Authority Over Your Confession – Faith For The Impossible

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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministries, partners and viewers.
If you stay with what God said and you don’t change your confession, that word is gonna work for you because it will not return to you.
Jesus spoke the word of God.
So God gave him the spirit with no limit.
They said you cannot do anything with this man, Lazarus because I can smell it is thinking his skin is decomposing.
Jesus said love Russ come forth.
The man got up bound feet and head and came to the tomb, the door of the tomb and he said, loose him and let him go.
They went home that night and celebrated.
Mhm So it doesn’t make any difference how bad your situation is.
Now, how do those, those words work like that?
Well, that’s what we’re gonna get to for you. They’re gonna work like that for you.
All right. So what the word of God is the most powerful thing that exists?
Now, you’ve got to get that in your thinking because that tree may not be in you yet.
That’s a tree. That’s a belief system.
I gotta put that in me Remember we talked Sunday about you can get a tree up in 24 hours because what had happened is the trees in us made us think we had to wait.
But you don’t have to wait.
God lives in the eternal and you and I have eternal life.
And so we can operate in the zone of what God lives and God does not live in a zone of time.
Second Peter chapter three in verse 81 day is with God as 1000 years and 1000 years as a day.
So with God, 1000 years is just like a day and a day is just like 1000 years.
Why? Because with God, there’s no time and when you operate by faith, you are operating with God.
So faith dictates the time, not the time that’s in the earth because the time that’s in the earth is only holding people in its bonded in its, in its uh in its, in its hole because the earth fell and when it fell, it fell to a place of eternal, down to the temporal.
And so people are now everything we think or everything we used to think or used to do whatever have you.
We did it in time. We always thought time, we always thought how long it’s gonna take me to grow this business or how long it’s gonna take me to get this healing or how long it’s gonna take the doctor said, hey, come on, we can start treatment.
Now. You follow the thing. But with God, there’s no treatment.
And if you’re gonna walk with God and walk by faith, you cannot walk under the bondage is of, of, of a time.
Master. Wow, time was never designed to control you.
It was, you were designed to control time.
So what the word of God is the strongest thing or the most powerful thing that exists, period, period.
Don’t add anything to it. Don’t take anything away from it.
If you just take that particular phrase right there and just meditate it here to change your whole opinion cause we can read the word of God and don’t think nothing about it.
Am I right about it? Thank you.
Next is why, why the word of God Genesis chapter one In Verse 26.
And God said, let us make man after our image after our likeness and let them have Dominion over the fishes sea, over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth underline all the earth.
Let them have. Dominion. Dominion means ruler, ship, caretaker, ship, ownership, stewardship.
It means having authority.
Okay, Dominion Then verse 28 and God bless them.
And God said unto them, be what fruitful and what else multiply and what else replenish the earth and what else subdue it and have what Dominion.
And he goes through it again. Okay.
So why words now I’m giving you two main reasons why words one is that words are given to you to manage the earth.
Thank you. Words are given were given to Adam to manage the earth.
Adam even in chapter two named the animals in the Hebrew, whatever you name you have authority over.
So in this here is Adam now gonna have to be fruitful, multiply replenish the earth.
He’s gonna take the blessing and turn every place.
He goes into a garden, the garden of Eden using what words?
Mm Blessing, empowering the prosper, the blessing, the anointing of God that through which divine favor flows the blessing, the blessing, the covenant of God that overrides the curse because of Adam’s sin.
Was there a curse on the earth? Absolutely. And that curse makes you toil, makes you struggle and so forth.
But the covenant of God, the anointing of God gives you sweetness, victory.
And when Peter said, we’ve toiled all night and taken nothing.
Nevertheless, at that, what word, whose word God’s word? Look what it did one catch.
Change the whole economy of the coastline.
Why words?
Because words, our key for you to receive your inheritance, ah haven’t inheritance out there.
And for me to get that inheritance go to Romans chapter 10 verse nine.
For me to get that inheritance.
He says here, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved. Now, I’m gonna have to confess something before I have it.
And the word confession comes from Homola geo, which means to agree with God, we’re going to agree with him and as we agree with him, then we’re gonna see the results of His word manifesting in our lives.
So I’ve got to agree with God. I can’t say, um going to be healed, sir.
