Activate Your Grace Gifts (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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Activate Your Grace Gifts (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Have you ever wondered what your grace gift is? Curious to find out how you can apply your God-given gift in your workplace or ministry? Discover how you can step into your divine calling and experience supernatural results in the eye-opening sermon!

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About this episode You are watching the sermon, Activate Your Grace Gifts, preached on Aug 25, 2024 by Joseph Prince.

This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

Everyone has an assignment in life, but that comes after you are established in Christ. You think that what you’re doing now, there’s no divine purpose because you don’t have a revelation. Don’t do what God has not called you to do. Do what God tells you to do. And I pray that in the days to come, you’ll discover what God has assigned you in life.
Jesus died on the cross first and foremost to give you rest in your conscience. Most Christians understand the first rest, but they don’t understand the other rest. That must be found. But he gave us a clue. Are you using grace? If you use your grace, there’ll be fruit, there’ll be works, there’ll be harvest.
A Christian businessman in Singapore, he was asked this question, since you’re a Christian, you do everything by grace. How do you evaluate your employees? To me, for a businessman, I look at your works. I don’t have to see whether you’re using your grace or not. Your grace gift is made in heaven! Amen.
Heaven won’t be heaven if Christ is not there. He is the center of heaven of all of   heaven’s worship. Heaven’s attention,  heaven’s love. That’s the best thing about the rapture.  Immediately we get to see him face to face. Amen.  Have you noticed that the Father is pleased with  anyone who brings his son to him in worship?  In other words, you bring that consciousness   of the love of Jesus for you.
You bring to him the   consciousness that Jesus is your savior. He gave his life on the cross for your sins.  How do we know that? God is pleased with that?  Because every time in the Old Testament, when they offer a burn offering,  God brings in the miracle. God gives them the breakthrough.  Amen. It’s like the offerer because he has sin.
He brings the lamb without blemish. A picture of Jesus to the priest   who represents God and the priest examines  not the offerer is obvious why he’s there.  He has sin in his life. See,  that’s the mistake a lot of people  make even after they become believers,  they’re so self occupied, whether they feel worthy to talk to God that day,  whether they feel like God would answer  their prayers because or they heard some   bad news about some bad prognosis, about their physical condition,  and they think that today I’m not in the  flow because I’ve not been reading my Bible.
They always think about themselves, what they do,  whether they behave badly or good. It’s not a matter of you,  my friend, it’s a matter of your lamb.  So you bring your lamb to God. What is that?  You’re reminding the father of his son, the son that he love Jesus said this.  Therefore, my father loved me because   I lay down my life.
You see,  the Father always loved the son  even before he came to earth.  The Father loves the Son. In the book of Proverbs,  I was daily his delight before creation, and yet God so loved you that he   gave you his only begotten son. What are we that God will love us   and give up his son? Not an angel,  not a Gabriel or a Michael, the angel,  but his son, the son that he loves for you.
Amen for me. Wow,  God loves you. So when you bring his son,  it fills God’s heart. God doesn’t look at the offer anymore.  God looks at his son and then the offer  does something in front of the priest.  He lays his hands on his lamb. Laying your hands is identification.  In other words, do not from now on.
See me as me in all my ugliness, in all my sins.  See me in this lamb. So every time you put your trust in Jesus,  my friend, you see friend,  I’m preaching the gospel again. Amen.  Because we live every day on the gospel  and the reason we do communion is to God.  Jesus says, remember me.  He wants to be remembered, especially in the aspect   of his dying love for you. He wants to be remembered.
Often you see, you bring the lamb before the   Father and you identify yourself with the lamb. And that’s what many of you have done when you   put your trust in Christ and from this  moment that you put your trust in Christ,  from that moment, God never sees you in you anymore.  As far as God is concerned, that old man is gone.
