Adrian Rogers: How the Book of Romans Changed the World

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Adrian Rogers: How the Book of Romans Changed the World

There has been no book that has ever influenced or impacted the world like the book of Romans. Some of the fathers of our faith and greatest minds have called it the Constitution of Christianity. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the basics of the book that changed the world.

now Rome ruled the world Rome with its intellectualism Rome with its militarism Rome with its laws Rome with its roads but Paul writes a letter to a little colony of Heaven they were about to turn Rome upside down that letter you hold in your hand it is called by many the constitution of Christianity profound truth simply stated This is Love Worth Finding with Pastor teacher and author Adrien Rogers would you take God’s word and turn to the Book of Romans and when you found it look up here the book of Romans.

chapter 1 you know books are an interesting thing I have a library full of books and my books have been my good friends I think of uh books that have changed the world I think of a Madman named Hitler who wrote a book mine comp and there in that book he put his Nazi philosophies and the outgrowth of that book was a World War with its Devastation the Holocaust and six million Jews put to death a book written by a diseased mind Charles Darwin wrote a book the origin of the species he said that that we are the product of

blind evolutionary forces we were not made created by almighty God and men have read that book and tried to make a monkey of themselves make themselves an orphan of the Apes books have incredible power but there has been no book that has ever influen inuenced or impacted the world like the book you’ve just opened and hold in your hand it is the Book of Romans now let’s let’s talk a little bit about the the author of This Book of Romans okay now we know that God the Holy Spirit uh is the ultimate author

but who was the human author well let’s just look here in chapter 1 verse one are you ready Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God now folks I want to tell you when I got right here the first verse I said I’ll never get finished preaching this first verse so we’re just going to touch the top of it you you see in Bible times in Bible times a man did not do what we modern Americans do we write a letter and sign our name at the end have you ever gotten a long letter and you

begin to think who wrote this thing what is all this about I I get frequently I get letters three four five pages after a while I turn the back and see who who who am I reading who is this that is talking to me people in Bible times had caller ID I mean it was right up here at the front Paul I want you to know who it is that is writing this letter I want to give my credential to begin with now let’s just describe him first of all you’re going to get a blessing out of the very first word Paul because that wasn’t always his

name his name name used to be Saul and who was Saul when his mother got ready to name him his mother named him after a king in Israel whose name was Saul King Saul was Head and Shoulders above everybody else King Saul was a handsome but self-willed carnal man and so the very name Saul reeks with pride Saul was so filled with pride and now this Saul that we now call Paul was named after that Saul and indeed he was a man himself who had been filled with pride I mean this man who wrote this book was an unusual man first of all he

was a Jew he was one of the chosen uh and then number two besides being a Jew he was a Roman citizen he was a free man besides that he was an honors graduate from the University if Tarsus besides that uh he was World Travel on top of that he was fluent in many languages on top of that he had learned at the feet he’d been sent to Jerusalem to sit and to be the personal scholar of galeal known as the greatest teacher there in the in the world at that time and Saul had been taught by Galeo and besides that he was a Pharisee and besides that

he was a Pharisee of the Pharisees that is he was a leader of the leaders he had been petted and praised and prized folks he was a big shot and he had a big shot name Saul you know what happened he said I’m going to change my name and he changed his name to Paul do you know what Paul means Paul means little Paul means small this man who had been so arrogant and had been so bold he met the Lord Jesus and the Bible says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature so the first thing we learned about old Paul

was that he was saved now here’s the next thing I want you to see he was separated now we’re going to spend a little time right here notice he was saved uh yes he was he was surrendered yes he was he was sent and now notice this he was separated unto the gospel of God and I love this you see Christians are to be separated Christians are to be different we are to stand out we are to stand out like a diamond in a coal mine we are to be different uh the people in this church ought to be different than the people out there we are Sheepfold

but you know in me many churches we don’t hear anything about separation anymore we’re afraid we’re going to offend somebody so rather than being a Sheepfold we become a zoo Christians are to be different 2 Corinthians chap 6:1 17 wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate say the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you so we are to be separate but I want you to notice a key word in this phrase separated unto the gospel now if you just have don’t mind taking a uh making a mark in your

Bible Mark that word unto it is not primarily separation from it is separation unto the gospel it is not a negative separation it is a positive separation now the kind of Separation that Paul had already been doing was the separation of a Pharisee the very word Pharisee implies separation Paul is separated he probably lived a less worldly life than many of you here today but he had not been separated unto the gospel and that’s you know some people say well I’m a I live a separated Christian life I don’t smoke

and I don’t chew and I don’t go with the girls who do I am separated well a fence post doesn’t smoke or chew or go with girls who do so you don’t have any more religion than a fence post if that’s what your separation is and quitting those things will not make you one wit more like the Lord Jesus Christ you can walk the straight and narrow I don’t do this I don’t do this I don’t do this I don’t do this and you’ll be a proud bitter Pharisee that’s what Paul was before he

met the Lord Jesus Christ he was already a Pharisee he was already separated from but now he is separated to and that is the difference and it is a wonderful wonderful difference actually the word separated here it it’s the word in the Greek that we get our word horizon from have you ever been up on a tall building and just looked as far as you could see until the Earth dips over that is your horizon okay it actually is two words it means from off the Horizon now what why would why would that word be translated separated

well you see when your Center changes your horizon changes ain’t that right a boy looking for a girlfriend and he dates Susie he dates Mary he he dates uh Debbie he dates this girl and that girl and then one day he meets Jane and Jane becomes the center of his life from there on his Horizon is different you see your horizon Horizon changes when your Center changes and when Jesus Christ is the center of your life then your entire Horizon has changed do you understand what we’re talking about see that’s the kind of

Separation that that the Apostle Paul is talking about he is separated unto the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ now is Christ the center of your life if Christ is the center of your life you’re going to be separated under the gospel of Christ Christ if you’re enjoying this message from Adrien Rogers and would like to dig a little deeper into today’s topic download this free companion Bible study use the link above to get yours now that’s the author of the book now let’s talk a little bit about the hero

of the book because every every good book uh of this genre not only has an author but it has a hero Now who is the hero of the book well verses 2 and three he’s verses 1 through three Paul a servant of Jesus Christ there he puts Jesus right in the first verse called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God which Heath promised a By His prophets in the Holy scriptures concerning his son Jesus Christ Our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the Flesh and declared to be the Son of God with power according

to the spirit of Holiness by the resurrection from the dead now no doubt about who the hero of this book is no doubt about who uh who this book is written about this book is written about the Lord Jesus Christ he is the center of that that circumscribes Paul’s Horizon and so he begins right away to talk about the Lord Jesus now let’s see what he says about Jesus are you ready first of all he says he is the promised one look if you will it says here in verse two Jesus which he ha promised the By His prophets by the holy scriptures

now Paul is not inventing a new religion the old Testament when Paul said the holy scriptures folks the New Testament had not been written Paul when he says holy scriptures he’s talking about the Old Testament he’s talking about Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy he is talking about the Old Testament he’s talking about Isaiah and Jeremiah and Daniel he’s talking about the Psalms and he says Jesus was promised in all of the old Bible now you have to understand this one of the ways that we

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