Jack Hibbs : Classroom Chaos

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Jack Hibbs : Classroom Chaos

The battle over our nation’s children is reaching the boiling point, and the battleground is the classroom. The local school board is typically where concerned citizens go to bat for the children, but some members come with evil agendas and plots to indoctrinate and brainwash your kids. This episode gives you a peek into what happens when good people take a stand for righteousness to protect kids and parental rights.

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hey everybody you are going to have your mind blown and you’re going to have an Enlightenment take place in just a few moments as we sit down and find out what’s going on in your school board stay tuned real life presents the Jack hibs podcast with intention and boldness to Proclaim truth equip the Saints and impact our culture today if this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings to us that’s like
saying amen or yes then that rating will encourage others to listen now open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you here is Jack Hibbs well everybody welcome back uh to our podcast and uh first of all thank you guys we have been having amazing responses by you having viewed some of our more recent podcasts have just gone really really great and so uh Jonathan Isaac um had airma uh that one still is continuing to explode as a federal Insider reveals secrets about our nation and what was going on as she was working
uh covertly for the United States government in various branches um and then I think this one’s going to be equally uh well received because uh today I have with me Sonia sha who we are happy to have as president of the Chino Valley Unified School District which you probably have heard about because it’s been in national news and it continues to be in in the National News Scene because you just won’t go away you how dare you Sonia be someone who thinks it’s wrong for kids to be exposed to uh adult sexual content and you think
it’s wrong for kids to be groomed and you think it’s wrong for uh in fact you’re a book burner aren’t you I’m a book Banner actually splic material you know get it out of the horrible you you know that but you’ve got some um just some amazing uh ribbons and and Medals of Honor as you have stood against just the bureaucratic machine of California you have stood locally you are taking a fight and for that um if they could crucify you uh they would if they could they would and I’m I’m
honored to know you proud to know you and so let’s talk about what’s going on in your world because everybody listen up what she’s going through what she’s living don’t think that you’re viewing this from a distance on your device and it’s not going to be uh where you’re at there’s a high probability that what she’s going to be talking about is at your your school district you just don’t know about it absolutely and so hopefully this is a wakeup call so Sonia thank you for being with us and um well
where do we start um I know yeah uh tell us who who may not know what’s the function of a school board in the first place you know we see our kids go to school the bus Picks Them Up drops them off people don’t think about a school board absolutely so the Schoolboard actually has a huge responsibility of ensuring okay so let me just break it down how it goes the school board is above the superintendent the superintendent is um now the boss of he he’s the one that’s in charge of his cabinet you know that’s like your
executive um that reports to him and then all the principles and then therefore he is kind of like your CEO right yep and then we’re kind of like you know the bosses of him so our position is to make sure he takes out the vision of the board and you have to be part in partners with them otherwise you’ll see things that happen like in Tula and orange where their superintendents were working against the board and that’s not a good thing but um in essence you have to trust your as as a board member you have to trust your
superintendent to do the right thing to be fiscally responsible but also to make sure that the districts are geared towards education and obviously not indoctrination that’s why I’m sitting here is to make sure you know but I will say this in California and throughout the Nations because of the Union’s stronghold on these districts makes it very hard so I know people will look at California and say oh I don’t live in California we’re safe oh no I’ve talked to parents all over the nation because
the unions are actively involved they’re very sneaky and then eventually you will be like they will be like California because they have a master plan that the rest of the state unions are following through in fact to back up what she just said U Mo almost everything is is uh initiated perfected uh honed to work in California first and then they Infuse it uh into the other 49 states um isn’t it interesting yeah unions you mentioned unions um I want you guys to be thinking about unions why should a union have say
or influence over your child’s education shouldn’t you have that say as being the parent that brought that child into the world shouldn’t you have the say seeing how you’re the one that’s funding the whole thing anyway right think about that three your tax dollars so listen I have this question for you um what has been your experience when parents finally begin to start listening or waking up to what you’ve been campaigning for and that is uh not only the protection of children but are
parents waking up to e either the reality or the lack thereof of their own parental Authority what’s going on with parental Authority and schools okay so I’m going to say this really quick our community because I started as just a parent advocate just concerned about when the stuff happened with the shutdown a lot of the parents that I work alongside are hardworking but then the majority have gotten comfortable because they feel like they’re in a position where they could trust but they’re not totally aware because
