Dr Bill Winston – Faith Puts You In Command Episode 1 – Talking Faith
Faith Puts You In Command Episode 1 – Talking Faith
Faith Puts You In Command – Episode 1 of “Talking Faith” series
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, Ministries, partners and viewers.
Faith is an inner man issue.
It’s an inner person issue, ok? Not now one ounce of faith comes out of your head.
But what your head does contain is your will contains your mind, will the emotions, intellect and imagination.
So it contains a will which one man says is the most powerful force in the universe.
This this will allows the switch to be turned on or turned off.
See God, you know, doesn’t force us, meaning that we still have a will that we could either will to be saved or not be saved.
Ok? So as we look at this, he says here in verse 11 for the scripture sayeth whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.
That’s in several places in the scriptures. OK?
And shall not, if you believe you’ll never be put to shame for.
There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same Lord overall is written to all that call upon him.
So uh there’s no difference between the Jew and the Greek, male and female, black or white so forth.
And so on. And sometimes we kind of act like somehow God loves one race more than he loves another race so forth and so on.
Now, he does have a, a love for and a um priority for the people who are born again.
These are his Children just like you have a priority.
You love all the little kids, but you have a priority for your kid.
The same thing about God right now, let’s keep going here.
Uh verse 13 for who’s whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Then how shall they call on Him? Who they have not believed?
How can He, how shall they believe in Him? Who they’ve not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher? Now, that’s me. And how shall they preach?
Except they be sent? That’s me too. I’ve been sent. I was sent to Chicago.
I was sent to your life and come on down here to verse 17.
So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Now, let’s do this first because this, this is where I wanna start.
Um You have to value the word of God.
You have to value the word of God.
Now, Jesus, when he, when he came in in Luke’s Gospel chapter four, and Jesus start preaching here in verse 18, he said, the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he anointed me so forth and so on and so on, verse 20.
And he closed the book and sat down the eyes of all them in synagogue were fastened on him.
And he began to say this day, this scripture fulfilled in your ears and all bear him witness.
Now goes on down verse 23 he said, unto them, you will surely say unto me, this proverb physician, heal thyself.
Then he goes on down in verse 24.
And he said, verily, I say unto you, no prophet is accepted in his own country.
But I tell you of the truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias or Elijah.
Now he starts talking about when the rain with the heavens was shut up three years and six months.
And then he says that Elijah goes to this widow woman and this would a woman who was the one that gave, remember him the meals they kept feeding him over in first kings chapter 17.
And this wood woman took care of him.
Now, he said there are many people in Israel, but he went to this wood woman.
She was outside the covenant. She wasn’t even in the covenant.
And then he goes on down and he begins to talk about um the fact that this leopard was cleansed.
Now you’re saying a lot of the people of God didn’t get the miracles of God.
But this leper, he was a Syrian. He wasn’t a covenant person of Israel, but he got it.
Now, I’m making a point here because this idea about having uh uh uh uh uh value of the word and the value of the profit of the word.
And I think a lot of people in America don’t have this, um, they don’t, they don’t have it and, and I’m gonna say that unequivocally.
Now, I’m not saying you can’t get it or won’t get it. I’m saying, don’t have it.
Now, if I look over here in March Gospel, Mark chapter six and look at Mark chapter six, I’m making a point here.
OK? So here’s Jesus. Now he went out from, um and he came into his own country.
Now he is in his own country and it said in verse three is not this the carpenter’s son.
Now this is now they’re not giving any credit to him being the messiah.
They, they’re saying, wait a minute, this just carpenter sign. I knew, I knew when he was growing up.
He, he, when he was a, he came down in and fixed my door on the bathroom so forth.
Let see. And then it says in verse four, but Jesus said unto them, a prophet is not without honor in his own country and among his own kin, kin folks and in his own house, right?
So notice what he’s saying here he is saying, you remember uh Aretha Franklin, I think she put out a, a song called a little Respect for God.
But he, he couldn’t get any, any profits.
He couldn’t get any respect from these people and look what he said in verse five and he could do no mighty works.
Save that. He laid his hand on a few upon a few sick folk and healed him and he marvel because of their unbelief.
And he went about around, about the villages teaching. Now notice what happened. He’s the man of God.
In this case, he’s the messiah. He is the son of God.
