Adrian Rogers: Christian Faith and Values for the Coming Generations

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Adrian Rogers: Christian Faith and Values for the Coming Generations

America did not just happen; America was a gift from God. However, it seems as though the virtues and values upon which this nation was built have been trampled. In this message, Adrian Rogers uses the clear warning in Psalm 78 to present three ways we can give hope to the generation to come.

but are we asking God to bless sin are we asking God to bless indolence are we asking God to bless greed are we asking God to bless perversion are we asking God to bless blasphemy America this nation may become a molded crust in history’s garbage can unless we have a moral and a spiritual awakening profound truth simply stated This is Love Worth Finding with Pastor teacher and author Adrien Rogers would you take God’s word and turn to Psalm 78 Psalm 78 and I want to say uh that the Great American dream was placed in the heart of our

founding fathers I Believe by allmighty God no Nation no Nation ever had such a Christian beginning as America I say that is the American dream but it is becoming not a dream but a nightmare and the nation that uh we once knew is reeding Over the Horizon and we have those who purport to lead us now who are such poor examples someone has wisely said you know when little men in cast Long Shadows the sun is about to set and I’m afraid that we’re there and the nation that was born in Philadelphia in 1776 needs to be born again I want to

talk to you today on this subject the generation to come the generation to come and there three words that I written upon your heart and I hope that God will cause these to be written upon your Consciousness today one is the word history the other is the word memory and the third is the word legacy now I hope you’ll remember those three words as we go along let’s look here in Psalm 78 vers 1 uh through six give ear oh my people to my law incline your ears to the words of my mouth I will open my mouth in a

parable I will utter dark sayings of old that is mysterious things that can only be understood by the revelation of almighty God which we have heard and known and our fathers have told us we will not hide them from their children showing to the generation to come the Praises of the Lord and his strength and his wonderful works that he hath done for he hath established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children that the generation to come

might know them even the children which should be born who should arise and declare them to their children I don’t know what you want for your children but I do not want for my children and grandchildren a nation that is wealthy and morally bankrupt I do not want for my children a nation of children grandchildren to have wealth if they do have it to squander in perversion and filth and immorality I want a nation that we can thank God for one nation under God I want to talk to you therefore about the generation to come I want to

tell you how to keep the Great American Dream alive and those three words I want you to write them down again on your heart or in your notes that word history that word memory and that word legacy or if you want a better word or a different word destiny because those are the words I want you to write on your heart as well as in your notes how are we going to keep the American dream alive number one we must preserve our history now notice what he said here in in this verse the Bible says concerning our history verse four

we will not hide them from our children showing to the generation to come the Praises of the Lord and his strength now watch this and the wonderful Works which he hath done for he established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children that the generation to come might know them even the children which should be born who arise who should arise and declare them to their generation do you know what one of the major responsibilities of fathers and

grandfather fathers is it is to teach history now very little of that is done but you see there is to be according to the word of God a spiritual chain between the past and the future and the fathers and the grandfathers are to be links in that chain because if we do not know our Roots if we do not remember what God made us to be if we don’t understand what God has done for us if we don’t teach this to our children the generation to come we as Americans are just one generation away from paganism that’s all

there is now we have to remember our history folks the word we’re talking about now is history we must Proclaim our history let’s let’s just think of a little bit about America’s history lest we forget in 1778 James Madison who was the architect of the Federal Constitution and the fourth President of the United States said this listen we stake the whole future of American civilization not on the power of government far from it we have stake the future upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves and to sustain

ourselves are you ready for this according to the Ten Commandments of God that’s what the architect of the Constitution said he said we we placed everything on on the on the ability and the responsibility of Americans to govern themselves according to the Ten Commandments of God and now but we cannot even post those Ten Commandments in our Public School classrooms on April the 30th 1789 George Washington said at his first inaugural address listen my fervent supplications to that Almighty being who rules over the.

universe he’s talking about God that Almighty being who rules over the universe who presides in the Council of Nations and whose providential AIDS can supply every human defect that his benediction May consecrate to the Liberties and happiness of the people of the United States a government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes that’s the father of our country George Washington and then he went on to say we are to be no less persuaded that the smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that

disregards the Eternal Rules of Order and right which Heaven itself has ordained in 1820 another of our forefathers Daniel Webster said this this is back in 1820 let us not forget the religious character of our origin now there’s some who will say Rog just doesn’t know what he’s talking about and perhaps some school teacher will key in on this and get some of your students and say you know uh these these folks are trying to rewrite American history talking about people like us no folks they’re the ones trying to rewrite

American history listen to me uh 18:20 Daniel Webster said let us not forget the religious character of our origin our fathers brought hither their High veneration for the Christian religion they journeyed in its light labored in its hope they sought to incorporate listen and to infuse its influence through all their institutions civil political and literary that is they wanted our Christian uh judeo-christian ethic to go through all of life so therefore on July the 4th 1821 John Quincy Adams said the highest

glory of the American Revolution was this it connected in one indisoluble Bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity now Americans believe in the separation of church and state if you mean that there should be no church a state church but Americans never have believed for one cintilla of a moment the separation of God and government one indisoluble Bond uh he he went on to say in the day of the Declaration they the American people were Bound by the laws of God which they all and by the laws of the

Gospel which they nearly all acknowledged as the rules of their conduct and on June the 8th 1845 Andrew Jackson said the Bible is is the rock upon which our Republic rests that’s in 1845 and and Americans didn’t quibble about this therefore in 1931 in in March the United States Congress adopted the star spangle Banner as our national anthem think about the fourth stanza of the star spangle Banner it says this praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation then conquer we must must when our cause it is

just and this be our motto in God is our trust Congress said as far back as 1931 that is to be our national anthem and then in June 1954 Congress adopted the phrase under God to be added to the pledge of the allegiance and so we we stand and pledge to our flag one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I wonder what the ACLU would have done had they been active back in that time and in 1956 by joint resolution Congress adopted a bill providing that the national motto of the United States

is in God we trust now you see that I say it in the star spangle Banner our national anthem listen to it blessed with Victory and peace May the heaven rescued land praise the power that hath made and preserved as a nation and then our national hymn what is our national hymn America our father’s God to thee author of Liberty to thee We Sing Long may our land be bright with Freedom’s Holy Light great God our King now our kids are not hearing this are you going to wait for the school teachers to teach them this according to

this verse here in Psalm 78 God depended upon the fathers and the grandfathers to teach the spiritual history of Israel to their children should we not teach to our children therefore the spiritual history of America what the devil wants to do is to disconnect this generation and set them a wash in a sea without any spiritual Heritage and God says we need to remember the generation to come we need to Proclaim our history Satan wants you to have spiritual amnes if you’re enjoying this message from Adrien Rogers and would like to dig a

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