Becoming Miracle Minded Part 1 – Back to The Basics

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Becoming Miracle Minded Part 1 – Back to The Basics

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

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the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers this summer embark on a transformative Journey with the believer’s Walk of Faith as we dive into the foundational teachings of Faith join Dr Bill Winston in our powerful summer series back to the basics where will’ll unlock the Timeless wisdom and Revelation for walking by Faith from his extensive Library we’re going back to Old School say amen amen we going back to the oldies but goodies these are things that’ll work for you I don’t care
what season you’re in I don’t care whether you got a PhD or no D I don’t care whether you’re in Africa or in Asia this will work for you any time any place get ready for the basic fundamentals for every believer to live a Victorious Life as a kingdom citizen don’t miss out tune in every week to gain understanding Revelation and reignite your commitment of Faith watch every week on Believers walk of faith and spread the word 99% of the things Jesus did he did with what works a man decomposing stinking
and he said roll away the stone then he used words Lazarus come forth and when he said that the power of God raise that man up put his skin back together come on made the organs come alive again am I right about it and that man came to the tomb the door of that tomb wrapped up and he said loose him and let him go am I think some Christians are still wrapped up they alive but they wrapped I command now the devil to loose you in Jesus name praise God now what what am I saying about this this money thing I mean money thing this
this this this word thing will control [Applause] money weather thank you watch how the Heathen were going to use this this is found in Genesis CH 11 now in Genesis 11 starting in verse 6 this is when they were going to build a tower up to heaven all right now these were not Full Gospel Hammond Organ dancing Bible toen uh businessmen these were devil worshippers but he says here there are one speech and one language meaning that they spoke all the same thing yes and he said nothing will be restrained from them which they have even imagine to do
so what you can see and say you can have a lot of people got a big mouth they say a lot of religious thing but they can’t see nothing see if they can see some wealth they’ll be out of that poverty you got churches people hallelujah praise the Lord that’s fine but what can you see see I’m trying to make it so we can we can move all the religion out of the way and get some life get some eternal life so what you see and say you going to have here’s what my friend David oo said Bishop said this if your faith has no
proof it’s a fake some of y’all been faked out now what I’m here to do is expose the fake so that you can produce What God Says you’re supposed to produce so you can get on into that Promised Land say Amen to that can I keep [Applause] preaching so they said nothing so notice they’re saying the same thing the whole earth one speech one language but notice what God did to stop the building yes sir he confused their speech now you got different nations speaking different things right next door to us it’s Mexico
right next are you following what I’m saying a different language which makes it a different Nation so I’m saying words got a lot to do with your destiny and notice they were in the wilderness and they had to go into Canaan I got good news for you in Canaan you’re going to have to say something say Amen to that you you going to have to say something to get something and a lot of times we don’t want to say it cuz it doesn’t look like or we getting pressure not to say it or it doesn’t look like it’s so the way you
make it so it’s to say [Applause] it and if you can see it and say it God will deliver it now what I told you you got to be willing to walk through the Wall of Shame to get to the Hall of Fame and you walking through shame meaning that you say you’re healed yet you’re still kind of just barely making it but you got to walk through the Wall of Shame to get to the Hall of Fame you got what I’m saying sometimes you got to call things come on that be not as though they were come on you got to call yourself a
million I said you got to now the enemy knows that kind of power is in your speech so he wants to take away the revelation of what you say so that you won’t know that what you say has got connection to what you’re going to get you see what I’m saying but this power that you’ve got is not only the power of human words but their power of the words of the Kingdom now when it’s what watch this so here and I taught this on a Wednesday night but God told me bring that back up yeah so here were three uh Hebrews and they
had the Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had built this image this statue well he said when you hear the music plays now I don’t know what kind of music they were playing with whether they’re playing some jazz or whether they playing you’ve picked a fine Time to Leave Me Lucille or I don’t know what they were playing contrary what but they were playing something whatever it was you’re supposed to bow down but the three Hebrews had read their constitution and in the Bible it says do not bow yourself down to any other gods