Now he comes and he teaches all this that needs to be taught, but they don’t get it.
He’s the ones in his own house in his own village.
That’ve been around him a lot of times and so forth.
And so I see more miracles happening through my ministry to people who are not around me.
That’s just the way it is. Now.
I really believe the spirit of familiarity keeps people and it, it almost disguises itself as a religious spirit.
You you you a religious spirit is the same one in John chapter five.
After this man got healed, this man had been around this pool 38 years.
Everybody knew this man was trying to get healed every year. He never got it.
But once he got healed, then what happened is he took up his bed and walked at the command of Jesus in the, the the the the religious leaders.
So what are you doing? Carrying your bed?
They didn’t care about this man’s healing and that’s why you see no miracles right around it, right in the hometown right there.
They, they don’t, they don’t happen, then it will happen.
And I’m saying to you this, let’s go back to Romans chapter 10. Again, it’s very important.
This is very important. But I, I, I never, I never uh whoever it was less a by the way who said that but uh about the power of the will.
But, but I, I, I always regard their words carefully, careful.
I, I regard the words carefully because I know that if I value that word, it’ll work for me the same as it worked for them.
If I valued their words.
See, the anointing is on it to do for me the same thing it did for them.
I’m dead. I’m buying shopping malls that, that anointing the same anointing.
That’s, that, that’s on the words that I use to do. This is the same anointing that’s on them.
If they take it for that, you know, that that’s why sometimes in the ministry you got, if you got a ministry, you can tell, tell some of the people who sing sometimes sit out for about a month.
You know what I’m saying? Because they get so busy uh doing all these religious things until there is no capture of the word.
And it’s almost like they grow almost numb and, and so forth. You try to figure out what, what happened.
And, and so I don’t take this word and I, you know, take it lightly when it’s given to me by one of the men and women of God.
I remember when I first went to uh to doctor Fred Price meeting, he had a meeting, he called the name of the organization with F IC K.
So for so on. But it’s done for fellowship in a city word of faith ministries.
But I went and this is way back, you know, back in 1990.
And uh that’s when I went, when he was forming the group.
So I went, I didn’t, I had to believe God money, money came in at the last because we didn’t have any money.
My wife and I and family, we’re just starting, we had a little storefront church so forth, we didn’t have any money.
So when, and I remember I was looking for him to talk, you know, some big faith talk and other and so forth and so on.
And he started talking about how you’re treating your wife.
He said some of those ministries are not prosper because you’re not paying your taxes. All of that.
You know, they whoa see, see, he’s trying to say that that God is not mocked you.
You’re not gonna make you, you, God doesn’t bless mess.
He he doesn’t, you, you can try to hit him but he won’t do it.
He get and cry and beg and kick over the church but just, you know, won’t do it.
So I’m saying a reverent respect for the God’s word and a reverent respect for the God’s person.
And I’m just saying the, the idea about it that they didn’t receive him, they didn’t receive it.
Look what it says in John, in John’s gospel chapter one, John’s got not first John now but John chapter one verse 11, he came to his own and his own received him.
Not once this, but as many as received him to them, gave he power to become sons of God.
See, this thing of faith is not hard.
It just won’t answer to religion and it won’t answer to presumption.
It, it doesn’t answer to that.
Now I put down here in my notes, the enemy’s target is your faith, not you, not you.
The enemy’s target is your faith.
And the reason why it is your faith is because He knows until he can crush your faith, he can’t stop your progress until he can crush your faith.
He cannot stop your progress. Now, how does faith come?
So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Now, I got to hear the word of God.
Now, wait a minute, I’ve got to have faith in the source that gave me that word.
See he said over in Mark chapter 11 verse 22 have faith in God.
I gotta have faith in the source they gave me that. Who, who told you that?
See, so my ultimate faith is in the word because I know the word is an errant from God.
And that word, if I believe it will carry faith.
Not, not, not this, this, this, this is not religion because religion, that’s why the people, you know, I can do this, I can do that.
And then when it comes test time, they, they don’t pass the test because it wasn’t, wasn’t faith at all as a presumption, it was coming out of religion.
Seelig gives all the signs that somebody’s in faith.
You know, they shout and kick over the church but so forth and so on. Nothing. Nothing.
Faith has proof and don’t forget it.
So here uh until the enemy can crush our faith, he knows that we are still in command until he can crush our faith.