Why? Because I’m not agreeing. I’m not agreeing. Look what he said. First Timothy, apart me.
First Peter chapter two, verse 24.
He said this, who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree and we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness.
Come on, help me and by his stripes, we are going to be healed. Got it.
Now, what do I have to say? Were if I say that I’m gonna be, am I agreeing?
No. And if I don’t agree, I don’t get my inheritance, I’ve got to agree.
Yeah. Can I guarantee you what’s gonna happen to you when you agree?
Because over in numbers and chapter 11, pardon me?
13 and verse 30 the uh Caleb Joshua came back said, let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it.
That’s what they said. Well, you think nothing would happen except somebody just disagree with him but go over the numbers chapter 14 and they took up stones.
they took up stones to stone them because of their words.
They just agreed with God and I guarantee you, you go there to that hospital and you have something going on and you agree with God in the faces of people trying for you to get it.
You’re gonna have to agree and it’s gonna put you excuse the expression on front street.
You’re gonna take Jesus public.
How about J R this house? Here is Jesus.
And Jr said, come, my daughter lives, come lay your hands on and she’d be healed.
And then this woman with the issue of blood came and she said, if I can just touch his clothes, I shall behold.
She made her way to the crowd, touched him and got healed.
And then he said, a woman, thy faith has made thee whole.
And then they came to Jr’s and said, don’t trouble the master anymore. Your daughter is dead.
Jesus said, no, no, no, no, don’t say anything. Don’t say anything, don’t say anything.
And he went to the house and he got open the door and here’s where he announced himself.
She’s not dead. She just sleep. And what do you think the people in the house started doing?
They started laughing at him because he said what God said.
And I’m telling you right now, the reason why most treasures don’t move into this dimension of getting their inheritance is cause there’s a little bit intimidated by Aunt Lucy and Uncle Joe.
And they won’t say what God said.
And if you don’t say what God said, you won’t get what God’s got for you. Boy, I’m preaching better.
You said amen. Jesus spoke the words of God.
And because of that, God gave him the spirit with no limit.
Am I preaching or am I preaching?
Yes, faith and confession first was what that the word of God is what the most powerful thing that exists.
If you can just write that down, the most powerful thing that exists, period, period, say period, period, put an exclamation point.
That’s it. Don’t add nothing to it. There’s nothing more powerful than the word of God.
Mark chapter four verse 35 to 41 here is Jesus going with him to the other side.
He falls asleep and then the storm comes and they can’t get the water out in time.
The boat starts sinking. Master, don’t you care that we’re about to die?
He raises up and said, peace come on be still. And there was a great calm. He turned to them.
He said, why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?
And they said, what manner of who man is? Just that? Even the wind and the sea obey him.
What in what in the natural can stop a storm? Nothing, nothing can stop it.
And what people think is that money is the most powerful thing are you kidding?
Here’s what the man said over in second kings and chapter seven and verse one, when they were broke, they were eating hog head cheese.
Uh They were eating pig feet and trying to live off of hardly anything.
And this man stands up and say tomorrow about this time with worth, worth more. About this time.
It’s gonna be plenty. You’re gonna be eating, sir, lon, you’re gonna be eating.
Come on, you’re gonna be eating good. Come on.
He spoke what words and words stripped the money out of the people who are the enemy and brought it into their camp.
Now, don’t you tell me that words are not stronger than money. You don’t need money.
You need a knowledge of your work. You need confession.
If you can get confession, your business will take off.
Now don’t shout me down because I’m preaching good Mike.
You don’t need to borrow another dime.
What you need to do is say money coming to me. Now, come on now.
Come on, give God some praise because Leroy brought you a revelation.
You think money is more powerful than words.
What money I mean?
Words are the most powerful, most powerful.
What same that exist? Period.
What? Why? Because we got to manage this earth returning jails into boarding schools in jesus’ name.
Look what saw it happen. You can change cities with words.
Now over in Genesis Genesis chapter 11, you’ve got a series of scriptures there to talk about these men and they were gonna build a statue of tower, pardon me?
And build it up to heaven. Now, these were not full gospel businessmen.
These were devil worshippers.
But when God said in his word, let’s go down and see what the Children of men have built it and let me confound their speech.