come on you with me so they refused to about well Nebuchadnezzar now you fronting him off he said wait a minute you boys were pretty good up until now I’m adding my own translation you boys were pretty good up until now we thought I thought we was doing okay but now you’re trying to make me look bad he said uh get that fire ready he said let me give you one more chance I’m can I can I do this like I’m uh uh give me some music [Music] okay uh you’re not you’re not going you’re not going to Bow okay uh boys
heat it up seven times hotter than normal now what I ask is this how hot does fire have to be to burn no no I if you put your hand it come on how hot does it have to be amen okay cuz fire kind of change colors it’s sometimes it’s yellow then it get to be blue come on but this is white hot come on and a white hot fire is used for forging forging what steel yes sir when I was a little boy I was in in grade school they took us up to Birmingham Alabama I was in Tuskegee Alabama took up Birmingham it was called Steel City
and they took us by us steel and we saw all this Steel company and I’m telling they were pouring this white hot steel they were pouring it in this thing and this fire I mean everything was you couldn’t even stand close to it that’s how hot it was it says in the scriptures that the people who threw the three Hebrews in the fire all of them burned [Applause] up so the fire would burn but if you’ve got the right speech my my goodness if you believe what you say it’s going to come to [Applause]
pass do you hear what I’m saying so what happened he heated it seven times harder than normal you know and I know that all you got to do to get burned with fire is put your hand in it and you’ll get burnt am I right about that so he didn’t need to heat it up so there must be another reason reason why this fire was heated up yes sir and the fire was heated up not for the burning but for them to change their speech because if they could go through that fire they going to change his law come on now I’m saying there’s
places you can’t go without going through the fire first but you are here to change laws you are here to change CH some of the bad laws that’s on the books am I right about that that’s right Lord have [Applause] mercy no it wasn’t it wasn’t that the enemy turns it up on your tongue he turns it up on your tongue he needs you to get another confession coming out he need you to give him something he can work with sir but what you going to give him is some give God is something something he can work with
so you always got to say what God Said Yes sir am I right about that the Bible says in John 3:34 I think it is that Jesus spoke the word of God always so God gave him the spirit without measure no limit on it it says over in 1 Timothy I think chapter 6 and verse 13 how he Jesus stood in front of pilate it records the fact that he had a good confession why cuz no matter what kind of pressure was put on him he never would say anything other than what the father said now this is where we’re going because that’s where the promised
land is that’s where the billion flow is before you hit that billion flow I’m telling you right now there’s some pressure coming from somewhere now look what it says in Mark 4:35 so they going over to the other side so as they’re going over to the other side here was the disciples getting the boat with Jesus now Jesus fell asleep the disciples were still busy rowing or whatever they do but here comes a storm now the storm did not just happen to come up the storm was not there to test their faith the storm came to do one thing
Kill Them Say Amen to this and now here comes the storm and what do they do they begin to try to I’m sure Naturally try to get this this water out of this ship but they can’t beat the devil naturally so I’m saying there’s some places that you about to be sent that you you can’t beat the devil naturally say Amen you need the Supernatural and you’ve got the Supernatural and it’s going to start with what you see and what you say hallelujah is there somebody here so I’m saying now the pressure is
coming now why is the pressure coming the pressure is coming to get a person to say what will give Satan Liberty to do what he plans to do in their life let me tell you folks that that Promised Land you know it takes it it takes some words to do it because notice when they came back from spying out the land notice what happened Lord have mercy y’all with me no Lord Jesus no see you’re coming into a time now where where saying What God Says is not going to be an option I’m coming into times now that
saying What God Says is going to be mandatory see they’re trying to put it on the green deal see they’re trying to get enough windmills and so forth and take away all the fossil fuels and so forth whoa whoa whoa that ain’t going to save it that ain’t going to save Mother Earth come on what’s going to say what’s going to save the planet is to deal with the curse and you can deal with the curse through the blessing but the blessing is released on that level through words that I’m going to have to say What God
Says even when it don’t look like I can do anything about it but when I say What God Says the word becomes flesh when I say what God says God goes to work with me when I say What God Says angels take off and make things [Applause] happen right now with you in here you got Angels right there they are packed in here they like to hear me preach cuz I give them something to do and I’m telling you right now God’s got some land he wants you to take but you going to have to say something you going to have to say house I’m