He knows we are still in command command of what everything in our lives, everything in our lives, you create your own world, you create your own world.
No, I I said something um either last Wednesday or last Sunday that um He God creates the fruits of your lips.
Now you can look at it twice uh two ways. It’s, it’s a law of double reference.
So he can give you what to say when I was in that house with sister Beverly.
Um my wife and family, I was staying there and I knew it was time to move out, but we just couldn’t save any money.
Every time we tried to save money, something would come up. I mean, something, emergency car would break down something.
So it kept stripping our money from us.
See, now, what I need to do is get over in faith. See, because I’m not in faith.
See, I’m, I’m here in time. I’m in, in this natural material realm of fields.
Touch, taste, smell, you know what I thing that fits the natural mind.
So I’m over there and over there you can’t defeat him.
You can’t, that’s why nobody who doesn’t have faith can defeat the devil.
I don’t care if you’re talking about uh Bill Gates. I’m telling you nobody, nobody.
And the only thing that can, that is target is faith is faith.
So what happened is that I had to get in command because I wasn’t in command, right?
Because he kept stripping me of the little money I had how through fires through.
And when I say that, I mean through conditions and things coming up.
So I wasn’t in charge of my world, but faith creates your world and keeps you in charge of it.
And so what happened is I said, OK, I’m gonna fast for three days while I’m faster, not to get God to move.
I’m faster. So I could hear God, I need to discern something.
All right now, this discernment is kind of interesting. Let’s go over here to first Corinthians chapter two.
Yeah. First Corinthians chapter two. Now you’re getting something out of this. Right?
First Corinthians chapter two. No, I’m just saying this because I, I played my tape from last Sunday.
I prayed the nine o’clock service maybe three times, maybe four. Um The Wednesday night I played that once.
I got to play it at least a couple more.
There’s revelation in that now, understand things that are uh hidden, belong to the Lord.
See, but once it becomes revelation, it belongs to me.
And, and so I’ve got to pray it until they drop from here down into the center of man.
I’ve got to get this in a man’s eyes open to that word. All right.
Speaking of eyes open, let’s, let’s look at this. All right.
Ephesians chapter one verse 16, he said, he talked about praying for them, meaning, meaning the churches that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened, that they know what is the hope of their calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saint?
And what is the greatness of his power to those who believe?
Now notice the eyes of our understanding being enlightened. Now, let’s go here and look at this word, discernment.
Look at verse nine first here he says this, but as it is written, the eye is not seen nor you heard and neither has entered into the heart of man.
The things that God has prepared for them that love him.
But God has revealed them to, to us by his spirit.
Now, one of the things of the Holy Spirit is he’s to show you things that the world can’t see.
He’s to show you answers that the world can’t get.
He’s to show you a pathway that the world can’t see.
He’s to show you and give you wisdom that the world can’t get. This is what the Holy Spirit does.
That’s why it’s so important for you to have a relationship with Him.
But let’s go on down here and look what he said in verse 12.
Now we’ve received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit, which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Now, he’s talking about something that’s freely given. Now somebody said, well, you don’t have to pay for it.
Well, you have to pay faith for it. Faith is your currency of the Kingdom.
And so you have to pay faith for it. So you have faith.
God will either get you the thing or the thing to get the thing.
So faith is key for you to be able to access things.
God has already given you without you having to labor for it.
You know, your labor is in the word of God, you get faith and then faith gets the thing.
All right. Now, look what he said in verse 13, which things also we speak not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but with the Holy Ghost teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
So it’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? So he can, can compare spiritual things.
This, this is a higher order now.
But come on down to verse 14, he said, but the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God for their foolishness to him.
Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. Now, this is uh we’re walking by faith.
Now we got faith working and now we moving into this area called discernment.
Now, faith has to be active to be able to discern that that’s part of the package if you will.
But discerning is what Adam had before he fell, he fell to learning.
And now we have to go to classes, class one, class, two grade, first grade, second grade, third grade so forth.
Adam didn’t have to do that. Adam could start anywhere.
And the fact of the thing is he just downloaded and you could do that today.
We have on our website. You can download some things.
See, and my my point to you is is he didn’t have to go to school years to learn something.
The Holy Spirit just gave him the answer and he had understanding, understanding means, how did I get here?