One Satan knows this trick. He knows this thing.
He knows if he can get him speaking the same thing, he can build him a tower.
Yes, sir. People think they’re helping you.
You know, they think they’re really describing, you know, we always have problems in this city.
You know, the devil is busy. Yeah, he’s busy on you because you’re busy.
You’re busy talking about how busy he is. The Bible says the devil is under your foot.
Now, why don’t you say that?
Oh no, we can change big cities. Yes, sir.
And I’m just saying somehow we lost the revolution.
It just flew away, just went out the window.
Now, the thing that makes you, it’s so important for you is because you have someone and something and a whole kingdom behind your words, Satan doesn’t have that.
You didn’t have that.
And here he was, he was Second Kings chapter six and, and he’s busy telling Israel the secrets of how Syria was gonna attack because your profit is needed.
Remember what I said about the apostle and prophet.
They are the ones that are considered Ian’s of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven and their generation.
So that’s part of my job is to bring you new revelation. Yes, sir.
So what happened years now, here’s this king heard about this profit is down there telling all the secrets.
So he goes into old army after one man. Yeah. One man.
That’s why Jezebel was not after business leaders.
She was after the prophet because if you can shut that profits mouth work.
So what happened is they came down and when they came down, of course, you know what happened?
Um they surrounded him by night.
You can’t sneak up on profits and they surrounded him by night and he got up early in the morning.
I mean, if he was given the secrets to which way the army was going to attack Israel, don’t you think he knew which way the army was going to attack him?
I mean, okay. So what happened to his eye?
His carnal servant, I woke up now, I’m just not calling them names.
I’m calling them names because eventually he showed himself. Shall he got up?
He saw, saw the armies and said, master, what we will do now?
He said there’ll be more with us than be with them.
And you are free to say that if you fear the Lord because over in some chapter 34 verse four, he said, the angels of the Lord and camp around about those that fear the Lord.
So you don’t even be concerned. Angels are around you right now.
What you need to do is put them to work, brushes great.
So how, how, and that’s what I read in Romans chapter 10, verse nine, thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead.
Thou shall be saved. But with the heart, man, believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto what salvation, deliverance, healing whatever you.
That’s how, so the biggest thing Satan knows is that he’s got what belongs to most Christians behind the gates.
But Jesus tells us in Matthew 16 that the Gates of Hell, if you know the story of Samson, he ripped the gates off the hinges.
So the devil’s got your stuff and he’s hoping you don’t agree with God.
Do you hear what I’m saying?
He will try to put people around you that you don’t agree with God, don’t say that shows him how to dream and he just spoke it, didn’t?
He said this is what I dreamed. And the first time they let him get away with it.
But the next time he said that the devil tried to close in on him, even his daddy rejected him.
But he didn’t give up on what he said.
Nobody can stop you if you are seeing and saying, well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoyed that teaching now, it’s called faith for the impossible.
I taught this one of our faith refreshers.
We have it during the winter months and we have to refresh our faith.
You know, you got to keep faith fed, praise God because faith is a servant.
But I talk about faith to do the impossible.
And in this, I talked about the fact that the word of God is the most powerful thing that exist.
Isn’t that something now? Because it is that powerful for it to do what God’s called it to do.
You have to believe it. Once you believe it, it releases the power for its performance isn’t that powerful, but it’s the most powerful thing that exists.
The word of God is holding planets into place just right now is God.
I call it the all controlling factor, the word of God.
So you need to learn how to not only speak the word of God, but believe the word of God and see it work on your behalf.
The word of God is the most powerful thing that exist. Well, that’s all we have for you this time.
We’re gonna see you next time until then keep walking by faith.
If you stay with what God said and you don’t change your confession, that word is gonna work for you because it will not return to you.
Today’s dynamic message.
Faith for the impossible is filled with life changing truths that can turn your circumstances around and bring you into the best life God has for you.
But you’ve only heard a portion of the message to get the series in its entirety on MP three or CD on MP four or DVD order today by calling 1 807 1193 to 7 or go online at Bill Winston dot org.
When you correct your words, you will correct your life.
Get your copy of this essential teaching faith for the impossible today.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles In the Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, with thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business and economics anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book, powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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