they’re not paying that much attention anymore to the the actual dangers that we have faced every single day that their kids are in um but I think in regards to parental Authority you I I hear it all the time I get stopped you know at the market or or whatever it is thank you for standing up for our rights we support you guys but the fact that this is what what I think the the lawsuits when the state sued us and then we turned around as a district with parents sued them I think it was a blessing in disguise because it allowed
more people to see the stronghold that the state has in regards to your constitutional right right why does a school district have to sue the state and why is the state suing um the district who just wants to notify parents right exactly and that should alarm people just with the fact of just looking at a title it doesn’t even matter how the media twist it why is the state using your taxpayer dollars to say they have a right to know and they can parent the child but the parent doesn’t have a right to know that to me should
wake up and send chills down every parent spine I hope it does I I think that that the only problem I see is parents like in our district they trust that they have the right people in place but I also think just our district even as a parent unless we get other districts to wake up and other parents to wake up we’re against a big machine and we know as a Believers yeah yeah no doubt the machine God God is in control and sometimes Pastor Jack I’ve heard you say this in the National level I feel like he’s allowing this to happen
because of the danger that is happening to our children and it’s not that we’re going to stop it but we’re exposing it so people can pull their kids right and I get that not every parent can do that but at least they’ll be aware of it and fight the good fight alongside us to protect the kids yeah absolutely in fact to that as from a pastoral perspective I would say that uh it’s so critical for you to protect your children that you might have to sell the boat or the airplane or the other house uh and just
bring your life style down to something whereby mom or dad somebody can stay at home or somehow get the funds to get your kids out of the public school machine uh it is beyond toxic is beyond and now what’s very sad is that there’s some good school teachers in there there’s some good administrators you you guys know we’re not bashing you what we are doing is that we’re trying to bash uh those that have an evil agenda socialism they have this uh gender uh re uh assignment uh agenda um what’s
pathetic is that they don’t care nor do they see um the incredible decline of our children’s abil AB ility to read to do math history geography this chemistry basic things they don’t care they have a they have such a radical social agenda and we know it’s radical we’re not making this stuff up and we’ll prove it to you uh they are so radical that when people like Sonia Shaw get involved to find out what’s going on in my school district they will immediately label you anything from
being a racist to a terrorist yeah a Nazi a Nazi a Christian nationalist or they just go off and I just want you to know when you hear labels labels are always employed in a panic you know this in relationships when does somebody call you names or accuse you of something I mean even in a marriage when a marriage is being stressed and and a husband and wife are arguing one of them might say you always say that well the truth is you don’t always say that but it feels like you always say that when labels are being
thrown it’s because someone is very very upset and they’re operating in the emotional realm so when you’re labeled a radical she’s a radical they’ve got to shut her down we’ve got to vote those Christians or conservatives off the school board why exactly why what’s going on well that’s what that’s my question is when you actually get um a person who wants to have a conversation oh you’re radical you’re pushing your agenda you’re pushing your Christian um ideologies in the classroom okay what
did I do I put I put forth a stronger policy to remove sexually explicit books that’s it yeah which if they’re not against that I think they’re weirdos then they they should not be around kids to begin with they shouldn’t be around kids I would say they’re perverts absolutely we brought forward a policy that informs parents when we had a previous policy alongside almost all the school districts because the California Schoolboard Association they’re not a union but you have to think about it as
an association almost like a union for school board members and most of our majority Schoolboard members go along with the flow of this agenda um they they recommend the policies so you have most of the school boards that had a policy in place previously to the gender ideologies that they had to keep secrets into that so what we we eliminated that policy and brought forth one said that we will tell the parents um that that’s so radical right that we’re going to inform parents of something that is that
is very important in their child’s life wow that’s crazy um we got rid of you know political um propaganda in the classrooms okay so what you don’t want you know the Ten Commandments in the classroom well we don’t want your ideology in the classroom that’s right let’s be fair we ideology ideology you you what’s what’s amazing is I hope I can say this correctly she’s talking about getting human agendas out okay so that kids can learn and be safe yes okay have did you hear Sonia say we want every kid
to be baptized and wear a cross around their neck but you see that’s how the Rabid Progressive thinks they think like this BEC the reason why they think like this is because they don’t want somebody to challenge their religion oh make no mistake about it their their Progressive atheism or Hedonism or paganism hates competition and so they freak out so when Sonia and the school board says you know what we’re going to focus on our kids math levels going up and oh by the way um the parents brought these kids