And understanding comes with the Holy Spirit? He can give you how that thing is to work.
You know what I mean, how it’s to work. That’s what he gave to.
George was Doctor George Washington Carver at Tuskegee and he made some 300 products out of a peanut.
See, this is, he’s pulling things down. Now he’s, he’s pulling them down because they’re all there.
They’re in what we call the eternal. That means everything is already done.
God did it before the foundation of the world. It’s for you and me.
Now we have to pull it down and if you pull it down, you gotta see it, you gotta discern it.
See now, look what happened here and let me give you, let me give you a quick definition of that uh discerning information supernaturally reveal from God to the believer.
Now, here you can see now that you can operate much above the world and a much above your own natural mind.
What you went to school and learned, you can discern.
Now you can get information that is supernaturally revealed from God to the believer.
Then that’s why you said over here back over here in Mark in Matthew chapter 13, he talked about and to you is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, but to them, it is not given meaning people outside the kingdom to give you the advantage.
Why to have you take the lead, why to show people who God really is in that kind of thing right now.
But let’s look at this because he says the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God for their foolishness to him.
Neither can he know them because they are spiritually deserved. Let me give you a good example of that.
Well, let me just say this first and I’ll give you an example.
You as a child of God can operate in God’s ability.
Now that, that, that clears it up a little bit for you.
Hopefully, you as a child of God can operate in God’s ability. It’s a father in me.
He doesn’t work. Now, what did Jesus do? He operates in the ability of God. Where is God in him?
What does he do speak like God? What does God do do it? He doesn’t do it.
God does it. The spirit of God waited for God to speak.
Let there be light, the spirit of God form light because his job is to manifest the word, that’s his job and he’s God.
God, the father God, the son God, the Holy Spirit.
So when you speak like God and believe what you say, it’s gonna come to pass, the Holy Spirit manifests it.
Now, who can do that? God can do that? Only God can do it. Only God could do it.
You can operate on God’s level and that’s what He wanted.
So you speak God’s ready, but he won’t do it unless you believe.
And he creates the fruit of your lips, the fruit, meaning he told me buy that shopping mall.
Well, it was foolishness to the natural man. I know because I said a couple of people over there.
I said, I believe God is telling me to buy that shopping mall. This is large, 33 acres.
And they, they came back and said, Pastor, that’s great.
We can buy that little place on the east end right there.
I said, he didn’t say anything about a little plates on the east end.
God said, buy the whole mall, whole mall. Who? Oh, it’s foolishness.
See, he’s not gonna give you something you could do. He’s giving you something he can do.
He needs your faith in him and is what he said for him to do it.
No faith in that move. So now you see why the enemy’s target is your faith.
You can stop him cold. That’s why I told people, hey, we got a report of anybody being in, in, in COVID or in, in intensive care and so forth.
Let’s get them out in three days, three days, let’s get him out.
Why did I pick three days the Holy Spirit gave to me?
I said, Lord, I said, why, why, why, why three days?
He said, Jesus went down in the end, came up in three days and pray to God. Amen.
So I said, wow, he said, this is, this is a experience that, that, that, that it’s, it’s like hell to them going through this and then coming up in three days, see, it’s something to attach your faith to see you.
It’s, it’s, it’s a, um, it, it, it’s, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a faith prop.
You know what I mean? Here’s, here’s a woman, here’s what she said in Mark chapter five.
If I can, but touch his clothes, I shall be. Notice what she set up.
She set a point of contact for the release of her faith to bring forth a miracle.
Today’s message entitled Faith puts you in command was from our Facebook live series.
Talking Faith. The full message is available in its entirety free of charge on our youtube channel at Doctor Bill Winston.
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One more content related to today’s message to build your faith order, putting faith to work in these times, developing your faith is vitally important.
When faith is fully developed, you begin to talk, think and act like God.
If you treat your faith like a seed, you plant it and you plan it by saying it.
Once you speak it, the soil of your heart grabs it. This is putting faith to work.
You can’t say what you see. You got to say what he said.
When you say what he said, he can watch over his word and make it good.
Now speak the word only faith is your servant.
I’ll put him to work, open your spiritual eyes and allow God to excite your imagination to see your greatest destiny in Pastor Winston’s dynamic teaching, putting faith to work to order on CD or DVD, contact us online and at Bill Winston dot org or by phone at 1 to 807 119327.
