Christ: The Preeminent One

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Christ: The Preeminent One

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Coming up next on changing your world.
And for most Christians, they don’t know that even coming to church, you leave with your mind occupied with yourself effort.
How am I going to forgive? How am I gonna walk in love? How am I gonna do this?
And you’re trying to come up with a strategy and self effort to try to accomplish something, and you don’t even realize that your soul is drawn away from Christ because you’re so occupied with how you gonna do it.
The countdown has begun.
The 2024 change experience tour is headed to New York City, and the revival is set to be absolutely led with 2 amazing sessions in just one day, fellowship, music, the word, bring your friends and family mix experience at all on Friday, April 26.
Text change 2024, one word, to 51555. or scan the our code on your screen to claim your spot today.
This is your world.
It’s all as to make it a better place.
Let every heart than me is now.
You love us, today.
Are changed.
I’m gonna talk to you about Christ the preeminent one.
Christ is the preeminent one when When something is preeminent, it’s the strongest, it’s the most important, it’s the most powerful, when something is preeminent, it towers above any and everything else.
What happens in the life of a Christian when Christ becomes greater than anything else greater than anybody else.
What happens when your relationship with him, towers above any and everything else.
He knows how to get you where you wanna be, or should I say where we need to be, But it is not going to be through intellect alone.
This is not gonna take place because of how well you can dissect a scripture.
Listen to me carefully, this we’re going too far with this.
You’re It it’s important to intellectually be able to understand the word of god.
But that’s not the bulk of this.
The bulk of this is to know him versus knowing about him and able to articulate him to know him.
That was a time where men followed God, and they didn’t have this thing this instrument we have today called the Bible.
But they knew him.
And today, we have this instrument of the Bible, and we know about him.
And and because of of this, which I don’t deny, I praise God for this, this is my foundation for everything, but I am saying it is not just this by itself.
There is a portion of it that requires you to know him so that you won’t marry the mechanics.
And by marrying the mechanics, you judge everybody’s whose mechanics are different than yours.
But when you know him, all the things that you’re intellectualizing cannot account can be accomplished because you simply know him, not just about him, you feel him, you sit him.
You know him. I don’t wanna get to heaven and ask Jesus to sit down while I show him everything I know. I wanna get to heaven and make sure I don’t walk past him because I know him.
So I want you to follow me very carefully here because in this, there’s a lot of things that came together for me, the story of, of, of Abraham’s oldest servant going to find his son, a wife, Rebecca.
What was that all about? It was a shadow of something. Now I know.
The scriptures that talk about the Holy spirit’s job was to magnify Jesus and give him glory.
I didn’t quite understand that. Uh, I now I know.
And all that I have learned and known from these scriptures has driven me to want to know him better.
And I pray that that happens to you today. That you know him better.
Glory to god.
Saint John chapter 16 verse 13 14, he said, how be it when he, the spirit of truth is come?
He, the spirit of truth, will guide you into all truth for and he’s here’s a part of the truth, for he shall not speak of himself.
The Holy Spirit is not speaking of himself.
But whatsoever, he, the Holy Spirit shall hear that shall he speak, And he will show you things to come based on what he hears.
Verse 14. He shall glorify me, now Jesus is speaking here, he shall glorify me underline that.
He shall glorify me for he shall receive a mind, and then he gonna show what’s mine onto you.
And he says by him receiving from Jesus and showing it to you he gives glory to Jesus.
And I wanna know what is it that he’s gonna show me that’s gonna give glory to Jesus?
Not just go around and say, well, the Holy Ghost is gonna show, and then you fill in the blank with all these weird things, but he’s telling you here, he shall glorify me who he shall receive of mine, he shall show it unto you.
So the work of a Holy Spirit is to glory by Christ.
Oh, that sounds so Christian like. Oh, that sounds so religious. That he’s gonna glorify Christ.
I couldn’t stop there. And months and months went by.
And I’m like, ah, what do you mean by glorifying him? What do you mean by glorifying him?
I don’t wanna just use another Christian Wur, what does that mean? What does that look like?
The work of the Holy Spirit is the glorify Christ.
And if the work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify, or to magnify Christ, then it follows that it is god’s purpose that the believers shall see the fullness of the beauty in him because he says he’s gonna glorify me, and he shall show it under you.
So the believer is going to see something let’s let’s look at this.
What is it what let’s answer that question. What does it mean to to glorify god.
It means to acknowledge his greatness and his splendor.
The Holy Spirit’s job is to acknowledge the greatness, the splendor, the awesomeness, the grace, the mercy, And I realized, Oh, I have seen it.
What have I seen?
I have seen the greatness and the splendor of of the grace of god working in my life tearing out that shame and guilt and pain taking you and completely turning you around, and you’re still trying to figure out how did I get where I am right now?
I was such a fool. And now all I want is Jesus. How did that happen?
