Decoding The Mystery Of The Trinity | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Decoding The Mystery Of The Trinity | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Message of the Week – Part I of The One Who is More Than One – It’s one of the most unfathomable, paradoxical, and mind blowing of mysteries. It’s been used by cultists and has baffled believers for ages. Discover the answers!

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Tonight, we’re gonna get into something deep and rich, one of the most important mysteries of god, the nature of god himself.
What has been called the trinity, but perhaps it’d be better called the triunity of god, the triune nature of god.
All the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of god.
How unsearchable are his judgments unfathomable his ways? Who has known the mind of the lord?
Who became his counselor? Who is first given to him that he be paid back to him, for from him and through him, and to him are all things.
To him be the glory forever. Oh, man. How unsearchable are his ways?
It says how unfathomable are they?
Who has known the mind for from him through him and to him is everything?
Tonight, we’re gonna get into something deep and rich, one of the most important mysteries of god, the nature of god himself.
What has been called the trinity, but perhaps it’d be better called the triunity of god, the triune nature of god.
Now you need to you need to know because you need to be solid and steadfast, and it’s also an awesome thing.
Now connected to the mystery of the trinity is the mystery of the deity of messiah.
You know, they go together. You you have the deed of messiah. You have the trinity. Have the trinity.
You have the deity. And so this is one of the most attacked truths and doctrines of of the Bible, period.
This is often where things divide and other, uh, cults divide.
And other religions of I, for instance, jehovah witness who may come to your door, they will say there’s no real trinity or or at least that’s what they’re teaching.
Messiah is not god according to Jehovah’s witness. He’s an angel. The word wasn’t god according to Jehovah’s witness.
The word was a god. Mormons will say they believe in the trinity, but their doctrine denies it.
Jesus according to mormonism is a created being.
Just one of many sons of god and the numbers of gods and mormonism is continually increasing.
Then there are the Jesus only cults which deny the trinity in another way.
They say Jesus is god, but there’s nothing else.
And so other religions, of course, over the Islam, admits Jesus is the Messiah.
They don’t really I don’t think they really know what that means, but god, they will say never ever has a son They will even say there is no god, but Allah, and he has no son.
They’re obviously reacting to something. What about rabbinical Judaism?
And what most Jewish people are taught, the trinity, well, here is not Jewish, doesn’t sound Jewish, not in the Hebrew scriptures, most un Jewish thing.
God doesn’t have a son, The most Jewish thing is god is 1, Shamal yisrael, adunai Rahanu, adunaiachad, Hero Israel, the lord, our god, the lord is 1.
Man cannot be god, Its idolatry goes against the most sacred thing. There are no other gods.
So this is 3 gods. It’s pagan. Now, of course, that’s not what the trinity is.
But tonight, we’re gonna open up the Hebrew scriptures and look at we’re not gonna look at the new testament because we’re gonna show something that’s known in the new testament through that actually exists in the Hebrew scriptures.
Hard to argue when it’s there.
And some of the most mysterious and amazing verses that you might as most people miss but it’s amazing.
First thing. First thing, I said Shamayas Ryala Daniarohino and Daniakad.
Well, well, that starts right there, the mystery.
It says, first of all, the adonai Elohaneu comes from Elohim. Try it. Try it.
You know it, but try it. Elohim, the very start of the Bible goes like this.
The way it sounds in the original is Vorasit Barah elohim, Vethashemayim, Vetha audits, in the beginning God created, but the name for god, the very first noun in the Bible, is the noun, the word Elohim.
Now those of you who know a little bit about Hebrew or you’ve been here, anytime you hear an EIM, what does that tell you?
You hear it, Sherrah, beam. That means it is more than just what you’re seeing.
It’s in a somewhat the it’s a plural ending.
Eamon is like us putting an s at the end of something. It means plural.
So you actually, in other contexts, that same word, can be translated as gods, but it’s not gods here.
But what is it? Why why are we using a plural word to speak of god.
Now the rabbis will try to explain it away and say, well, we’re speaking about the majesty of god.
It’s figurative. But it’s the name of god. I mean, god’s not gonna be loose with his name.
He’s not gonna put something in there unless it’s true. It’s the name of god.
It’s the first name of god in the Bible, and it’s plural. God could have chosen anything.
Now now, you know, here you have el, but Elohim is more than that.
But there’s more to it because the the other word in that sentence, in the beginning, god created.
Now here’s the thing, created. The word for created here is Barah. Try it. Barah.
In the beginning, Viroshit, in the beginning, Barah created at Oheem god.
Literally, it would say, literally, this is how it would read if you’re that you can read it one way or the other.
It would read like this In the beginning, god’s creates. It’s not good Hebrew.
It’s not good English because you don’t put a plural you don’t you don’t you have to match the noun with the verb.
In other way, I’ll put it another way. Or if you really like saying, hey. You goes there.
That doesn’t that’s not good good English. Or he go there. That’s not good English either.
But in other words, they’re using a plural word, but a singular verb.
So what it’s saying is there’s more to it than meets the eye. It’s not that this is plural.
God is put I mean, god is plural, but he’s also singular at the same moment.
Because the verb and the noun are mixed together, plural, and singular, which right there is saying something god is 1, but he’s also more than.
Very first sentence of the Bible. Amazing.
Has a mystery that is not even good Hebrew except that it is it is so cosmic that it doesn’t even fit into grammar.
But let’s go on. Doesn’t stop there. Genesis 126 says this, and you know it.
Let us create man. That’s a problem. Why?
Well, the rabbis, they they just just kinda trying to get away from get deal with the elohim, and then you get hit with this.
Let us create. Now we’ll say, well, some of them will say, well, god is speaking like the queen of England.
It’s the royal we, you know, we are not amused to this kind of thing.
You know, The problem is, you know, god is not the queen of England. He doesn’t follow English tradition.
He doesn’t follow any tradition. So who is he speaking to?
Other rabbis will say he is saying us, but he’s speaking to the angels.
The problem is the angels don’t create anything. You can’t say let us create to someone who can’t create.
There’s only one who can create who is the creator.
So, therefore, you got creator and you got us. Okay. But that doesn’t stop there.
And this is I know and every this is Genesis we’re talking about.
Genesys 18, it says the lord appeared to Abraham, near the great trees of Mamre, while he was sitting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day.
Abraham looked up. Listen, looked up and saw 3 men standing there.
When he saw them, he hurried in the entrance. He bowed to the ground.
It says the lord appeared to Abraham and it says he saw 3 men. That’s awesome right there.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were with a video.
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