Bullseye | Tim Sheets

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Five years ago, a powerful scripture began to occupy my spirit—a verse I first wrote about over 40 years ago in my book Armed and Battle Ready. But this time, it felt different. I realized we were being prepared to mature in our understanding of this verse. We were being called to live by its words, as we faced an impending battle for our nation. It was clear: we were preparing for a spiritual confrontation with hell, one that would be extremely challenging.

I sensed the Holy Spirit was preparing His church, His ekklesia, for a season of war. He was preparing me, too, and now we find ourselves in it. The drums of spiritual, cultural, and moral war are beating. The battle lines have been drawn. On one side stands the true church—the people of God—and concerned citizens who have not been swayed by hell’s ideologies. On the other side are radicalized forces, soldiers of senseless ideologies, some of whom are like bullies for Baal. These bullies, like Goliath, defy the living God and challenge His Word and His church. This defiance is now at fever pitch, but it’s our turn to answer the call—and answer it we must.

The discordant sounds of Goliath will not intimidate us; instead, they will inspire us to stand firm. We will fight the darkness because there is a cause worth fighting for. The Holy Spirit has been using this verse to prepare us for a fierce season of warfare. This preparation includes a command from the great Apostle Paul about the courage, fearlessness, and faith-filled heart we must now exhibit. We are called to be passionate and tenacious in our resolve to stand for the truth.

The Godhead Has Prepared Us for This Moment

It’s important to note that the Godhead has prepared us very well for this moment. We are entering the most supernatural era the Holy Spirit has ever led. At the end of last year, He spoke to me with great passion, saying, “I will lead the most supernatural era I have ever led.” This statement is awe-inspiring, as it hints at a time of signs, wonders, miracles, and healings like never before. The Holy Spirit declared that there will be more notable miracles in this era than in any other. This will be the greatest harvest of souls, the greatest revival, and the most powerful outpourings of God’s power we’ve ever witnessed.

A Global Impact Led by Angelic Assistance

Prophets have declared that this era will bring a billion-soul harvest and the greatest revival the world has ever seen. It will bring supernatural change to every area of life, including governments, cultures, and all spheres of influence. This unprecedented move will be supported by millions of angels, assigned to assist us in this season of awakening and reformation. These angels are divided into various categories, including:

  1. Government Angels – Assisting the governing decrees of the ekklesia.
  2. Awakening and Reformation Angels – Empowering the outpourings of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Healing and Miracle Angels – Stirring ancient wells and bringing new breakthroughs.
  4. Evangelism Angels – Spreading the Gospel far and wide.
  5. Alignment Angels – Aligning nations with God’s covenants and the ekklesia with their divine assignments.
  6. Breakthrough Angels – Carrying the breaker anointing of King Jesus to bring about radical change.
  7. Revival Angels – Assisting in the revival of both dead churches and Christians.
  8. Synergy Angels – Connecting generations to flow together for the cause of Christ.
  9. Special Forces Angels – Led by Archangel Michael, these fierce warriors assist in spiritual warfare to bring about change in the natural realm.

These angels have already taken their positions, and their presence is unmistakable. As we move forward, they will continue to guide us through this season of spiritual warfare, bringing about lasting transformation.

This version maintains the original message while structuring it in a way that is optimized for readability and search engine algorithms. It uses headings, clear paragraphs, and keywords related to spiritual warfare and the supernatural.

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