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Now, Open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Hibbs.
The bible defends itself against the claims of man. People always have a hard time with this.
Oh, don’t argue to me about the bible of the existence of God. If you’re gonna use the bible.
Well, why not? In fact, if you really think about it, you want to disprove the existence of God and you don’t believe the bible is true, but I’m going to argue with you with you from the bible.
So you would think that if your premises true, you’d be happy to have me argue my case from the bible because you don’t think the bible is true.

So you could easily destroy my argument. Here’s the deal.
If I use the word of God, I should be very fragile and vulnerable.
If your argument is true that God doesn’t exist or the bible’s wrong, the reality is that the bible defends against those kinds of claims.
Second timothy 3 16 says all scripture is given by inspiration of God. The bible says it of itself.
This bible was breathed out by God. That’s huge claim.
Either man wrote it or God wrote it. Which one is it? The second thing is this?
The bible authenticates itself against the spirit of error. I love that. Second peter. Chapter one verse 19.
Look at this. Listen carefully and so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to take heed as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts knowing this First, as I read this, think about that Nostradamus stuff.
Knowing this First, that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation.
You can’t turn in your bible and say, you know what this means to me, You can’t do that.
I mean you can do that, but you’ll be called a heretic or a cultist.
You can’t make stuff up like that, the bible doesn’t allow for that For prophecy.
Look at this verse 21 for prophecy.
Never came by the will of man, but by but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
The word moved can also be translated possessed. I like that. How did God communicate to us? He possessed?
The human being called the profits for example, wrote it down and then time would be its test.
And if Nostradamus has got a 71% chance of being right, does anybody know what the Bible says about a biblical prophet?
If they’re wrong once stoned, not, not dope, not pot, not drunk, not stoned.
I’m talking with rocks, not drugs that profits to be stoned.
Why does God, why you say man kind of edgy, isn’t he? What’s the deal on that?
Because your soul is at stake.
If somebody teaches you falsely and lead you in the wrong thinking down the wrong path, you wind up where you don’t even have a thought of going to nor would say it never want you to know this, But it’s called hell.
You follow a lie from the father of all lies right into hell.
And how does God or how does this devil do that?
He wraps it in religiosity and deceased people with false prophecies. We want to be very careful about that.
And then finally this the bible quantifies itself against the property of time.
This is one of the most fun things ever. Time. The property of time.
The bible tells us that God governs time.
He moves time and john 13 19 listen to this, jesus is speaking and he says, now I tell you before it comes that when it does come to pass, follow me.
Now you may believe that I am.
And look in your bibles, it has the word he in it. In your bible.
I should have actually changed it on there in the original greek language of the scriptures, the word He is not in the bible.

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The translator’s put he, that’s why if you look in your bible, it’s it’s italicized, isn’t it?
Why? Because it’s not there in the original language. Are you ready for this?
This is jesus speaking. Now, I tell you before it comes that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am, who I am.
It’s the greek words. Me, What is that?
Well, you you know the Hebrew words when moses is looking at the burning bush and he speaks atop Mount Sinai to the burning bush.
The voice comes out of the burning bush when he says, who do I tell?
The Children of Israel sent me?
You tell them I am that I am sent you in the hebrew, it’s translated in the greek, I am who I am.
What does that mean? Jesus is speaking claiming to be the one at the burning bush, who is the self contained eternal existing God you say, Well, that’s a big statement.
Well, I want you to take notes, write this down because we’re gonna I’m gonna give you several passages to back all that up.
Isaiah chapter 42 verse nine Behold the former things have come to pass and new things I declare before they spring forth.
I tell you of them, The God of the Bible knows the future.
Isaiah 45 21, tell and bring forth your case. Yes. Let them take counsel together.
Who has declared it from ancient time?
Listen to him, who has told it from that time Have not I the Lord and there is no other god beside me A just God and savior.
Did you think Jesus was your savior? He is, jesus is God. There is none besides me.
