Day 217 of 365! God Bless you!

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Day 217 of 365!

God is saying to you today,
“Let My Word be a lamp unto
your feet and a light unto your
path. Spend time in the
Scriptures, and let its wisdom
guide your decisions and actions.
Surround yourself with fellow
believers who can encourage and
support you in your walk of faith.”

God is saying to you today,
“Be patient with yourself. Growth
takes time, and I am patient with
you. Be kind, compassionate, and
forgiving towards yourself, just as
I am towards you. Remember that
I see your heart and know your
intentions, and I am always ready
to extend My mercy and grace.”

Matthew chapter twenty six, verse thirty six to forty four, says, Then, Jesus went with them to the olive grove called gethsemane.
And he said, sit here while I go over there to pray.
He took Peter in Cebedee’s two sons, James and John, and he became anguished and distressed.
He told them my soul is crushed with grief to the point of death.
Stay here and keep watch with me.
He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground praying. My father.
If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away me, yet I want your will to be done, not mine.
Then he returned to the disciple and found them asleep.
He said to Peter, couldn’t you watch with me, even one hour? Keep watching, pray.
So that you will not give in to temptation.
For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.
Then Jesus left them a second time and prayed.
My father, if this cup cannot be taken away, unless I drink it, your will be done.
When he returned to them again, he found them sleeping for they couldn’t keep their eyes open.
So he went to pray a third time saying the same things again.
From this passage of scripture, Jesus went away to be alone and pray three times.
And each of those times, he found the disciples sleeping.
Now from this passage, I would like to encourage you not to be found sleeping in your prayer life Don’t become too comfortable that you are always asleep spiritually.
Don’t wait for a storm to wake you Don’t wait for an attack from the devil to wake you up to the realities of spiritual warfare and the need for constant prayer.
Remember the words of Jesus in matthew twenty six verse forty one. He said watch and pray.
Lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Jesus not only set an example for us that demonstrated the need for prayer, but he urged us to pray because it’s for our own good.
His words should be like a hammer in our spirit Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation.
One commentary regarding this verse reads.
There is, and ought to be, a watching both over our hearts, thoughts, where and gestures.
Jesus lets them know that it was not in their power to stand without god’s help and assistance, which must be obtained by prayer.
And upon their praying, should not be denied them. So, dear friend, don’t be caught sleeping.
Don’t be caught defenseless with your eyes closed. Watch and pray. List, you fall into temptation.
And now let us pray.
Dear lord Jesus, your word in Ephesians six verse eighteen says.
With all prayer and petition pray with specific requests at all times on every occasion and in every season in the spirit.
And with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition interceding in prayer for all god’s people.
Help me to be obedient to your word, to be prayerful on all occasions whether it is morning or evening, give me a heart that seeks you in prayer.
Whether it is a Friday or Sunday, give me a heart King Jesus that is dedicated to prayer.
I pray for everyone under the sound of my voice.
Speak to our spirit, through your word, and give us a sense of urgency when it comes our prayer lives.
You have said in Matthew twenty six verse forty one.
And pray lest you enter into temptation.
The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. May we understand your word here?
That you are telling us that if we are prayerless Christians, If we are asleep in our prayer lives, then we will not be able to stand against the enemy.
Being prayerless means we are powerless.
So I pray that you press on our hearts, not to be prayerless Christians, but rather to be believers who pray in the spirit on all occasions.
Help us lord to be a people who watch and pray always a people who value prayer because they understand that help from you, assistance and power that comes from you must be obtained through prayer.
Let us not be so comfortable that we are asleep spiritually.
And furthermore, lord, I pray that you help us as individuals to keep watch over our own lives.
To be alert and watching over our hearts, thoughts, words, and gestures.
So that we might not or be led astray, but rather I pray that we are believers who are alert and on guard.
Guarding what we allow to access our homes, our eyes, and ears. Giving no room to deceitful workers.
False prophets or anything that will harm our faith. I pray your name, King Jesus.
You are holy and wonderful, worthy to be praised and adored.
Your word in Matthew six verse five says.
And when you pray, do not be like the Hippocrats.
For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to seen by others.
Truly I tell you they have received their reward in full.
Help us lower that we may never be like the hypocrites who love to be seen to pray.
May we instead love to be alone with you?
To pray in private so that our relationship would strengthen so that our relationship would grow.
Father, Matthew six verse eight tells me. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling pagans.
For they think they will be heard because of their many words.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire and our prayer lives.
May he fill us with the holy ghost fire so that we may experience a deeper, meaningful prayer life?
I bless your name for listening to this prayer.
May you begin from today to work within me?
To change my heart and light a fire, a hunger for prayer.
You are worthy to be praised honored from now until forevermore. In Jesus’ name, I pray.


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