Adrian Rogers: 6th Commandment – You Shall Not Murder
6th Commandment – You Shall Not Murder
God is saying to you today:
“Everything is going to work out. I will give you strength when you can’t go on. Don’t let the enemy convince you to go back to the things that I have already brought you out of. Don’t give up.”
Exodus 20:13 reveals the sixth commandment: “You shall not murder.” Life is God’s wonderful gift that we might choose to enjoy. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three ways our families can choose life in the face of death and deception.
Look up here, let me tell you this, that life is God’s wonderful, wonderful gift.
And therefore we ought to enjoy life and we ought to choose life.
And Jesus said, Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy.
But he said of himself, but I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly profound truth.
Simply stated, this is love worth finding with pastor teacher and author Adrian Rogers.
But you turn now to the book of Exodus chapter 20.
And uh we’re going to begin reading in Exodus chapter 20 verse one.
So we’ll be able to get the sweep of all of these commandments one more time.
And God spoke all these words saying I am the Lord thy God, which has brought the out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. That’s commandment number one.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself. To them nor serve them for I the Lord, thy God.
I’m a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the Children unto the 3rd and 4th generation of them that hate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
That’s commandment. Number two. Number three is thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that, taketh his name in vain.
And then the next commandment, remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Six days.
Shall thou labor and do all thy work.
But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, thy God in it. Thou shalt not do any work.
Thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man servant, nor thy maid servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates.
For in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is and rested.
The seventh day where for the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it then verse 12, honor thy father and thy mother.
That thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord, thy God giveth thee.
And now this sixth commandment, thou shall not kill. Look up here.
Let me tell you this, that life is God’s wonderful, wonderful gift.
And therefore, we ought to enjoy life and we ought to choose life. Jesus is the great life giver.
Satan is the great life destroyer.
Now, the key verse in the New Testament that helps us to understand this verse is John 10 and verse 10 that helps us to understand this sixth commandment more than anything else, John 10 and verse 10, Jesus said, the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy.
Now, when he said the thief, he’s not talking about a thief in the general sense, he’s talking about Satan.
That’s, that’s Jesus name for Satan. Jesus calls him a thief.
And Jesus said, Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy.
But he said of himself, but I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.
Satan came to destroy. Jesus has come to give life.
Now, I want you to think as we talk about families that choose life.
I want you to think about the Lord Jesus Christ as the great life giver, Jesus gives three kinds of life.
First of all, Jesus has given physical life, the very reason that we’re here with our hearts, beating with our eyes, uh looking out in our ears, receiving sound.
We’re sitting in this building because Jesus is the one who gave us this life.
The Bible says that all things were made by him. And how did he make you?
Genesis chapter two and verse seven.
And by the way, parents teach this over and over and over again to your Children because they’re not going to get it in the public schools, listen to it.
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life and man became a living soul.
Listen carefully. There is no way ever that any evolutionist, I don’t care who he is, how many degrees he has after his name where he teaches.
There is no way that he can explain the origin of life. Absolutely.
I you would have to say that evolution falls apart at this one point.
If it didn’t fall apart at every other point, this monkey mythology is laughable.
Now, friend evolution is not science. It is a bias against almighty God.
And we need to teach our Children, we need to teach them that Jesus is the author of physical life.
He gives physical life, he gives spiritual life.
John 14 verse six, Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life.
No man cometh unto the father.
But by me, when he said I am the way he said, without me, there is no going.
When he said I’m the truth. He said without me, there is no knowing.
And when he said I am the life, he’s saying without me, there is no growing I give a supernatural spiritual life.
Christians are not just nice people who trying to do better, who’ve accepted some creed or some code.
They are new creatures having been regenerated supernaturally by Jesus Christ who comes into them and transforms them, sends his spirit into their hearts and gives them L I F E life, supernatural life.
Jesus who gives physical life and Jesus who gives spiritual life is Jesus who gives eternal life.
Now, remember our verse John chapter 10, verse 10, I’ve come that you might have life and have it abundantly.
But verses 27 28 of that same 10th chapter of John Jesus is speaking of those uh who believe in him, he calls them his sheep and he says, my sheep, hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them to them eternal life, eternal life and they shall never perish.
Jesus is the author of physical life, spiritual life, eternal life, never ending life.
What does eternal life mean? It speaks of the quality of the life and the quality of the life.
He adds years to the life and life to the years. It is a never ending life.
Now, when our Lord made man, we read about it over there in Genesis chapter two, he formed man of the dust of the ground that’s physical life.
He breathed in the men’s nostrils, the spirit of life, the breath of life, that spiritual life and man became a living soul, the soul speaks of the mind, the emotion and the will that’s self conscious or social life.
And every man every woman has three kinds of life.
He is body, soul and spirit with his body, he has physical life made of the dust of the ground with his soul.
He has social life. The Greek word for soul is psyche.
It’s the word we get psychology and, and, and the psychic from and then with his uh spirit, he has spiritual life.
He knows the world above him, with his body, the world beneath him, with his soul, the world around him, with his spirit, the world above him.
