And The Answer Is | Jack Hibbs Special

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And The Answer Is | Jonathan Cahn Special

The following program is sponsored by generous friends and partners of real life.
There are sinners who are lost and there are sinners who are saved.
The sinners who are lost, love their sin.
The sinners who are saved, hate their sin, but they both still sin.
Think of it today on real life.
Jack Hibbs takes us on a journey through the Gospel of Grace with the apostle paul in romans.
Just when you thought there is no hope there is get ready for the message and the answer is revisionists would have you believe the bible had little to do with the making of America, but that’s simply not true.
In his excellent book, 100 Bible verses that made America Robert J.
Morgen explores how scripture has played an integral role in our nation’s history from its founding to today.
In short devotion like chapters, you’ll read how specific bible verses influenced leaders and events that have shaped America as we know it.

God’s not done using scripture to impact the nation. He’s looking for men and women of faith to influence history.
Will you be apart, reignite your love for both your country and your bible through this compelling new book 100 bible verses that made America is our gift to you and thanks for your donation to the ministry of Real life with Jack Hibbs.
To get your copy, go to Jack Hibbs dot com scan the QR code or call 877 triple 7 23 46.
Order your copy now. Well I don’t know who your favorite game show host might be.
But growing up I heard lines, something like this and the answer is many times in life when we’re looking at something that is of great interest to us.
Might be a movie, it might be a documentary, might be a crime scene investigation, it could be a game show where we are looking for the answer.
And so there’s a challenge to that. What is the answer?
What, what fills the void or what is the proper response to what’s being asked or in our lives?
What’s being lived out today? We’re gonna be looking at a message from the apostle paul as he writes to the romans there in Italy who were many of them in this case jews who had come to faith in jesus as messiah and they’re asking questions and he’s going to answer their questions.
Here’s the beautiful thing about what you’re about to hear. The answer is God’s answer.
God has the answers, jesus, christ is the answer in fact for that matter from genesis to revelation.
The bible is the answer. So it’s natural for us to ask questions.
But listen, it’s not always natural for us to receive the answer.
So, grab your bibles, get out a notebook as we ask the question or make the statement that the answer is let’s dive into God’s word and see what God is saying to us.
And so as we look at our study church, remember it’s titled and the answer is we look at this number one.
The answer is just when you thought there was no hope.
Just when you thought there was no hope, the answer is, can you write down your notes that way?
Just when you thought there was no hope, the answer is, And the answer is that the bible tells us what we already know.

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Let’s be honest, we need to take an honest pill right now.
The bible tells us exactly what we already knew.
Verse nine says, what then are we better than they paul says? Not at all.
He just got done arguing between the gentile, who doesn’t know God, but by nature within his heart, does what is right versus the jew, who knows what to do and disobeys it and covers it up, paul’s announcement is either watch, there’s two answers A the jews are no better off than the gentiles or the gentiles are no better off than the jews or collectively we No 1’s better off than the other, that we have all been brought to this place of recognizing exactly what the bible says and it is this that we already know this that according to God, he doesn’t have favorites.
There’s, there’s no special group that’s acceptable to God.
Earlier, the argument was I’m a jew, I’m acceptable to God based on what on my circumcision, God says no, you’re not.
Well I’m a gentile and I’m a very moral person.
In fact, my morality is even more moral than many of the jews? I know I’m accepted? No, you’re not.
And then collectively as humanity, we would say we’re all good.
Uh, you know, a lot of songs, a lot of songwriters write songs like that about how great we are if we were so great, why is the world in the condition that it is?
And there’s this this philosophy that’s out there.
It’s humanism and it’s wrapped in velvet and it sounds like this.
I believe humanity is good in the heart. I believe that man is good at the core.
The bible says the exact opposite. Did you know that? So that’s the first defense.
Some of you are offended. That’s number one, we’ll have many more to follow.
But it’s remarkable declaration according to the bible, there’s this general operating procedure in the scripture and it’s the uniformity or the mutual code of conduct that the bible speaks is of man and that is a sinful nature.
And so we’re not better than anybody else.
And the moment you begin to think that you’re better because of something, you know, there’s people who think they’re better because they’re rich.
There’s people who think they’re better because they’re cute. There’s people who think they’re better because they’re talented.