God sees you in all the glories, in all the acceptance,  in all the favor and the pleasure of  his son that his son has with him.  Amen. As He is.  So are we in this world just  like God looks at all of us,  no matter how good we try to become, we are condemned not because of our sins,  but because of Adam’s sin and then condemn  secondarily for the sins that we do.
But the reason we sin is because of  that sin nature that came from Adam.  So God sent another Adam, but he has to come as a man.  There’s no other way he has to come as a man. So Jesus came in the flesh died on the cross,  and when he died on the cross, all of the sons of Adam,  the first creation of men all died in him. It’s as if God says this creation of Adam.
There’s nothing good in his flesh. It’s nothing but sin and corruption.  So God finished with the old Adam. All of us died in our old man,  and then in the resurrection of Christ, there is a brand new man.  Can I have a good amen? So whether you feel like it,  you don’t feel like it, whether you are conscious of it or you are   ignorant of it because you’re not well taught.
You are a brand new man in Christ,  and that’s the name of our church. Therefore,  if any man be in Christ, he’s a new creation.  All things have passed away. All things have become new.  Amen. Praise the Lord.  So worship is nothing more than the  words that we speak about his son to him,  to the Father. Worship is reminding the   father of his son and how wonderful he is.
It’s the same thing like you do when you   look at pictures of your son or your  daughter when they’re not with you.  Amen. You love to be reminded.  It’s not that you do not know how they look. They can be in the same house,  but there are times at  night when Justin is asleep,  Jessica is asleep.
I love to see my children passed by a picture of   Jessica when she was about four years old and she  was so ic and I think to myself how the years pass   parents do you do that and you pause sometimes  and think about when the picture was taken,  you still find joy. It’s not that you don’t find joy in   them and then you have to find new joy.
It’s that it’s the pleasure   of your heart to be reminded. That’s why one of the ways to talk to   people when you don’t know what to talk about  and they have children and you have children,  you talk about children and all  of a sudden they come alive.  Amen. Normal parents come alive.  They are parents who have  no sense of responsibility.
I’m talking about normal parents. We love to talk about children,  our grandchildren, amen.  We love talking about them and we  can talk for a long time about them.  We send pictures to people. We don’t really care about our grandchildren,  but we want to send them. We want them to care.  You understand? Amen.
And we all like that. God loves his son.  So in go to Abraham, take your son,  your only son, the son that you love,  and offer him a man. Moriah,  you’ll never know what anguish, pangs the fathers of father’s heart feels.  Abraham had a little inkling of  that when he brought his son,  the son that he loved Isaac up Mount Mariah, but God spare him,  didn’t he? But what God did   in sparing Abraham of the ultimate thing, the ultimate anguish of a father’s heart,  God did not spare his. And now we can tell God.
Now I know that you love me  because you did not spare your son,  your only son, the son that you love.  The apostle of grace says it’s like this. He who spare not his own son,  but gave him up for us all. How will he not with him also freely   give us all things. Amen.  I tell you this, if you meditate on that verse alone,  make it your memory verse for  this week and here and there,  he’s in the jam or whatever.
You have moments,  just bring up that verse. He that spare not his own son the best,  but gave him up for us all. Who did he give up for sins?  How will he not with him? Also freely give us how many things,  all things I’m telling you  sometimes even before you pray,  the answer comes because you are conscious like  never before of this wonderful gift of his love.
Amen. And Lord Jesus,  we thank you that you are our good shepherd. We gave your life for us.  And Lord, these are your sheep Lord.  And we see in your word Lord, that the good shepherd will always   heal the wounded among the sheep. He’ll always pour in the oil,  the power of the Holy Spirit upon  the wounds and heal Lord Jesus,  even for those Lord that you feel have been  stressed out because of parenting situations.
Lord, your word says   He shall feed his flock like a shepherd. He shall carry the lambs and guide those   that are with young and you will pour in the  oil and the wine even for the parents that   are stressed over their situation, love their daughters or their sons.  I thank you Lord.
