Dr. Adrian Rogers – Build An Intimate Marriage: Celebrate the Differences Between Men and Women
Build An Intimate Marriage: Celebrate the Differences Between Men and Women
- Beauty and the Beast
- The Romantic and the Mechanic
- The Radar and the Computer
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
A man is infinitely superior to a woman at being a man and a woman is infinitely superior to a man at being a woman.
God made us different that he might make us one.
And I want to talk to you about the wonderful differences between male and female, profound truth.
Simply stated, this is love worth finding with pastor teacher and author Adrian Rogers.
Would you be finding in God’s word, please. The book of Genesis chapter two.
And in a moment, I’m going to be begin reading in verse 19, Genesis chapter two, verse 19, we’re under this heading one, Lord, one, love building intimate marriages and begin to read with me in the word of God here.
Uh chapter two and verse 19 and out of the ground of and out of the ground.
The Lord God formed every beast of the field and every foul of the air and brought them onto Adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof.
And Adam gave names to all the cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field.
But for Adam, there was not found and help me that is fitting for him.
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof.
And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her onto the man.
And Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.
And she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man.
Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and they were both naked and the man and his wife, the man and his wife and they were not ashamed.
Now, Adam has named the animals, but he’s looking for a mate.
Evidently, he has a certain loneliness about him and none of the, none of the animals seem to fit.
And uh then God makes for Adam, this woman that he called Eve.
And uh when Adam saw her, what did he say? I really, it loses something in translation.
He says this is a bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.
Now, what did he mean by that?
This is bone of my bone, this is flesh of my flesh.
What he is saying is she is not another animal. She has a skeletal structure like me.
This is bone of my bone. She doesn’t have the kind of protoplasm that the animals have.
This is flesh of my flesh.
What he was saying, he’s been looking at all of the animals and they’re so different.
And then he looks at her. He says, I like that.
This is bone of my bone, this is flesh of my flesh. She is like me.
And by the way, the book of Genesis is the seed bed of so much great truth.
If you want to know what God’s pattern for the home is right here, you’re going to see it.
God made someone like Adam. He was not to cohabitate with the beasts.
And that tells us that beastiality is a sin against almighty God.
This was a woman and only one woman.
He didn’t give Adam two that tells us that polygamy is a sin against God.
God’s plan is one man and one woman together till death, do them part.
And so God presented this woman to Adam and when Adam saw her, he said, I like her.
She is like me. This is bone of my bone, this is flesh of my flesh, but not only did he like her because she was like him.
He liked her because she was not like Him.
There was a difference and a very real difference and it’s that difference that we’re going to talk about.
And it’s these differences, believe it or not, that don’t divide us. It’s these differences that unite us.
God made us different, that he might make us one.
I’m gonna give you some differences between men and women today. And these are more than mere psychological Proclivities.
These are there by divine design.
Now, some of you are gonna come up and say, well, my husband and my wife, we’re not different in those uh uh my wife or my husband, we’re not different in that particular area.
Well, you may not be what I’m gonna give you today are generalities.
For example, let me, let me give you a generality.
Uh, all automobiles have fenders but not every automobile has fenders. Ok?
You say, well, my car doesn’t have fenders.
Well, that doesn’t mean I’m wrong when I say that most automobiles have fenders.
Most men are stronger than most women.
Would you agree yet there, some women can beat up a lot of men, right?
I mean, I watched this thing on television one night, the, the gladiators or something like that.
Hey, folks, there’s some gals there. I would not want to meet in a dark alley.
I mean, uh, I’m talking here about, uh, generalities, generalities as a generality.
Most men are stronger than most women. We would agree with that.
So, when I’m talking to you about the differences in the sex, I as sexist, I want you to know that I am talking to you about, uh, generalities.
Now, a hammer and a screwdriver are different, but they’re both tools and they designed for different jobs.
Is a hammer better than a screwdriver. No, is a screwdriver better than a hammer. Of course not.
