Are We Living in the Last Days? | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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Are We Living in the Last Days? | Jack Hibbs Sermon

Listen the question about this being the last days. Thankfully, you’re hearing more and more about it, right?
Or these the last days, media is starting to ask regarding what could happen with Russia and the Ukraine and America getting more involved in Israel under the or in the sights of Iran.
Are these the last days? Take a deep breath and relax. Here’s the answer.
Yep, here’s how we know that’s true is because the Bible tells us both in the gospels and the epistles that were in the last days, Jesus said.
So the apostles said. So John says in first John, these are the last days so much so that we’re in the last hour and this is how you can tell false Christ are being preached, false gospels are being announced.
The world is in a state of confusion.
The Bible uses the word that we would be the governing powers of the world will be in a state of perplexity.
The word in Greek means world leaders have no way out would indicate the last days were in the last days.
I’m not saying that the world’s gonna blow up tomorrow.
In fact, according to the last days, doctrines, the world is not going to blow up tomorrow.
That’s, that’s for sure. But what do we mean?
It means that we’re coming down to the last closing moments of the church’s presence on earth, right?
She’s been here for 2000 years. She’s about ready to go up.
Jesus is going to call her up to himself. John 14 verse one starting there.
And the other thing is this, that once the church is lifted up off the earth, the antichrist is revealed and I believe something that might kind of freak you out a little bit.
Satan doesn’t know everything but he knows enough about the Bible that he has to have an antichrist type ready for every generation.
That’s why every generation has had a series of despotic lunatics that have seized or tried to seize the world and take it over.
Every generation must have his man in the shadows in the wings, so to speak, right?
I believe that Satan has got a guy prepared right now. That is his antichrist version.
The question is, is that the Lord’s antichrist version that we’re looking at scene? We are in such last days.
I’m waiting to go up, but I’m also keeping my eyes on the world scene because things are so close, get ready to meet Jesus by hook or by crook or even by death itself, you can be ready to meet Christ

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