Don’t give up! – Derek Prince

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One thing I’ve noticed about God’s trials is that He rarely tells you upfront: “This is a trial, and if you endure for six months, you’ll get through.” Sometimes, we get to the five-month and twenty-nine-day mark, and we give up, not knowing that just one more day would have brought us through. Never give up! The Bible doesn’t record any instance where someone succeeded by giving up.

God’s Timing in Trials

It’s important to understand that God, not us, determines the duration of the test. Waiting is one of the most common trials God subjects His servants to. He often calls His chosen ones to wait for His perfect timing. Take Abraham, for example. God promised him a son, who would become the leader of a unique nation. How long did Abraham wait? Twenty-five years.

During this waiting period, his wife Sarah tried to help by offering a solution that complicated things. At first, she suggested he have a child with Hagar, but later urged him to get rid of the child. This inconsistency comes from the flesh. It shows how human solutions can often contradict God’s plan.

The Power of Waiting

Abraham became the man he was because he chose to wait. He watched his wife age past the years of childbearing but continued to trust God’s promise. It’s remarkable that Abraham is considered a friend of God. What did he do? He was a prosperous cattle farmer, wandering the Mediterranean region tending to his herds. He did nothing dramatic until the day he was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham’s faith and willingness to wait earned him God’s favor.

Some of you might forfeit God’s favor if you don’t wait.

Joseph’s Story: A Test of Patience

Joseph’s story, found in Psalm 105, is another example. God sent Joseph ahead of his brothers, but he was sold into slavery, mistreated, and imprisoned. The Psalm says, “The word of the Lord tested him.” This waiting period was a trial for Joseph, too. After receiving a glorious promise, everything seemed to go wrong. Instead of ruling over his brothers, he found himself in an Egyptian prison. But God was testing his patience.

Moses: Meekness Through Waiting

Then there’s Moses. Numbers 12:3 tells us Moses was the meekest man on earth. How did he develop meekness? By waiting for forty years. A preacher once explained that God couldn’t complete Moses’ training in thirty-nine years. Moses was initially an arrogant young man, thinking he could lead Israel out of Egypt. Forty years later, he was the meekest man alive and exercised unparalleled authority, second only to Jesus.

To gain authority, we must first cultivate meekness. God cannot trust His authority to the proud and self-assertive.

Endurance: A Key to Promotion

In God’s kingdom, the path to promotion is clear: humble yourself. Those who humble themselves will be exalted, while those who exalt themselves will be humbled. It’s an unchangeable law that governs the universe. People often talk about breaking God’s laws, but the truth is that we don’t break His laws—they break us when we disobey.

David’s Endurance Through Trials

Consider David, another man given incredible promises by God. For years, he lived in constant danger, fleeing from King Saul, the man he was destined to replace. Why did God allow this? What was He looking for? One word: endurance. You cannot bypass endurance and experience God’s promises. You can only go so far without it. The completion of God’s promises comes only through enduring trials.

Hold On, God Is Faithful

When everything seems impossible, that’s when you must hold on the most. Don’t give up. Keep going! To those of you facing trials, I encourage you to hang in there. You’re doing well, just stay strong. Don’t quit. God is faithful.

If I could leave one message for future generations, it would be this: Trust in God’s timing, endure the trials, and never give up.

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