The Holy Spirit says, I’m glorifying him because I’ve received a mail, and I am showing you his greatness.
Oh, look how great he was when he saved you from that addiction.
Oh, look how awesome he was when he healed you.
Oh, look how amazing he was when he gave you something you didn’t deserve. Oh, look out.
Look at the splendor of him giving you peace.
And now, you went from 2 hours to sleep to 7 hours to sleep. I see his glory.
So so when the mind of a man and when the heart of a man When it becomes occupied with Christ, think think think with me.
When your mind becomes occupied with Christ, When your heart becomes occupied with Christ, I don’t I can’t speak for anybody in here.
I don’t know what your mind’s occupied with.
I don’t know what your heart’s occupied with, but if it’s not Christ, we gotta issue here.
Because when your mind and heart becomes occupied with Christ, then the grace and the truth, of which he is full of, John chapter 114, Jesus full, uh, what, grace and what?
Truth. The grace and the truth, which he is full of, Jesus is full of, must become a great influence for god the living.
The grace and truth that Jesus is full of must become and influence for god to live in.
Not the fact that you know all the laws and then you work hard to keep all the rules, but the grace and the truth of Jesus has so influenced you that godly living springs up in your life because of the influence And you’re no longer looking to see how to keep that commandment, that commandment, how to do this, how to do that, how to love, how to forgive, how to do all those things, but you’re so influenced by him.
His glory has been shown to you His grace and and truth has been made real to you, and your mind is occupied with his grace.
Your mind is occupied with his truth, It is no longer just what you get on Sunday, but Monday, you’re occupied with this grace and truth, and and choosing your occupied with this grace and truth because all your Christian life, you’ve been trying to arrive at a certain point, and you never got there, but something happened when you submitted your self to depend on this grace and truth.
And now you look at yourself now, and you’re just not what you used to be.
Now on the other hand, when a believer struggles in self effort, to do that, which he thinks is right.
Your mind then becomes occupied with self And your soul is drawn away from Christ.
Because you’re just thinking about how I can do this. How can I do that?
How can I do that? How can I be successful? How can I get enough money to do this?
How can I do that? How can I forgive this?
How your your mind is occupied with self and you’re struggling in your self effort.
And for some people, they don’t even know that the struggle is in their self effort.
And for most Christians, they don’t know that even coming to church, you leave with your mind occupied with your self effort.
How am I going to forgive? How am I gonna walk in love? How am I gonna do this?
And you’re trying to come up with a strategy in self effort to try to accomplish something, and you don’t even realize that your soul is drawn away from Christ because you’re so occupied with how you gonna do it.
Therefore, when the Holy Spirit takes of the things that are Christ, And he shows them to the believer.
He is now carrying out God’s purpose of the teaching by grace.
He’s showing you Ugh. I mean, are you kidding me?
He is showing you that you’re righteous, even though you ain’t there all the way yet.
He is he’s he’s disrupting a desire that has plagued you all your life.
And one day, you woke up in that The strength of that desire begins to be depleted.
And one day, you realize I Don’t even desire that anymore.
Anybody know what I’m talking about here?
How How did I get here?
You remember those days where you heard something at church, you heard something about this, and you knew it was right, and so you accepted the challenge, and you went home and wrote some formulas down, some plans down, and you say you were gonna do it every day.
And you started off right with the right heart, but it didn’t last for 2 days.
And then the 4th day, you forgot all about it.
And all god wanted you to do is, can you spend some time with me?
Can we talk today?
You ain’t even got to pray a form of prayer of the rules you learned about prayer at church.
Can we just talk? In fact, if you want to, you could just be quiet, and I’ll feel you with my presence.
And you look up, and he has worked on a desire and taken away a desire, neither gave you a new one.
And, uh, struggle you had with loving that person It’s not a struggle anymore.
I I’ve been hanging around the essence of pure love And it has robbed off in me and owned me, and I can’t explain intellectually to you what has happened, but I can love now.
I can love stuff that’s not lovely.
That I don’t need it to be lovely for me to love.
Because of the Holy Spirit on the end side of me, pouring the love of god on the inside of me, revealing to me, Jesus, and seeing this part of his greatness and his awesomeness I don’t need you to be alright for me to love you because now I’ve made room for your faults because the holy ghost has shown me my own.
And you find that you have willingly Left all.
And you hunker for him.
That’s where I am right now.
How can I separate myself from my bad tradition?
How can I separate myself? From my self effort.
How many fables have I created?
And told myself it must be true.
Genesys chapter 24 gives an illustration here of of something that I I saw.
Flip over there. This is 24.
I looked at this thing, and I was like, lord, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this like this before.
The Holy Spirit is showing you things about him.
So this is a story here about Abraham who was old, Sarah had just died, He called his oldest servant to go and seek out a wife for his son, Isaac.