Can you use a, uh, a, a, uh, can you use a screwdriver as a hammer a little bit?
You could turn it upside down and with the handle you could drive a nail but it, it won’t work quite as well as a hammer wheel.
Men and women are different. They’re designed different and sometimes a man can do a woman’s work and vice versa.
But that doesn’t mean that they were designed for that. All right.
Now, let me give you some differences and I’m going to name these uh differences so that uh perhaps you can remember them a little better.
Uh The first difference is the difference between beauty and the beast.
The difference between beauty and the beast. And I’ve already alluded to this.
Women are physically weaker than men. Men are physically stronger than women.
Doesn’t the Bible tell us what we already know in first Peter chapter three and verse seven.
Likewise, y husbands dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife. As what?
As unto the weaker vessel. Now, God made Adam stronger than he made Eve.
He had a physical frame that was stronger. His bones were stronger, his shoulders were broader.
Why, what was the job that God gave to Adam?
The job that God gave to Adam was what two fold to dress the garden and to keep the garden right.
So he was to be the provider and the protector. He was the provider and the protector.
He was, he had a physical frame that could protect Eve.
He had the muscles to dig and chop and work in the garden. He was that way by divine design.
Now, what did God make Eve to be? Well, the the word Eve means life giver. She is the nurturer.
And so God made her her physical uh uh body uh to nurture, to love, to be gentle, to be soft, to be cuddly.
That’s what God made her to do now because she is weaker than Adam.
That doesn’t mean she’s inferior to Adam. Uh silk is weaker than canvas, but it is not inferior to canvas.
Uh porcelain is weaker than steel is not inferior uh to steel.
Uh You can make a uh a tea cup out of porcelain.
You can make a sledge hammer out of steel, but you can’t drink tea out of a tea out of a sledgehammer.
Uh God made the woman a more fragile.
He did that on purpose, man understand that God made you not to compete with this woman, but to protect her, to care for her, to nurture her, to provide for her Joyce saw in a store one time something that, that she thought was very beautiful and I thought it was beautiful too.
It was a porcelain uh a piece of porcelain.
It was a hummingbird sipping nectar from a flower.
And I went down there to price that thing.
And folks, I, I had to sell the car in order to get it.
It wasn’t all that expensive but it wasn’t cheap.
I was surprised how much it cost, but I knew she wanted it and I bought it and, uh, it’s sitting on the piano and when the grandkids come, I go get that thing and I put it up on a high shelf.
Now, I don’t go in the kitchen and take all the, the, uh, stainless steel pots and pans and put them on a high shelf.
They’re tough. But I don’t want this thing as delicate.
You see, there ought to be that same kind of protective instinct for your wife.
She’s delicate, uh, and, and, and she’s not inferior in many ways.
It’s her delicacy that makes her so wonderful.
But God has given you as the, as the stronger, uh person, uh, the stronger vessel to give honor to the wife as unto the weaker vessel.
Now, the man is strong or the woman is weaker physically, which is superior.
Neither one, neither is better, just different. Got it. Neither is better. Just different.
Right now, here’s the second thing, not only beauty and the beast but the romantic and the mechanic.
I mean, uh, men have a job.
What is their job to dress the garden and to keep the garden? What do they need for that?
A hard outer shell women. What is their responsibility? They’re the homemaker.
They’re to love, they’re to nurture, they’re to be soft. They are to uh raise the Children lady.
You need to understand that he will never have the romantic uh heart that you want him to have.
Uh, he, he’s just not wired that way. Oh, I know he had it before you were married.
I understand that. But as soon as you got married he had a brain transplant.
And, uh, that’s, that was a part of his skill in, in, uh, landing.
You, you just go and see the books that women read and see the books that men read and you’re gonna understand.
What, what kind of books do women read? Well, women read books that deal with relationships.
Most of them are written by women for women. Pick up the women’s magazines here. The articles.
How do you develop closeness with your husband, harmony and marriage? Five ways to achieve intimacy.