Faith is the key to the Kingdom of God that opens the door of your unlimited potential order.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Faith is an inner man issue.
It’s an inner person issue, ok? Not now one ounce of faith comes out of your head.
But what your head does contain is your will contains your mind, will the emotions, intellect and imagination.
So it contains a will which one man says is the most powerful force in the universe.
This this will allows the switch to be turned on or turned off.
See God, you know, doesn’t force us, meaning that we still have a will that we could either will to be saved or not be saved.
Ok? So as we look at this, he says here in verse 11 for the scripture sayeth whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.
That’s in several places in the scriptures. OK?
And shall not, if you believe you’ll never be put to shame for.
There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same Lord overall is written to all that call upon him.
So uh there’s no difference between the Jew and the Greek, male and female, black or white so forth.
And so on. And sometimes we kind of act like somehow God loves one race more than he loves another race so forth and so on.
Now, he does have a, a love for and a um priority for the people who are born again.
These are his Children just like you have a priority.
You love all the little kids, but you have a priority for your kid.
The same thing about God right now, let’s keep going here.
Uh verse 13 for who’s whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Then how shall they call on Him? Who they have not believed?
How can He, how shall they believe in Him? Who they’ve not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher? Now, that’s me. And how shall they preach?
Except they be sent? That’s me too. I’ve been sent. I was sent to Chicago.
I was sent to your life and come on down here to verse 17.
So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Now, let’s do this first because this, this is where I wanna start.
Um You have to value the word of God.
You have to value the word of God.
Now, Jesus, when he, when he came in in Luke’s Gospel chapter four, and Jesus start preaching here in verse 18, he said, the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he anointed me so forth and so on and so on, verse 20.
And he closed the book and sat down the eyes of all them in synagogue were fastened on him.
And he began to say this day, this scripture fulfilled in your ears and all bear him witness.
Now goes on down verse 23 he said, unto them, you will surely say unto me, this proverb physician, heal thyself.
Then he goes on down in verse 24.
And he said, verily, I say unto you, no prophet is accepted in his own country.
But I tell you of the truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias or Elijah.
Now he starts talking about when the rain with the heavens was shut up three years and six months.
And then he says that Elijah goes to this widow woman and this would a woman who was the one that gave, remember him the meals they kept feeding him over in first kings chapter 17.
And this wood woman took care of him.
Now, he said there are many people in Israel, but he went to this wood woman.
She was outside the covenant. She wasn’t even in the covenant.
And then he goes on down and he begins to talk about um the fact that this leopard was cleansed.
Now you’re saying a lot of the people of God didn’t get the miracles of God.
But this leper, he was a Syrian. He wasn’t a covenant person of Israel, but he got it.
Now, I’m making a point here because this idea about having uh uh uh uh uh value of the word and the value of the profit of the word.
And I think a lot of people in America don’t have this, um, they don’t, they don’t have it and, and I’m gonna say that unequivocally.
Now, I’m not saying you can’t get it or won’t get it. I’m saying, don’t have it.
Now, if I look over here in March Gospel, Mark chapter six and look at Mark chapter six, I’m making a point here.
OK? So here’s Jesus. Now he went out from, um and he came into his own country.
Now he is in his own country and it said in verse three is not this the carpenter’s son.
Now this is now they’re not giving any credit to him being the messiah.
They, they’re saying, wait a minute, this just carpenter sign. I knew, I knew when he was growing up.
He, he, when he was a, he came down in and fixed my door on the bathroom so forth.
Let see. And then it says in verse four, but Jesus said unto them, a prophet is not without honor in his own country and among his own kin, kin folks and in his own house, right?
So notice what he’s saying here he is saying, you remember uh Aretha Franklin, I think she put out a, a song called a little Respect for God.
But he, he couldn’t get any, any profits.
He couldn’t get any respect from these people and look what he said in verse five and he could do no mighty works.
Save that. He laid his hand on a few upon a few sick folk and healed him and he marvel because of their unbelief.
And he went about around, about the villages teaching. Now notice what happened. He’s the man of God.
In this case, he’s the messiah. He is the son of God.
Now he comes and he teaches all this that needs to be taught, but they don’t get it.
He’s the ones in his own house in his own village.
That’ve been around him a lot of times and so forth.