There’s nothing worse. There’s nothing worse than all of that than somebody who thinks they’re better because of their religion.

Have you noticed that there’s the snobbery that somebody has because they’re a great singer.
Hey, you know what, at least they’re a great singer, you know what? Or somebody’s snooty because they’re rich.
Hey, you know what? They’re rich. I see why he’s a snub.
But when somebody says, I know God and you’re a snob, you are the ultimate weirdo.
How can you say that? You know God and you have that level of arrogance within you?
I told you guys before years ago, but I’ll repeat it because lisa and I will never forget it.
We actually saw a preacher very famous say, make sure you tune in next week.
I’m gonna be given the best message I’ve ever heard on humility and you’re not gonna want to miss it?
No, I’m serious. That was for real. He’s gonna teach us on humility next week. So tune in.
It’s the best message I’ve ever heard. That is so bizarre. I’m a christian with a big head.
Hi, I’m, I follow jesus and I am, I’m so amazing and you need to know me and boy, aren’t you glad for having me?
Uh, you know, in your family or at your church, how can that possibly be where a christian’s head is blown up in pride when God says I have no favorites and all have been found out to be guilty in front of me, Everyone needs salvation and you don’t hide behind the fact that you go to calvary chapel or you go to first baptist or you or your assembly of God, are you hearing me well, that’s okay pastor.
You let him have it. I’m a catholic. You need salvation.
If your relationship with jesus is preempted by some sort of a title, I’m a fill in the blank christian, you’re messed up you and I need him desperately.
The bible tells us in Ecclesiastes chapter seven verse 20 for there is not a just man on earth, none are just wow, who does good, None do good and does not sin.
The bible says, there’s nobody on earth who doesn’t sin now.
You say pastor, I thought I thought you were gonna say something about hope. Here I am.
If you’re listening carefully, if we’re all unable to muster up some form of acceptable religiosity before God, and God’s word announces to us that there are none that have advantage over the other that should cause hope to spring up within you.
If the entire world is condemned by God in his holiness.
But Jesus came to the cross to die there for us and rose again from the dead.
Then I see hope on the horizon. Don’t miss God’s Gospel romans.
Chapter seven verse 18 For I know, says Paul God bless paul, listen to him, for I know that in me that is in my flesh, nothing good dwells for to will is present with me.
He he knows what to do. That’s good and he wants to do good. Don’t you want to do good?
Every single one of us who are believers.
We wake up in the morning, wanting to be our best for jesus paul says, amen, I know exactly how that is.
That’s exactly the life of the, of the believer, but he continues, but how to perform what is good, I do not find the struggle within the believer’s life.
First, john chapter one, verses eight through 11th, john watch this and mark this.
If we say that we have no sin, If you think that your sinless by the way first, john’s written to christians only by the way, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, john written to believers, not non believers, it’s very important, you know that, but people don’t realize that if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
Wow, verse nine, We all love verse nine if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteous nous verse 10, if we say that we have not sinned, we make God a liar and his word is not in us.
Now look at that verse.
Everybody listen, do you see hope in there, Those three verses are pregnant with hope, Number one, I agree that I’m a sinner.
# two, I rejoice in the fact that when I confess my sin to God, say the same thing about my sin that God says about it.
Then he’s gonna forgive me of my sin and I would be a fool to think that I have no sin because to say that I have no sin is to announce that God wasted his time in the cross.
That this entire bible is a joke. And uh no church.
The answer is to recognize hope in your life is to recognize that you and I need the saving power of God to rescue us from ourselves.
Just when you and I thought that there was no hope. The answer is number two.
If you look at this, that the bible tells us the honest truth, look at this for we have verse nine continues previously charged both jews and Greeks or gentiles that they or we are all under sin.
The scriptures declare, watch this, the word charged. It’s a legal term, literally a legal courtroom, first century term.
And I’m gonna show you, it’s a huge definition of this.
When God says we have been charged and paul includes himself, it means to stand accused before hand, in other words, before you, even before you and I even commit the crime.
God knows that we’re gonna be charged with that crime because he knows what’s in us before we even do it.
I’ll keep reading in a moment in law, a person becomes a horse thief when they steal the horse, right?
You gotta commit the crime before you can be charged.