talking to you in the name of Jesus sell to me now shut out shut out here’s my wife and I in uh in in uh Minnesota before we left there there and we bought this nice big house on Bristol Circle so forth that a executive from honey well or some had and and and we were trying to you know go and see the house we said more I’m telling you but it was a nice house I mean so we got back to the apartment and God said get on your knees with your wife and pray about that house so I prayed and as soon as I got down God said get on your get
up off your knees take your wife go over and point at the house now this is Tak me from this level that I was at before up to speaking the word only are you follow what I’m saying we went over there pulled up in front of that house that time of night when you don’t go in there that time of night if you ain’t a certain color but I’m just saying notice we went over there and pointed at the house and say house I command you you see Satan’s got stuff behind Gates but the Gates of Hell shall not
Prevail against a spoken word nobody can stop you from having what you are seeing and saying now say it with me no one can stop me from having what I am seeing and saying [Applause] house we’re talking to you I command you sell to us boom once we did that it was done the transaction in the spirit was complete nobody else could get it somebody offered him more money than us and this is what he said about us you know I didn’t sell it to them because I like you all I don’t blame you I don’t we come from the most high God we ain’t
some loafers off the street we are Kingdom Kids glory to God when we got on our knees I said baby I got up off my knees said God told me to ask you which one of these do you want she said this watch this she’s right here he said ah you mean which one can we afford I said that ain’t what God told me to ask you I’m going to talk to you now that ain’t what God told me to ask you he told me to ask you which one you want come on come on cuz it all belongs to you [Applause] B got that house say Amen to that
so what am I saying they go to the other side and here comes Satan he came at the three Hebrews he wasn’t coming because he wasn’t offering the fire he was trying to use the fire to change their speech and here comes the disciples with Jesus sleep and they said Master don’t you care I’m putting in in my own words you we’re about to die Jesus got up rebuked the wind said to the Sea peace be still and they made it to the other side watch watch this suppose Jesus wasn’t on the ship you got what I’m saying I’m saying
there’s a destiny that God’s got for you that can only be attained through words one more time there is a destiny that God has for you that can only be attained through words I’m going come over here there is a place God’s got for you to go that you going to only get through work and I really believe the promised land is full of stuff that can only be gotten by words some people don’t know what I’m talking about when they went to Jericho what did they do God said March he said March around it and he said when
you do let nobody say anything and they did that for seven days on the seventh day then God said do one thing shout come on come on come on come on come on man come on [Applause] all right all right all right sit down sit down sit down can’t you see what I’m saying he just told Moses just speak to it you don’t need to do anything else everything’s been already done all you got to do is close the deal the tongue is the pen of a ready writer just say it [Applause] [Music] this is your
[Applause] [Music] season all the work has been done say Amen to me the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against the people of the Living God now out of this he’s going to promote you because once you go through the hall of Shame you going to end up I mean through the Wall of Shame you going to end up in the Hall of Fame so I’m saying to you today simplify life stop trying to work it out it’s already been worked out now you got to shout it out you you got just do what he says because it’s all already
done so and they put him in there they were tied up but they wouldn’t change their confession and it looked bad for a minute yeah right but there’s a little distance between I believe I received and there it is you see he said trust in the Lord what [Applause] now the angels are standing around you and David knew that that’s why David could talk so bold cuz he had a revelation that God had already supplied what he needed and he said this day big God the Lord shall deliver you into my hand and I’m going to take your whole Army
out talk [Applause] big talk talk talk to size of the god that’s in [Applause] you man I I I decree that the days of small things in your life is over I’m talking about promises [Applause] now God has got you here as a miracle worker the biggest reason why you were born is to glor glorify God not to have babies come on not to do this come on all of that’s good but that’s not the biggest reason you were born you were born to give God glory and he said if you don’t praise him he’ll have the rocks to cry out cuz
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