And so I see more miracles happening through my ministry to people who are not around me.
That’s just the way it is. Now.
I really believe the spirit of familiarity keeps people and it, it almost disguises itself as a religious spirit.
You you you a religious spirit is the same one in John chapter five.
After this man got healed, this man had been around this pool 38 years.
Everybody knew this man was trying to get healed every year. He never got it.
But once he got healed, then what happened is he took up his bed and walked at the command of Jesus in the, the the the the religious leaders.
So what are you doing? Carrying your bed?
They didn’t care about this man’s healing and that’s why you see no miracles right around it, right in the hometown right there.
They, they don’t, they don’t happen, then it will happen.
And I’m saying to you this, let’s go back to Romans chapter 10. Again, it’s very important.
This is very important. But I, I, I never, I never uh whoever it was less a by the way who said that but uh about the power of the will.
But, but I, I, I always regard their words carefully, careful.
I, I regard the words carefully because I know that if I value that word, it’ll work for me the same as it worked for them.
If I valued their words.
See, the anointing is on it to do for me the same thing it did for them.
I’m dead. I’m buying shopping malls that, that anointing the same anointing.
That’s, that, that’s on the words that I use to do. This is the same anointing that’s on them.
If they take it for that, you know, that that’s why sometimes in the ministry you got, if you got a ministry, you can tell, tell some of the people who sing sometimes sit out for about a month.
You know what I’m saying? Because they get so busy uh doing all these religious things until there is no capture of the word.
And it’s almost like they grow almost numb and, and so forth. You try to figure out what, what happened.
And, and so I don’t take this word and I, you know, take it lightly when it’s given to me by one of the men and women of God.
I remember when I first went to uh to doctor Fred Price meeting, he had a meeting, he called the name of the organization with F IC K.
So for so on. But it’s done for fellowship in a city word of faith ministries.
But I went and this is way back, you know, back in 1990.
And uh that’s when I went, when he was forming the group.
So I went, I didn’t, I had to believe God money, money came in at the last because we didn’t have any money.
My wife and I and family, we’re just starting, we had a little storefront church so forth, we didn’t have any money.
So when, and I remember I was looking for him to talk, you know, some big faith talk and other and so forth and so on.
And he started talking about how you’re treating your wife.
He said some of those ministries are not prosper because you’re not paying your taxes. All of that.
You know, they whoa see, see, he’s trying to say that that God is not mocked you.
You’re not gonna make you, you, God doesn’t bless mess.
He he doesn’t, you, you can try to hit him but he won’t do it.
He get and cry and beg and kick over the church but just, you know, won’t do it.
So I’m saying a reverent respect for the God’s word and a reverent respect for the God’s person.
And I’m just saying the, the idea about it that they didn’t receive him, they didn’t receive it.
Look what it says in John, in John’s gospel chapter one, John’s got not first John now but John chapter one verse 11, he came to his own and his own received him.
Not once this, but as many as received him to them, gave he power to become sons of God.
See, this thing of faith is not hard.
It just won’t answer to religion and it won’t answer to presumption.
It, it doesn’t answer to that.
Now I put down here in my notes, the enemy’s target is your faith, not you, not you.
The enemy’s target is your faith.
And the reason why it is your faith is because He knows until he can crush your faith, he can’t stop your progress until he can crush your faith.
He cannot stop your progress. Now, how does faith come?
So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Now, I got to hear the word of God.
Now, wait a minute, I’ve got to have faith in the source that gave me that word.
See he said over in Mark chapter 11 verse 22 have faith in God.
I gotta have faith in the source they gave me that. Who, who told you that?
See, so my ultimate faith is in the word because I know the word is an errant from God.
And that word, if I believe it will carry faith.
Not, not, not this, this, this, this is not religion because religion, that’s why the people, you know, I can do this, I can do that.
And then when it comes test time, they, they don’t pass the test because it wasn’t, wasn’t faith at all as a presumption, it was coming out of religion.
Seelig gives all the signs that somebody’s in faith.
You know, they shout and kick over the church but so forth and so on. Nothing. Nothing.
Faith has proof and don’t forget it.
So here uh until the enemy can crush our faith, he knows that we are still in command until he can crush our faith.
He knows we are still in command command of what everything in our lives, everything in our lives, you create your own world, you create your own world.