God, he doesn’t wait for the crime to be committed. You wanna know why, you know why. Right?
A horse thief does not become a horse thief when he commits the crime of stealing a horse, A horse thief becomes a horse thief because he’s a horse thief.
Yeah, but what if he didn’t commit the crime that’s in the human court, in God’s court, you’re already guilty.
People who take crowbars and break into apple stores and and Nordstrom’s.
They listen according to God, the crime was already in them.
According to God, the crime was already committed before they ever broke into the home depot to get the crowbar to go break into Nordstrom’s.
At what point are they criminals? The system says. Now, wait, get the camera going. This is a sting operation.
They haven’t crossed the line yet. Hang on. Oh, we got so close. He almost, he almost committed a crime.
God says guilty. God says guilty because it was in them right to stand accused beforehand to be charged with a crime before committing the crime.
The thought being, what is hidden inside will come out the sin nature, dwelling within humanity will come out.
We are charged as guilty because he knows God knows what we are and what we are going to do at the first opportunity, meaning no one’s looking question in the heart can I get away with this?
The human heart exactly both of you are right.
You said no and you said yes because in the human mind, the mind is saying I can do this.
I can get away with this. But God is saying no, you’re not. No, you can’t.
This is very important. Listen, judge yourself, judge yourself. Does God speak to you like this?
Is he speaking to you when he speaks. Does he say? I see what you’re thinking.
See some of you might be thinking thoughts and you think you’re the only one who knows this And there’s no conviction.
Your thoughts are yours. You think their their secret.
You think nobody knows and maybe on earth nobody does know. But God knows.
You see, listen, there’s no concept of God in your life because God doesn’t live in your life and so you plot and plan sin.
And it doesn’t it doesn’t faze you one moment to the believer and to the person that is being drawn to the Lord.
There is that fear of sinning against God.
But the bible tells us the honest truth.
When it says understand, we’ll combine these two words.
When the definition is that previously God has charged us both jew and gentile that we’re all understand.
This is a remarkable statement again, Church. I’m giving you pure truth.
I know all of you got up early to come today.
You packed out the house and I’m not here to abuse you.
I’m here to tell you the God honest truth because that’s what the bible says to us.
And and if we can take it, then there’s life on the other end of this. Okay?
To be under sin hoop. Oh, awesome word. Who po under.
Do you guys remember way back in some book, we were studying some back.
I think it was in peter the apparatus. The under rower, in a roman ship had two sets of rowers.
They had the rowers on top and they had the rowers on the bottom and the rowers were slaves or criminals.
And Rome would take you if you were condemned if you had physical capabilities and they would, if you didn’t, they would just kill you or enslave you to something.
If you had, if you had some form of physique, they would put you on one of the roman galleys and you would be either on the top or the bottom and you would row.
And let me tell you, they would sit.
You know, you know you what, two by fours are, there are 22 by fours uh spaced four inches apart and your cheeks, Your bum b um would sit on two rails.
That rail would be 75 ft long and you’d sit there on that and you would row and you’re naked below the waist and below you is the other set of rowers and the bottom row is called the who parades and under rower, by the way, the bible tells us that as listen church, we on staff, on staff here to serve you paul refers to us as who parades.
We are under rowers were not to have a reputation. We are not to have specialties.
We are not supposed to be above you and you serve us.
We’re supposed to be down below making sure that you stay afloat. Yeah.
This word to be under meaning to be held under who po by hand or by the power of someone else or something to pin down to be in the grip of.
And then the word sin is to miss the mark or to be off course or to be in the wrong trajectory, you’re being held down.
Listen, sin will hold you down.
Sin pins you down and you have to be honest, the God honest truth is, the bible tells me the truth.
And whenever sin is allowed in our lives, we have to agree with paul that pins us down to the ground and I want to read this to you.
The imagery is that of someone striving to hit a target.
But everything about the effort is hindered and inadequate to fall or to come up short.
The lack or to lack the power to hit the target within the time allowed it.
Thus every time missing the target altogether, not even coming close to be under Sin is to never be able to get up above sin.
Apart from jesus christ, I’m gonna tell you right now, it doesn’t matter how religious you are.
It doesn’t matter how many happy points you have, it doesn’t matter the heritage of your upbringing, unless you’re born again by the spirit of God.
