Breaking Free From Comfort x Sarah Jakes Roberts & Tasha Cobbs Leonard

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Breaking Free From Comfort x Sarah Jakes Roberts & Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Who else has a “get somebody else to do it” in their spirits? hit PLAY and discover the beauty of surrender at! SJR and Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Watch the FULL “Surrender Your Comfort with Tasha Cobbs Leonard” episode on the Woman Evolve TV App. For audio-only, head over to iHeartRadio, Apple, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

I can let go of a dream you know what I mean because it’s not the dream not even there yet like the dream was in it wasn’t living nowhere but in my head anyway anyway but when you asked me to surrender this Comfort this present Comfort this present sense of safety and covering cuz oh man I’m just talking to myself at this point but I just feel like where I am right now was once new and the newness of it made me realize that it was God’s covering and protection but once you are in God’s covering and prot protction for a
certain amount of time it becomes normal it becomes comfortable and then it’s not that God’s provision no longer exists in that place but when he ca you to next you have to relinquish what has become Comfort but we forget that what’s now Comfort was once a [Music] stretch and we’re tired you know yeah I was about to say did you you have to say that did you have to say that tired we’re tired we are we’re tired


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