into the world that’s how we got these kids into the into our school and so we we are going to honor parental rights they freak about that I want to ask you something think this through for a second 30 years ago 30 years ago were the grades and the levels of competence for uh sixth grade kids kids in the sixth grade in math were they better now I mean were they better then or now okay what about history could kid could kids actually tell you about American history 30 years ago better or are they better now everything
that you pick a topic everything 30 years ago the kids were smarter the longer this shig continues the Dumber your kids are going to get yep there’s sorry to say it but it is an absolute fact and today our kids are more in tune with pop culture than who was the third president of the United States or what was the Gettysburg Address they don’t they don’t know they’re not taught this stuff what did you know there’s an agenda for them not to know this stuff because there’s a recreation of our culture and your kids
are the target it’s being played out in your child’s life while we are busy at our job and doing our thing our kids are being sorry for this bluntness but your kids are being mentally raped by the system and they are being twisted and they’re being diluted and polluted I could go on all day about this I would love to be proven wrong show me where the scores are up yep the truth is that they are not um well we also have a teacher shortage right and it’s not because of they claim it’s because of
Schoolboard members like us they’re fleeing no it’s because normal people don’t want to sign up and push this agenda they’re making it requirements I mean go fact check me go look on the CTA website and go as long as you fact check the fact check I know right exactly but what I’m saying is go on for yourself I always tell people don’t go by what I say go check it out yourself go to the CTA website go to the Department of Ed Instagram you’re going to see them push all these ideologies how to decorate
your classroom it has nothing to do with teaching your kids um you know the States like we did in the capitals our kids the fact is they’re failing at Reading Writing a math they’re making requirements for everything that they want to push in and I I really consider this their religion they’re they’re strung on pushing that into the classroom it’s Marxism and they have destroyed education and think about it you have created an environment where both parents have to work to survive right now to put food on the table look
at our economy so you’re forcing them to have to have no other choice to put your kids in this system where you have good teachers running away in flocks they want nothing to do with this I have these conversations with them and they’re running away for the same reason why people are running away from this state absolutely it’s it’s the leadership or the well let’s be honest it is the very aggressive very powerful very very engaged leadership of Gavin Newsome and his henchmen absolutely they’re not listen they’re not sitting
up in Sacramento uh doing nothing those they’re hard at work but what they’re doing look at the bills they’re passing did you know I mean this is a side note but if my memory serves me correct just this week Gavin Nome signed into law where California taxpayers will be paying unemployment benefits for illegal aliens it’s it’s insane I mean I am did you know that you were so rich I have so much money that I I’m going to give it to illegal illegal aliens that that come into into into California that’s how
that’s how loaded I am and Sonia’s way richer than I am and wow that’s crazy school board yeah so these people are running they’re running from not look a good teacher is going to say listen a good teacher is going to say uh I am not going to work for a California school system that’s true a bad teacher says this is exactly what I’ve been taught in school I’ve been groomed the whole time I’m one of them I can’t wait to get my Class those are activist they’re activist those that Tony Thurman wanted
to spend our money to put housing on school properties to put them in there because these are activists that sign up this is their this is their goal in life and that’s what we’re trying to tell parents look teachers are wonderful we have wonderful teachers especially in our district the majority are amazing their Union is horrific but but I do have to say with the exposure of what parents are doing and how it’s on there I think it’s I want to say I don’t know the exact number but it’s close to at
least 160 that have left the local union that and the Local Union funds the majority of their their um dues that they go goes to the CTA the CTA goes into the Nea so these teachers are saying are my money’s not going here they don’t need the Union right unions were made to what to protect the teachers back in the day conditions back then back then now it’s good yeah it’s all back then the unions serve their purpose per uh goal achieved no need for Union ab and now they don’t but now it is a manipulative control machine for
bottom line as the old saying goes It’s True again follow the money absolutely always the follow the money always the case so what are what are what can parents do um maybe some parents are waking up right now saying gosh I never even thought about looking into my school board and checking out what people believe what can they do do do they watch online are they broadcast are they do you show up what are what do they do so Schoolboard meetings that’s how I got involved I didn’t know what a school board was what four years ago I
had no clue I was in the classroom volunteering I was in there for art PE and room mom things that are not funded right that they didn’t have funding for back when I was uh my kids were little now they’re in high school um but what what I when I did find out it was go watch your school board you’ll find out quickly who is the one making the decision you can just walk in and sit down and be as silent as a little church mouse right you have to say anything just watch and if you’re busy look I’m a