No, I I said something um either last Wednesday or last Sunday that um He God creates the fruits of your lips.
Now you can look at it twice uh two ways. It’s, it’s a law of double reference.
So he can give you what to say when I was in that house with sister Beverly.
Um my wife and family, I was staying there and I knew it was time to move out, but we just couldn’t save any money.
Every time we tried to save money, something would come up. I mean, something, emergency car would break down something.
So it kept stripping our money from us.
See, now, what I need to do is get over in faith. See, because I’m not in faith.
See, I’m, I’m here in time. I’m in, in this natural material realm of fields.
Touch, taste, smell, you know what I thing that fits the natural mind.
So I’m over there and over there you can’t defeat him.
You can’t, that’s why nobody who doesn’t have faith can defeat the devil.
I don’t care if you’re talking about uh Bill Gates. I’m telling you nobody, nobody.
And the only thing that can, that is target is faith is faith.
So what happened is that I had to get in command because I wasn’t in command, right?
Because he kept stripping me of the little money I had how through fires through.
And when I say that, I mean through conditions and things coming up.
So I wasn’t in charge of my world, but faith creates your world and keeps you in charge of it.
And so what happened is I said, OK, I’m gonna fast for three days while I’m faster, not to get God to move.
I’m faster. So I could hear God, I need to discern something.
All right now, this discernment is kind of interesting. Let’s go over here to first Corinthians chapter two.
Yeah. First Corinthians chapter two. Now you’re getting something out of this. Right?
First Corinthians chapter two. No, I’m just saying this because I, I played my tape from last Sunday.
I prayed the nine o’clock service maybe three times, maybe four. Um The Wednesday night I played that once.
I got to play it at least a couple more.
There’s revelation in that now, understand things that are uh hidden, belong to the Lord.
See, but once it becomes revelation, it belongs to me.
And, and so I’ve got to pray it until they drop from here down into the center of man.
I’ve got to get this in a man’s eyes open to that word. All right.
Speaking of eyes open, let’s, let’s look at this. All right.
Ephesians chapter one verse 16, he said, he talked about praying for them, meaning, meaning the churches that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened, that they know what is the hope of their calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saint?
And what is the greatness of his power to those who believe?
Now notice the eyes of our understanding being enlightened. Now, let’s go here and look at this word, discernment.
Look at verse nine first here he says this, but as it is written, the eye is not seen nor you heard and neither has entered into the heart of man.
The things that God has prepared for them that love him.
But God has revealed them to, to us by his spirit.
Now, one of the things of the Holy Spirit is he’s to show you things that the world can’t see.
He’s to show you answers that the world can’t get.
He’s to show you a pathway that the world can’t see.
He’s to show you and give you wisdom that the world can’t get. This is what the Holy Spirit does.
That’s why it’s so important for you to have a relationship with Him.
But let’s go on down here and look what he said in verse 12.
Now we’ve received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit, which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Now, he’s talking about something that’s freely given. Now somebody said, well, you don’t have to pay for it.
Well, you have to pay faith for it. Faith is your currency of the Kingdom.
And so you have to pay faith for it. So you have faith.
God will either get you the thing or the thing to get the thing.
So faith is key for you to be able to access things.
God has already given you without you having to labor for it.
You know, your labor is in the word of God, you get faith and then faith gets the thing.
All right. Now, look what he said in verse 13, which things also we speak not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but with the Holy Ghost teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
So it’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? So he can, can compare spiritual things.
This, this is a higher order now.
But come on down to verse 14, he said, but the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God for their foolishness to him.
Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. Now, this is uh we’re walking by faith.
Now we got faith working and now we moving into this area called discernment.
Now, faith has to be active to be able to discern that that’s part of the package if you will.
But discerning is what Adam had before he fell, he fell to learning.
And now we have to go to classes, class one, class, two grade, first grade, second grade, third grade so forth.
Adam didn’t have to do that. Adam could start anywhere.
And the fact of the thing is he just downloaded and you could do that today.
We have on our website. You can download some things.
See, and my my point to you is is he didn’t have to go to school years to learn something.
The Holy Spirit just gave him the answer and he had understanding, understanding means, how did I get here?
And understanding comes with the Holy Spirit? He can give you how that thing is to work.
You know what I mean, how it’s to work. That’s what he gave to.