First ten, and the servant took 10 camels of of camels of his masters and departed for all the goods of his master when his hands.
He arose and went to Mesopotamia and to the city of Nehar, nehor.
So he takes 10 camels. He takes a lot of the goods that Abraham had.
What is he gonna do with this?
Abraham had already prophesized to him exactly how this was gonna go down. She was gonna show up.
She was gonna have a bucket and a hams when she do do this and do that.
And so in verse 33, I wish I could read the whole thing, but I don’t I’m skipping around.
Verse 33 He says, I will not eat until I have told my Aaron, and he said, Speak on.
And he said, I am Abraham servant.
And the lord hath blessed my master greatly, and he has become great.
And he has given him flocks and herds and silver and gold and men service and made servants and camels and asses.
And Sarah, my master’s wife, bore a son to my master when she was old, and unto him hath he given all that he had.
See, right now, this servant is glorifying Abraham and his master and Isaac.
And he said, verse 39, and I said, until my master, per adventure, the woman would not follow me.
And he said, under me, the lord, before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and he’ll prosper your your way.
And thou shalt take a wife for my son, of my Kindred, and of my father’s house.
So he went to his kinder folks to find a wife. That was not so weird back then.
It’d be weird now. Grossimono. And then Leben, Bethullah answered and said the thing proceeded from the lord, we cannot speak under the bad or good.
He said, behold, Rebecca is before the taker. Go.
Let her be thy master’s son’s wife as the lord has spoken.
And they worshiped him.
Verse 53, and the servant brought forth jewels of silver, jewels of gold, Raymond, and gave to Rebecca, and he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things.
What was happening here?
It was by presenting gifts from Isaac through the servant and telling about him that Abraham’s servant attracted the heart of Rebecca.
Her heart was attracted from what she heard about him and the things that was given to her.
And she went with him, and she became Isaac’s bride because of what she heard and what she saw, and her heart was attracted towards him.
So also, the Holy Spirit, by glorifying Christ, seeks to draw believers away the things of the world and to bring them to Christ.
Yeah. The Holy Spirit says, what I wanna do is I wanna show you he can change you.
I wanna show you he can give you peace I wanna show you there’s mercy for the bad you deserve you don’t get.
Soon as you did something stupid and thought you were gonna get punished for it and the goodness showed instead of the punishment, I want that to attract your heart, to leave the world, to leave what you were doing, and come to him because I have shown you the beauty of his glory.
Do you know who you are?
God says one thing, but the devil tries to convince us of something else in the breaking 2 point series, how to avoid identity theft, creflo dollar teaches believers how to stop our true identity from being stolen.
Identity is found in Christ, placing your identity in your mistakes will keep you in spiritual slavery.
Your identity is that you are indeed children of the most high god.
This is not based on your feelings.
This ain’t based on what what happened last Holy ghost came, joined with your spirit, got together with your spirit, and said, now, you are children of god.
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Do you wanna live a life of grace, reunite, and reignite at grace life, the reunion?
From July 11th through 13th at the World Dome in College Park, Georgia.
Ignite your faith with creflo and Taffy dollar and an unmatched lineup of speakers including Andrea Crayton, Gregory Dicott, Inkey Johnson, Michael Smith, and Clarence McLendon.
I always know that every time I come, I get a a good convicting word in I felt that, you know, grace life and the message behind that was something I really needed to hear.
It is mind blowing to have the doctrine broke down to a level where anyone can understand.
If you need to be encouraged, energized, If you need to know purpose, grace life encourages us to live even more so for Christ every day.
Save your spot at the reunion, text Grace Life, one word, to 51555, or visit, no matter where you start, all road, lead home to Grace Life.
I pray that this broadcast blessed you today.
I want you to pray about sewing a finance seed into this ministry.
I also want to extend a special thanks to those of you who have remained our loyal partner, supporters, and friends.
Your financial support goes a long, long way.
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God bless you.
No matter where you are on your personal journey, the word of god can reach you at work, or simply needing to hear from the lord, tune into world changers every Sunday at 10 AM or re stream at 2 pm, 6 pm, and 10 PM Eastern Standard Time.
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We’re in this together no matter where we are, we are, world changers, see you online.
We never want to assume that all of you are born again Christians.
Being born again is the key to experiencing god’s promises in your life.
It’s the most important decision you can make.
I wanna say a prayer of of salvation with any of you who would like to receive it right now, receive the gift of Salvation.
Try with me and just repeat after me, heavenly father. I believe that Jesus died for my sins.
I believe that Jesus was the payment for my sins.
That he was the sin offering, and I receive him as my peace offering.
Jesus coming to my heart. Save me.
And today by faith, I receive you and declare that I am saved in Jesus’ name, Amen.
But if you prayed that prayer with me, I wanna welcome you to the kingdom of god.
Thank you, partners, and friends.
Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo dollar ministries.

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