He has physical life. He has psychological life, he has spiritual life.
Now fathers listen to me.
We’re talking about the 10 commandments as they relate to the home.
Your wife, your Children have three kinds of life.
They have physical life, social life and spiritual life. They were made that way by Almighty God.
And it is your job to protect that life. In Deuteronomy chapter 22.
And verse eight, God said when a man builds a house, he used to go up on the roof of that house and he used to build a border.
The king James version of the Bible calls it a battle.
We would call it today a, a perfect wall.
He’s to build a wall around the roof of that house.
And uh he’s to build that wall so that no one will fall off and he will not be held guilty if he builds that wall to protect the life of those in his home bible times, they spent a lot of time up on the rooftop, they enjoyed themselves.
But God said it is the father’s responsibility to protect his family from death.
If he doesn’t do it, he will be guilty of their blood.
Now, having said all of that, let’s just talk about that three, those three kinds of life that we’re to choose and, and let, let’s see what, what fathers are to do and mothers are to do to protect these homes.
First of all, uh the family is given to protect physical life from what?
Well, number one from intentional killing. They people today it’s a bloody and a murderous society.
Then not only is there homicide and suicide that families need to be protected from in these days, but all the crime of infanticide, the taking of innocent little lives in America, some 4000 day are snuffed out about as many as are in this building right now, every day, every day like that little lives and they’re being put to death.
Listen with governmental approval, something very wrong in America where we protect spotted owls and whales and snail darter and eagles and have made perhaps the most dangerous place the mother’s womb.
The real issue, of course, is simply this. When does life begin?
That’s the real issue. Jeremiah 15 answers it.
If you’re a Bible believer, God said to Jeremiah before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and before thou came out of the womb, I sanctified the and ordained the a prophet unto the nations.
That little baby there in that life and in that mother’s womb is, is life?
What kind of life is it? Vegetable life or animal life or human life? It is human life.
Somebody said that’s not a human being in more than a nut and a boat put together in a Ford factory As a Ford, there’s a difference that nut and bolt will always be a nut and bolt.
But that baby in his mother’s womb is it has every component of life and all you add to it is nutrition and fluid.
It continues to grow that the analogy does not fit within 18 to 25 days.
The heart of this little human being is beating brain waves may be recorded in 45 days.
In eight weeks, the brain is completely present.
By this time, the little one will respond to touch at nine or 10 weeks, he’ll squint swallow, move his tongue in two more weeks, he has fingernails, sucks his thumbs, swallows, digest recoils from noise or pain.
All of the organ systems are functional, nothing new will develop.
All he does is just simply pass on down through the birth canal. That’s life.
Doctor R A gallop made the Gallup poll so famous said this, if a doctor will take money for killing the innocent in the womb, he will kill you with a needle when paid by your Children.
But not only are the, is there this matter of direct transgression of this commandment?
There’s the indirect transgression that we need to warn our Children about cruelty.
Cruelty is a way of killing people. I’m just talking about being heartless.
Some sons have put their mothers in an early grave.
Some husbands have put their wives in an early grave.
Some of you have pinched wrinkles into your daddy’s brow and put gray hairs in your mother’s head because of the way that you live, the Chinese used to have an ancient torture in form of execution.
They call it the Chinese water torture.
They would strap a man into a chair and put over his head, a huge reservoir of water and let the water just drip on the man’s head until finally the whole nervous system would explode in devastating rebellion and it would in, in horrible death trip, right?
Yeah. Some of you are killing people that way, the same way.
Others, other forms I believe people that are guilty of this or people who are in corrupt businesses.
I would never be in the whiskey business, not because of financial matters, but because of this verse that says, thou shalt not kill the liquor industry and we need to teach our kids this.
They don’t understand it. Hollywood is saying, drink it. Uh the Madison Avenue is saying, drink it.
Their friends are saying drink it but listen, the liquor industry has the curse of God upon it.
Whiskey is brewed with tears and thickened with blood and flavored with death. Listen to these scriptures.
Habakkuk chapter two verse 12 woe unto him that build a town with blood and establish an a city by iniquity.
Habakkuk two verse 15 woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink. What’s he saying?
People say, well, liquor is good for business.
God says woe and him that built a town with blood, establish a city with iniquity woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink.
Here’s a letter that was written to the Dallas Morning news.
It’s signed by a medical doctor in Dallas. He works in the Parkland Hospital there.
Recently we saw another preview of hell in the Parkland Hospital emergency room.
A woman struck down by a drunken driver, a college student lying semi conscious following a head on collision with another drunken driver who himself was critically injured.
The drunks companion was dead, four other drunks with lacerations and stab wounds waiting to be treated night after night, year after year, the same bloody trail of horror, major automobile accident injuries, stabbings, rapes, wife, beatings and nightly emergencies, treat and released, admitted to the hospital or pronounced dead on arrival.
And almost always the bloody trail is led by that honored man of distinction who again, Drane, almost always the moderate drinker, not the alcoholic.
I wonder is there’s so much joy to be gained from the total consumption of all the beers and whiskey ever made to ever equal a small fraction of the innocent suffering, the damaged bodies, the broken marriages, the discarded Children, the total brutality and the crimes that will ever accompany its use.