What are men reading? How to remodel your garage? How to double your gas mileage?
How to be a champion bass fisherman. That’s what men are eating.
Hey, folks, it comes with the territory. Women are just different from men.
You can go to any high school and watch the way the girls carry the books and watch the way the guys carry the books.
How do girls carry books? Watch them. They carry them just like this? Like carrying a baby.
They just hug them up like this. Hug the books. Men carry the books like this.
If they carry them at all, give a little boy a dollar, he’ll use it for a hammer.
That’s just the difference now that, that some people try to tell us that uh these differences are learned, they are not friend, they are encoded.
I’m going to show you that in a moment now.
Uh be smart men and, and learn to be romantic, be smart ladies and learn how to be beautiful and keep yourself as much as possible, physically attractive for the husband uh which is better, neither is better folks.
They are just different. God made us different. Let me tell you another way that men and women are different.
It’s the radar versus the computer. Now, the woman is the radar. The man is the computer.
Men and women process information differently. I clip this out of USA today. It’s a big article.
I wish I could read it all.
It shows on the front page here of two minds and it talks about gender and areas of activity, a sophisticated form of magnetic resonance imaging on living brains shows women use both hemispheres to solve a certain language problem.
Men use only one ladies. You’ve always suspected that men had half a mind.
Now, this uh scientifically, they are showing what we have known for a long time.
You know, there, there are two hemispheres in, in your brain.
And the left hemisphere deals primarily with logic, reasoning, calculation and so forth.
The right hemisphere deals with feeling, emotion, sympathy, love, uh intuition.
Now, men use primarily the left side of their brain. Women use both sides of the brain.
They have proven it scientifically now.
And uh here, I’m going to read a part of this, we know from brain autopsies that the corpus Callum, the mass of fibers connecting the brain’s right and left hemispheres is larger in proportion to brain weight in women than men.
Uh More information is being exchanged between the two hemispheres and women.
And that could account for women’s greater verbal skills and even explain women’s intuition.
The female brain has emotional capabilities on both sides.
A man’s is centered on the right that plus a woman’s greater connections between hemispheres may make it easier for her to express emotions.
But that may also mean she is less able to separate emotion from reason.
Now, guys, I’m plowing close to the corn here. But let me tell you something.
There is a difference, there is a real difference at the way women look at things and the way men look at things.
And this is the source of so many of our arguments.
And by the way, next week, we’re gonna talk on this subject, communicate or disintegrate and we’re gonna tell you how husbands and wives can communicate, but you’ve got to learn that there is a difference.
Uh Men tend to be more logical and analytical and factual in their thinking.
This is not to say a woman cannot be.
But at the same time, she is thinking logically and analytically and factually, she is mixing in emotion at the same time.
Now, women are detail oriented and they do what I call spider web thinking.
Men don’t do spider web thinking. Men think like this.
Could you, it, you and women go like this.
And so folks, uh you are trying to say, let’s clear this thing out and then we’ll do that and then we’ll clear this out.
We’ll do this. She’s not doing that.
She’s doing this and, and, and you, you’re gonna have all kinds of misunderstandings if you don’t understand that.
For example, she wants all of the little details. They’re all in her computer.
She’s using both sides of her brain at the same time.
And really in many ways, she’s superior to you because she has the ability to do this and she wants all the details.
She can put them in there and she can deal with them all at one time. She’s using both sides.
You, you’ve just got half a brain, Mr.
And uh so uh you come home and she says, how was your day today?
Well, you’re gonna, you’re gonna tell her elaborately how your day was.
So you say it’s fine. What, what, what happened?
Well, we, we had a meeting, we did some things, uh, we revamped the program down at the church.
She wants to know who was there. What you talk about? Did you all go out to eat?
Where did you eat? What happened or what you wear?
Uh, I, and, and you said, well, that didn’t have anything to do with it.
I mean, that’s what we did.
Now, you make a mistake and ask her how her day was and you’re gonna get, you’re gonna get more information than you wanted.
