Answers For Life’s Demands (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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Answers For Life’s Demands (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Prince reveals our heavenly Father’s heart for us to live above stress and defeat.

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About this episode You are watching the sermon, Answers For Life’s Demands , preached on Sep 1, 2024 by Joseph Prince.

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The whole world today. There is such a warfare of trying   to impress on you their belief system. Your mistake as a believer is they’re   looking out too often too much. You are depending on certain   experts. Oh,  I’m so confused because you are  listening to so many voices outside.  You know what stress all about is about you  feeling pressure and demand on yourself.
Ask yourself today, whatever you’re faced with,  you’ll have some challenges with your children, challenges at work,  your body, whatever it is.  Am I trying to be the one resolving it? Am I demand minded?  There are many Christians who are under stress  because they are trying their best to please God.
You are not under law, but under grace,  this is the gospel. We have to live in this.  Hallelujah. Let’s give all the glory to Jesus.  Amen. For all the healings,  all the breakthroughs, only one person is responsible for doing all that,  and his name is Jesus. Amen.  And this is why we are here for him. Amen.
Praise the Lord. Hallelujah.  We give you all the praise, all the glory and all the honor.  Lord, thank you Lord.  And he’s a lovely one. He’s a lovely one.  Amen. When you look at him,  you see a man who is like steel  and velvet when he’s gentle,  he’s not survival.
When he disciples feet,  there was a consciousness of a prince  kneeling before you that even Peter says,  how can you do this? I mean,  nothing survive when he’s still, he’s strong.  He doesn’t hurt. Amen.  He’s kind and especially when  his eyes are burning at sin.  But those same eyes with loving  kindness draws in the sinner.
Amen. God is against sin,  but God loves the sinner with an intense love,  unconditional love. Nothing you do can change His love for you.  Sounds like a song, but I’m telling you,  the one singing it may not know  the eternity there is in that song,  which is true of our God. He loves you.  What a wonderful time that we had  yesterday in the two sessions of the zx.
Amazing. I want to tell you,  I believe that yesterday’s meetings, we had probably the largest landslide   of souls saved even compared to all  the zone X conferences in the past.  And I was just watching it, watching it again again.  I took pictures of my screenshot after  a screenshot of all the souls coming up.
Some of them had no space to really come down, and they were in the circle one coming across   the aisle and got stuck there. Then circle two,  they got stuck there. And I believe that there   are also people who want to come down, but they look at all the people getting   stuck and then they sat down.
But when they prayed,  when Pastor Daniel prayed  that prayer to receive Christ,  many prayed, it doesn’t mean that those who come down,  they are the ones that pray. I’m telling you right where you are,  you can pray and receive the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.  Amen. So I believe there are many more than documented.  Amen. We are still documenting it now.
We are still getting there. We’ll let you know.  But I believe there’s so many more, so many more souls safe.  Do you all remember early this year, the Lord said to us to get ready for   the young generation, the youth generation,  we call them the T first generation, the young man who fell off from the third loft.
Remember the third story while Paul was preaching  and the Bible says it was on the third story.  And by the way, there is beautiful   symbolic meaning to the entire story. In Acts Paul was preaching and there   were many lights in the upper room. So it was a type of the upper room,  the place where God dwells in the third heaven. So it was a third loft.
And the Bible says that when  Paul was long preaching,  this young man was sitting at the fence. So we do not know whether he’s a   believer or not a believer, but one thing we do know,  he was sitting on the fence or  on the window to be more precise.  And then when Paul was long preaching, like someone you all know,  the young man fell.
I was so encouraged to hear   that people fall asleep at Paul’s sermon. Here’s where you don’t laugh too loud,  but even Paul, the Apostle Paul,  the amazing apostle Paul. Amen.  People fall asleep. So this time,  if you look at the meaning behind the whole thing, we have the upper room,  the place Jesus chose an upper  room to speak to his disciples.
Heavenly truths. Amen.  So there are two different upper  room experience like heavenly truths.  One, he chose   the mountain to push the man of beatitudes  because it was the king and his constitution.  But for church truths, heavenly truths,  new covenant truths, truths that we all live by today,  because the kingdom has been held in ab  obeyance because the king has been rejected,  but for his people, as many as receive him,  he shed the truth right at the end, the night before he was crucified,  before he’ll become the lamb  of God who takes away our sins,
he shed from his heart things that he says, I have many things to say unto you,  but you’re not yet able. And in the upper room we have   truths like the name of Jesus, use my name and you receive   a special hearing from the Father. Amen.  They had prayers before that an  Old Testament are full of prayers.
In fact, the disciples also   learned the Lord’s prayer. But then Jesus says,  until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask and you shall receive.  That means it’s as if Jesus himself is praying. Amen.  We don’t live. Listen carefully.  There’ll be a time when Jesus returns and the  constitution of the sermon and amount will be   implemented in full. Amen.
There are truths in the sermon and amount that  is transferred into church truths as well.  But where we live is in the upper room. That’s where you find the new commandment.  Love one another as I have loved you. And we need to find out that those two words as I,  because you’re going to love  as you know you’re loved,  as I have loved you. Amen.