What a quiet place our emergency rooms would be if beverage alcohol was ever abolished from our city.
That’s a medical doctor. I know that alcohol has many defenders but it has no defenders.
I mean, it has turned our highways into slaughter pins and our homes into prisons of despair.
We need to, we need fathers. You need to build a wall.
Take that boy, take that girl down some Saturday night, some Friday night to the emergency room and let them see.
They don’t understand these kids think they’re invincible.
I’ll tell you another way that, uh, that we transgress.
This is just by failing to take care of our bodies and temple maintenance, we commit suicide by degrees.
Many of us who look down our long noses at the drunkard.
We’re killing ourselves with a knife and fork. Hello?
Someone has well said that we Americans are digging the graves with their teeth, killing themselves with immorality and embalming themselves with alcohol.
Now, you say, well, pastor I’m free from all of those things or one more thing.
And I can see that I’m certainly not going to come to the bottom line of this message, but here’s, here’s where we all need to listen.
Our Lord said in the spirit of this command that if we allow hatred in our hearts, we have transgressed this command.
First John three verse 15, who so ever hate? His brother is a murderer.
And you know that no murderer had eternal life abiding in him. Mental murder. Is there somebody you hate?
You say I’m not in the liquor business. I’m not an abortionist.
I’m not a strong armed thug. I’m not a terrorist. I’m not a drug pusher.
I don’t have one of those rock bands that encourage suicide. Do you hate anybody?
Do you? Is your heart headquarters for hate?
I believe in salvation by grace.
But according to John, you’re going to hell, you’re going to hell.
If, if, if you are a person who hates others, I don’t care what kind of hate it could be.
Racial hate, religious hate, revenge will hate.
Somebody has done something bad to you.
Fathers should protect physical life.
Fathers should provide social life. That was my second point.
Never got to it but should make the home a happy place and then fathers should present spiritual life.
Dad’s ought to lead the Children to Jesus.
I have four Children on this earth and a little boy in heaven.
And my four Children are a long way from perfect.
You know how the preachers’ kids get into trouble.
They get that way playing with the deacons kids, but they’re not perfect.
But I tell you, they all love God.
When Steve was a teenager, I got to watching him.
I didn’t see the beauty of Jesus in his life though.
He walked down the aisle and made a profession of faith.
I said, Steve, get in the car with me. Would you please?
I said, go for a ride, got a ride.
I said, let’s just go out and walk in the woods.
I spent a day just walking in the woods.
And I said to him, son, daddy has got to know that, you know Jesus, we talked, I didn’t try to put a stranglehold on him.
But I just wanted to know that I knew that he knew Jesus.
And out there in the woods, we kneeled and prayed.
He assured me daddy, I love Jesus and he’s shown it now through his life.
One day I was praying.
And I said, Lord, if any of my Children not saved, I don’t have any reason to believe that any of them may not be saved.
But if any of them are not saved, oh Lord, I don’t wanna go to heaven without all my Children.
I didn’t say anything to my wife or Joyce, Joyce or the Children about it.
But the next Sunday when I gave the invitation, my oldest daughter, Gail came down the aisle and she said, daddy, I don’t believe I’ve ever really and truly been saved.
I want to be saved. She’d already been baptized. She gave her heart to Jesus.
And I believe it was directly related to that prayer.
Oh God, if any of my Children are not saved, I want them saved.
Families need to choose life, choose life.
And dads, you’ve got to build a wall around the roof of your house.
Unless your Children fall off, you need to protect them, their physical life.
You need to provide their social life and make home the happiest place on earth.
And you need to pray for and plead for their spiritual life and say, I will not go to heaven without my Children to come with me.
Families need to choose life.
Satan has come to steal and to kill and to destroy.
But Jesus has come that we might have life.
You bow your heads in prayer right now.
You can choose life right now. You can be saved right now.
You can invite Christ into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior.
I’m gonna ask that no one move, no one stir about but bow your heads in prayer.
And I want to lead you in a prayer if you’re not certain that you’re saved.
If you don’t know for certain that if you died right now, you could go to heaven, you can get it settled right now.
Now you can choose life and abundant life. Would you pray a prayer like this dear God?
That’s right. Just pray dear God. I know that you love me.
And I know that you want to save me.
Lord, you promised to save me if I would trust you.
I do trust you Jesus. I believe you’re the Son of God. I believe Jesus.
You died on that cross for my sins. I believe God raised you from the dead.
And now I turn for my sin and I receive you by faith.
As my Lord and Savior come into my heart, forgive my sin, save me, Lord Jesus.
Would you pray that prayer right now? Save me, Lord Jesus. I repent of my sin.
I yield my life to you. Thank you Lord for saving me. I don’t look for feeling.
I don’t ask for a sign. I stand on your word. Thank you for saving me.
And now Jesus began to make me the person you want me to be because I’m very weak.
Begin now, Lord to make me the person you want me to be.
And Lord give me the courage to make this public your holy name.
I pray amen.