You are being pinned down by sins in your life that hold you and its grip.
That’s why christians christians, air quotes need to wake up and ask this question.
Why is it that I constantly fall to this sin?
Is that an area of life that you’re not letting jesus in on?
If it is, you need to let them have control of it?
Or is it an indication that you’re not a christian at all? Just a very religious person.
Nobody can determine that, but you before God, But God wants you to know the truth proverbs.
Chapter 14 verse 12, proverbs 14 verse 12 says there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.
See, Jack, you know, wow, this is very brutal. This next verse one will make you feel better.
Next one, Jeremiah, 17, Jeremiah 17 verses nine and 10. The heart is deceitful.
E the heart is deceitful above all things God.
So I’m just, I’m just asking you, you don’t need to be verbal about it.
Just ask yourself, is that true or false and desperately wicked, wow, who could know it well, of course the answer is nobody first tenses.
I the Lord search the heart, I test the mind even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings, wow.
So you see the answer is that there is hope when God’s word speaks to us and says there’s none that do good man’s heart is wicked.
He’s it’s deceitfully corrupt within it answers truthfully who we are as humans because God’s got the answer.
The answer to such a generation to such an individual is God.
Well listen, I I want to be careful how I wrap this up when we heard the word hope a moaning in our study, the under rower and what all that entails.
I hope that didn’t offend you, but I kind of hope it did.
I hope God got your attention and that God is speaking to you that you and I both in life have experienced this ravaging effect that is prevalent through the entire world.
In fact it’s in the D. N. A.
Of the globe itself and of the entire universe and that is sin.
So when we are the under rowers we are slaves and we are very very strenuously and laboriously trying to make our way in this world.
While all the wild, we’re not making any progress whatsoever. That it’s difficult.
That it’s hard and we are in fact now chained to the passions that we have pursued in life and they’ve only really turned around to bite us.
That’s the way the world works and for you, I trust it’s not working anymore.
I remember that day in my life when jesus christ became the answer, the answer is jesus loves you.
The answer is Jesus saves the answer is no religion can deliver you from the tyranny of slavery, slavery of passion, slavery of addiction, slavery of sin, jesus answers that so it’s my desire and hope that you dive in to the very existence of God himself in your life by inviting jesus christ into your life.
Listen, if you’d like to find out more about our teaching, how we can together draw you closer to the presence of God, you can go to Jack Hibbs dot com where there’s all kinds of teachings there, waiting for you, Jack Hibbs dot com.
So listen, God bless you and we’ll see you next time, revisionists would have you believe the bible had little to do with the making of America, but that’s simply not true.
In his excellent book, 100 Bible verses that made America Robert. J.
Morgen explores how scripture has played an integral role in our nation’s history from its founding to today in short devotion like chapters, you’ll read how specific bible verses influenced leaders and events that have shaped America as we know it.
God’s not done using scripture to impact the nation. He’s looking for men and women of faith to influence history.
Will you be apart reignite your love for both your country and your through this compelling new book 100 bible verses that made America is our gift to you and thanks for your donation to the Ministry of Real Life with Jack Hibbs to get your copy, go to Jack Hibbs dot com, scan the QR code or call 877 triple 7 23 46.
Order your copy. Now, welcome to Real Life radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word never will return void. God’s word is Spirit, its power and it has its effect.
So, I want to encourage you to grab your bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us a bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re going to get a lot out of it and one of the great you are the light of the world, jesus said you are the salt of the earth.
How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit.
You’re going to get excited about what jesus christ wants to do in and free you.
Absolutely, Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history, which brings some great opportunities to share with the world, a powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
Will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways?
We ask that you commit to support real life and the teachings of Jack Hibbs with the gift of your choosing, simply go to Jack Hibbs dot com and there you can simply follow the instructions of how to give a one time gift or a recurring gift.
If you would prefer to call our toll free number is 877 triple 7 23 46. Again.
That’s 877 triple 7 23 46. And of course you can write us.
Our address is real life with Jack Hibbs Box 12 73 chino hills, California 91709.
Your gift will be faithfully put to work because it’s our desire that through jesus christ, you will know real life.
The preceding program was sponsored by generous friends and partners of real life.

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