You are the good shepherd and Lord Jesus,  you know, Lord,  the things that some of these wonderful sheep, Lord,  that you have blessed so much, Lord,  but you know, Lord,  some of the things that they have gone through, Lord,  maybe this past week, this past month,  and Lord, you stand more than ready   Lord to pour in that oil and the wine and heal  and restore even in the midst of our symptoms,  in the midst of our enemies. I thank you Lord.
You make us the feast at your  lavish threat with more than enough.  And when you anoint us, Lord,  even right now, Lord,  our anointing is running over more than enough. And Lord,  I’m asking you right now, in the name of Jesus,  supply your healing supply, what nature cannot restore in the name of Jesus,  supply that healing right now.
Lord,  supply with more than enough healing  for that condition in the name of Jesus.  Amen. Amen.  Amen. Give him praise.  Hallelujah. Then you may be seated once again   just to remind you that the Lord doesn’t stop  healing just because we sit down and he doesn’t   tell the angels they sat down already. Stop pouring the oil of wine.
Amen. Oil of the Holy Spirit,  hallelujah. No.  In fact, many times when the word goes forth,  God heals. Amen.  It is God’s ordained way. Do you know that?  That’s why when you receive a bad report, listen to the word of God as much as you can.  It doesn’t have to be my message.
It can be any other message that speaks to you,  but it must be along the lines of healing. It cannot be someone who’s saying that   God doesn’t heal today, don’t listen to such stuff.  Amen. Amen.  Like they say of those day of miracles have over. We know there’s no such thing as day of miracles.  It’s always been the God of  miracles and he’s still here.
Hallelujah. Amen.  So listen to messages, because God’s ordained way   in the book of Corinthians, we find that it is set,  it has pleased God. Ms.  God is pleased with this method. It is pleased God to save.  And the word save there, so,  so is also heal, make whole restore.  Amen. Save,  heal.
The restore is yes,  please God, that by the foolishness   of preaching to save, to heal.  Now, it doesn’t say foolishness of preachers,  thank God. Amen.  Although a few of us can qualify for that, I myself.  Okay? So by the foolishness of preaching,  now you think about preaching, someone stands down there,  he talks.
God is literally showing us,  he talks, he preaches like Paul,  right in the book of Acts, and then someone in ra,  the city called sra. He was lame.  He has been lame all this while, but hearing Paul preach and Paul shouted,  stand upright on your feet, and the man jam up,  he was healed. Amen.  Now, what did he do?  He was listening to Paul  preach before he was healed.
What was he doing? He was listening to Paul preach.  So in someone who is like an  aian or a guy from Macedonia,  look at the entire thing and  he was talking to himself.  How can something like this happen? The foolishness,  the guy just talking, no,  he’s talking is not like your people talking. Amen.
It’s not like your orators or the Greek  orators that are famous for making speeches,  the Toastmasters. Amen.  They talk or they might give you things  for you to do and apply for success,  but you must apply it. You don’t apply it.  There’ll be no success. So stay contingent on you.  But the foolishness of preaching that the  Bible talks about by the foolishness of   preaching is preaching the gospel.
And the gospel heals you without   your effort minus your works. It’s got nothing to do with you.  So when you listen, but there’s a way of listening.  Jesus taught us this in the parable of the soul, how to get the maximum benefit out of God’s word.  Amen. He says that in one place.  He taught the parable in three  gospels and everyone has a message.
And he said this, take heat how you hear another gospel,  it says, take heat what you hear.  You got to make sure that the subject  matter is Christ and it’s finished work.  No other place can you find this. You cannot find this on television today.  You cannot find it on social media  unless it is a Christian site.
They don’t want the name of Jesus  to be mentioned any other name,  but not the name of Jesus. You watch the interview,  they take the name of Jesus out. All right?  I want to thank God and my  Lord Jesus Christ for this,  and I’ve been going through it a time. Then they just keep the one and put it.