mother both of my kids are in sports me and my husband are constantly dividing cities to go take one to the other um you can watch them online okay look I miss church on Sunday I watch it online you missed a Schoolboard meeting go watch it online that’s your responsibility as a parent to see what what is happening how cool of a movement would that be so grass grass roots that if you just took what Sonia said a moment ago and just decide all of you right now if you were to decide even if listen even if your grandma and grandpa
maybe you can help your kids out and your grandkids out by watching take some notes absolutely review it look at it write some things down and listen I mean the first time I I can’t even say this I don’t think I can I mean I could it’s just the first time I ever went to a school board meeting uh it was forever it was decades ago okay in this in this city I went and there was a school board member that they were discussing um sex ed it’s always it’s always this stuff absolutely and literally I can see her now now I
remember her name she had a banana oh no and she put a condom on a banana and told the other school board members this is what they need to do it’s that simple and I it was my first Schoolboard meeting I ever sat in and I just just thought oh my gosh this is what we’re focusing on when kids are failing could believe it yeah but that goes to back to ask your kids look Pastor Jack as you have to understand people have to understand the Dynamics you’re dropping your kids off or they’re taking the bus
to a school what does that tell a child trust the school trust Mom and Dad just put me here so most of the time your child who is hearing and seeing bizarre things which they know because human humans have natural instinct they may know like this doesn’t feel right this doesn’t seem right but their mom’s trusting it right yeah exactly and sometimes the life gets busy like I said both parents working or maybe like what we grew up in my mom died when I was very young and it’s just my father who’s
from another country who doesn’t know what he’s looking for right um it could be those situations but talk to your children because with those conversations you’re going to find out a lot of things I mean we have parents that thank God they’re talking to their kids because in those conversations I hear the horor stories but it’s like oh a teacher approached my kid who just maybe what we identified as a tomboy do you want to be called as you know he or him why is that happening like this is
inappropriate things that are happening and they are happening here in Chino Valley regardless of your board and they are happening everywhere talk to your children because when you tell them I was taught don’t talk to a a stranger don’t talk to an adult don’t keep secrets right I mean I I came from a very strict household cuz like I said my dad was from another country my mom passed and my dad was very protective over this but I knew better if somebody were to approach us but most kids are still having that trust like oh Mom
dropped me off is this okay they’re questioning go talk to them yep go have hey how did school go hey what’ you learn today um like even with the the whole um 911 thing I made sure my kids like you know we get busy did I fail to mention we of course we mention in our household do you guys learned this in school or do you just learn it from home I want to know these things because these are the things that we should focus on yet they are putting into law for for districts I guess the new one is what how to uncover false media when
they control the media why do our kids need to learn that that is so weird like let that be known at home we don’t believe in the normal media at home so we tell our kids what to look out for those are the dangers we tell them right yep it’s all these requirements that they’re tying this District’s hands and I will say good districts like ours we’re still struggling to educate because of all the requirements right yes absolutely so listen um if you’re thinking right now and I mean this with
all my heart I wish I I always talk about how I wish I could wear a pastor’s body cam for for you to see and hear what I see in here all the time um for those of you who are saying things like this and Karen England’s awesome at this capital resource Institute you should go there capital resource Institute and she’s the kitchen table activist on online right online kitchen table activist so if you’re saying you poor guys in California I’m up here in Boise and it’s it’s it’s great oh my gosh you’re in the
fog you have no idea how bad it is in Boise oh yeah well I heard about Boise but I’m so glad to be here in Nashville y oh my gosh in fact there are places here wait for it there are places that are worse than California absolutely and you don’t even know that you think we’re the big bad ones listen thank God for people like Sonia they’re raising the flag of warning because here’s what happens people wake up to podcast just like this they hear Sonia they go look and see they find out that it’s
happening right there in Omaha and they’re shocked and here’s what they find out so often is that it’s the school teacher member somebody will say to the kid uh they’ll say something like um have have you ever thought about if any of you in the class have ever kind of goes like this by the way this is one of the tactics it’s been this way uh for college for a long for decades and that is hey everybody Welcome to class I’m Professor dingdong hope you’re all happy here by the way let’s just get to know
one another um let me see let’s just pull this out of the air gosh let me take us oh anybody believe in God that’s a big topic God raise your hand if you believe in God a kid will who believes in God they know well I don’t want to deny God and they’ll raise their hand and the professor listen this is taught by professors to do hey you believe in God what’s your name Mike Mike you believe in God so uh did God create everything in in six days and rest on the seventh day is that do you believe
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