Look to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth. That’s a 3000 year old prophecy church.
How about this, Isaiah 46 verse nine and 10 remember the former things of old for I am God and there is no other I am God.
There is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times that are not yet done saying my council shall stand, I will do all my pleasure.
This is the God of the bible. He writes the future down in advance. It’s called bible prophecy.
And then Luke 21 28, jesus said now when you see these things begin to happen, look up, I love this.
Three things look up lift up your heads. How come? Because your redemption draws near?
Let’s let’s leave that on the screen. That’s awesome. So watch this.
It’s always fun when you’re studying the bible to do this uh to do this when you’re studying scripture because your redemption draws near, I need to lift up my head.
You see that watch I’m reading this, I need to look up when I see these things begin to happen.
See I read that backwards when you study the bible, you read it forward, you read it backwards, sometimes you read it in between you saturate yourself with it, Jesus said when you when these things he’s expecting you to know the things the bible talks about certain things that will trigger the responsibility for every true believer to be looking up to be lifting up their head, it doesn’t mean you walk around like this, what are you doing?
I’m a christian, I’m looking for, jesus doesn’t mean that it means that your eyeballs are in the front of your face spiritually speaking.

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Have your spiritual eyes looking up, lift up your head be ready. Why your redemptions join near?
How do I know? Look around that’s what that verse means, what’s happening in the world right now look at what’s taking place does the bible speak to these things and the answer is yes.
The bible says right before christ returns there’s going to be talking about a global government and a one world faith and we gave you some images and some links to that number two regarding a one world global economy that whatever goes on in the world the bible says there’s gonna be what comes out of it A one world global economy and that economy will be conducted by a currency which was our third lesson last time together that the last days are gonna be marked by a one Digitized.
We now understand global currency, its numeric remember we ended last week with the number 666.
Yeah I mean even listen even non believers have heard about the number 66.
Some people I don’t I don’t like that on my license plate just calm down it’s okay But the number 666 is the declaration of man declared himself to be God and we know him as the antichrist but he’s going to implement a currency And that currency is gonna be one that the Bible says if you don’t have his number on your account you will not be able to sell anything and you won’t be able to buy anything.
The Bible says a great amount of people will die because of that and then here we go when you see these things regarding confusion and misinformation did you know that most people under the age of 40 you know that they get their news from Twitter in this order of Twitter YouTube and Facebook.
The fourth thing you have, the fourth thing was the fourth thing was how many of you have an apple phone raising an apple phone?
I don’t know the other devices android, whatever that stuff is, I don’t know.
So the worst thing ever do you have Apple news on your Apple phone?
That is the most corrupt bias, insane news ever.
And young people go like this oh wow what a guy just gave birth to a baby in in Manitoba unbelievable stuff on Apple news.
If you have Apple news I think it’s built into your phone I don’t think you can get rid of it.
Can you can you kill it, can you get it out of there?
So some of you smart guys are going you can you can get it out, It’s unbelievable stuff but here’s the deal.
Give me give me a 15 2nd thing on that news. What was it?
That’s the news, okay I got it.
And people believe it, deception and misinformation, confusion, Jesus said in Matthew 24 verses four and 5 which is remarkable when the disciples asked when the disciples asked him give us a sign about the end of the world, okay take heed that nobody deceives you deception will permeate the last days for many will come in my name saying I am the christ and will deceive many.
That’s a reference to false religions and false messiahs and now you can pick and choose, remarkable first timothy chapter four verse one very familiar verse.
If you attend this church now the Spirit, that’s the Holy Spirit expressly says he’s not messing around that.
In the latter times. Some will depart from the faith ministry people.
We’ve never seen it like this before. Keep it, keep the verse up there.
We’ve never seen life like this as it is. Now.
People departing from the faith people that you thought would be with us all the way through to the end are given up.
Husbands and wives are giving up on family, on on one another and it makes no sense.
They got married last week or they’ve been married 70 years.