So the world is not for Christ. If God wants to hear about his son,  it’ll be from you. Amen.  You talk about Jesus, the more you talk about Jesus,  the Father is placed. Amen.  So let’s talk about Jesus, the king of kings.  Is he the Lord of Lord Supreme? In fact,  recently my wife showed me also a very  good presentation on social media about   a prayer that’s going on, but she’s very astute.
She says that. But the only thing is that it’s all about God.  God, God,  the person wants his ministry  to be so well accepted,  doesn’t even mention the name Jesus. Now,  I’ll tell you one thing, without Jesus,  you cannot receive any of God’s blessings.
How do you receive eternal life?  How that you receive forgiveness of sins and  this life from God that goes on perpetually.  Amen. Therefore,  the believer is like sleep where you transcend  from one dimension to another dimension or from   earth to heaven. Amen.  You’re still alive. The body,  they bury or they cremate whatever  the body is not the same body.
Even if you’re alive in the  rapture that you’ll bring with you,  you have a brand new body. So the real person is alive.  That’s why we do not sorrow for  our loved ones who have gone to   be with the Lord as those who have no hope, because we know the truth can have agree,  amen.
So what Jesus did has   pleased the Father so much, but again,  I don’t want you to think that the Father  loved Jesus because of the greatest act   that he did on that cross on our behalf, because he loved the father and he loved us.  He laid down his life and that life  became the sin offering for all our sins.  Amen is all put away. Praise a Lord.
We thank God for that because Jesus himself said, therefore,  my father love me because I lay down my life. But that is but a fresh impetus.  The Father love him all the time. Amen.  Just like my son Justin, let’s say he does   something for me in a special way.
And the other day he was saying that   for his prelim oral exam, English,  he said that he was a bit nervous  at first waiting in the room,  but then he remembered, he said,  I remembered my father can talk for one hour. He said that that gave him boldness.  He said, I’m his son.  He said that I am his son, right?  Saying my father can do that, I can do that.
And he said that he believe he did a good job. I hope that he’s going to do just as well,  if not better. But when he shared that with me,  I was thrilled. I was thrilled in my heart.  Of course, I didn’t tell   him there and there that he knew the story, but I didn’t want to remind him that I was a   stammerer in school. Amen.
I was so nervous about talking to a group  of people that I would just stutter and and   just stand down there. Teacher would say,  sit down and sit down. And I didn’t want to remind him of all that,  but I was so loved and so blessed  by hearing my son say that,  you know what I’m saying? At that moment,  I loved him.
Do you understand that?  It’s not that I don’t love him before, but when your son or your granddaughter or   grandson does something for you in a special way, you love that person at that moment,  right? So therefore,  my father loved me because I lay down my life. The Father loved him all the time,  but that was the greatest act by the way, that one act made all of us righteous.
Amen. Praise the Lord.  We do not know the anguish that  Jesus went through on our behalf.  Last shared just a few weeks ago. I shed to about Jesus being the God,  gods money and the anticipation of him  becoming sin with our sins on that cross.  And his father or God turning his back on his son, forsaking him at the cross because he was carrying   our sins, right?  The very thought caused him to sweat blood.
And medical science says it only happens when your   capillaries burst only under extremely extreme. DRS stress.  It happened. It happened before.  It’s a medical condition. There’s a term they use for it,  it burst. And Jesus sweat blood in a garden,  but because his blood is redeeming, his blood has no sin in it.  And God sent his son to redeem us with his blood.
So when the blood fell from him,  mingled with his sweat, the first curse when Adam fell our forefather,  but no longer in that, are we in him?  We are in Christ now. But the first man when he sin,  and God says, upon the sweat of your face,  you will eat bread. Right?  And that tells us straight away poverty is  not a blessing because Adam had everything.
And by the way, Adam had too much.  You say, well,  he was the first man, one no choice,  but everything God made,  the other creation haven’t come forth yet. His descendants haven’t come forth.  But God could have me a smaller one, a smaller earth and fewer trees,  fewer fishes. Right?  God made everything and then put one man, one woman to enjoy it all.
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