It’s just the way we are. She thinks that you’re being evasive and shutting her out.
You think that she’s going on and on and on astronaut Michael Collins said that a, a man speaks in a day, an average day, about 25,000 words, a woman, about 30,000 words in an average day.
He said the problem is when I come home at night, I have used up my 25,000 and she hadn’t even started on hers.
Generally speaking, women are generally speaking, the left side is logical, rational, objective, precise.
Uh is the, the, the, the right side is the effect of domain feeling, subjectivity, sense of.
That’s the reason that men cry less because they got a disconnect up there. Women cry more easily.
That’s the reason that you and your husband can be having a big argument.
It just destroy you and you’re just going out to his job or go watch a television, go play golf, you said, how can he do that?
He just shuts off the right side.
I mean, he, he just, he just, he, there’s a disconnect in there that women don’t have, which is better.
God made us different that he might make us one.
You see, you are your, your brain left side works like a computer.
Her right side works like a radar. She has a great big reception disk as just sweeping.
It’s just, it’s just taking in everything just like this and, and, and they see things, they feel things they can tell when feelings are hurt.
Joyce will tell me you hurt that person’s feeling. I said, oh no, she said you did.
How could you did? And she’s right.
She, she, they can just sweep the room, they can walk in a room and, and pick up things.
They, they test women, get these details that men don’t get, I can get dressed to, to walk out and I think I look all right.
You also see that piece of length. She’ll say your tie is not straight, whatever. They, they are detail oriented.
They get all of these details.
That’s the reason that she can tell you when you want to get in some business deal.
She’ll say I just don’t like that guy but why, what’s wrong with it?
I don’t know, but she’s processing so many little bits of information.
She can just say there’s something bad about that and here’s, here’s the aggravating thing about it. She’s right.
She is. Right. Now, how does she know this? It’s what we call women’s intuition.
Uh, women are just different. They’re different.
Watch them when they sit at a table and, and, and have a lunch.
They’re all talking at the same time around the table, but every one of them knows what each of the other is saying all at the same time they’ll be, one will be talking to a woman here and then she’ll turn around and say no, that’s not right.
And then go right back. Incredible thing that radar is going.
Mr All, you’ve got a pair of rabbit ears, they’re just different, which is better.
Neither is better. Have you ever noticed back to the restaurant?
If a woman wants to go to the restroom, she says I want to go to the restroom.
Y’all wanna go with me and they all go together. Yeah, that’s incredible.
I’ve never seen a man say how many of you want to go to the restroom?
I don’t understand it.
Which is better, the computer or the radar. Neither is better. They’re just different.
Thank God for the difference. Well, I wish I had more time.
But man show, show your wives, show your wives more tenderness, show them more love, be more patient.
Give more honors onto the weaker vessel. Ladies, when you’re having a conversation and your husband wants the facts.
Cut to the chase. Will you?
I mean just tell us up front what you’re talking about, then you can embellish it later on and then we’ll have at least some idea how to process the information.
Would you do that, please? And hey, keep yourself beautiful for us.
And guys try to be a little more romantic.
As a matter of fact, both of us need to learn, which is better, neither is better.
We are just different when they built the San Francisco Bridge, the engineers built that bridge where all of the parts inter fit, but they all sway in the middle of that suspension bridge.
That one mile span, it will sway as much as 20 ft, as concrete and steel.
It’s all bolted and welded together, but there’s, there’s flexibility, there’s elasticity there, but there are two incredible towers, great towers that go down, down, down to bedrock and all of those cables connect everything to those two great towers.
Got it. Now, what keeps that bridge up? Two things.
Number one, the foundation, number two, the flexibility. Ok.
Now, what is the, what are two great towers for your home?
Love for God and love for one another. That’s the bed one.
The rest of it is the flexibility that keeps your bridge from falling down.
Aren’t you glad that God made us different? Isn’t it great? Living with a man or living with a woman?
Thank God for it. Thank God.
Let’s celebrate the difference?