They’re saying I want a divorce, I want out. I don’t or I don’t believe anymore.
Never seen it like this before to have this almost this invisible little lever that you entertain that if things really get tough, you just pull that lever and bail out.
Some will depart from the faith apostasy. Why giving heed to deceiving spirits?
Listen, the deceiving spirits not gonna come up and go, I’m here to deceive you. Follow me.
It’s gonna be so cloaked so beautifully.
Can we remember that Eve was no dummy that she was perfect and when satan spoke to her, it sounded and felt so good.
She had to have it. It was so appealing that she had to choose what satan was offering because it sounded better than what God can give.
And she went for it in these last days.
You’re gonna see increased attacks against your life.
Just know this, it’s going to be coming from deceiving spirits, invisible entities that will lie to you in your head.
Look, it’s one thing to see this television program, this movie, this article, this book lying to you.
But one of the most dangerous things is to get a thought in your head and you ponder that thought and satan works this way.
Go ahead and leave it on the screen deceiving spirits. You know what?
It’s my 25th high school anniversary or reunion. Oh maybe I should go Well wait, wait, wait.
How was your high school experience? Well, I just want to see what’s going on.
Why do you think that’s wise? Who’s gonna be there? I don’t know.
Maybe maybe Karen’s gonna be there or maybe maybe mike will be there. Who’s that?
Oh just friends, Friends Haven’t talked to in 25 years and last time I talked to them, just like not good.
But where did that come from?
Deceiving spirits And you start to get curious.
Well I wonder what they look like now. You know that’s a big whopper, right? That’s a big one.
I used to work with this person or that thing and it starts suddenly like that.
Oh it’s just a little just a little search. What’s that gonna matter?
Is it wise?
Watch out and doctrines of demons, demons propagating misinformation and confusion to the masses.
Starting with you, starting with me. Think of it.
Remember everything that we’re reading regarding scripture has already been tested and tried and attacked and here we are reading 2000 years old.
This statement that fits like tomorrow’s news. Yeah. Amazing speaking lies in hypocrisy. That’s always amazing.
Don’t do this as I do it. I can do it, but you can’t do it.
I can go to the French laundry and have dinner, but you can’t you wear a mask.
I don’t have to right, I use bible verses, you’re not allowed to having their own conscience seared with a hot iron.
That word simply means that they can’t feel anything anymore. It’s a perfect, perfect definition of a narcissist.
They can’t feel anymore. Somebody could be bleeding out in front of them or crying or have a broken heart and they’re they’re like this.
What’s for dinner? Have you ever seen people like this?
There’s no sympathy, there’s no empathy, there’s no love, there’s no heart.
Their conscience is gone remarkable when you see these things regarding the affection of man’s heart, his affections.
The bible tells us that in the last days.
In fact, I’ll give you the the verse right now, watch this at second, timothy three verses one through five.
This is amazing again for those of you who are new, You’re new to the bible or maybe you’re just you’re Hearing this for the first time again?
This is a 2000 year old statement.
But know this that in the last days, perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves.
Watch this lovers of money now, technically you could without doing any damage.
Keep reading it this way. Look to the screen, that’s the scriptures. But watch how I read this.
Lovers of themselves. Lovers of money, They love to boast. They love it.
They love to be proud. They love the blasphemy.
They love to be disobedient to their parents.
They love being unthinkable, unholy, unloving, unforgiving.
They love to slander other people that’s called the internet, social media without self control, brutal despises of good.
They love to break an agreement. They love to be traders, they love being stubborn or headstrong.
They love being hottie. That’s a great word, isn’t it? Hottie?
What’s hardy hardy is I’m so, last time I checked, I was so much better than you.
Self absorbed, right? They love listen, lovers of pleasure.
That’s the punchline rather than lovers of God and having a form of Godliness, but denying its power.
You know what that means? It means.
You’ll find him in church, people like that in the last days. Pretty scary, Right?
Think about it. This.
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