As I have been forgiven, I forgive you.  I have been forgiven freely. I forgive you freely as I have been loved.  Those who know they are loved best, love best,  amen. Those who know they’re forgiven best,  they forgive best. We love because he first loved us.  So in the Old Testament, it is the greatest of all commandments.
And the Bible says it is when you are not under  the law that sin will not have dominion over you.  Remember when the man fell eu, the Bible says he was a young   man and Paul went down and embraced him. That’s when the Lord said this to me when   I was studying this portion years ago, but he said that early this year,  this will be happening. It takes the Pauline doctrine.
Pauline doctrine is all about grace. It is from Jesus the heavenly Jesus.  Amen. Listen carefully.  It is Jesus at the father’s right hand  bodily who gave to the apostle Paul,  who was once upon a time, a terrorist,  a religious terrorist. Amen.  He was on his way to arrest and kill  Christians on the road of the mass.
When Jesus opened up these heavenly screen  from above and the light was too bright,  knocked him down from his high horse, he literally fell off his high horse.  And all the man heard a voice  but didn’t see the vision.  But Paul, his name was sought at the time.  He had a vision of Jesus. He saw Jesus.
And what do you say? What do you want me to do?  Lord? His life is all about doing.  He doesn’t know he’s loved. He’s love for who he is.  He doesn’t know it’s all  about doing what must I do,  Lord? And he knew he was the Lord for him to say,  what must I do Lord? And the Lord says,  do you know it’s hard for you  to hit against the ox goats,  all those sharp ox goats, you’re going to hurt your feet?  And he says, why do you persecute me?  Notice when you are being persecuted in school, in your workplace,
wherever you are being persecuted or  make a mockery off as a Christian,  or even if you’re a famous athlete and you say, tell us what caused you to be a success in   this time around compared to  what you were five years ago.  I’m telling you, the more I spend time with the Lord,  the more I see him.
Jesus is,  thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.  Or someone talk about Jesus  and the whole thing is cut off.  Oh, it looks like we have lost the feet.  The world will never glorify Jesus, will you take it out?  Will you glorify the name that’s above every name? Amen.  So God chose it was blinded for three days for  him to be able to see what God wants him to see.
So three days he was blinded and God  sent a man called NNIS in Hebrew,  hania, which means,  yeah, God’s name.  Hannan means grace. It took the grace of   God to open his eyes and the first person he saw  after three days of darkness was the grace of God.  His ministry is mocked by grace. Amen.  So the Pauline revelation is the revelation, the gospel that has to embrace this young   generation and raise them from the gate. Amen.
By the way, do you know name you?  Th means good fortune. The EU is there.  EU means good word. TCUs means good fortune.  Why has the church lost his good fortune? Because he has not focused on this   young generation, and God is saying,  bring good fortune back to the church. And many churches today,  they’re saying, we’ve lost our young people.
We don’t know how to get them and all that. Well,  you got to get God’s plan, God’s blueprint.  So earlier this year, this is what the Lord said to us,  and I saw it from the story of Thu. It takes the pollen revelation,  not just the teaching, it’s going to be a personal embrace.  We have to come down to their level to  bring them up back to the upper room.
And I’m seeing it happen. And it happened even last night.  Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus.  Amen. Alright,  that’s it. We all can go home already.  Praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus.  Amen. There’s a guy who   was working in a factory and then he was coming  out after everyone has gone home and all that,  he’s the last one to leave.
So the security guy noticed,  he’s pushing a wheelbarrow out of the factory and  the security guy look at him kind of suspicious   and he says, stop here.  Lemme see what’s inside the wheelbarrow. He open up the cover.  It was a small box. He said,  what’s in the box? He says,  well, when people,  after they finish working  and all that on the floor,  there’s a lot of sawdust, so I need some sawdust in my house.
So I just collect them. They like dust anyway,  and I put them in this small box. He said,  that’s all said, yeah,  let him go. The next day he came up again,  last one out of the ref factory has closed, pushing the wheelbarrow,  and this fixed, I’m sure he’s stealing something.  I know he’s stealing something.
So he stopped him again to open   up the wheelbarrow. And sure enough,  there’s a small box, and again,  there’s nothing but sawdust. The third day it happened again.  He was pushing the wheelbarrow  out and this guy said,  okay, stop here.  Stop here. Let’s do a deal.  Okay? I know you are stealing something.  You tell me what you’re  stealing and I won’t report you.
He cannot behind. He can’t go under you.  Tell me what is it say? Okay,  all right, I kind like you,  so I’ll let you know. I’ll be honest with you now,  okay? I’ve been stealing wheelbarrows.  So the point is, we make such a big thing   sometimes about things that God doesn’t, God doesn’t make a big issue out of.
We miss the big picture because we  are so focused on the little things.  We are so focused on the little things that  we missed out regardless of who we are,  experts in certain fields and  all that people missed out.  I shared sometime back about some of the  big scammers and Ponzi schemes and all that,  and they involve financial experts.
