teaching. This is Bill Winston saying keep walking by faith.
The best was made for you.
You don’t, you want the best school for your kids?
Come on, don’t you want the best dental care?
I’m saying why we stopped there? The best was made for God’s people.
Your portion is not payday to payday. Your portion is wealth. Jesus.
I come that you might have life and heaven.
How God has not brought you into the earth to do small things.
You’re gonna do something big. It was never meant that the government take care of the poor.
It was meant for the church to take care of the poor all over the world, eradicate poverty.
You can decree something that sounds impossible. Who was?
Don’t let them talk you out of your property.
Don’t let them talk you out of your battle. Don’t let them talk you out of what belongs to you.
Your portion is big lay hold of the blessed life God has for you with Dr Winston’s series, joint heirs.
In this teaching, you’ll learn how consistent meditation of God’s word brings manifestation of the inheritance.
Jesus died to provide for you.
The inheritance of wisdom, riches, power, strength and much more order this four series today on CD DVD or MP3 P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a special never before aired message to order, go online to Bill Winston dot org or call 1 807 119327.
Get this breakthrough series joint airs today. Well, hello, I have written a new book.
It’s called Revelation of Royalty. Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about uh your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb.
It affects how rich you become, it affects all of that and nobody really can affect that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain positions and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It’ll help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours. The first step to it, change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that. Praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.