Calm Down And Cheer Up Parts 1 & 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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Calm Down And Cheer Up Parts 1 & 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

In this episode, Joyce Meyer explores the power of staying calm amidst life’s challenges, offering practical wisdom and biblical insights. Discover how embracing God’s peace can transform your thoughts, emotions, and decisions.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series ways to increase your happiness.
God is the source of every good thing, and believing his word is the foundation for peace and joy.
Our thoughts are connected to our feelings. So if we want to feel better, we need to think better.
Now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
Well, thank you so much for joining me today.
I really believe that today’s message is going to help you. I wanna start by asking a question.
Are any of you upset about anything.
Is there anybody watching today that needs to calm down?
You know, I love the word calm, just saying that word makes me feel better.
And so today, I’m gonna be teaching on calming down.
There’s a second part to this message called cheering up.
I won’t get to that part today, but you know, peace is one of the most wonderful things in the world.
And you can have peace, but you have to have it on purpose.
Because the devil is always trying to take it away from us.
I say he sets us up to get us upset.
He knows our weak areas, and he tries to make sure that we experience them enough that we end up getting emotionally upset and distraught.
Couple of quotes that I thought were really good.
1 by Josiah Holland, Comness is the cradle of power.
So really, the calmer you stay, the more powerful you are.
And then Brian Tracy said, set peace of mind as your highest goal and then organize your life around it.
I I just think about that.
If if my goal is to stay in peace, then I have to change the way I do some things and be adaptable and adjustable in my life to keep that peace.
And I lived a lot of years without peace.
I actually I remember a time in my when I didn’t even know what peace was because I grew up in a house of turmoil.
And I honestly really didn’t know what it felt like.
But as you’ll hear me share it later, my husband was a great example to me, and I became very hungry for peace But I found out that I couldn’t get peace just by praying, oh god, give me peace because you see, the truth is Jesus said, my peace, I leave with you.
Not as the world gives, do I give unto you, but my own special peace I give and bequeath unto you.
Then the amplified Bible says, so stop allowing yourselves to be upset and disturbed. So I have a responsibility.
You have a responsibility. We can’t just pray for peace to come on us.
Of course, we can pray about it and should be praying about it, but we still have to watch for the things in our life And when you start to feel yourself getting upset, that’s the best time to say, nope.
I’m gonna calm down. Isaiah 3015.
For thus says the lord god, the holy one of Israel.
In returning to me and resting in me, you shall be saved.
In quietness and entrusting confidence shall be your strength, but you would not.
I love that. How many times does god show us in his word what to do, but we will not?
If you wanna have peace and calmness of mind and heart in your life, you may have to learn how to do a lot of things a different way than the way you have been doing them.
You see, we always want our circumstances to change. Well, if you wouldn’t, then I wouldn’t.
And if this didn’t happen, then I wouldn’t respond this way. And I did that for a long time.
Well, if you would do something different, then I’d be happy.
And if you would do something different, I’d be happy.
But god told me to stop giving everybody else the responsibility for my peace and joy and to take responsibility for it myself.
And I really hope you’re getting this today because some of you could have peace.
You could calm down if you’d be willing to trust god more.
Our strength, spiritual, and physical is dependent on it.
Do you know that getting upset like getting really emotionally upset is hard work.
It absolutely wears you out.
And it’s much easier to not get upset than it is to get upset and try to calm down.
Well, we’re upset. It’s the worst time in the world to be making decisions.
We say things that we shouldn’t be sane. We do things we shouldn’t be doing.
It’s not a good time to make decisions.
The Bible tells us that we are not to be intimidated by anything, but if we stay calm now listen to this, If we stay calm, it’s assigned to the devil that he can’t control us and that he’s gonna lose this battle, and it’s assigned to god to come and deliver us.
Here’s the scripture. Philipp 12829.
And do not for a moment Be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries.
For such constancy and fearlessness, will be a clear sign of proof and a seal to them, your enemies, the devil, of their impending destruction.
You see when a person has circumstances that should upset them and they stay calm, It’s a sign to the devil that he can’t control us and that he’s gonna lose the battle.
But it is a sure token and an evidence of your deliverance and salvation and that from god.
I love that scripture. Stay calm. Calm. It’s a beautiful word.
You can just sit in a chair and close your eyes and just say calm.
And it just feels good.
1st 29, for you have been granted the privilege for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in adhere to rely on and trust in him, but also to suffer in his behalf.
Wow. Know, a lot of times we read verse 28 and don’t even bother with 29 because nobody wants to talk about this suffering thing.
But sometimes in order to stay calm, let’s just say, for example, maybe you have to not have the last word in an argument, or maybe you have to let somebody think you’re wrong when you’re pretty sure you’re right But you know if you keep going back and forth, it’s gonna cause an argument.