They involve people who is who down in all the   financial streets of the world that you can name. There are people that involved as victims,  not perpetrators, but the victims of Ponzi scheme scams.  So I can tell you this, just having knowledge   of finance doesn’t mean you have wisdom. Just having knowledge about medicine doesn’t   give you wisdom to live a good life. A healthy life.
Like the Lord said to me many years ago, running,  exercising, doing strength,  training, all that can give you fitness.  But the Lord says, but look to me for health,  health and fitness are two different things. You know how people who work out and then they   have a stroke or something  like that and you wonder why,  or they’re actually doing something great, exercising while they drop dead.
Things like this happen. We need the Lord and Paul,  revelation of grace. It’s what the new covenant is all about.  It’s not about law. Now,  I understand in the church we preach on holiness. We just covered that last week.  Amen. To be holy is to be like God’s image.  Amen. And we have to be holy.
Yes, but you can’t be holy in your strength.  Amen. Or else your   holiness will be like you are baptized in a lemon  juice or thumb ya juice those who left thumb ya.  It’s like you are doing right, but you are so morose.  The parity of the heart of our Lord is not so  much your religious actions and just do it.
Just serve the Lord. You can be obeying the Lord.  No. The new covenant,  there’s an obedience of faith that  doesn’t exist in the Old Testament.  This phrase, obedience of faith.  You know it’s obedience of faith. You know what’s faith?  Believing, right?  Believing you got to have right believing, right believing will lead you to right living.
When you believe wrong, you will live wrong.  Jesus, in your belief system and the whole world today,  there is such a warfare of trying to  impress on you their belief system,  be it through social media  or other means and all that,  the enemy of your soul that hates you  because Jesus says he comes to steal,  kill and destroy. He’s out to get you.
But before he can steal from you, he is got to put the thought in your mind.  He can’t just come and just presumptuously, just steal from you.  He’s got to have your permission. How He’s got to have your belief wrong.  Amen. Jesus says,  the thief comes to still heal and destroy, but I am calm that you might have life and   have it more abundantly. Amen.
See, you see the difference.  Amen. Jesus comes to give you life,  knock more cars, not more money but life.  You can have all those things and not  have life and life more abundantly.  You ever had a feeling like  maybe you’re on holiday,  you feel this more often when your holidays, sometimes holidays are not holidays.
In fact, you come back from holidays,  you feel like you need a holiday from the holiday. So I’m thinking about holidays that really have a   quality to it and God is blessing your holiday  and you sit down there and you tell your wife   life is really good. That is life.  Amen.
Jesus comes to give that life and that life more   abundantly and you still have some debts to clear. Some of your challenges are still there,  but you’re able to say life is good because you  have the very thing that makes for true wealth.  So Paul Jesus gave that teaching to Paul. Paul says,  my teaching is not my teaching, but from Jesus.  It’s from the heavenly Jesus.
And Jesus gave that teaching to Paul,  and Paul taught to the church  and Paul calls it my gospel,  my gospel. So remember that all the teachings of Jesus,  remember, you must read it in the light of where he was,  the context of who He’s talking to, because some of the things of the   church truths is not shared until in the  upper room the night before he died because   he said all the teachings that he thought.
Imagine all the teachings that he thought   in Matthew, mark,  Luke, and John before he went to the   upper room the night before he died, he said this,  I have many things to say to you, but you are not yet able.  That means there are teachings  that is meant for the church.  Church is not a building. It’s made of many membered,  body of Christ, all of us.
Amen. And you know something in the father’s house,  the church, there’s bread enough and to spare everything   in the father’s house is super abundance. Amen.  So you got to embrace this generation, love them,  come down to their level, embrace them,  and bring them up to your level. Amen.  Bring them up to where God wants them to be.
Praise the Lord because Jesus came from   the uppermost to the GMOs to save us to the  uttermost and bring us back to the uppermost.  Amen. He loves you.  Praise the Lord. You excited.  Give Jesus the praise, the glory and the honor.  The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.  But the verse before that says, just to let you know that of his fullness   have we all receive and grace for grace, as I shared last week,  grace.
For grace,  the word for is anti. Anti is not always against.  Anti is also in place of so grace, in place of grace of his fullness,  we have all received and grace, in place of grace,  grace is divine favor. Unearned favor.  Unmerited favor. By the way,  don’t let anyone, I don’t care who the person is,  try to redefine grace. Today.
For some reason the flesh is so afraid of  this truth of grace because the flesh wants   something in on it so that they can glory. You want to go to heaven one day and say,  worthy is the lamb and me  with their little finger,  their point and me the flesh wants, the flesh wants apart the flesh.  There’s always this hankering after the flesh. And we don’t even realize it.
No friend, it’s all of Jesus,  none of me. But does that mean that we   sit down and do nothing? No.  Everything that we have  today is by the grace of God.  What’s grace? Unearned favor.  Amen. Where Apostle praise,  where do you get that from? For one,  we get it from the amplified Bible. It says Grace unmerited favor.
But please,  let’s not go by versions. Let me tell you,  the Bible is the best interpreter. And in the New Testament it says,  if it’s by grace, it’s normal of works less grace is normal,  more grace. If it is of works,  then it’s no more by grace. Otherwise works is normal works.  That is a very simple way of saying it.


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