George was Doctor George Washington Carver at Tuskegee and he made some 300 products out of a peanut.
See, this is, he’s pulling things down. Now he’s, he’s pulling them down because they’re all there.
They’re in what we call the eternal. That means everything is already done.
God did it before the foundation of the world. It’s for you and me.
Now we have to pull it down and if you pull it down, you gotta see it, you gotta discern it.
See now, look what happened here and let me give you, let me give you a quick definition of that uh discerning information supernaturally reveal from God to the believer.
Now, here you can see now that you can operate much above the world and a much above your own natural mind.
What you went to school and learned, you can discern.
Now you can get information that is supernaturally revealed from God to the believer.
Then that’s why you said over here back over here in Mark in Matthew chapter 13, he talked about and to you is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, but to them, it is not given meaning people outside the kingdom to give you the advantage.
Why to have you take the lead, why to show people who God really is in that kind of thing right now.
But let’s look at this because he says the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God for their foolishness to him.
Neither can he know them because they are spiritually deserved. Let me give you a good example of that.
Well, let me just say this first and I’ll give you an example.
You as a child of God can operate in God’s ability.
Now that, that, that clears it up a little bit for you.
Hopefully, you as a child of God can operate in God’s ability. It’s a father in me.
He doesn’t work. Now, what did Jesus do? He operates in the ability of God. Where is God in him?
What does he do speak like God? What does God do do it? He doesn’t do it.
God does it. The spirit of God waited for God to speak.
Let there be light, the spirit of God form light because his job is to manifest the word, that’s his job and he’s God.
God, the father God, the son God, the Holy Spirit.
So when you speak like God and believe what you say, it’s gonna come to pass, the Holy Spirit manifests it.
Now, who can do that? God can do that? Only God can do it. Only God could do it.
You can operate on God’s level and that’s what He wanted.
So you speak God’s ready, but he won’t do it unless you believe.
And he creates the fruit of your lips, the fruit, meaning he told me buy that shopping mall.
Well, it was foolishness to the natural man. I know because I said a couple of people over there.
I said, I believe God is telling me to buy that shopping mall. This is large, 33 acres.
And they, they came back and said, Pastor, that’s great.
We can buy that little place on the east end right there.
I said, he didn’t say anything about a little plates on the east end.
God said, buy the whole mall, whole mall. Who? Oh, it’s foolishness.
See, he’s not gonna give you something you could do. He’s giving you something he can do.
He needs your faith in him and is what he said for him to do it.
No faith in that move. So now you see why the enemy’s target is your faith.
You can stop him cold. That’s why I told people, hey, we got a report of anybody being in, in, in COVID or in, in intensive care and so forth.
Let’s get them out in three days, three days, let’s get him out.
Why did I pick three days the Holy Spirit gave to me?
I said, Lord, I said, why, why, why, why three days?
He said, Jesus went down in the end, came up in three days and pray to God. Amen.
So I said, wow, he said, this is, this is a experience that, that, that, that it’s, it’s like hell to them going through this and then coming up in three days, see, it’s something to attach your faith to see you.
It’s, it’s, it’s a, um, it, it, it’s, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a faith prop.
You know what I mean? Here’s, here’s a woman, here’s what she said in Mark chapter five.
If I can, but touch his clothes, I shall be. Notice what she set up.
She set a point of contact for the release of her faith to bring forth a miracle.
Today’s message entitled Faith puts you in command was from our Facebook live series.
Talking Faith. The full message is available in its entirety free of charge on our youtube channel at Doctor Bill Winston.
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One more content related to today’s message to build your faith order, putting faith to work in these times, developing your faith is vitally important.
When faith is fully developed, you begin to talk, think and act like God.
If you treat your faith like a seed, you plant it and you plan it by saying it.
Once you speak it, the soil of your heart grabs it. This is putting faith to work.
You can’t say what you see. You got to say what he said.
When you say what he said, he can watch over his word and make it good.
Now speak the word only faith is your servant.
I’ll put him to work, open your spiritual eyes and allow God to excite your imagination to see your greatest destiny in Pastor Winston’s dynamic teaching, putting faith to work to order on CD or DVD, contact us online and at Bill Winston dot org or by phone at 1 to 807 119327.
Faith is the key to the Kingdom of God that opens the door of your unlimited potential order.
putting faith to work today. Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
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The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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