It’s gonna cause strife. And so you may be better off just to let them think whatever they want to and trust god that if you need to be shown to be in the right that god himself will take care of that, And that way you can stay calm, but you may suffer a little bit during that process.
And when I say suffer, I mean, in the flesh. You know, your flesh has feelings.
And, like, if you don’t get your way, your flesh suffers.
Well, there were many years in my life where if I didn’t get my way, I got upset and said things I shouldn’t have said or wouldn’t talk at all and I acted foolish.
Well, now I don’t I don’t wanna do that anymore.
It’s not I’d rather adjust myself to the situation rather than get upset.
I’m committed to staying calm and being peaceful, but that doesn’t mean that My flesh loves it.
Sometimes I suffer in the flesh in order to do what god wants me to do.
When we have a problem, we usually rush to action.
It’s like there’s a little demon that sits on our shoulder and says, well, what are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do?
Why do we always think that we have to do something?
And, yes, there are things that we are to do In Ephesian 6, I believe it’s 12 or 13, it says having done all the crisis demands stand firmly in your place.
So there are things that god wants us to do, but we need to know what those things are before we just start doing a bunch of stuff.
You know, you could do something that somebody else does, and it might not work at all for you.
Because we need to have god’s direction, and the only way you can get that is to calm down and be quiet so you can get that sensing inside of what direction you should take.
Psalm 4610 says, be still and know that I am god. Well, what does that mean?
Well, I think it means that if we will wait on god, And you’ll see in a minute that waiting on god is not like a passive, you know, if we will be still and wait on god, then we will see his miraculous workings in our life be still and know that I am God.
Let god prove himself to you by being willing to wait on him rather than trying to take matters into your own hands.
Let me give you an example because I just feel like somebody needs this.
If you’re really angry at somebody right now and you’re planning ways that you can get them back, why don’t you make a decision right now that instead of doing that, You’re going to let it go.
You’re going to forgive them, and forgiveness is not a feeling, it’s how you decide to treat somebody.
And you’re going to pray for them, and then god can move in and take care of the situation.
God is our vindicator. He’s the one who makes wrong things right in our life.
If you stay angry all day to day, if you are angry and you stay angry, it’s only gonna hurt you.
It’s not gonna hurt the person you’re angry at, but it is going to hurt you.
Before we do anything else, we should wait.
I always like to say let emotions subside before you decide.
Let me say that again. Let emotions subside before you decide.
You know, sometimes, like in an argument, if your emotions are all just by being quiet, they’ll start to calm down.
And you can have emotions that are overly excited our emotions that are extremely depressed, and either one can get us in trouble.
You say, well, Joyce, why would being really excited, get me in trouble.
Because sometimes when you’re really excited, you do things that you wouldn’t ordinarily do, or you do things that you regret later.
And I’ll give you an example from my own wife.
You know, women generally like to shop, and this is something that happened many years ago, but I had a little money saved.
It wasn’t a tremendous amount, but I had a little money saved. Let’s let’s say it was $200.
I don’t remember exactly, but it wasn’t a lot.
And I had been wanting a new watch, but I like things that sparkle and shine.
And I don’t even wear a watch now, but back then, we didn’t have all the cell phones that told us what time it was all the time.
So I wanted a new watch, but I wanted something that would be really pretty.
So we were at the mall and went in this jewelry store, and sure enough, they had a a beautiful watch that had a lot of rhinestones on it.
And the salesman told me it was on sale, but I had to get it today if I wanted to get the sale price.
So, you know, that that pressure of get it now, get it now, get it now, lose the opportunity is part of the enemy’s tactics to get us to take action without really thinking about what we’re doing.
But I’d been learning some things by then, like I’m teaching you today about the importance of waiting.
And because it was gonna take almost all the money that I had saved.
And then the salesman pressured me even though a bit further and said, and, you know, If you’ll take it today, I’ll give you an extra 10% off.
Oh my. My emotions are just, you know, up here.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but anytime you look at a piece of jewelry in the jewelry case in the store, it always looks better than it does when you take it home.
And I finally realize what it is. It’s the lighting that they have on it at the time.
Before you buy anything like that, take it out of the case, and look at it in regular lighting so you can see what it’s gonna look like.
With god on our side, every day is a new opportunity to enjoy the wonderful life he has given us.
Today, we’re offering Joyce’s book 20 ways to make every day better along with the companion comprehensive study guide.
Joyce will guide you through simple, practical changes we can all make, which lead to real results.
Available now for a gift of $25 or more to the ministry. Order at
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Have you struggled to discover god’s plan for your life?
Maybe you’ve tried and tried to hear god’s voice, but nothing seems to change.
If that sounds familiar, I’ve got some good news In my book, Finding God’s will for Your Life, I wanna take you on a journey to peace as we explore what the Bible says god’s purposes for us.
You can say goodbye to the struggle and trust that god has a good plan for you.
Finding god’s will for your life order your copy today at
Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life. Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ love people.
Together, we can do so much more.

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