Children of Thunder | Jonathan Cahn

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Children of Thunder

Children of Thunder #2323. A condition that affects most believers: the choice between letters and spirits. Learn to live with a heart of God.
Son of the Father
One of the most beautiful, important, meaningful, central, and powerful mysteries of the Bible, of God, of you, from the mystery of Isaac’s offering, to the mystery of the Passover lamb, to that of the first fruit and the redemption of the son, to the two goats of Yom Kippur, to the mystery of Barabbas, to God, to Messiah, to you, and your redemption – Shared by Jonathan on Passover/Good Friday.

There are different things, there are different strategies for different people, different times.
Now, the Lord, the Gospel, the truth does not change the, the, the right, the, the pure, the righteousness of God, the spirit does not change.
But there are other things that do change. Some, for instance, there are strategies that change.
Some people say, you know, we must still, we’re still under the law. We still have to follow the law.
Well, we are free to follow anything from the law that is in harmony with a new covenant.
But you are not under the law.
And when was the last thing I said, I’m like, ok, when is the last time you offered up a sacrifice?
Well, we can’t, we don’t have a temple. OK.
So that’s about a third of the law you can’t do right there. OK?
But you still can stone people to death.
Well, when they say, well, we don’t have a committee, you have to have the legal thing and you listen, doesn’t say that, do what you can get some stones.
They won’t do that. Of course not. And you’re not supposed to clearly, you can’t do that.
The eternal truths are always the same.
Love God with all your heart, love your neighbor as yourself, Messiah, all that, the cross, the sacrifice, all the same.
But how you apply them, change it. In other words, there are different strategies at different times.
You always minister the gospel and you always minister the truth.
But how you minister to one person may not be the same way that you’re to minister to another person.
One person is meek, another person’s proud, two different ways. One person is living in condemnation all the time.
The other is arrogant, two different ways. It says reprove the unruly, encourage the meek to the Jew.
I went as a Jew to the Greek, I went as a Greek or to the gentile.
I went as a gentile. There are those who say, you know, people mistake the way the the the strategy for the truth.
There are those who say the King James Bible is the only true Bible.
Well, the King James Bible is a great Bible. It for years, it was the Bible.
It’s a great translation of the Bible, but it’s not perfect. Now, God is perfect.
The word is perfect that he gives. But a translation here’s the, here’s the issue. Wait a minute.
The translation was to Shakespearean English, the language of English has changed.
Therefore, for instance, in the original King James, it says God is awful.
Now, now back then, awful meant awesome, full of awe or, but today it means bad. Something’s awful.
So to say today, God is awful, will not communicate. It was good then. Still a good translation now.
But it has certain things in the original King James, it says they, they had, they are talks about Easter in the original one.
There’s no Easter back then. It’s Passover. Yet people swear by it. It’s a great Bible.
But there’s, but it’s a translation. The eternal word of God is the eternal word of God.
And God’s spirit uses even the translations of men to speak perfectly to us.
But we cannot put, we cannot even worship a version.
You know, I remember, I mean, that’s not the zeal Lord.
There one, I remember somebody talked to me saying, you know, saying, well, it’s only King James.
And I, I said, listen, I said, you don’t go back.
I said, I, I, I study from the original Hebrew and Greek and I’ll never forget what he said.
He said the King James Bible is more accurate than the original Keaton.
Listen, you know, in the Bible, God used language that was contemporary for the times.
It was, doesn’t mean it’s a compromise. The King James was once the contemporary one. That’s the way they talk.
The truth is eternal ancient, the same, but the way it’s expressed is made new to every generation.
The message is never to be compromised.
Not by one iota but the manner in which we communicate can change our language.
Listen, English did not exist back then. Nobody communicated this in English. Nobody called them Jesus. That’s a translation.
Sometimes we take the means for the message. Some people are raised on hymns.
Some of you are, it has an emotional meaning for you.
And they’ll say the hymns are the really holy spiritual thing and anything that’s new, contemporary music is not so much.
Well, well, listen, when the hymn, a lot of the hymns came out, they were contemporary Christian music and there are people who had problems back then saying this is too contemporary.
Listen, praise the Lord for what’s good.
There are a lot of beautiful hymns but it also says, sing to the Lord a new song every generation.
If I preached in Old English and had a service in Old English, some of you would still be blessed, but a lot of you would be find, find it hard and the would come in here and say, what is this?
And they’d be distracted by that and not get the message.
There’s some people who, when they give words from the Lord, it’s always in Old English for some reason that God has to speak like Shakespeare today.
Someone told me, you know that they’re against Christian radio. Christian television.
You know, you know, the point is the gospel goes out always it’s to go out.
However we got, we got the internet, let it go out. The point is the gospel must go out.
But the other side is it must go out uncompromised.
There are ministries that seek to reach the young and many may do that in some unorthodox ways and it may be fine.
But if they’re preaching the uncompromised and pure word of God, but if they start changing that to reach the new generation, because the younger generation tends as statistically to be less Christian oriented biblical than any generation.
But if you compromise the preaching of the word, it’s a whole different story.
Or if you refuse, I’m not gonna talk about this sin or that sin because it’s not politically correct, then you’re compromising the word and or if you don’t speak about sin and repentance, you’re compromising the word.
There’s no redemption, there’s no salvation without that, without the, there’s no cross without that. That’s what the cross is.
But it’s important that we don’t see, man looks at the outside, even in the name of holiness, looks at the outside, ok?
This is not, you know, there are people who believe if you have again any, any music at all, there are actually churches that say music is a sin, but they’re looking at, you’re free to worship the Lord without music.
I don’t. But the point is God is not looking at the outside. He’s looking at the heart.
Man looks at the outside because man tends to be carnal, even in the name of holiness.
God looks at the heart, don’t stumble over outward things and don’t make controversy over things that are not important to God.
God looks at the heart at the heart to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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